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The ineffable anti-American Conyers is a Castro sympathiser who also supported the attempted Marxist-Leninist conquest of Central America. Needless to say, he hates Bush, defended Hussein, loves the Marxist Chavez of Venezuela and supports domestic terrorists like Peltier and Mumia.

Couldn't have said it better myself.


1 posted on 09/26/2005 8:10:16 PM PDT by Lando Lincoln
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To: Lando Lincoln

Great read thanks.

2 posted on 09/26/2005 8:16:43 PM PDT by hoosiermama ( Blanco, Landrieu, Nagin & Witt.. good name for a flood control business...Motto:"We got dikes!")
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To: Lando Lincoln

Excellent. Short, sweet and to the point. Those Aussies don't pull any punches either.

Good examples that are in line with those in Anne Coulter's "Treason" and Savage's "The Enemy Within". Seems to be a pattern...

Thanks, mate!!

3 posted on 09/26/2005 8:24:11 PM PDT by jim-x ("Let's Roll" - Todd Beamer, UA Flight 93, September 11, 2001)
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To: Lando Lincoln
Wow! Bullseye!

...and from an Aussie -- and an economist to boot...

Great read -- thanks for posting it -- it's a keeper!

4 posted on 09/26/2005 8:27:11 PM PDT by TXnMA (Iraq & Afghanistan: Bush's "Bug-Zappers"...)
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To: Lando Lincoln

We have a lot of work ahead of us if we are going to clean out this next of ANTI-AMERICAN congressional people - in the House and the Senate.

But .. never fear .. WE ARE UP TO THE CHALLENGE!!

5 posted on 09/26/2005 8:28:35 PM PDT by CyberAnt (America has the greatest military on the face of the earth.)
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To: Lando Lincoln

Which pieces of the legislation referred to is still operative?

6 posted on 09/26/2005 8:38:17 PM PDT by justshutupandtakeit (Public Enemy #1, the RATmedia.)
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To: Lando Lincoln

Great article. Thanks for posting. More evidence of the enemy within.

7 posted on 09/26/2005 8:54:07 PM PDT by PGalt
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To: Lando Lincoln


8 posted on 09/26/2005 8:59:31 PM PDT by knews_hound (Out of the NIC ,into the Router, out to the Cloud....Nothing but 'Net)
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To: Lando Lincoln; All
Joe America
9 posted on 09/26/2005 9:03:56 PM PDT by expatguy (
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To: Lando Lincoln


10 posted on 09/26/2005 9:09:29 PM PDT by TASMANIANRED (Nagin Cried, People died.)
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To: Lando Lincoln

This guy kicks butt and takes names!

Too bad this article will never appear in an American outlet (except FR, of course)

12 posted on 09/26/2005 9:21:38 PM PDT by motorola7
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To: Lando Lincoln

We wondered what happened to him after The New Australian disappeared.

13 posted on 09/26/2005 9:31:54 PM PDT by AmericanVictory (Should we be more like them, or they like us?)
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To: Lando Lincoln


14 posted on 09/27/2005 2:46:51 AM PDT by Right_in_Virginia
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To: Lando Lincoln
No the answer does not lie with congress. Yes in ancient history in the 70s the CIA was neutered by commies in congress. No that is not a sufficient explanation for the pathetic underperformance of the CIA in recent times. They suck, they need a dramatic overhaul, and pointing finger elsewhere and giving CYA excuses are not going to cut it.

The CIA opposed the Iraq was on the grounds that we'd all get gassed. You can't get more wrong than that.

Every regime targeting attempt with all the fanfare during the active phase of the war turned out to be a complete crock. The CIA paid all its supposed internal Iraqi informants for lies that probably got us to kill civilians.

We had zero in the way of coup options in Iraq. We have zero in the way of coup options in North Korea. We have zero in the way of coup options in Iran. In Iran, revolution is the best possible outcome, and the CIA doesn't know word one about any of it. Chavez is making trouble and his was clearly amateur hour.

We don't know how close Iran is to nuclear weapons, and nobody on earth would believe anything we said about it even if we did know.

The CIA did not detect Dr. Khan's nuclear bazaar, as it brazenly operated from the soil of a US ally they worked with on the Afghan war, over decades. They were surprised at how far the Libyans were. They had no advanced warning of the Pakistani and India nuke test flurry.

A high school drop-out from California got to Bin Laden's inner circle within 2 years of signing up for Jihad. The CIA has a budget of billions, all national intel, its pick of brains, and hasn't got a single man inside AQ in over a decade of trying. That is, if it is trying.

We don't know where Bin Laden is. We don't know where Zawahiri is. Multi-million bounties for years and all national intel, yields squat.

We found out about the oil for food corruption of the UN and scores of Iraqi agents and paid operatives, from Iraqi files in Baghdad, not the CIA. We have yet to get the slightest further substantiation of said corruption from CIA sources. The president of France, Russian parliament members, British labor MPs, were all on the Iraqi payroll and the CIA told us nothing.

To this day we do not know the extent and nature of Russian and Chinese involvement with and encouragement of our WOT enemies on the one hand, and proliferation threats on the other. We see them flak for the latter diplomatically, we see them sell them arms, we see nuclear technology and dual use equipment being sent to them. But we get no direct info from the originating side.

The CIA have opposed the president, sought to undermine his policies, played games with domestic politicians and with reporters, verbally attacked US allies and smeared pro-US Iraqi democrats. They tried to support Baathists in Iraq, who are blowing our men up daily, and to undermine Sistani, who has worked with us to establish a moderate constitutional democracy.

They are as dumb as a bag of rocks and more loyal to the previous administration than to their own country. They couldn't find their backside with both hands. They recruit morons strained through ridiculous screening procedures that make a fetish of 50 year old pseudo-science, but can't translate Arabic documents or add three facts together. And this is not the fault of congress. Blaming 30 year old screw ups by somebody else will not get rid of last year's, by these clowns.

To start with we should want heads, and after that we should want performance.

15 posted on 09/27/2005 6:03:38 AM PDT by JasonC
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To: Lando Lincoln
Link to another article ( can't find that it has been posted here on FR either) from the New Yorker:

How conflicts between the Bush Administration and the intelligence community marred the reporting on Iraq’s weapons....


How conflicts between the Bush Administration and the intelligence community marred the reporting on Iraq’s weapons.
Issue of 2003-10-27
Posted 2003-10-20

Since midsummer, the Senate Intelligence Committee has been attempting to solve the biggest mystery of the Iraq war: the disparity between the Bush Administration’s prewar assessment of Iraq’s weapons of mass destruction and what has actually been discovered.

The committee is concentrating on the last ten years’ worth of reports by the C.I.A. Preliminary findings, one intelligence official told me, are disquieting. “The intelligence community made all kinds of errors and handled things sloppily,” he said. The problems range from a lack of quality control to different agencies’ reporting contradictory assessments at the same time. One finding, the official went on, was that the intelligence reports about Iraq provided by the United Nations inspection teams and the International Atomic Energy Agency, which monitored Iraq’s nuclear-weapons programs, were far more accurate than the C.I.A. estimates. “Some of the old-timers in the community are appalled by how bad the analysis was,” the official said. “If you look at them side by side, C.I.A. versus United Nations, the U.N. agencies come out ahead across the board.”

There were, of course, good reasons to worry about Saddam Hussein’s possession of W.M.D.s. He had manufactured and used chemical weapons in the past, and had experimented with biological weapons; before the first Gulf War, he maintained a multibillion-dollar nuclear-weapons program. In addition, there were widespread doubts about the efficacy of the U.N. inspection teams, whose operations in Iraq were repeatedly challenged and disrupted by Saddam Hussein. Iraq was thought to have manufactured at least six thousand more chemical weapons than the U.N. could account for. And yet, as some former U.N. inspectors often predicted, the tons of chemical and biological weapons that the American public was led to expect have thus far proved illusory. As long as that remains the case, one question will be asked more and more insistently: How did the American intelligence community get it so wrong?

Part of the answer lies in decisions made early in the Bush Administration, before the events of September 11, 2001. In interviews with present and former intelligence officials, I was told that some senior Administration people, soon after coming to power, had bypassed the government’s customary procedures for vetting intelligence.

16 posted on 10/25/2005 7:59:04 AM PDT by Ernest_at_the_Beach (History is soon Forgotten,)
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To: Lando Lincoln; potlatch; ntnychik; Smartass; Boazo; Alamo-Girl; PhilDragoo; ...

good un!

18 posted on 06/28/2006 7:56:34 PM PDT by bitt (NY Times to New York: Drop Dead!)
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To: Lando Lincoln; Czar; nicmarlo; texastoo; WestCoastGal; Kenny Bunk; EternalVigilance; jer33 3; ...
 Reprinted from

Coulter: N.Y. Times Committed 'Treason'

Phil Brennan, NewsMax
Thursday, June 29, 2006

Ann Coulter once said that her " only regret with [Oklahoma City bomber] Timothy McVeigh is he did not go to the New York Times building."

Her acid comments about America's most influential newspaper no doubt found new meaning in the wake of the Times' decision to disclose top-secret programs the U.S. government is using to capture terrorists.

"Thanks to The New York Times, the easiest job in the world right now is: 'Head of Counterintelligence -- Al-Qaida.'" Coulter wrote Wednesday in her syndicated column. "You just have to read the New York Times over morning coffee, and you're done by 10 a.m." [Editor's Note: You can get Ann Coulter's bestselling "Godless" for just $4.99 - Go Here Now.]

Coulter was writing about what she called "the latest of a long list of formerly top-secret government antiterrorism operations that have been revealed by the Times," noting that "last week the paper printed the details of a government program tracking terrorists' financial transactions that has already led to the capture of major terrorists and their handmaidens in the U.S."

To Coulter, a lawyer, that amounted to nothing less than treason, and she wants the newspaper punished for betraying a vital antiterrorism operation meant to prevent future 9/11s.

"Maybe treason ended during the Vietnam War when Jane Fonda sat laughing and clapping on a North Vietnamese anti-aircraft gun used to shoot down American pilots," Ann recalled. "She came home and resumed her work as a big movie star without the slightest fear of facing any sort of legal sanction.

"Fast forward to today, when New York Times publisher 'Pinch' Sulzberger has just been named al-Qaida's 'Employee of the Month' for the 12th straight month.

Observing that prior to the Vietnam War, "this country took treason seriously," she charged that Americans are now being told that newspapers have a right to commit treason because of "freedom of the press."

Liberals, she wrote, invoke 'freedom of the press' like some talismanic formulation that requires us all to fall prostrate in religious ecstasy. On liberals' theory of the First Amendment, the safest place for Osama bin Laden isn't in Afghanistan or Pakistan; it's in the New York Times building."

Freedom of them press, she explained "does not mean the government cannot prosecute reporters and editors for treason -- or for any other crime. The First Amendment does not mean Times editor Bill Keller could kidnap a child and issue his ransom demands from the New York Times editorial page. He could not order a contract killing on the op-ed page. Nor can he take out a contract killing on Americans with a Page One story on a secret government program being used to track terrorists who are trying to kill Americans ...

"The federal statute on treason, 18 USC 2381, provides in relevant part: 'Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States ... adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000.'"

Citing the cases of at Ezra Pound, Mildred Gillars ("Axis Sally") and Iva Toguri D'Aquino ("Tokyo Rose") who were all charged with treason for radio broadcasts intended to demoralize the troops during World War II, Coulter wrote that the first two were were severely punished and Pound committed to a mental hospital.

"There was no evidence that in any of these cases the treasonable broadcasts ever put a single American life in danger. The law on treason doesn't require it," she wrote.

Editor's Note: You can get Ann Coulter's "Godless" for just $4.99 - Go Here Now.

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20 posted on 06/28/2006 8:03:53 PM PDT by Smartass ("In God We Trust" - "An informed and knowledgeably citizen is the best defense against tyranny")
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To: Lando Lincoln
No terrorist before 9-11 had ever used a plane as a weapon.

All had only taken planes for hostages and money or release of some person in prison.

No way we could act like post 9-11 security an a pre-9-11 world.
Too many folks would have complained about losses of freedoms and such.
29 posted on 06/29/2006 1:58:44 AM PDT by A CA Guy (God Bless America, God bless and keep safe our fighting men and women.)
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To: Lando Lincoln; oldglory; MinuteGal; JulieRNR21; mcmuffin; gonzo; sheikdetailfeather

GREAT post! We need to see to it that this commentary gets spread as far and wide as possible between now and November.

30 posted on 06/29/2006 7:13:55 AM PDT by Matchett-PI ( "History does not long entrust the care of freedom to the weak or the timid." -- Dwight Eisenhower)
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