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NEED HELP NOW!! Where is the list on attacks on America before 9-11

Posted on 09/21/2004 5:25:20 AM PDT by Hillary's Lovely Legs

Please help.

I am looking for a list of the attacks on Americans before 9-11. I have seen a list here. They include The Cole and the African Embassies but I know that the list is longer.

Could one of you please help me locate it. I need to submit the information to a left leaning paper on a questionairre and I would like to give them an informed response.

Thank you very much.

TOPICS: News/Current Events
KEYWORDS: iamnotaninvestigator; yasinalqadi

1 posted on 09/21/2004 5:25:20 AM PDT by Hillary's Lovely Legs
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To: Hillary's Lovely Legs

Here ya go friend:

Why Bush Is Innocent and the Democrats Are Guilty
By David Horowitz | May 20, 2002

IT FIGURES. The guilty ones are the first to point the finger. Now the same Democrats who for eight years slashed the military, crippled the CIA, blamed America for the enemies it made, opposed the projection of American power (missiles and smart bombs excepted) into terrorist regions like Afghanistan and Iraq, dismissed acts of war as individual misdeeds, rejected airport security on "racial profiling" grounds, defended a commander-in-chief who put his libido above the security of his citizens, and still oppose essential defense measures like holding suspects and imposing immigration controls – these same obstructers and appeasers are now in full war cry against the President and are hoping to pin him with responsibility for the September 11 attack.

Not every Democrat is as kooky or anti-American as Rep. Cynthia McKinney (D-GA) who sits with Democratic connivance on the International Relations Committee and spent the week before 9-11 joining hands in South Africa with Iranians and other Islamo-fascists to condemn the United States, then came home to accuse Bush of plotting 9-11 so that his friends in the Carlyle Group could make war profits on defense contracts. But more mainstream Democrats -- the Leahys and the Boxers and other equally left and determined antagonists of American power -- are far more significant players in the debacle of 9/11. And no one is more singularly responsible for America’s vulnerability on that fateful day than the Democratic president, Bill Clinton, and his White House staff.

It is appropriate therefore that the crowning irony of the present Democrat attack is that it is the Clinton Administration not George Bush who knew of the plot to use airliners as bombs to blow up American buildings, that they knew it in 1995, that they did nothing about it, and that they kept this information from the Bush security team.

But first the background.

The first World Trade Center bombing was on February 26, 1993, one month into the Clinton Administration. The terrorists – Egyptians and Palestinians -- blew a hole six stories deep beneath the North Tower intending to topple it onto the South Tower and kill 250,000 people. It was – in the words of the definitive account – "the most ambitious terrorist attack ever attempted, anywhere, ever." Clinton did nothing. He did not even visit the site. Worse, he allowed the attack to be categorized as a criminal act by individuals, even though its mastermind – as the administration soon discovered -- was an Iraqi intelligence agent named Ramzi Youssef.
The second attack took place 10 months later in Mogadishu, Somalia. It was an attack on American military forces who were in country to bring food to the starving Somalis. In the battle, which has been memorialized in Black Hawk Down, eighteen American soldiers were killed and the body of one was dragged through the streets in a gesture designed to formally humiliate the world’s greatest super power. Clinton’s response? He turned tail and ran.
In 1995, Ramzi Youssef was captured in the Philippines with plans to use commercial airliners to blow up CIA headquarters among other targets. This al-Qaeda plot was termed "Operation Bojinka," which means "the big bang." After the discovery of "Operation Bojinka," Al Gore was appointed to head a task force to tighten airport security. Its key recommendations, which would have prevented 9/11, were rejected by the White House on the grounds that they might be construed as "racial profiling."
In 1996 the Khobar Towers – a barracks housing U.S. soldiers was blown up in Saudia Arabia by Iranian and Palestinian terrorists acting on behalf of al-Qaeda. Nineteen U.S. servicemen were killed but the Saudis refused to cooperate in tracking down the killers. The Clinton Administration did nothing.
In 1998, the year of Lewinsky, al-Qaeda blew up the U.S. embassies in Kenya and Tanzania– under any circumstances an act of war. Two-hundred-and-forty-five people were killed and 6,000 injured, mainly Africans. Clinton’s response? The infamous strike on a medicine factory in the Sudan and a spray of missiles into an emptied terrorist camp in Khost.
In October 2000, al-Qaeda attacked the U.S.S Cole, an American warship, killing 17 servicemen. Another act of war. The Clinton response? Nothing.
Every year that these terrorist attacks were taking place, Democrat congressional leaders supported bills to cut U.S. intelligence funding and/or hamstring CIA operations, and/or prevent the tightening of immigration controls – all of which would have strengthened American defenses against an al-Qaeda attack.
Meanwhile, the principle ally of Saddam Hussein, the architect of suicide bombing, the creator of the first terrorist training camps, and the apostle of terror as a redemptive social cause -- Yasser Arafat -- was a "partner in peace" and the most frequent guest at the Clinton White House among foreign heads of state.
Despite the fact that Republicans had fought Democrats for eight years over the military and intelligence budgets, over immigration and security issues, despite the alliances that leftwing Democrats had made with America’s enemies in the UN, despite the obstructionism of Senate Judiciary chairman Patrick Leahy in opposing domestic security measures and efforts by the Justice Department to bring al-Qaeda to heel, Republicans refused to point a partisan finger on issues of war and peace. Now their self-restraint has come back to haunt them as the Democrats seek to shift the blame they have done so much to earn to the shoulders of their political opponents.

The Democratic attack on George Bush is based on an intelligence analysis he received a month before 9/11, which indicated that al-Qaeda terrorists were planning to hijack planes. The described threats in this analysis came under the category "general" meaning they did not specify time, place or method, and they were uncorroborated. The reports the President received in the months prior to 9/11 described targets that were mainly overseas – in the Arabian Peninsula, Israel, Italy, Paris, Rome and Turkey. On the slim reed of the existence of a possible hijacking threat in the United States – included with all these others -- the Democrats have built their treacherous case.

Yet hijackings occur and have occurred for forty years. On most occasions they are stopped. Nine of the 9/11 hijackers were hauled out of airport security lines as they were boarding the fatal flights that September. But because airport security had not been tightened – and could not be tightened without a battle royal with Democrats over "racial profiling" the al-Qaeda hijackers were allowed to continue and carry out their sinister design. Shutting down the U.S. airline industry or sounding a national alarm that would produce the same effect in August 2001 on the basis of a vague report that a hijacking was possible is something no administration has ever done in 40 years of hijacking incidents. Yet this is the logic behind the Democrats’ present "investigation."

If, on the other hand, Bush had known what the Clinton Administration knew – that al-Qaeda had plans to use commercial airliners as bombs and fly them into buildings – specifically the CIA -- this would be a serious charge. But they did not know it, because the Clinton team never told them.

Although the Clinton security team knew that Operation Bojinka included blowing up the CIA building in Langley, Virginia, it kept this information from the rest of the government. When Dale Watson, chief of the FBI’s International Terrorism Operations Section testified before the Senate Judiciary Committee in February 1998, he withheld this vital information. He identified Operation Bojinka only as a plot to blow up U.S. air carriers, and assured the senators that the FBI had the situation under control.

It is possible that Clinton never received the information about Operation Bojinka, since his lack of interest in national security matters throughout the course of his administration has been noted by many – including his chief political advisor Dick Morris, and his chief "biographer" Joe Klein. February 1998 – the date of the FBI testimony -- is also the month after Monica Lewinsky became a national celebrity.

The fact that Bush didn’t know about plans to hijack planes and run them into tall buildings was confirmed by Condoleeza Rice at her recent press conference:

Dr. Rice: Hijacking before 9/11 and hijacking after 9/11 do mean two very, very different things. And so focusing on it before 9/11 – perhaps it’s clear that after 9/11 you would have looked at this differently, but certainly not before 9/11.

Q: And no discussion in this briefing, or any others, about the possibility of al-Qaeda hijacking, and the fact that there have been active investigations into the possibility of a CIA building plot, or an Eiffel Tower plot. Never came up?

Dr. Rice: It did not come up.

On September 10, 2001 a document landed on the President’s desk that he had commissioned months before. It was a plan to dismantle and destroy al-Qaeda and had taken months to prepare. It was necessary because the Clinton administration had drawn up no such plan in the eight years before.

The charge now being led by the Democrats against the nation’s commander-in-chief as he attempts to protect its citizens against the next certain terrorist attack is worse than unconscionable. It is one more Democratic stake driven into the heart of the nation’s security. Limiting the damage, defending his authority, in order to protect Americans from further harm is now the daunting task before the President and his team.

2 posted on 09/21/2004 5:28:40 AM PDT by conservativecorner
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To: Hillary's Lovely Legs
A list of actions of the religion of peace and tolerance (up to 2003)

1968 Robert Kennedy assassinated
1972 Munich Olympic Massacre Sep-5,1972 (Black September)
1976 Entebbe Hostage Crisis, June 27, 1976
1979 Iran Hostage Crisis, Nov. 4, 1979 444 days
1979 Grand Mosque Seizure, Nov 20,1979
1981 Assassination of Egyptian President, Oct 6,1981
1982 Assassination of Lebanese Prime Minister, Sept 14, 1982
1983 Bombing of US Embassy in Beirut6, April 18,1983
1983 Bombing of Maring Barricks, Beirut, Oct 23,1983
1984 Hizballah Restaurant Bombing, April 12,1984
1985 Egyptian Airliner Hijacking, Nov 23,1985
1985 Rome Airport murders
1985 TWA Flight 847 hijacked, U.S. Navy diver murdered
1985 Achille Lauro hijacking, Homicidal maniac lived in sad-dams Iraq
1986 Aircraft Bombing in Greece, March 30, 1986
1988 Pan Am 747 Flight 103 Bombing, Lockerbie, 100's murdered
1988 Berlin Discourteous Bombing, Dec 21,1988
1992 Bombing in Israeli Embassy in Argentina, March 17,1992
1993 Attempted Assassination of Pres. Bush Sr., April 14,1993
1993 First World Trade Center bombing, February 26th, 7 Killed, Hundreds injured, Billions
1994 Air France Hijacking, Dec 24,1994
1995 Attack on US Diplomats in Pakistan, Mar 8,1995
1995 Saudi Military Installation Attack, Nov 13, 1995
1995 Kashmiri Hostage taking, July 4,1995
1996 Khobar Towers attack
1996 Sudanese Missionary Kidnapping, Aug 17,1996
1996 Paris Subway Explosion, Dec 3,1996
1997 Israeli Shopping Mall Bombing, Sept 4, 1997
1997 Yemeni Kidnappings, Oct 30,1997
1998 Somali Hostage taking crisis, April 15,1998
1998 U.S. Embassy Bombing in Peru, Jan 15, 1998
1998 U.S. Kenya Embassy blown up, 100's murdered
1998 U.S. Tanzania Embassy blown up, 100's murdered
1999 Plot to blow up Space Needle (thwarted)
2000 USS Cole attacked, many U.S. Navy sailors murdered
2000-2003 Intifada against Israel - 100's dead and injured
2000 Manila Bombing, Dec 30,2000
2001 4 Commercial airliners hijacked, 250+ murdered
2001 World Trade Center attacked, 2800+ murdered
2001 Flight 93 murders
2001 Pentagon attacked, 180+ murdered
2002 Reporter Daniel Pearl, kidnapped and murdered
2002 Philippines American missionary, Filipino nurse killed
2002 July 4, El Al attack Los Angeles LAX, several murdered
2002 Bali bombing - 200 dead, 300 injured
2002 Yemen, French Oil Tanker attacked
2002 Marines attacked / murdered in Kuwait
2002 Washington D.C. sniper
2002 Russian Theater attacked, 100+ dead
2002 Nigerian riots against Miss World Pageant, 200 dead, dozens injured
2002 Mombasa Hotel Attacked, 12 dead, dozens injured
2002 Israeli Boeing 757 attacked by missiles, fortunately no one injured
2002 August Hotel bombing in Jakarta, Indonesia. 12 dead, dozens injured.
2003 Russian concert bombing
2003 Phillipines airport and market bombing
2003 Foiled SAM plot in the USA
2003 UN Baghdad HQ Bombing
2003 Ticrit Mosque Bombing
2003 Neveh Shalom Synagogue Bombing in Istanbul, Turkey
3 posted on 09/21/2004 5:30:24 AM PDT by 2banana (They want to die for Islam and we want to kill them)
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To: Hillary's Lovely Legs
...a left leaning paper...>/i>

is there any other kind these days?

4 posted on 09/21/2004 5:32:22 AM PDT by afraidfortherepublic (Re-elect Dubya)
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To: 2banana; conservativecorner

Thank you both. And thank you for the list, it's the list I was looking for.

I am answering a bunch of loaded questions here but I have the facts to back me up.

5 posted on 09/21/2004 5:33:28 AM PDT by Hillary's Lovely Legs (I was born naturally but raised Cesarean.)
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To: conservativecorner; Hillary's Lovely Legs

There's your roll-up - and I can't read it without my BP rising.

Thanks, CC. Please keep this someplace, because The Sheep will never see it.

6 posted on 09/21/2004 5:33:59 AM PDT by Old Sarge (ZOT 'em all, let MOD sort 'em out!)
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To: Hillary's Lovely Legs
Good overview here
7 posted on 09/21/2004 5:36:03 AM PDT by Barlowmaker
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To: Old Sarge

So far these are the questions I have been asked and how I have answered. There are about 20 of these questions.

In your view, will the war in Iraq prove worth its cost in American lives and tax dollars?

The cost of 9-11 in American lives and dollars was astronomical. We lost 3000 Americans on that day and our economic lost was in the billions. The destruction of lives, families, stocks and businesses is incomprehensible. 9-11 effected the entire world.. With our war in Afghanistan and Iraq, we have saved more lives that it has cost. Our strategy is working. We have taken the war to the terrorists and kept them off our shores. America is safer today because we are fighting terror.

How would you assess the performance of the Bush administration in meeting its goal of converting Iraq to a democracy?

Done better than expected..........Who would have guessed 4 years ago that Iraq would be a democracy, Saddam would be out of power, that the Taliban would have fallen, and we have disarmed Lybia.

How well do you think the United States has done in it’s war on terrorism? Very Well

Before 9-11 we had been attacked by terrorists on our African Embassies, The Cole, Pan Am Lockerbie, Beirut Embassy, Achille Lauro hijacking, and the First World Trade Center bombing.
Since our war on terror there has not been ONE SINGLE ATTACK on American soil. We are finding the terrorists and neutralizing them. We are winning this long war on terror.

8 posted on 09/21/2004 5:40:57 AM PDT by Hillary's Lovely Legs (I was born naturally but raised Cesarean.)
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To: Hillary's Lovely Legs

You may want to throw this in as well:

Kerry's defense record

9 posted on 09/21/2004 5:42:44 AM PDT by conservativecorner
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To: conservativecorner

I can't talk about Kerry in these answers. They want to know my positions on things.

Here's my next question:

In your view, what, if any, role should the government play in protecting American manufacturing jobs.

10 posted on 09/21/2004 5:45:10 AM PDT by Hillary's Lovely Legs (I was born naturally but raised Cesarean.)
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To: Hillary's Lovely Legs

remove the taxes American companies have to pay on exported products.

Level the playing field.
Taxes/tariffs don't exist any longer on imports.

11 posted on 09/21/2004 5:50:18 AM PDT by The Mayor (The mighty Architect of the universe became the humble Carpenter of Nazareth)
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To: Hillary's Lovely Legs

Here's something that may help you on this point:

The Clintons’ Glass House
The manufacturing job slump pre-dates Bush.

Sept. 9, 2003
By Greg Kaza

Critics quickly attacked Republican President George W. Bush's Labor Day proposal to create a "manufacturing czar" to address long-term job losses in the U.S.'s third largest private-industry sector. Last week’s non-farm payroll employment release (from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics) has given them more to squawk about.

"And what is President Bush's response to this unprecedented job loss?" U.S. Rep.Sherrod Brown (D., Ohio) asked. "More tax cuts for the most privileged people in our society." House Democratic Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi of California opined, "The problem is the president's economic policies, not a lack of staff to implement them." Suddenly some Democrats have discovered manufacturing.
Partisan criticism of President Bush's economic record has been a recurring theme in 2003, despite the National Bureau of Economic Research's July 17 declaration that the recession ended in November 2001.

Democratic hopefuls have been among Bush's most vocal critics. U.S. Sen. Hillary Clinton (D., N.Y.), accused him of having the worst economic policy since the Great Depression at an April fundraiser in Connecticut. "They have the most wrong-headed economic policies that we've seen since Herbert Hoover," she said. U.S. Sen. John Kerry (D., Mass.) has termed Bush the "job-loss president." U.S. Rep. Dennis Kucinich (D., Ohio) said, "I hope his tour of [Ohio] will include the empty factories and bankrupt corporations." These themes will continue through November 2004.

Critics like Clinton and Kerry should have started complaining about manufacturing job losses five years ago. Massachusetts and New York were among the 22 states that recorded losses during William Jefferson Clinton's presidency. Manufacturing employment reached a peak this business cycle in March 1998 under President Clinton, who had the worst record of job creation (1.9 percent) in the sector among Democrats since the 1930s.

Manufacturing employment expanded at higher percentage rates under presidents Roosevelt (69 percent; 1939-1945); Johnson (17.6 percent); Kennedy (5.5 percent); and Truman (4.8 percent). Even Jimmy Carter’s record (4.7 percent) is better. Yet the Bush critics were silent as this was occurring in the 1990s. Missouri Democrat Richard Gephardt has "talked manufacturing" more in his career than other presidential contenders. But he will be hard-pressed to stand on the weak record of the Clintons.

Eager to throw brickbats, the critics are silent about the glass house they built in the 1990s. There are fewer references in Bill Clinton's presidential papers to manufacturing sectors like automotive and steel than in Ronald Reagan and John F. Kennedy's papers. Do not waste your time searching for "manufacturing" references in the index of Hillary Clinton's book, Living History. There are none. She defends the stock market bubble but is silent on the Clinton legacy of manufacturing job losses. This is strange as she represents New York, which suffered more manufacturing job losses — 112,200 (13 percent) — under her husband than any other state.

The following states recorded manufacturing job losses under Bill Clinton (January 1993-January 2001): New York, North Carolina, New Jersey, Connecticut, Mississippi, Alabama, Tennessee, Pennsylvania, Massachusetts, Virginia, Rhvode Island, South Carolina, Missouri, Maryland, Delaware, Illinois, Florida, West Virginia, Maine, Alaska, Louisiana, and Hawaii.

Ironically, nine are southern states whose manufacturing sectors were hit hard during the Clinton administration. The duration of manufacturing job losses in the South have been among the nation's longest, and include West Virginia (February 1993), South Carolina (December 1994), Mississippi (January 1995), North Carolina (February 1995), Tennessee (March 1995), Alabama (September 1995), Florida (January 1997), Louisiana (November 1997), and Virginia (May 1998). Employment has declined in each state since the months indicated.

More than 90 percent of job losses under President Bush have occurred in the manufacturing sector, but the layoffs started under President Clinton. Undoubtedly, technological advances have caused some reductions. More goods can be produced with fewer workers. But monetary policy has also been an issue contributing to fluctuations in the manufacturing sector, an overlooked factor that dates to the Industrial Revolution. Bush Treasury Secretary John Snow's trip to China underscores this point.

There are other plausible explanations for manufacturing's problems. But the partisan critics, many of them attorneys — not entrepreneurs or workers — have not initiated a serious policy discussion. Their apparent strategy is to throw rocks. Remember the old saying, "People in glass houses ..."

12 posted on 09/21/2004 6:04:08 AM PDT by conservativecorner
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To: Hillary's Lovely Legs
Add these, if you can:

In your view, will the war in Iraq prove worth its cost in American lives and tax dollars?

The military dividends are already being paid out, in the form of improved training and equipment; changes in tactics and doctrine; better and more robust information collection and analysis; greater use of communications technology; and improved weapon systems.

In terms of military operations past and present the casualties from OIF/OEF have been insignificant. The near-orgasmic anticipation by the Socialists of mass casulaties was never satifsied.

How would you assess the performance of the Bush administration in meeting its goal of converting Iraq to a democracy?

Mission Accomplished - Again.

How well do you think the United States has done in it’s war on terrorism?

By what standard is success being measured? Use these:

Preventing Further Attacks In America Since 11 SEP 01 - SUCCESS

Destruction/Neutralization of al-Qaeda - work in progress, but thus far, SUCCESS

Denial of al-Qaeda Support and Bases - Afghanistan - SUCCESS; Iraq - SUCCESS; Philippines - SUCCESS; Libya - SUCCESS

Identification Of Terror-Sponsors - SUCCESS;

13 posted on 09/21/2004 6:09:25 AM PDT by Old Sarge (ZOT 'em all, let MOD sort 'em out!)
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To: 2banana

You forgot the Oklahoma City bombing in, I believe, 1995. There's no doubt in my mind there was me activities involved, particularly Iraqi involvement. But your list is quite impressive. Putting it all on the same page lets everyone know terrorists have been targeting non-muslims for a very long time. Put things in perspective.

14 posted on 09/21/2004 6:09:52 AM PDT by Not just another dumb blonde
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To: The Mayor

Here's the rest. Thanks for your helpful replies.

What is your estimate of how long the US will need troops in Iraq.

America remained in Germany after WW2 until 1954. We are still in Korea 50 after the war. We are training the Iraqi police and military so that we will be able to enact our exit strategy soon. We may always have a small force in Iraq for the safety of Americans and Iraqis. We hold a world presence which is necessary to keep America safe.

In your view, what, if any, role should the government play in protecting American manufacturing jobs.

*****We need to remove the taxes American companies have to pay on exported products. We also need to realize that the American worker is losing jobs due to advancements in technology and needs to be retrained in other skills to keep up with our expanding economy.

On the matter of abortion, how would you describe your views: Pro-Life

What is your view of the Mexico City Policy under which any international human service agency receiving US aid for family planning services is barred from performing abortions, counseling about abortions or campaigning to make abortion safer?

Appropriate policy

Regarding the tax cuts enacted during the Bush administration with the president’s support, Congress should:

Make them permanent

Do you support higher federal mileage standards (CAFÉ) for American Made cars and light trucks.


In your view, are America’s relations with the other nations of the world:

In pretty good shape. Who do the other countries of the world call upon for aid and support? They call on America.

In your view, how much safer is America today from a terrorist attack than before Sept 11.

More safe. We are arresting the terrorists in the world and US and have not had an attack on America since we began the War on Terror.

Is there anything the federal government can or should be doing to control the cost of gasoline?

America should use it’s own natural oil reserves and drill in ANWR. We should make ourselves less dependent on foreign oil.

Is there anything the federal government can or should be doing to control the cost of health care.

We should institute Medical Savings Accounts.

What, if anything, should the nation be doing about its 48 million people who have no health insurance coverage?

The 48 million number is incorrect. Many of the uninsured are uninsured by choice. The statistics include teenagers and college students covered under their parent’s policies and people who choose to spend their money on other priorities. We supply Americans with Medicare and Medicaid and we are doing everything we can to eliminate the high cost of fraud. We need to rethink our policies of free health care to illegal aliens which is crippling our hospitals in the Southwest.

Are you satisfied that the federal government is sufficiently engaged in efforts to improve the Great Lakes.

The president has repeated over and over that he will not allow the export of Great Lakes water and has enacted legislation and provided funding to save native fish that foreign invaders such as Asian carp are driving to extinction.

15 posted on 09/21/2004 6:15:24 AM PDT by Hillary's Lovely Legs (I was born naturally but raised Cesarean.)
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To: 2banana

Don't leave out:
the TWA 800 shootdown
The Olympic Games bombing in Atlanta
The Egyptian airliner which was flown into the Long Island Sound
Flight 587 over Queens in November of 2001
and, until someone proves to me otherwise,
the Murrah Building in OKC belongs on this list as well.
and while we're at it, if you want to include infidels killing Christians, 19 April 1993 Waco Texas.

16 posted on 09/21/2004 6:18:21 AM PDT by concretebob (Bill Clinton says his enemies are right wing religious fundamentalists..hey THATS ME)
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To: conservativecorner; 2banana

You guys are good! ;)

17 posted on 09/21/2004 6:26:27 AM PDT by <1/1,000,000th%
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To: Hillary's Lovely Legs

Very well said!

We finally now have an exit strategery for Germany.

not only make the tax cuts permanant, it is past time to eliminate the IRS and change the taxing system.

On Health care..
eliminate the endless lawsuits and enact TORT reform.
People like J. Edwards have made millions and have bankrupted doctors.
The cost of insurance for doctors now can be up to and beyond $150,000 a year.

18 posted on 09/21/2004 6:33:29 AM PDT by The Mayor (The mighty Architect of the universe became the humble Carpenter of Nazareth)
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To: Hillary's Lovely Legs

BUSH Three Years of Progress in the War on Terror
Fact Sheet
"In the three years since our country was attacked, we've taken steps to overcome new threats. We will continue to do everything in our power to defeat the terrorist enemy and to protect the American people. Recently, the Commission on the Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States came to a conclusion that I share: that our country is safer than it was on September the 11th, 2001, yet, we're still not safe. . . . We are a Nation in danger. We're doing everything we can in our power to confront the danger. We're making good progress in protecting our people and bringing our enemies to account. But one thing is for certain: We'll keep our focus and we'll keep our resolve and we will do our duty to best secure our country."
-- President George (August 2, 2004)
Three years have passed since the attacks of September 11, 2001. While the danger has not passed, America today is safer and stronger because of the actions taken by President Bush and his Administration to protect our country.
Protecting Our Homeland
The Bush Administration has made an unprecedented commitment to homeland security. Already, the President has led the largest reorganization of government in more than 50 years; strengthened our intelligence capabilities; expanded support for first responders and state homeland security efforts; and increased protection of our transportation systems, borders, ports, and critical infrastructure.
· Creating the Department of Homeland Security (DHS): The President has led the most extensive reorganization of the Federal Government in more than 50 years by creating DHS. DHS brought together 22 entities and over 180,000 employees with critical homeland security missions and provided the Nation with a single Federal department with the primary mission to protect the homeland against terrorist threats.
· Leading the Way on Reforming and Strengthening Intelligence and Coordination: President Bush has led the way on intelligence reform and has already undertaken a number of major reforms to improve intelligence collection, analysis, and sharing to obtain the best information on the terrorist threat to the Nation -- including:
o Acting on 36 of the 9/11 Commission's 41 recommendations: The President, on August 27, signed executive orders giving the Director of Central Intelligence many of the strengthened management powers over the Intelligence Community that will eventually belong to the National Intelligence Director (NID) proposed by the 9/11 Commission. He also established a National Counterterrorism Center (NCTC) to serve as a central knowledge bank on known and suspected terrorists and international terror groups, as well as their goals, strategies, capabilities, and networks of contacts. The NCTC will also provide strategic planning for U.S. government-wide counterterrorism activities. The President also ordered that additional actions be taken to continue to improve the sharing of terrorism information among agencies and to improve our information technology architecture.
o Proposing the creation of a National Intelligence Director (NID) with the authority needed to get the job done. The President intends to give the NID budget authority over the National Foreign Intelligence Program appropriation and the management tools necessary to successfully oversee the Intelligence Community, including ensuring the full integration of foreign and domestic intelligence. The President seeks intelligence reform legislation that is consistent with the recommendations of the 9/11 Commission.
o Transforming the FBI: For three years, the President has led the effort to transform the FBI into an agency focused on preventing terrorist attacks through intelligence collection and other key efforts, while improving its ability to perform its traditional role as a world-class law enforcement agency.
o Establishing the Terrorist Threat Integration Center (TTIC) to integrate and analyze terrorism threat-related information collected domestically and abroad, ensuring that intelligence and law enforcement entities are working together. Elements of the CIA, the Department of Defense (DoD), the Department of Justice, DHS, and the FBI work to close the "seams" in our intelligence analysis. Launched in early 2003, the TTIC has been regarded by the 9/11 Commission as the foundation for the newly established NCTC.
o Creating the Terrorist Screening Center to consolidate terrorist watchlists and provide 24/7 operational support for Federal and other government law enforcement personnel across the country and around the world. The Center ensures that government investigators, screeners, and agents are working with the same unified, comprehensive set of information about terrorists -- and that they have access to information and expertise that will allow them to act quickly when a suspected terrorist is screened or stopped.
o Creating U.S. Northern Command to provide for integrated homeland defense and coordinated DoD support to Federal, State, and local civilian governments.
o Proposing and signing into law the USA PATRIOT Act, which strengthens law enforcement's abilities to prevent, investigate, and prosecute acts of terror, facilitating Federal government efforts to thwart potential terrorist activity throughout the United States. President Bush continues to call on Congress to take action to ensure that these vital law enforcement tools do not expire.
o Creating a White House Homeland Security Council, led by a homeland security advisor who reports directly to the President, to coordinate homeland security policy across multiple departments and agencies -- modeled on the National Security Council.
o Creating the President's Board on Safeguarding American's Civil Liberties to continue to carry out the President's commitment to protecting the privacy and other rights of all Americans.
· Significantly Increasing Homeland Security Funding: Since 2001, the President has:
o Proposed a near tripling of funding for homeland security. The FY 2005 budget will increase homeland security funding by 9.7% over FY 2004 -- not counting homeland security funding in the Department of Defense and Project BioShield.
o Strengthened counterterrorism efforts through the Department of Justice (DOJ), proposing a 19% increase in homeland security funding for programs within DOJ over FY 2004 to $2.6 billion. The FY 2005 budget also brings overall FBI funding to $5.1 billion, a $1.9 billion (almost 60%) increase over the FY 2001 level.
o Allocated more than $13 billion to help State and local governments prepare for terrorism. President Bush has sought and secured historic and massive increases in funding for first responder preparedness since September 11, 2001. These funds should be spent on training and equipping first responders for terrorism preparedness and response.
· Bringing Terrorists to Justice and Disrupting Terror Cells Inside the United States: The Department of Justice has charged over 350 individuals uncovered in the course of terrorist investigations, and convicted or secured guilty pleas from over 185 individuals. The U.S. government has disrupted alleged terrorist cells in New York, Washington, Oregon, Northern Virginia, North Carolina, and Florida.
· Strengthening Transportation Security: The Administration instituted a multi-layered strategy to enhance aviation security from the curb to the cockpit. The Transportation Security Administration (TSA) screens 100% of commercial air passengers and bags. TSA has trained and authorized hundreds of pilots to carry firearms in the cockpit, directed the hardening of cockpit doors on 6,000 commercial aircraft, and stationed explosives-detection canine teams at each of the Nation's largest airports. Federal Air Marshals ride aboard our Nation's aircrafts, protecting passengers and crew. The President's FY 2005 budget proposes $5.3 billion for transportation security funding, a 93% ($4.9 billion) increase over FY 2001 levels.
· Improving Border Security:
o Three years ago, there were inspectors from three different Federal agencies at our ports of entry. Today, the Department of Homeland Security's U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) consolidates all port inspection activities into a single workforce to create "one face at the border." The Border Patrol is also part of CBP, creating synergy between inspectors at the ports and those patrolling between them. More than 18,000 CBP Officers, 1,400 CBP Agriculture Specialists, and 11,000 Border Patrol Agents guard our Nation's borders.
o The US-VISIT entry-exit system uses cutting-edge biometric technology to help ensure that our borders remain open to legitimate travelers but closed to terrorists. US-VISIT was launched at 116 airports and 16 seaports across the country and the program is expanding to land ports of entry. This program has been very successful, processing more than 8.5 million travelers since January. The President's FY 2005 budget includes $7.1 billion for border security funding, a $3 billion increase over FY 2001 levels.
· Increasing Port and Cargo Security:
o The President has significantly increased funding for the Coast Guard, including dramatic increases for port security and acquisition of new resources. The Coast Guard is creating over a dozen 100-person Maritime Safety and Security Teams, to provide point defense for critical infrastructure and high-value shipping; employing armed helicopters to provide waterside security; and reviewing thousands of new vessel, facility, and port security plans. Funding for Coast Guard port security efforts has increased over 500% from the beginning of this Administration through 2004. The Coast Guard's Deepwater fleet modernization project has received a total of $1.5 billion over the last three years, and the President has requested $678 million in his FY 2005 budget.
o DHS has strengthened measures to protect the Nation from smuggled radioactive materials and nuclear devices, by equipping CBP inspectors, Coast Guard boarding personnel, and Border Patrol agents with portable radiation detectors and installing radiation detection portals at sea, land, rail, and air ports of entry, including mail processing facilities. The first radiation portals were installed in March 2003.
o DHS established the National Targeting Center (NTC), which uses computer-assisted analytical protocols to determine which cargo and passengers destined for the United States present the greatest threat, focusing examinations and inspections on them. The NTC screens data on 100% of inbound seaborne shipping containers (6 million per year) to identify those posing a "high risk"; CBP personnel conduct examinations of 100% of high-risk containers.
o DHS established the Container Security Initiative (CSI), deploying CBP officials to 25 major international seaports to pre-screen shipping containers for illicit or dangerous materials before they are loaded on vessels bound for the United States. CSI includes the ports that ship roughly two-thirds of inbound containers to the United States. Additional ports are being added over the next two years.
· Significantly Expanding Our Biodefense Capabilities: Keeping Americans safe from the threat of bioterrorism has been a priority since the outset of the Administration. Since 2001, over $10 billion has been invested across all aspects of biodefense -- and NIH bioterrorism funding alone has increased by more than 3,000 percent. The President and the Administration have:
o Approved "Biodefense for the 21st Century" -- the first-ever national strategy against bio threats -- that provides a roadmap for developing comprehensive U.S. biodefense capabilities.
o Proposed and signed into law Project BioShield, which provides new tools to acquire medical countermeasures protecting Americans against a chemical, biological, radiological, or nuclear attack. Project BioShield is a comprehensive effort that will ensure that resources ($5.6 billion) are available to pay for "next-generation" medical countermeasures, expedite the conduct of NIH research and development on medical countermeasures based on the most promising recent scientific discoveries, and give FDA the ability to make promising treatments quickly available in emergency situations.
o Expanded international efforts to secure and keep dangerous biological materials out of the hands of terrorists.
o Deployed early warning environmental sampling systems -- the BioWatch program -- making it possible to detect biological weapons attacks against major cities. To date, the BioWatch program has analyzed more than one million samples.
o Increased biodefense medical research and development within the Department of Health and Human Services to more than $1.5 billion per year since 2003, thirty times the investment in 2001.
o Expanded funding five-fold for the Strategic National Stockpile of medicines for treating victims of terror attacks, ensuring that "push packages" can be anywhere in the United States within 12 hours.
o Stockpiled enough smallpox vaccine for every American and vaccinated over 600,000 members of the armed services. Trained hundreds of thousands of first responders to recognize and respond to the effects of WMD.
o Created the National Biodefense Analysis and Countermeasure Center to systematically apply, for the first time, cutting-edge science to the study of classified intelligence about foreign weapons programs and develop first-class forensics in support of law enforcement investigations of biological crimes.
o Initiated a major new agriculture and food program to defend against diseases, pests, or poisons that could intentionally by delivered by acts of terrorism.
· Protecting Critical Infrastructure: The Administration has made unprecedented efforts to protect America's critical infrastructure against the threat of terrorism -- including strengthened security for chemical plants, nuclear facilities, and other potential targets of terrorists. The President's FY 2005 budget includes $864 million for DHS information analysis and critical infrastructure protection -- a seven-fold increase over FY 2002 levels.
Progress in the Global War on Terror
· Three Commitments in Our Strategy for Peace: To overcome the dangers of our time, America is also taking a new approach in the world. We are determined to challenge new threats -- not ignore them and simply wait for future tragedy. Our strategy for peace has three commitments:
o First, we are defending the peace by taking the fight to the enemy -- confronting them overseas so we do not have to confront them here at home. We are destroying the leadership of terrorist networks in sudden raids, disrupting their planning and financing, and shrinking the space in which they can freely operate by denying them territory and the support of governments.
o Second, we are protecting the peace by working with friends and allies and international institutions to isolate and confront terrorists and outlaw regimes. America is leading a broad coalition of nations to disrupt WMD proliferation. We are working with the United Nations, the International Atomic Energy Agency, and other international organizations to take action to preserve our common security.
o Third, we are extending the peace by supporting the rise of democracy -- and the hope and progress that democracy brings -- as the alternative to hatred and terror in the broader Middle East. In democratic and successful societies, men and women do not swear allegiance to malcontents and murderers; they turn their hearts and labor to building better lives. And democratic governments do not shelter terrorist camps, or attack their peaceful neighbors.
· Three Years of Progress: We have followed this strategy -- defending the peace, protecting the peace, and extending the peace -- for nearly three years, and the results are now clear for all to see.
o Afghanistan: Three years ago, Afghanistan was the home base of al-Qaida -- a country ruled by the Taliban, one of the most backward and brutal regimes of modern history. Today, a presidential election is scheduled for this fall, the terror camps are closed, and the Afghan government is helping us to hunt the Taliban and terrorists in remote regions. Today, because we acted to liberate Afghanistan, a threat has been removed, and the American people are safer.
o Pakistan: Three years ago, Pakistan was one of the few countries in the world that recognized the Taliban regime, and al-Qaida was active and recruiting in Pakistan without serious opposition. Yet the United States was not on good terms with key Pakistani leaders -- the very people we would need to help shut down al-Qaida operations in that part of the world. Today, the United States and Pakistan are working closely in the fight against terror, and Pakistani forces are rounding up terrorists along their nation's western border. President Musharraf is a friend of our country who helped us capture Khalid Sheik Mohammed, the operational planner behind the 9/11 attacks. Today, because we are working with Pakistani leaders, Pakistan is an ally in the war on terror, and the American people are safer.
o Saudi Arabia: Three years ago, terrorists were well-established in Saudi Arabia. Inside that country, fundraisers and other facilitators gave al-Qaida financial and logistical help -- with little scrutiny or opposition. Today, after attacks in Riyadh and elsewhere, the Saudi government knows that al-Qaida is its enemy. Saudi Arabia is working hard to shut down the facilitators and financial supporters of terrorism, and they have captured or killed many first-tier leaders of the al-Qaida organization in Saudi Arabia. Today, because Saudi Arabia has seen the danger and joined the war on terror, the American people are safer.
o Iraq: Three years ago, the ruler of Iraq was a sworn enemy of America, who provided a safe haven for terrorists, had used weapons of mass destruction, and turned his nation into a prison. Saddam Hussein was a proven mass murderer who refused to account for his weapons of mass murder.
§ The Bush Administration, Members of Congress, and the United Nations Security Council looked at the intelligence on Iraq and saw a threat. The previous Administration and the Congress looked at the intelligence -- and made regime change in Iraq the policy of our country.
§ In 2002, the UN Security Council yet again demanded a full accounting of Saddam Hussein's weapons programs. As he had for 12 years, Saddam Hussein refused to comply. So President Bush had a choice to make: either take the word of a ruthless dictator, or take action to defend America. Faced with that choice, President Bush will defend America every time.
§ We were right to go into Iraq. We removed a declared enemy of America, who had defied the international community for 12 years, and who had the capability of producing weapons of mass murder, and could have passed that capability to terrorists bent on acquiring them. Although we have not found stockpiles of weapons of mass destruction, in the world after September 11th, that was a risk we could not afford to take.
§ Today, the dictator who caused decades of death and turmoil -- who twice invaded his neighbors, who harbored terrorist leaders, and used chemical weapons, is finally before the bar of justice. Iraq is now becoming an example of reform to the region. Iraqi security forces are fighting beside coalition troops to defeat terrorists and foreign fighters. Today, because America and our coalition helped to end the violent regime of Saddam Hussein, and because we are helping to raise a peaceful democracy in its place, the American people are safer.
o Libya: Three years ago, Libya, a longtime supporter of terror, was spending millions to acquire chemical and nuclear weapons. Today, thousands of Libya's chemical munitions have been destroyed, and equipment to produce nuclear materials that could ultimately have threatened the lives of hundreds of thousands is stored in Oak Ridge, Tennessee. Today, because the Libyan government saw the determination of the civilized world, and correctly judged its own interests, the American people are safer.
o Weapons Proliferation: Three years ago, a private weapons proliferation network, operated by Pakistani nuclear scientist A.Q. Khan, was selling nuclear plans and equipment to countries like Libya, Iran, and North Korea. Today, the A.Q. Khan network has been exposed, we have ended one of the most dangerous sources of proliferation in the world, and the American people are safer.
§ Breaking this proliferation network was possible because of outstanding work by the CIA. Dedicated intelligence officers were tireless in obtaining vital information, sometimes at great personal risk. Our intelligence services do an essential job for America.
§ The Senate Intelligence Committee has identified some shortcomings in our intelligence capabilities -- and the Committee's report will help us in the work of reform. President Bush believes that intelligence reform efforts should: 1) increase the number of intelligence agents to cover the globe; 2) invest in the best, cutting-edge technology to listen and look for dangers; and 3) result in better coordination among intelligence services.
§ The President proposed the establishment of the Proliferation Security Initiative (PSI). PSI is a broad international partnership of countries which, using their own laws and resources, will coordinate their actions to interdict shipments of dangerous technologies to and from states and non-state actors of proliferation concern -- at sea, in the air, and on land.
§ The President proposed and the United States led the effort to pass UN Security Council Resolution 1540, which requires states to criminalize proliferation of weapons of mass destruction and their means of delivery by non-state actors, enact and implement effective export controls, and secure proliferation-sensitive materials.
o Missile Defense: The United States will soon begin the operational deployment of an initial capability to defend against long-range ballistic missiles from rogue states such as North Korea. While this initially will be a limited capability, it will provide a basis for improvements as the threats and technologies evolve.
§ Terrorist Financing: On September 23, 2001, President Bush opened a new front in the war on terror by signing an Executive Order to freeze the U.S.-based assets of individuals and organizations involved with terrorism, and authorizing the Secretaries of State and the Treasury to identify, designate, and freeze the U.S.-based assets of terrorists and their supporters. Since September 11, 2001:
§ The United States has designated 387 entities as terrorists or supporters of designated terrorists and frozen nearly $142 million in terrorist-related assets. More than $37 million has been frozen in the United States.
§ The U.S. Government has identified and frozen over $4.5 million in al-Qaida-related funds. In addition, almost $72 million has been frozen by other governments worldwide.
§ Almost 1,500 terrorist-related accounts and transactions have been blocked around the world, including 151 in the United States.
§ Over 80 countries have also introduced new terrorism-related legislation, and 94 have established Financial Intelligence Units.
§ Consistent with applicable UN Security Council Resolutions, more than 170 countries and jurisdictions have issued freezing orders.

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Its the Terrorist Scumbag Scorecard
Name Function Status Location

The Shura Majlis serves as the board of directors for al-Qaeda, with bin Laden assuming the position of the chief executive officer. While it existed in rudimentary form prior to the creation of the International Islamic Front for Jihad Against Jews and Crusaders in 1998, the structure underwent a dramatic change during the summer of 2001 when both Gamaa al-Islamiyyah and the Egyptian Islamic Jihad formally merged with al-Qaeda’s command structure and their leaderships were integrated into the former organization. Location is listed if known.
Osama bin Laden Emir-General Possibly killed at Tora Bora in Dec. 2001, now believed to be at large Unknown but frequently reported to be in the Baluchistan area of Pakistan.
Ayman al-Zawahiri Second-in-Command/Egyptian Islamic Jihad Emir At Large Bangladesh as of September 2002
Thirwat Salah Shirhata Egyptian Islamic Jihad Deputy Emir At Large Unknown
Rifa'i Taha Musa Gamaa al-Islamiyyah Secretary-General At Large Unknown
Mustafa Hamza Gamaa al-Islamiyyah Deputy Emir At Large Unknown
Mohammed Atef Supreme Military Commander Dead (November 2001) Hell
Saif al-Adel Former second-in-command of al-Qaeda's military, became Supreme Military Commander after Atef's death. At Large Iran as of August 2002
Abd al-Aziz al-Jamal Former top aide to Ayman al-Zawahiri, now Deputy Military Commander under Saif al-Adel. At Large Iran as of August 2002
Abu Zubaydah Global Operations Chief Apprehended (April 2002) In Custody
Abu Jafar al-Jaziri Deputy Global Operations Chief Dead (April 2002) Hell
Abu Musab Zarqawi Former Southeast Asian Operations Chief, currently Global Operations Chief, replacing Zubaydah. At Large-Recent reports (7/04)of his capture are being checked. Running the anti-coalition terror in Iraq.
Abu Zubair al-Haili North African Operations Chief Apprehended (June 2002) In Custody
Tawfiq Attash Khallad Leader of USS Cole Operation, South Asian Operations Chief Apprehended (March 2003) In Custody
Abd al-Rahim al-Nashiri Middle East Operations Chief Apprehended (November 2002) In Custody
Abu Mohammed al-Masri * East African Operations Chief At Large Unknown
Tariq Anwar al-Sayyid Ahmad Balkans Operations Chief Dead (February 2002) Hell
Mohammed Salah Senior Explosive Expert, Central African Operations Chief Dead (December 2001) Hell
Yasser al-Jaziri Deputy Head of Explosives Training Apprehended (March 2003) In Custody
Mahfouz Ould al-Walid (aka Abu Hafs the Mauritanian, aka "Mr. Mauritania") Theologian Formerly believed dead, now believed to be at large Iran
Zaid Khayr Operations Chief (?) At Large Unknown
Haffan al-Hasham Deputy communications chief Apprehended (March 2003) In Custody
Muhammad Naeem Noor Khan aka Abu Talha Khan AQ Computer & Communications expert Apprehended (July 2004) In Custody

These are bin Laden’s aides, security chiefs, and immediate family members. While only a handful of those listed possesses any true value to al-Qaeda, their capture will demonstrate just how close the United States is to tracking down and apprehending or eliminating the al-Qaeda leader and his top lieutenants.
Amin al-Haq Shura Majlis Security Chief At Large Unknown
Abdallah Tabarak Tora Bora CINC Apprehended (December 2001) In Custody
Saif al-Din al-Ansari Theological Advisor to Osama bin Laden At Large Unknown
Abu Ubeid al-Qurashi Military Advisor to Osama bin Laden At Large Unknown
Abu Bashir al-Yemeni Political Advisor to Osama bin Laden At Large Unknown
Saad bin Laden Spawn of Satan, Operations Chief, heir Apparent Reported to be Apprehended, likely still at Large Iran
Mahammed bin Laden Spawn of Satan, Security Chief At Large Iran
Hamza bin Laden Spawn of Satan Reported to be Apprehended, likely still at Large Iran
Saif bin Laden Spawn of Satan At Large Iran

Prior to Operation Enduring Freedom, al-Qaeda maintained training facilities in Afghanistan, Indonesia, Sudan, the Philippines, northern Albania and Chechnya. Al-Qaeda recruits are divided into four groups: mujahideen (foot soldiers), shahideen (suicide bombers), takfiri (sleepers), and ansar (support personnel), each with their own specialized training and indoctrination. Capturing the terrorist training camp commanders is of utmost necessity to the success of the War on Terror.
Abu Mohammed (Sharif) al-Misri General Manager of Training Camps At Large Unknown
Sheikh Ibn al-Liby (Ibn al-Shaykh al-Libi) Terrorist Training Camp Commander Apprehended (January 2002) In Custody
Abd al-Hadi al-Iraqi Terrorist Training Camp Commander Apprehended (April 2002) In Custody
Qari Saifullah Akhtar Terrorist Training Camp Commander Apprehended (August 2004) In Custody
Fathur Rahman al-Ghozi Terrorist Training Camp Commander Apprehended (December 2001) In Custody
Abdul Aziz Terrorist Training Camp Commander At Large Unknown
Abdul Rahin Ayub Terrorist Training Camp Commander At Large Unknown
Parlindugan Siregar Terrorist Training Camp Commander At Large Indonesia
Omar Bandon Terrorist Training Camp Commander At Large Indonesia
Syawal Terrorist Training Camp Commander At Large Indonesia

Al-Qaeda has at its disposal a great deal of money from a wide variety of sources that include everything from legitimate businesses to an elaborate network of Islamic charities and NGOs created for the purpose of supplying funds to the organization. This committee is responsible for the administration and distribution of the group’s funds, as well as transferring assets to avoid their being frozen.
Sheikh Saiid al-Masri (Mustafa Ahmed al-Hisawi) Head of the Financial Committee Apprehended (March 2003) In Custody
Mohammed Jamal Khalifa Financier and envoy to the Saudi Bin Laden Group At Large Saudi Arabia as of October 2002
Saad al-Sharif Financier / OBL's Brother in Law At Large Unknown
Ahmed Saeed al-Kadr Financier At Large Unknown
Khalil Saeed Deek Financier At Large Unknown
Wan min Wan Mat Financier Apprehended (September 2002) In Custody
Abdul Rahim Riyadh Financier Apprehended (February 2002) In Custody
Abu Salah al-Yemeni Financier Dead (February 2002) Hell
Hamza al-Qatari Financier Dead (March 2002) Hell
Sheik Mohammed Al Hasan Al-Moayad Financier / Cleric Apprehended (January 2003) In Custody
Mohammed Mohsen Yahya Zayed Financier / Cleric Apprehended (January 2003) In Custody
Abu Yasir al-Jaziri Financier Apprehended (March 2003) In Custody

While al-Qaeda’s sources of funding are manifold, its largest sources of funding are found in twelve wealthy Saudi businessmen who are known within the organization as “the Golden Chain” and contribute millions every year. So long as this chain of financing remains intact, the group will remain able to regroup and reform itself to strike again. Also included within this list are al-Qaeda’s official contacts within both the Saudi Bin Laden Group as well as those elements of House Saud that support the group’s aims. All publicly known members are listed and other names will be added as soon as they become available.
Khalid bin Mafouz Former CEO of the Saudi National Commercial Bank At Large Saudi Arabia
Saleh Abdullah Kamel Co-founder of the al-Shamal Bank At Large Saudi Arabia
Abdullah Suleiman al-Rajhi CEO of al-Rajhi Bank At Large Saudi Arabia
Abdel Abdul Jalil Batterjee Founder of the Benevolence International Foundation At Large Saudi Arabia
Wael Hamza Julaidan Chairman of the Pakistan branch of the Muslim World League At Large Saudi Arabia
Mohammed Hussein al-Amoudi Founder of the al-Haramain Foundation At Large Saudi Arabia
Yassin al-Qadi Chairman of the al-Haramain Foundation At Large Saudi Arabia

In order to remain in touch with its plethora of affiliate organizations worldwide, al-Qaeda maintains a corps of “terrorist ambassadors,” operations chiefs whose duty is to maintain and coordinate operations with local affiliate groups. This list is incomplete and will be revised accordingly as more data becomes available.
Abdelwahid Ahmed Alwan Ambassador to the GSPC Dead (November 2002) Hell
Hamid Saadaoui Successor to Abdelwahid Ahmed Alwan At Large Algeria
Abu Leith al-Lybi Ambassador to the GIA At Large Algeria
Saif al-Islam al-Masri Ambassador to the al-Ansar Apprehended (May 2002) In Custody
Salah Hajir Ambassador to the Asbat al-Ansar At Large Lebanon
Qari Akka Ambassador to the IMU At Large Unknown
Abu Iyad Ambassador to the UFCM At Large Georgia
Omar al-Farouq Ambassador to Jemaah Islamiyyah Apprehended (Summer 2002) In Custody
Syafullah al-Yemeni Successor to Omar al-Farouq At Large Indonesia

This group acts as al-Qaeda’s unofficial spokesmen and are responsible for the spread of its ideology throughout the Islamic world. Other unofficial members of the committee not listed on this list are members of the Khalifah, Hizb-ut-Tahrir, and Salafist movements.
Suleiman Abu Ghaith Spokesman Apprehended In Custody in Iran
Thabet ibn Qais Spokesman At Large Unknown
Sheikh Abu Hamza al-Masri Head of Supporters of Sha’riah At Large United Kingdom
Sheikh Omar al-Bakri Head of al-Muhajiroun At Large United Kingdom
Adil al-Jaziri Member Apprehended In Custody
Sheikh Abu Qatada al-Philisteeni Spokesman Apprehended In Custody

Al-Qaeda employs a number of Muslim scientists of various nationalities, principally Egypt, to assist them in the creation and procurement of chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear weapons.
Midhat Mursi Emir of the WMD Committee At Large Unknown
Abu Khabab Chief chemical weapons scientist At Large Unknown
Assadalah Abdul Rahman Chief of WMD procurement At Large Unknown
Abu Bashir al-Yemeni Unknown At Large Unknown

Al-Qaeda maintains, in addition to its considerable legions of terrorist cells, a number of quasi-military formations spread across the globe in Algeria, Eritrea, Somalia, Kosovo, Macedonia, Chechnya, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Uzbekistan, Bangladesh, Indonesia, and the Philippines. Most of its military commanders are veterans past Islamic insurgencies and are considered primary targets for anti-terrorism efforts. This remains a work in progress and anyone with definitive information on the Bosnian, Kosovo, Macedonia, and Azerbaijan-based al-Qaeda would be obliged to contact me.
Khalid Sheikh Mohammed Emir of the Martyrdom Battalion Apprehended (March 2003) In Custody
Ramzi Yousef 1993 WTC Bomber, Operation Bojinka Apprehended (1995) In Custody
Hassan Ghul Zarqawi's courier to bin Laden, KSM's aide Apprehended (Jan 2004) In Custody
Mosabir Aroochi KSM's nephew Apprehended (June 2004) In Custody
Abu Faraj al-Liby Libyan Al-Qaeda Planner, succeeded KSM At Large Believed to be in Pakistan
"Hamza" Egyptian Al-Qaeda Planner, aide to al-Liby At Large Believed to be in Pakistan
Hanbali (Nurjaman Riduan Isamuddin) South East Asia Operations Chief Apprehended (August 2003) In Custody
Abdel Azeem al-Muhajir Tunisia Operations Chief At Large Pakistan
Faisal Abdullah Mohammed Somalia Operations Chief At Large Somalia
Bilal bin Marwan Arabian Sea Commander-in-Chief At Large Iran
Qaed Salim Sinan al-Harethi Yemen Operations Chief Dead November (2002) Hell
Abu Ali el-Kandahari Yemeni Operations Chief - Successor to al-Harethi At Large Yemen
Mohammed Hamdi al-Ahdal Yemeni conspirator in Cole Bombing Apprehended In Custody
Mohsen al-Fadli Kuwait Commander-in-Chief Apprehended In Custody
Abdel Hari al-Iraqi Afghanistan Commander-in-Chief At Large Unknown
Abdullah Saidov (Sayyid Abdullah Nuri Masood) Tajikistan Operations Chief At Large Uzbekistan (Ferghana Valley)
Mohammed Sharif Himmatzade Military advisor to Abdullah Saidov At Large Uzbekistan (Ferghana Valley)
Imam Samudra Java Commander-in-Chief Apprehended (November 2002) In Custody
Mas Selamat Kastari Singapore Commander-in-Chief Apprehended (February 2003) In Custody
Khalid Ansari Australia Operations Chief At Large Unknown
Ahmed Zaoui Assassin-Algeria, Burkina Faso, and Afghanistan Apprehended (December 2002) In Custody
Essid Sami ben Khemais Southern Europe Commander-in-Chief Apprehended In Custody
Lionel Dumont France Operations Chief At Large Unknown
Abdel Karim al-Hadouti Belgium Operations Chief At Large Algeria as of November 2001
Fouzi al-Hadouti Aide to Abdel Karim, senior explosives expert At Large Algeria as of November 2001
Ali Ahmeti Kosovo/Macedonia Operations Chief At Large Kosovo
Saqar al-Jadawi Military Commander At Large Unknown
Mohammed Omar Abdel Rahman Military Commander Apprehended (March 2003) In Custody
Ahmed Omar Abdel Rahman Military Commander Apprehended (December (2001) In Custody
Mustafa Abdul Kader Abed Al Ansari Military Commander At Large Saudi Arabia

Al-Qaeda is, above all else, an organization of organizations, and uses lesser terrorist groups as affiliates and franchises in order to accomplish its objectives on a local level. Hezbollah is not included on this list because it remains an equal partner with al-Qaeda, not an affiliate or subordinate organization.
Shamil Basayev Emir of the United Forces of the Caucasian Mujahideen (UFCM) At Large At Large
Amir ibn al-Khattab Emir of al-Ansar Dead (March 2002) Hell
Abu al-Walid Deputy Emir of al-Ansar At Large Dagestan, Russian Federation
Amir Badalov Azeri Jamaat leader At Large Georgia
Rovshan Kitab-Ogly Azeri Jamaat military commander At Large Georgia
Faraj Ahmad Najmuddin aka Mullah Krekar Leader of Ansar al-Islam Apprehended (February 2003) In custody but the girlie Norwegians may release him
Abu Baker al Tawhed Cofounder with Krekar of Ansar al-Islam At Large Iraq
Antar Zouabri National Emir of the Armed Islamic Group (GIA) Dead (Febuary 2002) Hell
Rachid Abu Tourab Deputy Emir of the GIA At Large Algeria
Hassan Hattab Emir of the Salafist Group for Call and Combat (GSPC) At Large Algeria
Abdullah Shreidi Asbat al-Nour leader At Large Lebanon
Ahmad al-Karim al-Sadi Asbat al-Ansar leader At Large Lebanon
Mullah Omar Supreme Leader of the Taliban At Large Unknown
Rozi Khan Taliban Commander Killed (August 2004) Hell
Mullah Abdul Jalal Deputy Taliban Foreign Minister Apprehended (August 2004) In Custody
Gulbuddin Hekmatyar Leader of Hizb-e-Islami At Large Unknown
Haji Jalil Hekmatyar's aide and military commander Apprehended (Aug 2003) In Custody
Mullah Hahsan Mahsum Emir of the East Turkestan Islamic Movement At Large Uzbekistan (Ferghana Valley)
Ismail Kadir ETIM envoy to Afghanistan Apprehended (July 2002) In Custody
Juma Namangani Emir of the Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan Reported dead in November 2001, but the Kyrgz Security Council believes him to be alive Uzbekistan (Ferghana Valley), if alive
Tahir Yuldosh Deputy Emir of the IMU At Large Pakistan
Mohammed Taher Baldash Military Commander of the IMU At Large Pakistan
"Attaullah" Leader of Uzbek group Jundullah Apprehended (June 2004) In Custody
Farkhad Yusupov Involved in Uzbekistan bomb spree Apprehended (March 2004) In Custody
Sheikh Mubarak Ali Gilani Emir of Jamaat ul-Fuqra At Large Pakistan
Richard C. Reid Member of Jamaat ul-Fuqra, shoebomber Apprehended (December 2001) In Custody
Fazlur Rehman Khalil Harakat ul-Ansar/Harakat ul-Mujahideen commander At Large Pakistan
Bakht Zamin Khan al-Badr commander-in-chief At Large Pakistan
Sharib Zubair Harakat ul-Mujahideen al-Ami Apprehended (September 2002) In Custody
Sayyid Salahuddin Emir of the Hizb ul-Mujahideen At Large Pakistan
Maulana Masood Azhar Jaish-e-Mohammed commander At Large Pakistan
Hafiz Saeed Lashkar-e-Tayyaba leader Apprehended (December 2001) In Custody
Hafiz Khalid Walid Lashkar-e-Tayyaba deputy leader At Large Pakistan
Mohammed Latif Lashkar-e-Tayyaba commander At Large Pakistan
Sheikh Jamil ur-Rahman Tehrik ul-Mujahideen emir At Large Pakistan
Riaz Basra Lashkar-e-Jhangvi Apprehended (January 2002) In Custody
Raja Waqar Al-Qaeda Operative, Pakistani policeman Apprehended (August 2004) In Custody
Omar Rahman Involved in Musharraf Murder plot Apprehended (August 2004) In Custody
Hashim Salamat Secretary-General of the Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF) At Large Philippines
Eid Kabalu MILF spokesman At Large Philippines
al-Haj Murad Ibrahim MILF assistant secretary-general At Large Philippines
Ghazali Jaafar MILF military commander At Large Philippines
Sammy al-Mansoor MILF chief of staff At Large Philippines
Khadafi Janjalani Emir of Abu Sayyaf At Large Philippines
Radulan Sahiron Abu Sayyaf military commander At Large Philippines
Isnilon Hapilon Abu Sayyaf operations chief At Large Philippines
Hamsiraj Sali Abu Sayyaf liaison to Iraq At Large Philippines
Mujib Susukan Abu Sayyaf military commander Dead (Febuary 2003) Hell
Maid Sampang Abu Sayyaf explosives expert Apprehended (January 2003) In Custody
Mark Bolkerin Gumbahale Abu Sayyaf explosives expert Apprehended (October 2002) In Custody
Adjid Moro Abu Sayyaf procurement officer Apprehended (January 2003) In Custody
Mariano Lomarda Leader of Rajah Solaiman group Apprehended (March 2003) In Custody
Nedhal Falah Awwad al-Dhalain Financier for Rajah Solaiman group Apprehended (May 2002) In Custody
Ahmad Abdellatif Jubran Responsible for several bombings in PI, Linked to Mohammed Jamal Khalifa Apprehended (May 2002) In Custody
Bindang Andang Leader of a Abu Sayyaf kidnapping ring Apprehended (July 2004) In Custody
Maulana Fazlur Rahman Head of Jamaat-e-Islamiah At Large Pakistan
Abubakar Bashir Jemaah Islamiyyah spiritual leader Apprehended (October 2002) In Custody
Mukhlas (Ali Gufron) Jemaah Islamiyyah operations chief Apprehended (October 2002) In Custody
Mohammed Iqbal Abdurraham (Abu Jibril) Jemaah Islamiyyah deputy operations chief At Large Unknown
Zulkarnaen Jemaah Islamiyyah military commander At Large Unknown
Azahari Jemaah Islamiyyah explosives expert At Large Unknown
Abdul Manaf Kamsuri Malaysian Army officer tied to JI Apprehended In Custody
Habib Rizieq Shihab Islamic Defense Front leader Apprehended (October 2002) In Custody
Ibrahim Maidin Jemaah Islamiyyah recruiting officer At Large Unknown
Agus Dwikairna Founding member of Rabitatul Mu-jahidin, Associate of al-Zwahari and Omar al-Farouq Apprehended (March 2002) In Custody
Abdul Jamal Balfas Member of Rabitatul Mu-jahidi Apprehended (March 2002) In Custody
Tamsil Linrung Member of Rabitatul Mu-jahidi Apprehended (March 2002) In Custody
Ismail Bali bomber Apprehended In Custody
Azahari bin Husin Bali bomber Apprehended In Custody
Noordin Mohammed Top Bali bomber Apprehended In Custody
Abdelkader Mokhtari AQ Commander for Bosnia, “Osama Bin Laden, Jr.” At Large Unknown
Bensayah Belkacem AQ operative with contacts all the way to OBL Apprehended (October 2001) In Custody
Elfatih Hassanein Founder of Third World Relief Agency (terror front) At Large Unknown
Abu Jusuf, Abu al-Haris, Abu al Migvar, Abu Hamza, Abu Yassir + AQ Bagmen At Large Unknown
Abu al-Ma'ali Commander of el-Mojahed, Member of GIA At Large Unknown
Hisham Diab Member of New Jihad
Abikar Mohammed Ali Mombosa Bombing Plotter Apprehended (March 2003) In Custody
Aboud Rogo Mohammed Mombosa Bombing Plotter Apprehended (March 2003) In Custody
Mohammed Kubwa Mombosa Bombing Plotter Apprehended (March 2003) In Custody
Omar Said Omar Mombosa Bombing Plotter Apprehended (March 2003) In Custody
Mohammed Ali Saleh Nabhan Mombosa Bombing Plotter Apprehended (March 2003) In Custody
Abu Bakar South African terror operative Apprehended (July 2004) In Custody
Zubair Ismail South African terror operative Apprehended (July 2004) In Custody
Issa al-Britani AKA Abu Eisa al-Hindi Author of "Jihad handbook", did recon in the US Apprehended (August 2004) In Custody
Abu "The Hook" Hamza al-Masri Extremist Cleric in UK, implicated in establishing terror camps Apprehended In Custody
Babar Ahmad AQ computer specialist, fundraiser, money launderer Apprehended (August 2004) In Custody
Habib Akdas Turkish Commander- Istanbul Bomb Plot Killed (September 2004) Hell

The September 11 attacks were the most sophisticated operation in the modern history of terrorism and as such required a sophisticated network of al-Qaeda operatives spanning from Germany to Malaysia. Some of these individuals have been taken into custody, but a disturbing number continue remain at large.
Zacarias Moussaoui Martyrdom Battalion operative Apprehended (August 2001) In Custody
Ramzi Binalshibh 9/11 operations chief Apprehended (September 2002) In Custody
Mounir al-Motassadeq 9/11 operations planner Apprehended In Custody
Zakariya Essabar 9/11 operations planner At Large Unknown
Said Bahaji 9/11 operations planner At Large Unknown
Abdelghani Mzoudi 9/11 financier Apprehended (Febuary 2003) In Custody
Mohammed Galeb Kalaje Zouaydi 9/11 financier Apprehended (April 2002) In Custody
Aftab Ansari 9/11 financier At Large Pakistan
Yazid Sufaat Al-Qaeda operative Apprehended (November 2002) In Custody
Abdulaziz Saudi al-Rasheed Al-Qaeda operative Apprehended (August 2002) In Custody
Sheikh Ahmed al-Hawashi Al-Qaeda recruiter At Large Saudi Arabia
Mohammed Haydar Zammar Al-Qaeda recruiter Apprehended In Custody (Syria)

Contrary to popular belief, many of the individuals on the FBI’s most wanted list are not senior al-Qaeda leaders but are rather either low-level terrorists who have been involved in previous attacks on US installations. The focus of this list, however, is to take note of the non-al-Qaeda terrorists on the FBI list.
Imad Fayez Mugniyah Hezbollah, Islamic Revolutionary Guards, global operations chief At Large Alternates between Lebanon (Bekaa Valley) and Iran
Ali Atwa Hezbollah (Iran), Coalition for Revolutionary Justice operative At Large Lebanon (Bekaa Valley)
Hasan Izz-Al-Din Hezbollah (Iran), Coalition for Revolutionary Justice operative At Large Lebanon (Bekaa Valley)
Abdullah Ahmed Abdullah African Embassy Bomber At Large Unknown
Abdelkarim Hussein Mohamed Al-Nasser Khobar Towers Bomber At Large Unknown
Muhsin Musa Matwalli Atwah African Embassy Bomber At Large Unknown
Anas Al-Liby African Embassy Bomber At Large Unknown
Ahmed Khalfan Ghailani African Embassy Bomber Apprehended (July 2004) In Custody
Ahmed Mohammed Hamed Ali African Embassy Bomber At Large Unknown
Fazul Abdullah Mohammed African Embassy Bomber At Large Unknown
Mustafa Mohamed Fadhil African Embassy Bomber At Large Unknown
Sheikh Ahmed Salim Swedan African Embassy Bomber At Large Unknown
Abdul Rahman Yasin**** 1993 WTC Bombing At Large Unknown
Fahid Mohammed Ally Msalam African Embassy Bomber At Large Unknown
Ahmad Ibrahim Al-Mughassil Khobar Towers Bomber At Large Unknown
Ali Saed Bin Ali El-Hoorie Khobar Towers Bomber At Large Unknown
Saif Al-Adel African Embassy Bomber At Large Unknown
Ibrahim Salih Mohammed Al-Yacoub African Embassy Bomber At Large Unknown

Others of Interest / Unclassified

Juma Ibraham Al-Qaeda Operative/Messenger Apprehended (July 2004) In Custody
Mohammed Sultan Al-Qaeda Operative/Messenger Apprehended (July 2004) In Custody
Khaled al-Harbi Bin Laden Associate, man on 9/11 video Apprehended (July 2004) In Custody
Mohammad Salman Eisa aka Ibraham Al-Qaeda Operative Apprehended (Aug 2004) In Custody
Farida Goolam Mohamed Ahmed "South African" Pakistani courier caught in Texas Apprehended (August 2004) In Custody
Yassin Aref Kurd, Albany missile plot linked to Ansar al-islam Apprehended (August 2004) In Custody
Mohammed Hossain Bangladeshi, Albany missile plot Apprehended (August 2004) In Custody
Shukri Abu-Baker Terror fundraiser using a charity front (HLF) Apprehended In Custody
Mohammed El-Mezain Terror fundraiser using a charity front (HLF) Apprehended In Custody
Ghassan Elashi Terror fundraiser using a charity front (HLF) Apprehended In Custody
Abdulrahman Odeh Terror fundraiser using a charity front (HLF) Apprehended In Custody
Haitham Maghawri Terror fundraiser using a charity front (HLF) At Large Unknown
Akram Mishal Terror fundraiser using a charity front (HLF) At Large Unknown
Mufid Abdulqater Terror fundraiser using a charity front (HLF) Apprehended In Custody

Terror Arrests in the US
Click here for the Iraqi Scoreboard
Saudi Arabia's Most Wanted Scorecard

This page was assembled with the help of many contributors. If you have information to add to the scorecard or a correction please email me.
*Note: Abu Mohammed al-Masri’s fate has been the subject of a great deal of speculation due to the fact that it is a fairly common nom de guerre among al-Qaeda operatives. Some of the data is still sketchy, but it appears that he is not the same as the Yemeni al-Qaeda operative who served as the network’s representative to the Algerian GSPC. Israeli officials have stated that he may have been one of the suicide bombers involved in the Mombasa attack in November 2002, but this has not been confirmed. **Note: Osama bin Laden is said to have had up to four wives and as many as twenty-three sons, though only four have been named by counter-terrorism sources. According to Time Magazine, documents recovered from Khalid Sheikh Mohammed’s residence indicate that during December 2001 most of bin Laden’s family escaped into Iran with at least several hundred al-Qaeda fighters, a charge made by Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld at the time. The CIA has several intelligence reports citing Saad bin Laden as having met with senior members of the Iranian Revolutionary Guards in Tehran in Febuary 2003. ***NOTE: The list of Pakistani al-Qaeda affiliates is incomplete, largely because they change their names so often in an effort to evade their financial assets being seized. ****Currently "at large" because he was released by the Clinton Justice Department after "cooperating" in the investigation of the 1993 World Trade Center bombing. It turns out that he was actually an Iraqi intelligence agent, and is believed to have fled to Baghdad. + There are more than 100 men in the Balkans who got money from Islamic charities and transferred the funds to terror leaders to pay for 9/11.

A list of actions of the religion of peace and tolerance (up to 2003)

1968 Robert Kennedy assassinated
1972 Munich Olympic Massacre Sep-5,1972 (Black September)
1976 Entebbe Hostage Crisis, June 27, 1976
1979 Iran Hostage Crisis, Nov. 4, 1979 444 days
1979 Grand Mosque Seizure, Nov 20,1979
1981 Assassination of Egyptian President, Oct 6,1981
1982 Assassination of Lebanese Prime Minister, Sept 14, 1982
1983 Bombing of US Embassy in Beirut6, April 18,1983
1983 Bombing of Maring Barricks, Beirut, Oct 23,1983
1984 Hizballah Restaurant Bombing, April 12,1984
1985 Egyptian Airliner Hijacking, Nov 23,1985
1985 Rome Airport murders
1985 TWA Flight 847 hijacked, U.S. Navy diver murdered
1985 Achille Lauro hijacking, Homicidal maniac lived in sad-dams Iraq
1986 Aircraft Bombing in Greece, March 30, 1986
1988 Pan Am 747 Flight 103 Bombing, Lockerbie, 100's murdered
1988 Berlin Discourteous Bombing, Dec 21,1988
1992 Bombing in Israeli Embassy in Argentina, March 17,1992
1993 Attempted Assassination of Pres. Bush Sr., April 14,1993
1993 First World Trade Center bombing, February 26th, 7 Killed, Hundreds injured, Billions
1994 Air France Hijacking, Dec 24,1994
1995 Attack on US Diplomats in Pakistan, Mar 8,1995
1995 Saudi Military Installation Attack, Nov 13, 1995
1995 Kashmiri Hostage taking, July 4,1995
1996 Khobar Towers attack
1996 Sudanese Missionary Kidnapping, Aug 17,1996
1996 Paris Subway Explosion, Dec 3,1996
1997 Israeli Shopping Mall Bombing, Sept 4, 1997
1997 Yemeni Kidnappings, Oct 30,1997
1998 Somali Hostage taking crisis, April 15,1998
1998 U.S. Embassy Bombing in Peru, Jan 15, 1998
1998 U.S. Kenya Embassy blown up, 100's murdered
1998 U.S. Tanzania Embassy blown up, 100's murdered
1999 Plot to blow up Space Needle (thwarted)
2000 USS Cole attacked, many U.S. Navy sailors murdered
2000-2003 Intifada against Israel - 100's dead and injured
2000 Manila Bombing, Dec 30,2000
2001 4 Commercial airliners hijacked, 250+ murdered
2001 World Trade Center attacked, 2800+ murdered
2001 Flight 93 murders
2001 Pentagon attacked, 180+ murdered
2002 Reporter Daniel Pearl, kidnapped and murdered
2002 Philippines American missionary, Filipino nurse killed
2002 July 4, El Al attack Los Angeles LAX, several murdered
2002 Bali bombing - 200 dead, 300 injured
2002 Yemen, French Oil Tanker attacked
2002 Marines attacked / murdered in Kuwait
2002 Washington D.C. sniper
2002 Russian Theater attacked, 100+ dead
2002 Nigerian riots against Miss World Pageant, 200 dead, dozens injured
2002 Mombasa Hotel Attacked, 12 dead, dozens injured
2002 Israeli Boeing 757 attacked by missiles, fortunately no one injured
2002 August Hotel bombing in Jakarta, Indonesia. 12 dead, dozens injured.
2003 Russian concert bombing
2003 Phillipines airport and market bombing
2003 Foiled SAM plot in the USA
2003 UN Baghdad HQ Bombing
2003 Ticrit Mosque Bombing
2003 Neveh Shalom Synagogue Bombing in Istanbul, Turkey

19 posted on 09/21/2004 2:44:33 PM PDT by CHICAGOFARMER (Concealed Carry)
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To: All
Decades of terrorist attacks, some may need a reminder that Iraq is the Islamic cults lastest excuse.
20 posted on 07/07/2005 8:55:31 AM PDT by roses of sharon (,)
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