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The crackdown
Guardian ^ | 08/07/05 | Guardian

Posted on 08/07/2005 7:36:24 AM PDT by Pikamax

For those of the small group assembled in Tony Blair's study that July morning who did not know him well, it was something of an eye-opener.

Banging the table with a frustrated fist, as the Home Secretary and his two startled opposition counterparts looked on, the Prime Minister was demanding to know 'why the f***' it was so impossible to rewrite human rights legislation to allow decisive action against a terrorist threat.

'He just kept saying, "Why can't we do this?" and looking at his officials for answers,' says one source from the meeting. 'And they were just shrugging their shoulders.'

By the time the meeting broke up, Blair appeared no nearer getting his answer. But those closer to him could have predicted how it would end.

Last Friday the Prime Minister decisively got his way, sweeping aside not just the caveats of his officials - plus those of his own wife, who warned last month that it was easy to respond to terror in a way that 'cheapens our right to call ourselves a civilised nation' - but the amour propre of his Home Secretary.

Hijacking at the last minute what had been planned as a much lower-key, less detailed announcement by the Home Office minister Hazel Blears, Blair last Friday unveiled a package that profoundly changed the terms of the domestic war on terror. Not only would foreign-born preachers of hate now be deported, as Clarke had already suggested, but Britain would, if necessary, rewrite the Human Rights Act to do it - a personal victory for Blair.

Other draconian measures, from closing mosques suspected of extremism, to house arrest for suspect British nationals, shattered the uneasy cross-party consensus formed after the 7 July bombings. It was the first that opposition MPs - told by Clarke they would be consulted every step of the way - had heard of much of it.

But rather more embarrassingly, it caught the Home Office on the hop too: only a fortnight ago, officials had been busily ruling out some of the ideas floated by Blair, and suggesting it would take much of August to ponder the perfect package. By Friday morning, everything had changed - so fast that Home Office officials did not receive their media 'lines to take', usually prepared well before an announcement, until hours after it had been made.

Whitehall gossip that the rush was driven largely by Blair's desire to be seen to do something before going on holiday is probably unkind. Blair has been consumed by frustration, and by a sense that - particularly since the second bombing - the world had changed, and his government was not keeping pace.

'It is very dangerous if you get into a position where it looks as if Government is behind public concerns,' says a senior Downing Street source. 'People do not want to hear, "We are thinking about it and we will get back to you in three months".'

But serious questions remain over the scramble - egged on by the Sun, with its vocal campaign for holidaying MPs to come back and do something about 'lawless Britain' - to publish a full anti-terror manifesto within a month of the fatal attack

Downing Street sources insist the frenzy of last-minute phone calls between it and the Home Office were 'no more than the usual to-ing and fro-ing' expected in the middle of a crisis. But the negotiations have exposed growing differences between the cautious civil servant's son Clarke, and his hyper-vigilant master.

Nor is it just the bombings that have strained the relationship between Clarke and Downing Street. The whispers around Whitehall are gathering strength: that Clarke has not made a good enough job of selling ID cards, that he does not grasp the 'big picture', that he is too soft on yobbery - unlike Louise Casey, the outspoken civil servant who runs his anti-social behaviour unit. His fondness for a sociable glass of wine is tutted over, his decision to take his long-planned family holiday - although Blair and Straw are also now taking theirs - while leave is cancelled for the Metropolitan Police raises eyebrows.

His friends insist the criticism is blatantly unfair, but with the government digging in for a long haul - months of parliamentary skirmishing, standoffs with the courts, and difficult negotiations with the Muslim community - the relationship will come under intense scrutiny. Could Blair have legislated in haste, only to repent at his opponents' leisure?

The road to Friday's defiant statement began in earnest when four new MPs trooped into Downing Street last month for a meeting. They were unusually junior to secure an audience. But the four Labour Muslim MPs, Shahid Malik, Khalid Mahmood, Sadiq Khan and Mohamed Sarwar, had something Blair wanted.

They were not unanimous: Mahmood and Khan called for the radical Islamic group Hizb-ut-Tahrir to be banned, while Malik did not, and there were differing views over how the community would receive some of Blair's ideas. But the meeting helped convince the Prime Minister that despite internal opposition within Whitehall, opposition to more drastic action was breaking down even within the Muslim community.

'People like Shahid have been very influential in saying this has got to be done, otherwise the vast majority of people in our communities [will get] more and more flak,' said a Downing Street source.

They were not the only outside influence on Blair's thinking. He has informally consulted other cabinet ministers including David Blunkett, the former Home Secretary, and he has talked closely to his counterparts in France, Germany and Spain. France's anti-terror plan, published at the end of July and including plans to put mosques under surveillance and expel the more radical imams, has marked similarities to what was unveiled on Friday: Blair has been demanding of officials why, if France operates under the same human rights considerations, they appear able to go further.

'In France there is a long tradition of political exile, but on condition that people who accept asylum do not use French territory to propagate hate campaigns,' says Denis MacShane, the former minister for Europe who has argued for Britain to take a stronger line. 'I am pleased that Britain is now coming into line.'

They may have upset the Liberal Democrats, but at least the extension of powers to deport extremists has been widely examined in Whitehall since before the second bombings. The more serious question marks hang over the hastily produced package floated on Friday to accompany it, thrashed out in a flurry of phone calls between a holidaying Clarke, his deputy Blears, and a Prime Minister anxious to push both of them further and faster.

'It's a process we've seen before: the PM pushing and saying, "There's great public concern here, we have not got to let previous assumptions regulate us",' says a senior Downing Street source.

'You get a process of challenging by the Prime Minsiter and the department saying, "Well, it's all very difficult", and him saying,"You have got to understand things have changed".'

What has changed, however, is not the threat - the government has been braced for an al-Qaeda attack since 9/11- but the public appetite for draconian measures to combat it. Has Blair, in his haste to placate that, gone too far too fast?

The proposal to bring forward the system of electronic border checks relies on still-unanswered questions about whether the technology can be reliably tested in time: details of how the clampdown on mosques would work are sketchy in the extreme. And it is such inconsistencies that have helped encourage Charles Kennedy to break ranks.

His home affairs spokesman, Mark Oaten, was on holiday overseas when he was rung by Blears on Thursday to brief him on the deportation plans - although not on the rest of the package.

Even then, Oaten had doubts: the banning of behaviour not conducive to the UK's 'culture of tolerance' seemed worryingly vaguely defined. However, that was not enough to justify abandoning the Lib Dems' backing for Blair - until Friday morning, when everything changed.

'Suddenly we get a massive list of things from Blair which weren't mentioned in any form yesterday - we gather because the Home Office did not really know what was going to be on it,' says one party official.

Downing Street retorts that the only ones in the dark were actually the Lib Dems, kept further out of the loop than the Tories because Blair suspected the consensus was breaking down. Shadow frontbencher Gerald Howarth's midweek suggestion that any Muslim who did not like Britain should go elsewhere, and the growing spat over modern multiculturalism, had marked the first sign of political dividing lines returning.

But the Liberal Democrats had hit a sore spot nonetheless: tensions have been simmering between Downing Street and the Home Office for months over policy differences. 'There are several people in Number 10 who think they are the real Home Secretary,' says one senior Home Office official. 'This is a constant issue, but we always fight our corner and sometimes they even listen.'

The minor drama played out last week over ID cards is a classic case in point. The first inklings of trouble came back on 19 July when LSE expert William Heath posted a message on his personal blog, reporting that the government 'don't want to insult everyone's intelligence' over ID cards and that 'they apologise for overenthusiasm in overselling the card in the past'.

In fact, Heath had been a guest at a private seminar organised the day before by leftwing think-tank the Fabian Society, at which the Home Office minister Tony McNulty had admitted that the government had not made a good enough case for the controversial cards.

The change of tone reflected anxiety within Downing Street that it was a long way from winning the argument in the country for a £100 card whose benefits were not immediately obvious to the man in the street paying out for it. As one source put it: 'Nobody, including Tony, would say it's been brilliantly handled.'

The plan was to subtly shift the argument over summer, away from arguing that ID cards would benefit the nation - by reducing health tourism or combating illegal immigration - and towards ways it could benefit the individuals actually holding them, such as protecting themselves from identity fraud or travelling more easily within the EU.

Clarke took the first step, when he announced within days of the 7 July bombings - which could have been used by the Home Office to argue anti-terror measures were more necessary than ever - that it was far from clear ID cards would have prevented the atrocity.

'They wouldn't, and everybody knows they wouldn't, and by saying so he takes the ground away from his opponents and is in a position to make an honest case for them later,' says Sunder Katwala, chair of the Fabian Society and host of the fateful McNulty meeting.

Unfortunately, what happened next was far from subtle. The Home Office disclosed McNulty's comments - made under so-called 'Chatham House' rules which prevent fellow seminar guests revealing who said what - to two trusted newspapers. Both gleefully reported his admission that the cards had been 'oversold' and would not actually solve problems like terrorism or illegal immigration.

It was not much more than Clarke had said, but by the end of the day Downing Street was being accused of getting cold feet and deciding to ditch ID cards. The clumsy handling, according to some officials, helped persuade Blair to take personal charge of the rather more sensitive announcement on counter-terrorism - which promptly swept the ID cards row from the front pages.

It was not the first such slip. Rumours that Downing Street was dissatisfied with Clarke surfaced at the beginning of July, when a leaked note of a meeting between Blair, Clarke and the antisocial behaviour 'tsar' Louise Casey was leaked to the press - heavily spun to suggest Clarke had been told off for being too soft on yobbery.

In what appeared to be a swift case of tit-for-tat, a tape of the outspoken Casey being embarrassingly indiscreet at a police dinner soon hit the front pages - only to be trumped, last week, by the leak of a memo revealing Hazel Blears, Clarke's deputy, had been firmly rebuffed by John Prescott when she tried to take control of funds within his department earmarked for run-down neighbourhoods.

A molehunt has failed to establish exactly who leaked what, but the apparently orchestrated campaign suggests Clarke has some powerful enemies. Fingers are being pointed at the Treasury, which fell out with him over the tuition fees debacle when he was Education Secretary: some in the department have struggled to conceal their schadenfreude at Clarke's troubles. A spat with John Prescott following the post-election reshuffle over who should control the anti-social behaviour portfolio may not have helped, either.

While David Blunkett learnt well how to tickle Downing Street's erogenous zones with an endless string of clampdowns on tabloid bogeymen, the more thoughtful and cautious Clarke's struggle to do things differently has sometimes proved uphill work. As he faces the most sensitive issue of his reign at the Home Office so far, Clarke is clearly walking a tightrope.

Those close to Blair may dismiss the Liberal Democrat criticisms of the terror proposals as a 'hissy fit', but both Kennedy and Michael Howard now share concerns that terror policy is being made too much on the hoof.

'Why go public on something that is so capable of whipping up anger and dissent when you don't even have a concrete proposal?' said the Lib Dem official. 'Basically what we have is a half-assed set of ideas, no guarantee that they can be made into workable legislation.' Hence Kennedy's decision to attack the plans, suggesting that deporting undesirables could simply 're-export' terrorism to other parts of the country and that crackdowns on extremism risked alienating the very young men about whom there was most concern.

There is criticism too from closer to home. 'I think we should be very, very careful about going too far and annoying many people in this country who are not the enemy but are the backbone of this country, who would, I think, suffer under this kind of legislation,' says Labour MP Ian Gibson, who holds the neighbouring seat to Clarke's in Norwich and knows him well. 'Would it make a difference to terrorism or would it agitate more anger?'

He also questions where the plans have come from, arguing they do not represent Clarke's thinking: 'Charles is much more liberal than he's often given credit for.'

Even without the Liberal Democrats, Downing Street is confident it can get any legislative changes through parliament. The question is how, over the months and years to come, the changed face of British security can be sold to the public - and whether Clarke is the right person to do it. The consensus in Whitehall is that he has yet to articulate an overall vision of what the bombings mean - and where Britain should go in response.

'It's good that we have got someone with at least some liberal sensibilities, but Charles is not doing enough strategy,' says one former official who knows him well. 'The Home Office is such an awful place for crises that unless you have a sense of where you are going, things knock you off course. The question is, has he got an intellectual architecture for all of this?'

He has the whole of summer to think of one. But if he doesn't, Clarke could just find a queue of ambitious Ministers waiting to step into his shoes.

How terror has been defeated before

In Ireland Outright force, including Bloody Sunday, internment and the banning of republican voices from the airwaves gave way to a more sophisticated policy, including massive social and economic aid and careful political concessions. Increasingly isolated and losing community support, terrorists from all communities were forced into compromises. The IRA have now said they will give up their weapons for ever.

In Algeria An initial explosion of militancy after a cancelled election in 1991, which left hundreds mourning, was met by a fierce crackdown. The brutality horrified the broader population, already suffering as the economy collapsed, and ensured the militants became outcasts. Moderate Islamists were allowed into parliament and an amnesty declared. A rump of semi-criminal mujahideen are still active but pose no threat to the state.

In Europe The mainly middle-class leftist militants of the late Sixties and Seventies, such as the Baader-Meinhof gang, never genuinely threatened Germany and Italy. Both countries adopted repressive laws but kept within the criminal justice system. Seen as romantic heroes by some, the militants were never supported by the working classes they were supposedly representing and, thus isolated, were not difficult for security services to eliminate.

· These groups have also been described as terrorists: The Viet Cong, Nelson Mandela's ANC, the Algerian Front de Libération Nationale, the Israeli Stern Gang, the Bolsheviks.

TOPICS: Foreign Affairs; News/Current Events; United Kingdom; War on Terror
KEYWORDS: gwot; londonattacked; tonyblair

1 posted on 08/07/2005 7:36:24 AM PDT by Pikamax
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To: Pikamax

Letter of Lincoln to Erastus Corning, June 12, 1863

Nothing is better known to history than that courts of justice are utterly incompetent to such cases (as rebellion). . . The provision of the Constitution is, 'the privilege of the writ of habeas corpus shall not be suspenced UNLESS WHEN, in cases of rebellion or invasion, the public safety may require it.'

This . . . plainly attests the understanding of those who made the Constitution that ordinary courts of justice are inadquate to 'cases of rebellion' . . .(In some cases) arrests are made not so much for what has been done, as for what probably would be done. . .

The insurgents had been preparing for it (rebellion) for more than thirty years, while the government had taken no steps to resist them. . . It was undoubtedly a well-pondered reliance with them (the rebels) that in their own effort to destroy the Constitution. . .the government would, in great degree, be restrained by the same Constituion from arresting their progress. Their sympathizers pervaded all departments of the government and communities of the people. From this material, under the cover of "liberty of speech", "liberty of the press", and "habeas corpus", they hoped to keep on foot among us an efficient corps of spies, informers, suppliers and aiders and abettors of their cause in a thousand ways. . . they also knew that they had friends who would make a question as to who was to suspend (habeas corpus); meanwhile, their spies and others might remain at large. . .Or, if as ha happened, the Executive should suspend the writ without ruinous waste of time, instances of arresting innocent persons might occur, as are always likely to occur in such cases; and then a clamor could be raised in regard to this, which might at least be of some service to the insurgent cause.

2 posted on 08/07/2005 7:46:33 AM PDT by CondorFlight
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To: CondorFlight

(More from Lincoln's letter)

The Constitution itself makes the distinction, and I can no more be persuaded that the government can constitutionally take no strong measures against the rebellion, because it can be shown that the same could not lawfully be done in time of peace, then I could be persuaded that a particular drug is not good medicine for sick man because it can be shown to not be good food for a well one.

Must I shoot a simple-minded soldier boy who deserts, while I must not touch the hair of a wily agitator who induces him to desert? This is none the less injurious when effected by getting a father, or brother, or friend into a public meeting, and there working on his feelings till he is persuaded to write the soldier boy that he is fighting in a bad cause, for a wicked administration of a contemptible government. I think that, in such a case, to silence the agitator and save the boy is not only constitutional, but withal a great mercy.

After the battle of New Orleans, and while the fact that the peace treaty had been concluded was well known in the city, but before official knowledge of it had arrived, General Jackson still maintained military law. . . Among other things, a Mr. Louiallier published a denunciatory newspaper article. General Jackson arrested him. A lawyer by the name of Morel procured the United States Judge Hall to order a writ of habeas corpus to release Mr. Louiallier. General Jackson arrested both the lawyer and the judge. A Mr. Hollander ventured to say of some part of the matter that "it was a dirty trick". General Jackson arrested him. . .A day or two more elapsed, the ratification of the treaty of peace was regularly announced, and the judge and others were fully liberated.
It may be remarked--first, that we had the same Constitution then as now; secondly, that we had then a case of invasion. . . and thirdly, that the permanent right of the people to public discussion, the liberty of speech and the press, the right of trial by jury, the law of evidence, and the habeas corpus, suffered no detriment whatever by the conduct of General Jackson. . .

3 posted on 08/07/2005 7:47:11 AM PDT by CondorFlight
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To: Pikamax

Blair has a way of coming through in a crisis. He is the persona of Britain today, as I see it. I hope more of the British people get on board with him.

4 posted on 08/07/2005 7:48:23 AM PDT by strategofr (What did happen to those 293 boxes of secret FBI files (esp on Senators) Hillary stole?)
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To: Pikamax

Go Blair!! Bush take notes.

5 posted on 08/07/2005 7:48:26 AM PDT by bboop
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To: bboop

Islam needs a Martin Luther to nail the demands on the Mosque door.

6 posted on 08/07/2005 7:53:02 AM PDT by Paladin2 (Don't Tread on Me; Live Free or Die)
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To: Pikamax
Banging the table with a frustrated fist, as the Home Secretary and his two startled opposition counterparts looked on, the Prime Minister was demanding to know 'why the f***' it was so impossible to rewrite human rights legislation to allow decisive action against a terrorist threat.


You know it when you see it.

7 posted on 08/07/2005 7:53:20 AM PDT by Senator Goldwater
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To: bboop

Go Blair!! Bush take notes.
By all means!!! But don't count on Bush especially if it has to do with the free-flow in and out of our country...

8 posted on 08/07/2005 7:54:10 AM PDT by EagleUSA
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To: Pikamax; MadIvan
Banging the table with a frustrated fist, as the Home Secretary and his two startled opposition counterparts looked on, the Prime Minister was demanding to know 'why the f***' it was so impossible to rewrite human rights legislation to allow decisive action against a terrorist threat.

'He just kept saying, "Why can't we do this?" and looking at his officials for answers,' says one source from the meeting. 'And they were just shrugging their shoulders.'

Tony, when you figure it out, please pass on the solution to cousin George.

I like Tony Blair, and I think he has the spine to inact solid measures against future attacks in Britain, if he can just get the hand wringers out of his way. If I recall correctly, when London was bombed by the Nazis, the Queen personally went to the area, picking her way through the rubble. Queen Elizabeth should likewise stand up and take a stand. She should also stuff a croquet ball in her muslim-loving son's mouth, before he can backstab Blair.

I hope Prince William is paying attention to politics these days.

9 posted on 08/07/2005 8:23:44 AM PDT by TheSpottedOwl ("President Bush, start building that wall"!)
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To: Pikamax

Blair has the right idea. It is unfortunate that he is phrasing the law in terms of PC concepts like "preaching hate" and not in terms of traditional crimes like espionage and sedition and treason. Deportation on radical clerics is not enough -- as someone said, catch-and-release is for sport fishing.

10 posted on 08/07/2005 8:43:48 AM PDT by omega4412 (Multiculturalism kills -- NYC/DC/PA, Madrid, London...)
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To: CondorFlight

But, but, but...

I thought these very measures were what made Lincoln the equal in evil of Stalin and Hitler.

11 posted on 08/07/2005 8:51:25 AM PDT by Restorer (Liberalism: the auto-immune disease of societies.)
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To: Pikamax

Good for Tony Blair. Best to get these things under control BEFORE there are more deaths of innocent Brits. The fact that the British taxpayers have been supporting these creeps for years makes it all the more bitter.

12 posted on 08/07/2005 9:19:06 AM PDT by McGavin999 ("You must call evil by it's name" GW Bush ......... It's name is Terror)
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To: Paladin2
>"Islam needs a Martin Luther to nail the demands on the Mosque door."

Not gonna happen. Their hole "religion" is based on the rantings of a murderous pedophile! How can that be reformed? Now maybe if you run an aural porcine silk purse factory........

Kill A Commie For Mommie
Seven Dead Monkeys Page O Tunes

13 posted on 08/07/2005 10:15:56 AM PDT by rawcatslyentist ("If it's brown, drink it down. If it's black send it back." Homer's guide to drinking in Springfield)
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