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Well Mr. Williams, What would you have us do?
Canada Free Press ^ | March 5, 2009 | JB Williams

Posted on 03/04/2009 10:48:54 PM PST by ForGod'sSake

Found among a plethora of positive support from the FReepers, I came across this post by mad_as_he$$ on conservative blog - “Well Mr. Williams, What would you have us do?”

Clearly, the people are getting in the mood to fight back against the increasingly powerful enemy within, comfortably ramming Marxism down the throat of every freedom-loving American, as if they face no real opposition.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

TOPICS: Constitution/Conservatism; News/Current Events
KEYWORDS: 10thamendment; livefreeorpunt; statesrights
Live free or what...
1 posted on 03/04/2009 10:48:55 PM PST by ForGod'sSake
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To: ForGod'sSake

Couldn’t read it.

2 posted on 03/04/2009 10:50:40 PM PST by allmost
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To: ForGod'sSake; mad_as_he$$
3 posted on 03/04/2009 10:55:17 PM PST by smokingfrog ( Dear Mr. Obama - Please make it rain candy! P.S. I like jelly beans.)
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To: ForGod'sSake

You have to realize something important before we can really fight back against this....

The reality of the Obamanation hasn’t begun to pinch most people, yet.

Everywhere you look, the media is still screaming “BUSH’S FAULT!!!(tm)”, or “Those Evil Republican CEO’s!”. They do not know that the big banks and Hedge funds that have collapsed were almost ALL RUN BY DEMOCRATS. Democrats who gave MILLIONS to Obama and Democrat campaigns this year.

Only a few of us who are paying attention know the truth, and WE have been branded “Right-Wing Crazies” by the leftist media.

And the ones who have begun noticing, can’t bring themselves to believe that is what is actually happening. “This just CAN’T be true, this doesn’t HAPPEN in America.”, they say.

Well, it is....
And I feel like one of the earliest German resistors of Hitler. Screaming to the high heavens, “CAN’T YOU SEE WHAT’S HAPPENING???”, and waiting to be dragged away by the new Gestapo.

4 posted on 03/04/2009 10:55:17 PM PST by tcrlaf ("Hope" is the most Evil of all Evils"-Neitzsche)
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To: ForGod'sSake

Until you fix the links, it just looks like spam.

5 posted on 03/04/2009 10:55:51 PM PST by Gator113 (For America to survive, Obama must fail.....)
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To: allmost
Couldn’t read it.

What a revoltin' development. Apparently a link to a printable version doesn't work, so once more with feeling...

Well Mr. Williams, What would you have us do?

6 posted on 03/04/2009 10:56:08 PM PST by ForGod'sSake (We must, indeed, all hang together or, most assuredly, we shall all hang separately. - B.Franklin)
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To: ForGod'sSake

You’re really pushing this. Good luck.

7 posted on 03/04/2009 10:57:40 PM PST by allmost
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To: allmost

When time allows, I often visit some of the key conservative sites that publish or re-publish my column, in an effort to gauge reader sentiments as events unfold. Today’s column is a direct attempt to answer the most common question asked by readers across the blogosphere.

Well Mr. Williams, What would you have us do?

At, Mark Lloyd posted, “You are quickly becoming the little voice shouting above all the others in my head, and I’m sure of at least 47,000,000+ others. Keep on saying it my brother. My pitchfork is already sharp, and I’m looking to light my torch!”

Another reader at said, “There are many of us sitting in the shadows waiting for the opportunity to pounce. I feel that opportunity is coming, and will be here before Christmas. The obamanation and his queen holder shall not win...”

The sentiment over at was summed up by poster OpaKnows, “Probably the most important article you will ever read. Time to roll up our sleeves and take our country back.”

Found among a plethora of positive support from the FReepers, I came across this post by mad_as_he$$ on conservative blog - “Well Mr. Williams, What would you have us do?”

Clearly, the people are getting in the mood to fight back against the increasingly powerful enemy within, comfortably ramming Marxism down the throat of every freedom-loving American, as if they face no real opposition.

Equally clear, is the sad fact that freedom-loving Americans find themselves not only absent any real leadership in Washington DC, but without a coherent cohesive people’s counter offensive strategy on the ground as well.

While I do not pretend to have the silver bullet answer to this momentous and increasingly urgent question, I would like to offer a few carefully thought out suggestions to my beloved fellow Americans… (Using the definition in my last column, of course.)

Fight as One
Conservatives are not selfish, but they are quite naturally, self-directed and self-sufficient. They are accustomed to confronting and managing life’s many challenges on their own, independently. You will rarely ever see conservatives marching by the thousands in protest to anything. They usually see trouble coming on the horizon and adjust accordingly on their own.

However, in the case of conservative America versus an onslaught of heavy handed Democrat driven Marxism currently threatening the very sovereignty, security, prosperity and freedom of every American, they will have to find a way to work together.

No Room for Infighting Now
In 1992, conservative frustration with Bush 41 policies fractured the conservative movement and the result was the election of Bill Clinton. As bad as conservatives thought Bill Clinton was for the next four years, still divided, they allowed Clinton a second term in 1996, even after he had been impeached for misconduct and perjury. In hindsight, Clinton was wonderful compared to the current Chicago cabal running DC…

But conservatives were wise enough to put Republicans in control of both houses of congress for the first time in 40 years, in 1994, on the basis of Newt Gingrich’s Conservative Contract with America, over 90% of which was fully implemented, including the first and only balanced federal budget since President Jackson, who would be Republican today, cleared the Civil War debt.

In 2006, still fractured by new appeasements of left leaning federal policies under Bush 43, congressional Republican “moderates” were tossed from office, not by DNC voters, but by disenchanted RNC voters and Independents.

By 2008, American conservatives were so fractured that even with a dozen candidates to choose from, they couldn’t agree on which best served conservative principles and values. They were certain that it wasn’t John McCain though, and that’s how the empty suit with a blank résumé and a secret past, became the new leader of the international socialist movement at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave.

Conservatives can no longer afford the luxury of inner-ideological divisions.

How to Unite the Right
Like the nation itself, conservatives have been systematically, intentionally divided over every divisive issue under the sun, all of them largely social in nature, and none of them anywhere near as important as the small handful of issues that must re-unite all Americans from all walks.

Today’s right and left agree on literally nothing. In the good ole days, Republicans and Democrats agreed on freedom, liberty, strong national defense and prosperity, and argued mostly over how to best achieve the same goals. Those days are gone, at least for now…

We no longer agree on the goal. Talk about national reconciliation is silly when half of the nation wants only freedom and liberty, while the other half want only free access to the other people’s stuff.

Today’s DNC is owned and operated by the most extreme left elements of American society and even Democrats who bought the moderate sounding campaign rhetoric are realizing this reality now. The Democratic Socialists of America are running the show via their Congressional Progressive Caucus and even the Communist Party USA is publicly applauding their march into unbridled Marxism.

But even the right is unable to unite around all of the social ills now present in American society. Conservatives no longer even agree on the definition of the word “conservative.”

What they DO Agree On!
To unite and fight as a unit, they will have to lay their petty differences aside long enough to take a unified stand on behalf of the basic American principles and values that must be reasserted throughout society before anyone will be able to save this nation.

Despite the claims of some, conservatism is not anarchy. Total freedom would be, but that isn’t what our nations founders designed. They designed a representative republic under the rule of law, the foundations of which are enumerated in our founding documents.

The Declaration of Independence, which established America as a free sovereign self-governed nation, the Constitution assigned certain specific duties under very limited powers to the federal government, which is to serve at the pleasure and benefit of the states and the people, and our Bill of Rights, which further lists specific items that the federal government shall never infringe upon…

Conservatives must rally around these documents and more specifically, these three simple words…

Life, Liberty and Freedom
To put a fine point on it so that nobody misses the point, no nation on earth which has ever discarded the fundamental unalienable right to life itself, has ever respected the right to individual liberty or personal freedom either.

In fact, every nation on earth that has ever fallen, first refused to protect the fundamental right to life itself. People, who have no regard for innocent human life, have no regard for anything else. If you think I am overstating this reality, try studying your history.

Better yet, if as your next door neighbor, you knew that I had no regard for human life, would you trust me with your possessions, let alone your family? I wouldn’t trust you with anything…

Without life itself, there can be no liberty, no freedom and no prosperity. Do I need to include the definition of “unalienable?”

Individual liberty covers every American. So long as your choices do not infringe upon the unalienable rights of others, your choices are your own. Whether you use those liberties to become successful beyond your wildest dreams, or live your life free from the burdens of hard work and sacrifice; it’s your choice.

Freedom is a matter of equal opportunity, not equal stuff. Every conservative can agree to protect the freedom of others, understanding that it is the only means of protecting his/her own freedom. Freedom is the only universal right on earth.

Is it “fair?” Nothing on earth is more “fair.” But it is NOT equal, as individuals choose to use their freedom differently and thereby, achieve very different results.

Conservatives can unite, but only on these fundamentals. Try to expand to any other issues and they will remain divided by them. Some will have trouble with even these three basics.

Once United and Ready to Fight

Over at Dee74 posted, “Well, he is dead on. So what do “we the people” do? There does not seem to be enough anger for folks to descend on DC and drag them out in the street and beat them to a pulp. The Tea Parties are a nice start, but this is not going to stop unless there is a BIG outpouring of anger from the folks.”

BRAVO Dee74! Exactly right…

To be sure, the righteous rage is indeed growing across the country in what could become an outright civil war if Obamination continues on its current path towards total destruction of the free market system and self-governance. The natives are getting restless…

But as of this writing, they remain fractured, fragmented, firing almost indiscriminately at every passerby, while they hunger for a national leader ready and able to lead their charge against the leftist juggernaut running roughshod over congressional Republicans and every American they represent.

Make no mistake… The left is winning because the left is united and unapologetic about their agenda. They are no longer closet socialists. They sense that they have accumulated the power to force their agenda upon the nation at this moment in history and they are only growing in their impatience with all dissenters.

However… the left is only powerful against a divided right. Against a united right, they are no match at all. Nobody in the world is more powerful than the American taxpayer. He with the gold has the power to make the rules, if they only will…

Just the Details
Anger is your friend. Fear is your enemy…

“When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty.” – Thomas Jefferson

Too many Americans are paralyzed by fear and they have reason to be afraid today. But keep in mind that courage is not the absence of fear, only the willingness to overcome. Alone, you are weak and vulnerable against the power of the federal government. But united, you are millions against only a few hundred over confident thugs…

You have a right to be angry and your anger and righteous rage can become the fuel you need to overcome the seemingly impossible. If you are not angry by now, at what is happening to this country, you never will be… If you are “fed” up… remember!

E Pluribus Unum - Out of many, one.
Presidential Eligibility – Many law suits have been filed raising the issue of Barack Obama’s secret past, including his official birth records. Fragmented, none of the suits have been successful in unlocking the answer to the most legitimate question ever asked of a US President.

Why have these suits not been joined together into ONE class action suit allowing every American in the country who wants the honest answer to this question to sign on as a co-plaintiff?

Tea Party – Many, like Michelle Malkin, have started tax tea party protests across the nation. This is another good idea.

Why have we not joined these efforts together in ONE movement, whereby instead of marching around town, millions of Americans might just stand together in a real modern day Tea Party, refusing to pay another penny in federal taxes until we can get some representation for that taxation?

Continental Congress 2009 – We the People led by Bob Schulz, and other similar groups, have launched active nationwide calls for a new Continental Congress to reinstall founding principles and values in our federal government.

All such initiatives should be joined together in ONE effort that massive numbers of Americans can get behind.

State Sovereignty Initiatives – Over thirty two states have now filed resolutions to reclaim state rights and sovereignty under the Ninth and Tenth Amendments of the US Constitution.

But these resolutions won’t even be a footnote in future history books if the people don’t rush into support the opportunities state legislators have provided…

If you agree, don’t wait for someone else to do the heavy lifting. Pick up the phone, write a letter or email, contact the leaders of serious individual initiatives and help bring them together for a more viable effort. Don’t wait for anyone…

YOU are America!

America is what you make it, nothing more and nothing less. Right now, the left is trying desperately to make it something it has never been, something it was never intended to be.

Evil prevails everywhere good people fail to do enough to stop it!

At all times in history, we have the government we deserve because we always have the government we elected, or allowed to be elected.

If you want your country back at this late hour, you are going to have to take it back. The left will not let up until they have been put down.

If you can’t unite and fight for Life, Liberty and Freedom, you can’t unite at all. And if you can’t unite, you can’t fight!

Be part of the solution or you will be part of the problem, by default. Unite and fight, or kiss your nation farewell!

Last, pray for this country, as well as for every American willing to take a side and take a stand against the current attack on America’s future. You have the power to write the final chapter to this generations battle for freedom.

8 posted on 03/04/2009 10:58:58 PM PST by Candor7 (Fascism? All it takes is for good men to say n,othing, ( member NRA)
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To: ForGod'sSake

The link itself is offensive.

9 posted on 03/04/2009 10:59:39 PM PST by allmost
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To: Candor7

Why hav spam me :)?

10 posted on 03/04/2009 11:00:58 PM PST by allmost
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To: tcrlaf
Only a few of us who are paying attention know the truth, and WE have been branded “Right-Wing Crazies” by the leftist media.

And a large piece of the truth we'll never see from the dinomedia is that the Dims are largely responsible and are the root cause of the financial "crisis" we find ourselves in. Trillions of dollars in sub-prime loans that created an unsustainable "bubble" that finally burst with devastating results. Thank you Peanut Farmer, Bent Willie, Bawney Fwank, Chris Dud and your fellow travelers at Fannie and Freddie. No more than a handful of men(?) are responsible for the largest financial meltdown in history. That also went global. A few no-good men.

The fact they aren't hanging butt naked by their, er, thumbs on a mountain top in Kodiak Alaska tells us a lot about who we now are.

11 posted on 03/04/2009 11:12:50 PM PST by ForGod'sSake (We must, indeed, all hang together or, most assuredly, we shall all hang separately. - B.Franklin)
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To: allmost
You’re really pushing this. Good luck.

I see it as our last hope. DC has shut us out. Maybe the several states can find the right buttons.

12 posted on 03/04/2009 11:17:01 PM PST by ForGod'sSake (We must, indeed, all hang together or, most assuredly, we shall all hang separately. - B.Franklin)
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To: ForGod'sSake

Deep breath... Long exhale.....

13 posted on 03/04/2009 11:20:02 PM PST by allmost
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To: Candor7
♫You're gonna ♪ get in trouble.♫♪ ♫Mods are gonna ♪ kick yer booty.♫♪
14 posted on 03/04/2009 11:30:10 PM PST by ForGod'sSake (We must, indeed, all hang together or, most assuredly, we shall all hang separately. - B.Franklin)
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To: Admin Moderator
Thank you!

I bow to your prompt and gracious attention to this most delicate matter.

15 posted on 03/04/2009 11:39:43 PM PST by ForGod'sSake (We must, indeed, all hang together or, most assuredly, we shall all hang separately. - B.Franklin)
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To: smokingfrog
lol Actually I forgot to add the sarcasm tag!!!!
16 posted on 03/05/2009 5:06:57 AM PST by mad_as_he$$ (Watch the silly Reps chase the Dead Fish!!!)
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To: ForGod'sSake

Don’t know about others, but the congressional pigs that don’t represent me refuse to show up for townhall meetings. They’re holed up in Fort DC scared to venture into Indian territory and confront the natives.

They’re afraid. That’s good. If we make the effort, we can politically and physically control the entire territory outside of DC and the big city hellholes.

17 posted on 03/05/2009 5:09:14 AM PST by sergeantdave (obuma is the anti-Lincoln, trying to re-establish slavery)
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To: sergeantdave
They’re afraid. That’s good. If we make the effort, we can politically and physically control the entire territory outside of DC and the big city hellholes.

We already do, primarily because folks in flyover country are pretty much of the same mind. I would submit though that many, maybe most, don't have a clue their federal government for decades has been at the work of turning their worlds upside down. And the latest edition from DC is trying to write the final chapter on the Republic.

18 posted on 03/05/2009 12:14:54 PM PST by ForGod'sSake (We must, indeed, all hang together or, most assuredly, we shall all hang separately. - B.Franklin)
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