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3/11: The Amazing Life and Death of Jamal Ahmidan (I)
Libertad Digital ^ | 5 October 2005 | Luis del Pino

Posted on 12/27/2006 2:49:38 PM PST by J Aguilar


From Enigmas of 3/11 by Luis del Pino. Chapter 12


Published in Libertad Digital on October 5th 2005

We all know, as a result of the revelations of the journalists and the Judge's reports, many things about El Chino, one of the most important characters of 3/11. We know, or we think that we know that his name was Jamal Ahmidan; that he was running a small drug trafficking network; that he rented the house in Morata de Tajuña [Morata] to individuals close to the Almallah brothers; that he bought the explosives from the police informer Suárez-Trashorras [Trashorras]; that he transported those explosives from Asturias to Madrid in an eventful travel, in which he was stopped by the Civil Guard and fined; that his phone calls were being taped, as there were the ones of his henchman Otman El Gnaoui; that a fingerprint belonging to El Chino appeared in an envelope of a SIM card related to the famous backpack found in Vallecas; that he ended his days in Leganes with other six terrorists... however in this, as in many other 3/11 issues, things may not be what they seem.

Would the reader be surprised if I say that the fingerprints of this terrorist that died in Leganes, identified as El Chino did not match, according to the Police's files the ones of a Moroccoan called Jamal Ahmidan, but the ones of an Argelian named Ahmed Ajon? I do not want to say with this that we were deceived again and that El Chino did not die in Leganes, but that the reader must accept that things may not be as clear as we believe.

The man of the Thousand Names

When the Police found in the house of Morata the support of a SIM card related to the one of the backpack of Vallecas, they also found there a fingerprint. Introduced in the data base, it was detected that this fingerprint belonged to an Argelian citizen called Ahmed Ajon. That Ahmed Ajon was arrested for the first time in Algeciras [the port in the Gibraltar Strait from were the ferries to Africa depart] on January 15th 1992, following many other detentions, he gave to the Police numerous different identities, thus in the Police files, Ahmed Ajon was listed among other names: Jamal Abu Zaid, Jamal Said Mounir, Yousef Nabil, Yousef Dolmi and Said Tlidni. The identity Jamal Ahmidan was not listed relating to these fingerprints.

According to the Police files, Ahmed Ajon was arrested (one of his many detentions) in March 2000 for forgery and he was admitted to an Internment Centre for Foreigners on March 25th 2000, as a previous step towards his expulsion of the country. This time he was detained under the identity of Said Tlidni. His henchman, Abdeliliah El Fadual, also indicted for 3/11, accompanied him. On April 16th he escapes from the center among other three detainees, after attacking a guard with a spray. This episode is especially confusing, because Said Tlidni is a real person, arrested on charges relating 3/11. That is, if we believe the Police reports, Jamal Ahmidan was jailed in that center under the identity of another person indicted in 3/11.

The confusion fair does not end here. Just after 3/11, the Police began to arrest suspected persons and to interview witnesses, and to all these suspects and witnesses it was showed pictures of people that allegedly could be related to the attacks. Well, in those first moments the picture of Jamal Ahmidan (or Ahmed Ajon, or Said Tlidni o whatever his name was) was associated to the name of... Jamal Hammadi. This is very striking, because this name did match neither Jamal Ahmidan nor the other ones that were listed in the Police's files. Where did the Police get this new name from? Finally, to complicate things even more: Hammadi is the last name of other of the indicted in the attacks, related with a protected witness that, allegedly, alerted three months before 3/11 on possible terrorist acts in the trains.

Does the reader think that all this is a mess? Let us add some more ingredients: in the famous [infamous] travel from Asturias to Madrid in which the explosives were allegedly transported, El Chino was stopped [during 25 minutes] and fined by the Civil Guard. He produced a Belgian passport with the name of Yousef Ben Salah, the same identity he used to sign the renting contract on the house of Morata. Curiously, Ben Salah is the last name of one of the visitors of Said Tlidni in the Internment Centre for Foreigners in March 2000.

More data: among the rests found in the Leganes flat, there was a passport with the picture of Jamal Ahmidan, but with the name of Otmal El Gnaoui [his henchman], who is indicted in the 3/11 summary for his alleged collaboration in the transport of the explosives.

Adding ketchup to the tomato, we know that the Asturians, according to their testimony, knew Jamal Ahmidan by an alias, but this was not "El Chino", but "Mowgli". Moreover we know that this same "El Chino" alias was used by Abdelilah Ahmidan (one of the alleged brothers of Jamal Ahmidan) and by Abdelilah El Fadual (the supposed lieutenant of Jamal Ahmidan). Could the reader figure out how complicated is to try to differentiate who they were talking about in their phone calls? When "El Chino" is mentioned in one of those conversations, how can we know who they were referring to? To Jamal Ahmidan? To his brother Abdelilah? To his lieutenant Abdelilah?

Finally, when the alleged Jamal Ahmidan (or Ahmed Ahon or Said Tlidni or Yousef Ben Salah) dies in Leganes, he was utilizing one false identity more: Redouan Abdelkader Layasi. When the mother of Jamal Ahmidan calls to the mobile phone of his son, soon before the Leganes flat blows up, one of his henchmen answers. This one asks his mother: "Do you want to talk to Redouan?". Why does this Jamal henchman ask that, when all his men call him Jamal? Or maybe was not Jamal who was in the Leganes flat?

Certainly, I would not like to be in Judge Del Olmo's shoes, because to try to position oneself in this mare magnum of false identities and duplicated aliases is a titanic task. Above all, because after revising the whole Judge's summary, one ends with the feeling that is perfectly possible that never existed anyone called Jamal Ahmidan. Are we before a criminal with the habit of changing his identity every two minutes? Or maybe are we before a fabricated character? The information provided by the Moroccan police, the testimony of the supposed brothers of this main character and the testimony of his woman [partner] all show that Jamal Ahmidan was actually Jamal Ahmidan, but could anyone explain us who he really was?

An Industrious Terrorist, a Farm, Solar Panels, One Year Long Rental...

Trying to not get lost even more, we are going to focus in an individual that wears glasses, has slanting eyes and prominent forward teeth and we are going to suppose that his name was Jamal Ahmidan.

Jamal Ahmidan

We know that Jamal Ahmidan rented on January 28th 2004 a house in Morata de Tajuña [Morata] and the official version tells us that Jamal Ahmidan was a dangerous Islamist and that in this house the bombs that killed 192 persons on March 11th were assembled. Well, as a version is not bad. The problem is that are numerous testimonies that did not fit in a so simplistic vision.

Let us begin with the facts that it is pretty strange that a dangerous Islamist has a son studying in a Catholic School and it is also striking that he lives with a non-Muslim woman that smokes, wears leather trousers and a piercing around her lip. It is bizarre that in his phone calls taped, he never talks about religion or politics, but about hash, drug debts and settling of scores. But, above of all, the behaviour of this alleged terrorist before and after 3/11 is completely inexplicable according to the Police version.

First of all, Jamal Ahmidan rents a house for a whole year, and pays the rental in advance. After renting the house, he visits his new neighbours and buys some second hand equipment: a fridge, a heater, a solar panel... In the first weeks of February, Jamal Ahmidan, brings some Moroccan building workers to his house in Morata to add a second storey, build a farmyard and some kind of cellar. Finally, on the first days of March, Jamal Ahmidan buys a flock of six goats, some hens and a dog, and takes them all to his house.

We are talking about a dangerous Islamic terrorist that, according to the official version, was going to commit a horrifying attack six weeks after beginning to live in the house of Morata. Evidently, even being very stupid, Jamal Ahmidan had to know that after the massacre there were only three possible ways out: to flee, to be arrested or to die. Therefore, why does he pay one year rental in advance? Why does he introduce himself to all his neighbours? Why does he buy a solar panel in March, useless till the summer? Why does he build a second floor in a house that he would not be able to live in after 3/11? But I must confess that the most perplexing of all this is the flock of goats, can anybody figure out why a dangerous terrorist sets up a tiny farm just before such an important attack?

Evidently, Jamal Ahmidan did not rent that house to prepare an attack and his intention was to live there for a long period. Therefore, if, as the official version says, Jamal Ahmidan was a dangerous Islamic terrorist we cannot conclude but that he received the orders to carry out the attack just days before 3/11.

El Chino and the Goat

But if it is bizarre the behaviour of Jamal Ahmidan in the days before the attack, his behaviour after it is simply grotesque.

We know, according to the testimony of his woman, that Jamal Ahmidan tells his son on March 11th, referring to the attacks: "These guys of ETA have gone too far". We know that between March 13th and 14th, he does a quick trip to Pamplona [near the Basque country], maybe for issues related with drug trafficking [he carried out this kind of business also in Bilbao, in the Basque country]. We know that he calmly continued to go to his house in Morata after 3/11, not trying to flee. We know, anyway, that on March 19th he celebrates in his house without any worry the Father's day [St Joseph].

To this party came his woman, his son, his mother-in-law and her partner, a former Peruvian Civil Guard. At the same time that the Spanish Security Forces were searching franticly for a house near Morata, this dangerous Islamist called Jamal Ahmidan was celebrating without worry with his family a Catholic festivity [St. Joseph, celebrated on March 19th, was the adoptive father of Jesus Christ, therefore, his day is the father's day in the Catholic world].

Has this any sense? I can not find it. A fanatic Islamist (according to the official version) that in spite of being proud before his son of his deed, he tells him "the guys of ETA have gone too far". A bloodthirsty terrorist (according to the official version), that celebrates without worry a familiar party eight days after the attacks. Even for the stupidest among the stupid terrorists, this behaviour is striking.

However, there is even a more disconcerting detail. That same March 19th, Jamal Ahmidan goes very upset to the house of one of his neighbours, and in a very bad manners, he tells him that someone has stolen one of his six goats, and if he has seen anything.

We are talking about an alleged terrorist that has killed 192 people just less than ten days before. We are talking about an alleged terrorist that has bought the explosives to an individual, Suárez Trashorras [Trashorras], who was arrested the day before. We are talking, therefore, about someone that had to be expecting that the Police come to his house to arrest him at any moment, and what is what our bloodthirsty terrorist cares about? That one of his goats has been stolen, naturally! What is more important for a terrorist than his goat?

By J Aguilar,

Moreover, Jamal Ahmidan reported this livestock robbery to the Civil Guard. That is, eigth days after 3/11 he went to the nearest offices of that security corps and denounced that his, here it is said lambs, have been stolen. This is an information included in the 3/11 Judicial Summary itself.

It is also included in the Summary the testimonies of his partner, the mother of his son. However, it is striking the trend they follow as times goes by:

Testimony on March 27th, 2004: ...that according to Jamal, she has not noticed any change in his religious behaviour: his son studies in a Catholic school, she smokes.

Testimony on January 25th 2005: ...that since he came back from Morocco [when he was released from jail in the summer of 2003] he told a lot that he would like to die like an homicide bomber.

Testimony on July 19th 2005: ...that Jamal became radicalized […] when he was jailed in France around 1997.

That is one of the most surprising questions of the Judicial Summary of 3/11, that the people seeking the truth on those monstrous attacks face: an evolving Official Version. That is, “the facts” that are referred in the Judicial Summary, are not constant, but change in time, as these testimonies show.

Who was really Jamal Ahmidan? Who was that man nicknamed as a Rudyard Kipling character for being short, thin and dark? What is presented before the public opinion is a real identity or several others assembled together? According to physical evidence, he was not a radical Islamist, he did not even try to flee after Trashorras' arrest, but instead went to a Civil Guard office to report a livestock robbery. Did he ever transported those explosives, that in any case, were not used in the massacre?

Why is so important his role in the huge deception that is the 3/11 cover-up, to portray him nationally and internationally as a bloodthirsty terrorist? What is hidden behind this hash trafficker that moved so comfortably thru Spain with his mobile phone tapped and producing forged passports?

Above all, why was he and not any other Muslim living in Spain artificially involved in the 3/11 plot?

More news on 3/11 investigation here:
Volunteers for the investigation of 3/11
English Thread @ Fondo Documental

More data on 3/11 here:
The Mystery of 3/11 - Part 1
The Mystery of 3/11 - Part 2
The Mystery of 3/11 - Part 3
3/11 Revisited - Part 1

More data on 3/11 in Spanish here:
Luis del Pino's blog
Kickjor's blog

TOPICS: Extended News; Foreign Affairs
KEYWORDS: 11march; 311

1 posted on 12/27/2006 2:49:42 PM PST by J Aguilar
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To: JerseyHighlander; Incorrigible; Tolik; GladesGuru; marron; .cnI redruM; livius; billorites; Wiz; ...
Information about one of the main "Jihadists" that carried out 3/11, according to the Official Version. You can appreciate his bizarre behavior.

The entire 3/11 case is founded in his inexistent "Islamism". The MSM is so insisting on it that I began to think behind him the Secret Services of our neighbor of the other side of the Gibraltar strait hide and that they try to avoid a war.
2 posted on 12/27/2006 2:59:39 PM PST by J Aguilar (Veritas vos liberabit)
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To: J Aguilar

what is your best guess as to the percentage of the Spanish citizenry who are descended from previous muslim dominance of Spain?

By asking that as I did, I wish for you to disregard current and recent islamic imports, whether they are nationalized or not.

3 posted on 12/27/2006 3:07:52 PM PST by Vn_survivor_67-68
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To: J Aguilar

I notice from the picture that he is a mouth-breather. All mouth-breathers I know are liberals, and/or terrorists, serial killers or dog thieves.

4 posted on 12/27/2006 3:27:41 PM PST by capt. norm (Liberalism = cowardice disguised as tolerance.)
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To: J Aguilar

The guys who did 9/11 went to strip clubs and hung out at pool halls. They wern't very Islamic either.

5 posted on 12/27/2006 4:28:27 PM PST by monday
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To: J Aguilar

Thanks for keeping me in the loop.

I've commented before, this case reminds me a great deal of our Oklahoma City bombing, in which the more you dig into the bizarre set of characters supposedly involved, and the more you dig in to their associations, the positively weirder it gets.

6 posted on 12/27/2006 4:43:13 PM PST by marron
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To: Vn_survivor_67-68; monday

what is your best guess as to the percentage of the Spanish citizenry who are descended from previous muslim dominance of Spain?

By asking that as I did, I wish for you to disregard current and recent islamic imports, whether they are nationalized or not.

Who knows. Roman Spain, Hispania itself, was a mix between the original Iberians and the Celts and people from all around the Roman empire, that is, the Mediterranean. Then came the Germans, and then the Muslims. Many Muslims were Moors, that is, habitants of Northern Africa, -Mauri, as the Romans called them- or moved from the Eastern Mediterranean, so they were not "racially" different from the previous Roman immigrants.

The "picturesque", for the Anglosaxon world, Spanish Inquisition was created to religiously homogenize back the population. The people that did not want to comply with it were expelled in 1492 (Jews) and 1609 (Muslims). I guess every Spaniard has at least two semitic ancestors, one Arab and the other Jew, after 500 hundred years, that is 25 generations, of interlinking.

That is not the point, Vn-survivor. Muslim extremism is taking roots vigorously in Europe because the old Left, orphan after the collapse of the Soviet Union, share common objectives and the same hate to the Western World with those Muslims. Check Fernando Huarte role in 3/11. He is a high rank official of the Spanish Socialist Party and an intelligence informer.


The guys who did 9/11 went to strip clubs and hung out at pool halls. They wern't very Islamic either.

Do not confuse terms, please. There are sinners in all religions. I knew a Muslim that liked very much champange, and said it was simply a sin. You know about the guys of 9/11, they could committ some sins because Allah would forgive them all after their sacrifice.

However, Jamal Ahmidan's entire life, the physical evidence, does not match in any point with an Islamist or even a religious person. He was a criminal, a man who liked cash and good living, a man with a Spanish woman and a Catholic son. His complete profile does not fit in the case. Why was he artificially involved then?
7 posted on 12/28/2006 2:48:14 AM PST by J Aguilar (Veritas vos liberabit)
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To: J Aguilar
"Why was he artificially involved then?"

Can't say I really care. BTW his life, and death, seems far from amazing. Pretty boring actually. Why do you care if he was "artificially involved" or not? He was an idiot and a criminal.

If you are worried your government is covering up some grand conspiracy, you shouldn't be. Governments are generally just stupid and wrong, not smart and cunning. Ahmidan was probably included simply because it was convenient.
8 posted on 12/28/2006 6:36:39 AM PST by monday
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To: monday
Pretty boring!!! My Godness! The only person in the 3/11 case that can be linked with the Police controlled miners in Asturias, ETA in Bilbao and Pamplona and the Moroccan secret services and you say his life is pretty boring!! It is anything but boring!

Why do you care if he was "artificially involved" or not? He was an idiot and a criminal.

Things don't happen without a reason and there is no room for chance in crime. Knowing why he was involved would help to reach the Truth, which is, in the end, the only and final objective of a human being.

BTW, I don't think he was an idiot. In my opinion, he simply obeyed orders. He never thought he could be portrayed aas Islamist, because he did not imagine what the MSM can do.

If you are worried your government is covering up some grand conspiracy, you shouldn't be.

My government is covering up a grand conspiracy and I am not worried. I simply think we should give English speaking people the chance to know what is really going on in Spain, and I practise my English doing so.

Governments are generally just stupid and wrong, not smart and cunning.

I don't step on your personal opinions about governments.

Ahmidan was probably included simply because it was convenient.

Convenient??? A man with a Spanish partner and a son studying in a Catholic school??? He was anything but convenient.
9 posted on 12/28/2006 12:29:07 PM PST by J Aguilar (Veritas vos liberabit)
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To: J Aguilar

Not sure how I got on this list. Could you take me off it please?

10 posted on 12/28/2006 12:59:16 PM PST by Prodigal Son
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