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Islamic preachers drive the poisoning of young minds
Sydney Morning Herald (Australia) ^ | November 13, 2005 | Miranda Devine

Posted on 11/12/2005 1:55:21 PM PST by Mount Athos

In the wake of last week's counter-terrorism raids, Treasurer Peter Costello declared: "We will never be an Islamic state. We will never observe sharia law . . . We will always be a democracy."

Islamic extremists should leave Australia if they oppose a "secular state with a democratic system and independent courts - and equality for women".

It seemed a reasonable, refreshingly unambiguous statement, echoing the sentiments of most Australians, Muslims and non-Muslims alike. Yet it was condemned as "unjustified, unacceptable and hatred-instigating" by the Lebanese Muslim Association.

How so? It should not instigate hatred to assert that the Australian democratic way of life is preferable to Australians than some form of rule alien to our culture and values.

But the reaction of the Lebanese Muslim Association reflects a worrying mindset, a sense of grievance and entitlement influenced by a hard-core generation of fundamentalist Muslim preachers, some of whom are associated with a number of the 18 men arrested last week.

Their aim is to enforce a fundamentalist line incompatible with Australian life. Some, like Sheik Faiz Mohamad of the Global Islamic Youth Centre in Liverpool, have preached that women who are raped are at fault if they dress immodestly. "A victim of rape every minute somewhere in the world. Why? No one to blame but herself," he told more than 1000 people at the Bankstown Town Hall in April.

Others, like the firebrand American preacher Khalid Yasin, who visits Australia regularly, warn about associating with non-Muslims - "there's no such thing as a Muslim having a non-Muslim friend". Yasin has declared homosexuality punishable by death and described suicide bombing as understandable "in the context of perpetuated protracted oppression" of Muslims.

The fundamentalists are marginalised by established Muslim leaders but appear to have a following among young radicalised Australian-born Muslims.

One western-Sydney group, Hizb ut-Tahrir (party of liberation), which has been described as a "conveyor belt for terrorists" and is banned in some countries, preaches a vision of a pan-Islamic state under sharia law.

The group has twice been invited to speak at Sydney Boys High in the past three years, according to ABC TV's 7.30 Report.

In August, Hizb ut-Tahrir organiser Soadad Doureihi gave a lecture at Sydney University during Islamic Awareness Week.

It was entitled "Combating Terror" but the "terror" was not of the al-Qaeda variety; it was the state-sponsored "terrorism" of Western colonialists through the ages.

I have heard a tape of the lecture in which Doureihi claims Australian Muslims are being forced to assimilate, as part of the "war against Islam".

"We do not have to adopt beliefs, ideals and sentiments of a society. We are not and cannot be forced to adopt a different belief or value system . . . It is the battle of ideas, the battle of hearts and minds of the people: this is what this war is all about."

He described Australia as a racist society whose people, "expect not to pay a price for what they do".

He cheered the "Islamic revival you see among the youth . . . They are educated [and] hold our Islam identity very dear. Yet we want to propagate it to other people, other cultures [and] we are refused or denied . . . through an opponent who doesn't want to engage in discussion [but uses] the bully tactic of 'shut up, I'll put you in jail, I'll raid your house, I'll intimidate you even further'."

He spoke of ancient grievances, of Iraq, Afghanistan, Chechnya and Bosnia. Western nations "light a fire in Muslim lands and stand back and hope no spark lands on their shores . . . Millions of people have been slaughtered at the hands of Britain, Europe, America, yet 56 or 57, 58 people in London saw what this meant. [Then] we saw the world stand up and say this is an attack on Western values but the reality is . . . there is an injustice. You cannot hope to create so much chaos and anarchy in lands [and think] no price will ever have to be paid by society."

Noam Chomsky couldn't have put it better. This poisoning of young minds, the sense of historic victimhood and alienation, is daily fuelled by the self-loathing cultural relativists of the Western intellectual establishment. The only obvious antidote is to embrace the vast bulk of moderate Muslims, and to speak plainly to the rest, as Costello has.

Sure to make you hot and bothered

It was November 30 last year, the temperature before noon in central Sydney was 34.7 degrees and radio stations were issuing alerts not to leave children or pets in vehicles. The then Community Services Minister, Carmel Tebbutt, called a press conference warning that children could be at "grave risk" if left for just five minutes in a parked car, even with the windows open.

"On a typical summer's day, the temperature inside a parked car can be as much as 30 to 40 degrees hotter than the outside," she said. Children can suffer heat stress and dehydration leading to organ failure, coma and death.

That day about 11am in Elizabeth Street in the city a father locked his three-year-old son in his car, strapped into his baby seat, and ran an errand.

On July 18 the father, who cannot be named for legal reasons, appeared in Downing Centre Local Court charged with leaving a child in a motor vehicle, thus impairing health. The case is instructive.

The court was told that just before 11am that November day a passing woman noticed the child, red-faced and sweaty. Concerned, she asked passer-by William Forrest to help.

Forrest flagged down a police car. He told the court it took "five, six, seven minutes" before the boy was released.

Constable Paul Falzon testified he unlocked the car though a gap in a window and the child appeared "very disoriented". "One to two minutes" later the father arrived.

The magistrate was Pat O'Shane. The prosecutor told the court the boy's "hair was matted and sweaty and wet, he was red in the cheeks and when the police had a conversation with [him] his responses appeared to be slow . . . In those circumstances, ma'am, I would submit that there [was] a temporary impairment to the child's health."

O'Shane replied: "I have to say, sergeant, that is really drawing a long bow . . . That particular day it was pretty hot but it is a quantum leap to go from that . . . to saying that the circumstances which prevailed in that vehicle at that time were such as to cause impairment to the child's health."

She found there was no case to answer and dismissed the charges.

It's worth noting, as summer starts to bite, that about one child a year dies in Australia after being left unattended in a car. It takes just five minutes for temperatures inside a vehicle to rise by 75 per cent, the NRMA says.

TOPICS: Australia/New Zealand; Culture/Society; War on Terror

1 posted on 11/12/2005 1:55:21 PM PST by Mount Athos
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To: Mount Athos

A whole lot of weeding is needed.

2 posted on 11/12/2005 2:02:14 PM PST by ncountylee (Dead terrorists smell like victory)
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To: Mount Athos

Hizb ut-Tahrir

3 posted on 11/12/2005 2:05:53 PM PST by Valin (Purgamentum init, exit purgamentum)
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To: Mount Athos

"We will never be an Islamic state. We will never observe sharia law . . . We will always be a democracy."
Islamic extremists should leave Australia if they oppose a "secular state with a democratic system and independent courts - and equality for women".

I agree totally with Mr. Costello. Muslims who believe they can impose their will on free people are living in the 15th century. And I don't care if they don't like my opinions, don't care if they call me a hate monger, don't care if they're offended. They offend me.

4 posted on 11/12/2005 2:23:30 PM PST by popdonnelly
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To: Mount Athos

Islam is by its very nature supremacist. Interesting how Muslims claim "everyone else" is racist.

5 posted on 11/12/2005 2:26:24 PM PST by sageb1 (This is the Final Crusade. There are only 2 sides. Pick one.)
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To: Mount Athos

by Ralph Peters (USA Today)

On a trip to Kenya and Tanzania last month, I saw recently built mosques wherever I went, part of "the other jihad," the slow-roll attempt by Muslim fundamentalists from the Arabian Peninsula to reclaim East Africa. The empty mosque in a Christian town in Kenya wasn't meant for worshippers. Funded by Saudis, it was meant to stake a claim.

Now, Arab money threatens to undermine the fragile unity of these struggling African states. We dismiss bin Laden's dream of re-establishing the caliphate as madness. But Saudis, Yemenis, Omanis, and oil-rich Gulf Arabs are every bit as determined as bin Laden to reassert Muslim domination of the lands Islam once ruled. The differences between the Saudi ruling family and bin Laden aren't so much about goals as about methods.

(Many Muslims believe that any land that had a mosque on it is subject to Muslim law and must be reclaimed for the Caliphate - United Muslim Kingdom. And this is pay back for the humiliation Muslims suffered from the Crusaders some 600 years ago. This is not a joking matter for bin Laden, his followers and the Saudi royal family! Starting from 1991, along with the spread the teachings of Wahabism, Saudi charities built 1,832 new mosques - a boom that shocked Kurdish officials to the point of clamping on new restrictions in 2001.)

Food for Thought. by Steven Shamrak

Some of my readers are upset, vocal and even abusive when I advocate the idea of transferring Arabs from the Jewish land. But they are mute after I ask them: "How long, do you think, Jews would be allowed to stay if Arabs take over Israel?" Now I can ask: "How long will Europe last if the decisive action is not taken against Islamic expansionism?"

IDF Offensive. IDF killed seven Arabs in missile strikes in Gaza. One of them was Shadi Mohanna, who developed and helped launch Kassam rockets. Dozens of Israeli tanks and jeeps rolled into the volatile West Bank city of Jenin. (Nothing has changed. What was the Deportation of Jews from Gaza for?)

Fatah wants to Wipe Israel off the Map. Fatah's military wing, the Al Aksa Brigades, said in a pamphlet distributed in the Gaza district that "anybody who recognizes Israel will burn in the fire of the Islamic nation's fury. Any [Islamic leader] who recognizes the Zionist regime means he is acknowledging the surrender and defeat of the Islamic world." The Arab Palestinian organization publicly identify with Iran's president's Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's recent call to "wipe Israel off the map." (It is not a joke! It is their deep and sick goal.)

Bush will "Sway Israel". U.S. President George W. Bush summoned PA officials to his office, to thier surprised, to a 30-minute unscheduled meeting and reassured them he will "sway". He said, "Don't worry. I have some political sway with Israel and will use it if need be." (He did not use an opportunity to ' sway' Arabs to stop terror against Israel. This is the reality of friendship Israel has with USA.)

Rockets hit Sharon's Sycamore Ranch. Israeli soldiers on a routine patrol uncovered an unexploded Palestinian rocket a month ago at Prime Minister Ariel Sharon's ranch in the southern Israeli desert. It is the third time rockets have hit Sharon's Sycamore Ranch. (After the attack IDF started an offensive in Gaza. It seems he cares about his own security only!)

Quote of the Week:

"Our service to Islam is pure in motive and totally devoted to the system of building communities of like-minded Muslims, then the Islamic state and finally the Caliphate." Principle 10 of Jemaah Islamiahs manual.

"Let not the believers take for friends or helpers unbelievers rather than believers. If any do that, in nothing will there be help from Allah; except by way of precaution, that ye may guard yourselves from them" (Qur'an 3:28).

Software Made in Israel. Foreign companies spent have bought more than 30 Israeli software firms for about $6 billion, over the past decade. During the first half of 2005, Israel's software exports grew about 6 percent from the same period a year earlier to $3.18 billion.

Jewish Inventor of Valium Died. Leo Sternbach, the inventor of a revolutionary new class of tranquilizers that included Valium, one of the first blockbuster "lifestyle" drugs, has died at his home in North Carolina several weeks ago. (Just image what a chaos we would have if politicians would not have access to Valium.)

Laser Radar to Detect Missiles. The Israeli military has deployed a sophisticated new radar system which it hopes will give early warning to Israelis living near the Gaza Strip of incoming Katyusha rockets and Kassams missiles fired by Arab terrorists from Gaza. (It does not look like the withdrawal is saving money or bringing peace. It is just defeating Jewish spirit! IDF is expecting Katyusha rockets now!)

Comments on Comments:

"Disenfranchised and disillusioned by the failure of integration, some European Muslims have taken up jihad against the West." - Common justification of current Muslim riots in Europe by press. - Just imagine what Jews would have to do to the European Christians after 1700 years of 'Disenfranchising'!

" I may be angry at God or at the world, and I'm sure that a lot of my comedy is based on anger and hostility...It comes from a feeling that as a Jew and as a person, I don't fit into the mainstream of American society. Feeling different, feeling alienated, feeling persecuted, feeling that the only way you can deal with the world is to laugh." - Mel Brooks on being a Jew - But, in spite of "anger and hostility" he does not call for riots, looting and killing of Christian Americans, like 'Disenfranchised and disillusioned' Muslims do!

Chronology of the War.

Hate riots conducted by predominantly Muslim hooligans spread to 300 French cities and towns, as well as to Belgium and Germany. Why would it be surprising? Just look at what is going on:

- MI5 is investigating a suspected plot by Islamic terrorists to carry out multiple suicide bombings of the White House and the Capitol in Washington, D.C.

- Canadian counter-terrorism investigators have dismantled a suspected terrorist cell in Toronto whose members included an al-Qaeda-trained explosives expert. The cell consisted of four Algerian refugee claimants who had lived in Canada.

- Australian police say they have foiled a major terrorist attack on the country, and have arrested 17 men on charges of committing to "violent jihad in Australia."

Western leaders are still talking about 'War against Terror". They are just talking - after:

- March 11, 2004: Simultaneous explosions rock three train stations in Madrid, killing 191 people and wounding more than 1,500 in Spain's worst terrorist attack. Islamic militants claimed responsibility.

- Nov. 15, 2003, and Nov. 20, 2003: Suicide bombings at two synagogues, the British Consulate and London-based HSBC Bank in Istanbul, Turkey, kill 62, including four attackers allegedly belonging to a local al-Qaeda cell.

- Oct. 12, 2002: Bombs kill 202 people in nightclubs on the Indonesian island of Bali. Authorities blame Jemaah Islamiyah, a Southeast Asian terror group linked to al-Qaeda.

- Sept. 11, 2001: al-Qaeda hijackers slam jetliners into the World Trade Center and the Pentagon and a fourth hijacked jet crashes in a Pennsylvania field, killing nearly 3,000 people.

- Aug. 7, 1998: Nearly simultaneous al-Qaeda car bombings hit the U.S. embassies in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, and Nairobi, Kenya, killing 231 people.

Above are just the major recent Muslim attacks on the West. Nothing has been done! Just empty words! The London attack is has already been played down. For the sake of steady oil flow and perception of economical stability, the Western leaders have no intention of fighting the war against Muslim aggression. But, they are well organised and determined in pressuring Israel to submission. They are surrendering our future. We must not remain silent!

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6 posted on 11/12/2005 2:29:27 PM PST by joesnuffy (No live animals were used nor were any hurt in the making of this tag line.)
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To: ncountylee

Mark my words, the Aussies are likely too damned "British", too damned "gentrified", to protect and defend against this threat!
It seems that Aussies are intent on "fair dinkum" to the degree where it has become a fatal fault!

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Thomas Sowell hit the nail on the head when he wrote, "In the name of respecting all cultures, Western nations have welcomed people who respect neither the cultures nor the rights of the population among whom they have settled."

8 posted on 11/12/2005 2:56:04 PM PST by DJ Taylor (Once again our country is at war, and once again the Democrats have sided with our enemy.)
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To: Mount Athos
Islam, from the moment of it's birth to this very day has been nothing but a violent, bloody, hate-filled oppressive cult.

It was born in the minds of nomadic Bedouin barbarian's who had (and still don't) no sense of nation, culture, or government. They were nothing but undisciplined rock worshiping hordes, without laws and without social organization and graces, who lived day do day from hand to mouth, who greatest burden and every thought was consumed by the need of food, drink and sleep.
Islam is nothing but a cult made to appeal to this band of robbers, murderers, rapists and thieves, made to justify these barbaric acts and legitimize the continuance of it.

Everywhere Islam spread itself by bloody pillage and massacre, the people eventually revolted and repeatedly tried to expel these animals when they became weakened by their gluttony and drunkenness, spending the wealth stolen from the people they invaded. It was only by mass murder and genocide, that Islam remained in control of some of these places. In every place Islam destroyed the prosperity and advanced culture these places once possessed. Islam has brought nothing into this world except death and destruction. The claims that Islam brought math, science, medicine to the world are absolute lies, these were stolen and copied from the civilizations they invaded and massacred. In every place where Islam remains, it has become the hellhole that the Bedouins originally started with, this is because, even though they came into contact with superior advanced cultures, the Arab mind cannot absorb it.

It always reverts back to what it was: undisciplined rock worshiping hordes, without laws and without social organization and graces, who live day do day from hand to mouth, who greatest burden and every thought was consumed by the need of food, drink and sleep.

Read the history of Islam, what happened to the caliphate, the constant warring Islam suffers from within itself, the horrors they have inflicted on civilization from it's beginning.

Everyone should know the history and the mindset of the muhamadan, not just what the koran says, but WHY is says what it does

Inside the muslim mind

9 posted on 11/12/2005 2:58:50 PM PST by Forte Runningrock
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To: DJ Taylor

"Western nations" have misplaced their ballocks!
I still know where mine are, but some folks seem to be really vague, about where they last left theirs!
I have absolutely no confidence that
Australia will do any better than will France, "Metrosexuals" all!
It is time for us to get selfish, take care of ourselves, we have tried, no one appreciated our efforts, Fookum!
I will still get really emotional when I see some poor little kid in Zimbabwe starving to death, but, in the final analysis, it is MY KIDS and GRANDKIDS that matter, most, of all!
One of these days, maybe, someone in Zimbabwe will find his balls, and pop a cap on Bobby Mugabe, until that moment, Oh, well!
Time is come to kick ass, and take names, later! God will sort them out, after all!

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