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Tancredo: It's possible to deport 12 million
The Altoona Herald (Iowa) ^ | July 3, 2007 | Jason Pulliam

Posted on 07/03/2007 10:23:03 AM PDT by 2ndDivisionVet

Republican presidential contender Tom Tancredo on Monday said "it's not impossible" to deport the estimated 12 million immigrants living in the United States illegally.

Such action would take years and would be difficult but could be accomplished, he said.

The Colorado congressman, however, argued that tougher border security and a crackdown on employers would reduce the need for mass deportations and encourage such immigrants to return to their native countries willingly.

"It's attrition through enforcement," he said.

Tancredo described his views on illegal immigration and other issues during a meeting with Des Moines Register editors and reporters.

Illegal immigration is the cornerstone of Tancredo's bid for the presidency - it's an issue he described as a "clash of civilizations."

He said illegal immigration and a lack of assimilation among immigrants here legally threaten the United States nationally and globally.

"I think we are the last, best hope of Western civilization," he said.

Tancredo said legal immigration should be curbed at 250,000 people per year to ensure proper assimilation. More than 700,000 were granted U.S. citizenship in 2006, according to the Department of Homeland Security.

Tancredo said that people who describe him as xenophobic are wrong and that he fully supports diversity.

He cited his Italian heritage and its importance to him and his family as examples of his respect for ethnic and cultural identity. Tancredo's elders always stressed the importance of assimilation into American culture, he said.

"You can't have diversity as the only national character," he said. " ... You need something that holds us together."

His remarks came on the tail end of a weekend campaign swing through Iowa.


Reporter Jason Pulliam can be reached at (515) 284-8214 or

TOPICS: Business/Economy; Crime/Corruption; Extended News; Foreign Affairs; Mexico; Politics/Elections; US: Colorado; US: Iowa; War on Terror
KEYWORDS: 40millionaliens; aliens; amnesty; deportation; deportthemnow; electionpresident; elections; gop; illegalimmigration; illegals; immigrantlist; iowacaucus; republicans; tomtancredo; vampirebill; wheresthefence
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I hope the next president (Fred Thompson) goes ahead with this idea. What would the democrats scream: "He's enforcing the laws of the United States! Impeach him!" ?
1 posted on 07/03/2007 10:23:05 AM PDT by 2ndDivisionVet
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To: 2ndDivisionVet; arnoldpalmerfan; M203M4; Millee; EternalVigilance; rodguy911; Reaganwuzthebest; ...
This is the story I linked to on another thread, but since it was posted I'll ping the list.

I hope the next president (Fred Thompson) goes ahead with this idea.

I believe, 2ndDivisionVet, you'll find that the next president (Fred Thompson) supports a pathway to citizenship.

On No Child Left Behind:
“The goals are great. But it is not the federal government's role to tell the states what to do. When I say there should be local control of schools, I mean you, as a parent, have control."
- Tom Tancredo

Click for more on Tancredo on the issues.



2 posted on 07/03/2007 10:29:31 AM PDT by SittinYonder (Ic þæt gehate, þæt ic heonon nelle fleon fotes trym, ac wille furðor gan)
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To: 1_Inch_Group; 2sheep; 2Trievers; 3AngelaD; 3pools; 3rdcanyon; 4Freedom; 4ourprogeny; 7.62 x 51mm; ..


3 posted on 07/03/2007 10:30:02 AM PDT by gubamyster
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To: 2ndDivisionVet
You need something that holds us together

Exactly. Illegal invaders go home. Legal immigrants assimilate. Tancredo is right - you absolutely can deport 12 million criminals. Build the wall. Cut off the social aid. Punish employers. Stop educating their illegal spawn. Deport people you catch - the rest will go home. Without free social services or work - they would be forced to leave.

4 posted on 07/03/2007 10:32:58 AM PDT by Heartland Mom (Build the fence, secure our borders, deport illegals - Protect our sovereignty!)
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To: 2ndDivisionVet
Republican presidential contender Tom Tancredo on Monday said "it's not impossible" to deport the estimated 12 million immigrants living in the United States illegally

There are about 12 million coke and meth addicts in this country. The DEA spends TWO BILLION dollars annually for putting them in jail! Can you imagine if we put the same effort and funding into rounding up and deporting illegals? It's a matter of the will to do it.

5 posted on 07/03/2007 10:35:40 AM PDT by Species8472 (We will never Forget !)
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To: 2ndDivisionVet
How Eisenhower solved illegal border crossings from Mexico

I Like Ike.

The Fiscal Cost of Low-Skill Immigrants to the U.S. Taxpayer

"Reform" must conform to the following principles:

  1. Anyone who enters this country illegally must be forever barred from legal residency, let alone citizenship.
  2. The right to obtain legal residency in the US must be fairly rationed among all the world's nations, and must not favor those who happen to have the geographic advantage of having their native country located near the US. Residency must be granted based on a variety of factors, with self-sufficiency, useful talents and/or knowledge, and other economic benefits to the US taking precedence over other considerations. Race (as opposed to nationality) should NOT be one of the factors considered, in any way at all.
  3. Taxpayers must not be responsibile for paying the bills of immigrants they cannot afford to pay themselves. The rate of new immigrants must be controlled so as to not overwhelm the capacity of our infrastructure to absorb the increased population pressures.
  4. Those born to parents neither of whom are US citizens must not automatically become US citizens.
  5. English must be mastered before citizenship is granted. Legal residency should require either mastery of English, or yearly enrollment in a semester-long course in English as a second language.
  6. And last, but not least: No reform is permissible until we prove we can a) remove the illegals who are here, and b) prevent new illegals from arriving.

6 posted on 07/03/2007 10:37:14 AM PDT by sourcery (Anthropogenic Global Warming: A convenient lie designed to establish socialism by fear and deception)
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To: Heartland Mom

Imagine how it would change Mexico.

7 posted on 07/03/2007 10:38:41 AM PDT by struggle ((The struggle continues))
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To: 2ndDivisionVet

Here’s one way:

1) Announce amnesty. Not “shamnesty,” but a brief period of actual amnesty where illegals will not be prosecuted so long as they return to their own countries. Suspend *internal* ICE operations during this 6 month period except in the case of national security. (The borders will still be patrolled.) The suspension of ICE operations is both a gesture of goodwill and an opportunity to save money for the next phase of the operation.

2) Create a temporary guest worker program. Guest worker visas must be applied for from the worker’s country of origin. There must be a demonstrable need for guest workers before they are allowed in.

3) Take biometric info from anyone applying for a guest worker visa.

4) After the six month period is up, resume ICE operations with 3 or 4 times the vigor of before. Any illegal immigrant caught has biometric information taken. Using this biometric information, they will NEVER be allowed legal access to the U.S. again. Never. For any reason.

5) Before deporting them, first time offenders will spend six months at a Joe Aparo “guest worker facility” where they will be allowed to “work” in the U.S. Subsequent offenders spend one year as our “guest worker” before they are deported.

6) Make it known this is the plan. Deport yourselves or lose any right to ever be legally in the U.S. and face probable jail time.

8 posted on 07/03/2007 10:38:55 AM PDT by bolobaby
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To: pissant; Paperdoll; Calpernia; airborne; AuntB; WalterSkinner; RasterMaster

Hunter and Tancredo are the ONLY candidates to call for the deportation of all illegals.

9 posted on 07/03/2007 10:39:17 AM PDT by Ultra Sonic 007 (Duncan Hunter's Videos:
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To: 2ndDivisionVet
Some of this is fairly simple: Many “illegals” crossed our southern border to get jobs. They came in ones and twos, or by the van load over two decades. If we just enforce existing law, and audit a lot more employer’s I-9 forms, we will make it uncomfortable for this type of illegal to stay employed here. Many, maybe most will drift back south by ones and twos or by the van load. It may take two decades, but a lot can be squeezed out.

Even those pushing the just-failed bill thought they could force a certain number of them to return home in their proposed “touchback” provision, where at least the head of household would have to return to apply for legal status. Some on the left held both beliefs at the same time: that it was impossible to deport 12 million illegals and at the same time force several million of them to “touchback” and return home.

As a person familiar with both IT and mailing list processing, I can say that some of these employers should stick out like a sore thumb. The ones who have hired a number of illegals with fake or stolen SSNs would be easily detected in some fairly simple list matching.

There are at least three government bureaucracies that do not appear to show the slightest interest in helping find illegal employees: the Social Security Administration, the IRS and the state Departments of Revenue. Shame on them! Shame on us for putting up with this failure to enforce the law for so many years.

If 12 million taxpayers suddenly decided to file for 999 exemptions and reduce their income taxes to zero, you can be sure that less than a New York Second would transpire before the bureaucrats and supporters of big government would call a press conference to announce “tough enforcement efforts”. They would proudly enforce whatever laws they could find to bring a few perps in handcuffs before a gaggle of news cameras to scare the rest of us into compliance.

What political forces are at work when several bureaucracies at the federal and state level don’t care about 12 million lawbreakers?

10 posted on 07/03/2007 10:40:42 AM PDT by theBuckwheat
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To: 2ndDivisionVet

I was out spraying canadian thistles on my farm this morning and they are everywhere. I can’t get them all but I am going to get as many as I can, one at a time. I may never eliminate the thistles, but I will get it to a point I can live with it.

11 posted on 07/03/2007 10:40:45 AM PDT by PeterPrinciple ( Seeking the truth here folks.)
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To: 2ndDivisionVet

Such action would take years and would be difficult but could be accomplished, he said.

The Colorado congressman, however, argued that tougher border security and a crackdown on employers would reduce the need for mass deportations and encourage such immigrants to return to their native countries willingly.

Tancredo is correct on both counts...... The gov’t has got to establish a workable process for the employer to use to determine legal status so that the employer will have the answer in reasonable time. That may mean all of us may have to have the same paperwork [ID card] but I don’t mind showing a birth certificate to get the ID card if’n it would help bring this illegal alien problem under control.

12 posted on 07/03/2007 10:40:59 AM PDT by deport ( Cue Spooky Music...)
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To: Ultra Sonic 007

And the dirty secret is, once you stop the flow and enforce EXISTING DAMN laws, the number needing deportation will drop drastically. Millions will leave on their own.

13 posted on 07/03/2007 10:41:38 AM PDT by pissant (Duncan Hunter: Congressman with pyschotic supporters)
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To: bolobaby

The first step has got to be: Build the Wall.

14 posted on 07/03/2007 10:42:07 AM PDT by ClearCase_guy (Progressives like to keep doing the things that didn't work in the past.)
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To: 2ndDivisionVet

15 posted on 07/03/2007 10:42:24 AM PDT by xtinct (I was the next door neighbor kid's imaginary friend.)
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To: ClearCase_guy

“The first step has got to be: Build the Wall.”

I agree. Anything we do is almost moot without securing the border.

Everyone knows we can deport them all. It is not a question of the abilty to do it but only politcal will to do so.

16 posted on 07/03/2007 10:44:34 AM PDT by Altura Ct.
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To: xtinct


17 posted on 07/03/2007 10:44:50 AM PDT by samadams2000 (Someone important make......The Call!)
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To: bolobaby

Build the fence and get rid of the anchor baby loophole and your plan is a winner. Could even use deportees as labor to build the fence.

18 posted on 07/03/2007 10:46:01 AM PDT by kidd
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To: ClearCase_guy

Actually the first step is to prosecute their employers. We can do that right now, no waiting and we’re already paying the ICE to do just that. Sending a few big name CEOs to jail would “encourager les autres.” The reason we don’t do it now is that these pukes buy their way out with campaign contributions. And yes, the price of lettuce would go up. So what?

19 posted on 07/03/2007 10:46:24 AM PDT by RKV (He who has the guns makes the rules)
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To: bolobaby

An excellent plan!

20 posted on 07/03/2007 10:46:52 AM PDT by Defiant (Hunter if we can; Thompson if we can't; Romney if we must, Rudy if we wanna lose.)
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