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A former White House assistant has given me a copy of a draft executive order that Reagan was working on shortly before he left office. The order would have “continue[d] and broaden[ed] the moratorium on NIH grants for certain types of fetal experimentation,” a moratorium put into effect in 1988 by an assistant secretary in the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare. Reagan took a clear stand against research that would harm or destroy “any living child in utero,” in all stages of development in which scientists were then able to experiment on them.

Bears repeating!

1 posted on 06/16/2004 12:35:07 PM PDT by Mr. Silverback
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To: agenda_express; BA63; banjo joe; Believer 1; billbears; Blood of Tyrants; ChewedGum; ...

BreakPoint/Chuck Colson Ping!

If anyone wants on or off my BreakPoint Ping List, please notify me here or by freepmail.

2 posted on 06/16/2004 12:36:43 PM PDT by Mr. Silverback (Pre-empt the third murder attempt: Pray for Terri Schindler-Schiavo!)
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To: 2nd amendment mama; A2J; Agitate; Alouette; Annie03; aposiopetic; attagirl; axel f; Balto_Boy; ...

ProLife Ping!

If anyone wants on or off my ProLife Ping List, please notify me here or by freepmail.

3 posted on 06/16/2004 12:37:43 PM PDT by Mr. Silverback (Pre-empt the third murder attempt: Pray for Terri Schindler-Schiavo!)
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To: Mr. Silverback

"I, Ronald Reagan, President of the United States of America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and the laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim and declare the inalienable personhood of every American, from the moment of conception until natural death, and I do proclaim, ordain, and declare that I will take care that the Constitution and laws of the United States are faithfully executed for the protection of America's unborn children. Upon this act, sincerely believed to be an act of justice, warranted by the Constitution, I invoke the considerate judgment of mankind and the gracious favor of Almighty God. I also proclaim Sunday, January 17, 1988, as National Sanctity of Human Life Day. I call upon the citizens of this blessed land to gather on that day in their homes and places of worship to give thanks for the gift of life they enjoy and to reaffirm their commitment to the dignity of every human being and the sanctity of every human life." - Presidential Proclamation, Jan. 14, 1988

4 posted on 06/16/2004 12:41:45 PM PDT by Bommer (RIP Ronald Reagan!)
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To: Mr. Silverback


The embryo is not the only or even the best source of stem cells! I think many may miss this point.

5 posted on 06/16/2004 12:55:20 PM PDT by Rockitz (After all these years, it's still rocket science.)
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To: Mr. Silverback

Wonderful. I had been struggling with this debate myself after the media drafted Reagan into it, as to whether or not it should be allowed. This great article makes it that not only is this kind of stem cell research on embryos (I thought it was on eggs) it shows that Reagan had indeed dealt with this issue, and where he stood on it.

Now I know the next time someone pops off on this subject that Reagan was consistent, as always.

6 posted on 06/16/2004 12:59:39 PM PDT by PeoplesRep_of_LA (I am no longer afraid to publicly say I love Jesus, thanks Mel)
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To: Mr. Silverback


7 posted on 06/16/2004 1:02:38 PM PDT by Sam's Army (Hang up and drive, dammit!)
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To: Mr. Silverback


8 posted on 06/16/2004 1:45:31 PM PDT by djreece
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To: Mr. Silverback

Thanks, I will be sending this to the local publisher who has been a stem cell campaign trying to use Nancy and the other Reagans to belittle President Bush.

10 posted on 06/16/2004 2:02:35 PM PDT by Grampa Dave ( We wait breathlessly for the al Ghorroid speech at the rat convention for al Querry!)
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To: Mr. Silverback

I think Nancy Reagan is a closet democrat.Mike is openly a liberal.

12 posted on 06/16/2004 2:27:09 PM PDT by INSENSITIVE GUY
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To: Mr. Silverback

Unfortunately, Nancy is not pro-life and apparently has not learned that redemptive suffering is part of God's plan.

16 posted on 06/16/2004 3:18:18 PM PDT by HowlinglyMind-BendingAbsurdity
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To: Mr. Silverback
Reagan would have wanted his long illness and death to be used for GOOD not EVIL.

We have to be prepared that we might have to fight hard to persuade the nation about this. It would be most tragic if his death and illness were used in this way.

17 posted on 06/16/2004 3:24:46 PM PDT by TOUGH STOUGH ( A vote for George Bush is a principled vote!)
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To: Mr. Silverback; Alamo-Girl; backhoe; Woahhs; Victoria Delsoul; William Wallace; Bryan; ...
In recent days, I've noticed that the some use the term 'fetal stem cells' when referring to the stem cells desired by the embryonic stem cell researchers. Those advocating the taking of stem cells from the embryo snap back that a) nobody is calling for fetuses to be killed for their cells, that b) the stem cells would be harvested from 'leftover embryos' at in vitro fertilization clinics, that c) utilizing their life for research would be preferred to 'wasting them'. The dismissive retort has several errors layered within it, to a moral person anyway.

1) Even at five days from conception, the newly conceived individual alive human has begun the process of constructing the body that human will occupy when exiting the uterine environment of his or her mother. Yes, the fetal body is only a few stem cells in size, but it is precisely because the body is so young that the experimenters want to get at those stem cells found inside the ball of actively dividing stem cells tasked with making the placenta organ of that new individual. Note please that the cells building the protective, support providing placental organ are the cells of the newly conceived individual, not the mother's cells, so the stem cells of the early placenta are as much the life of the embryo being expressed as the tiny start of specialized stem cells within that express the fetal body.

2) If the extraction of 'fetal' stem cells (as opposed to seeking placental stem cells of this new individual) happens to accidentally catch up one or two stem cells being tasked by the newly conceived life to build the placenta and umbilicus, a chaotic confusion will be seen under the microscopes (and if injected into an older individual, will build malignancies), as the stem cells seek to repair a damaged construction of placenta or umbilicus while confusedly trying to build the whole human body with slightly differentiated stem cells no longer active for producing all the tissues of the human body.
Posited another way, from the first evidence of cell division following conception, the newly conceived individual human makes stem cells that do a task, then have a slight change in 'readiness' to do all the following tasks for survival. Thus with cell division, the new individual human turns off an active signal but continues to transfer to next cells made the signals for tasks not yet accomplished.
The first action of the conceptus (developmentally) is to start stem cell differentiation that builds the placental organ which the new human will use for protection (a task of skin), for breathing (lung task of exchanging gasses), and for nourishment (the digestive system). Interestingly enough, some of the placental cells will actually be involved in formation and maintenance of the systems in the fetal body that will perform the similar tasks! Put another way, some of the cells that appear to be 'only fetal body cells' may still have active signals for umbilicus or placenta!

3) The humanity (alive organismal member of the human species) of the embryo is every bit as real as that of a pro-football player, though cell differentiation, size, function, etc. may not be as developed (to say the least). But since when do we categorize alive, less functional human beings as 'fair game for sacrificing at tissue sources' in the treatment of more functional human beings? [The notion of organ donation usually spews forth at this point, but the simple truth is, an older, more developed individual must give consent in order for their tissues and organs to be taken and 'being dead' is usually also a prerequisite unless the conscious individual is donating a kidney or bone marrow. There is a fundamental difference in a growing, able to actively-seek-survival human being and one in the last moments of life, so parents of frozen embryos ought not be donating their youngest children for dissection.]

4) With our football player alluded to above, that individual human being's LIFE is in his blood. How?... Well, even at his age and size and developed functionality, circulating in his blood stream are stem cells carrying the exact same life expression that began his lifetime! These stem cells go by various names and have different degrees of differentiation (the scientists call them totipotent, or pluripotent, or multipotent, depending on how many active signals have been turned off but are still carried within the stem cell). These stem cells are commonly titled 'adult stem cells'. But there is a rich source of these cells to be found in the placenta and placental blood left from a live birth, because the placenta is the organ built by the earliest ability of the individual human who came into existence at conception. Within that earliest organ, the life of the tiny individual was also to be found in his or her blood circulating in the placenta. There is one exceptional quality of that earliest blood, its generic nature ... the cells in the placenta are able to trick the mother's body into not rejecting the placenta and its contents as 'foreign tissue', yet the placenta and the fetal body growing within the placental organ ARE A DISTINCT DIFFERENT individual's tissues! Please forgive my constantly offering this same information in various expositions. I feel certain many have yet to hear these facts from the media so I try to pass it along when possible. Now to the abc's of the retort.

With a), we have a deception to divert attention from the truth, since the first stem cells separated from the growing placental mass that will build the fetus ARE the earliest body parts of the fetus! These earliest fetal stem cells will differentiate to form the three fundamental tissue types of the human body for the air world, and then further tissue lines will differentiate from those three lines. The 'plasticity' of these earliest stem cell body parts of the fetus is precisely why the researchers want to get at them. That plasticity is a feature not lost to the stem cells circulating in your blood now (your life is in your blood) because the apparent loss of that plasticity is accomplished by turning off signal points in your chromosomes, so someone someday is going to figure out how to turn the signals back on! And without killing embryos to take their less differentiated stem cells!! With b) and c) we have the age old plea to make use of those who are going to die soon or are already dying. We have the last century to prove the human tendency of 'wait until they are dying to get their tissues' easily turning into 'take the tissue at your convenience since they are destined for death'. Taking someone's tissues or organs without their consent is quite different from harvesting them when they no longer need them to sustain their life in the body. The plea of 'use them rather than waste them' has implicit in it the assumption that they are not 'human enough' or 'not yet a human being' by a strained definition that isn't scientific but is 'political' or 'cultural' ... and human cultural values vary hugely, some values of which we Americans have rejected, as with the evils of German and Japanese experiments on the Jews, the Chinese, gypsies, and prisoners.

The life of the individual human is in the blood of the individual, and the life is the same at the age of two cell embryo or one hundred cell embryo, as it is when butting heads on Sunday over a pig bladder (though they don't use those anymore, in favor of rubber and artificial fabrics). With adult stem cells, researchers will soon figure out how to reactivate the signals turned off when going from totipotent to pluripotent to multipotent. And we have a near unlimited supply of multipotent adult progenitor cells within each of our individual bodies ... and since they will come from the individual and be put back in the individual, they will be a perfect match for tissues, requiring no anti-rejection medications!

18 posted on 06/16/2004 3:40:04 PM PDT by MHGinTN (If you can read this, you've had life support from someone. Promote life support for others.)
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To: Mr. Silverback; american colleen; sinkspur; Lady In Blue; Salvation; Polycarp IV; narses; ...
embryonic stem-cell research requires creating a human embryo and killing it.

Neither Reagan nor Bush were/are Catholic; however, both had a far greater understanding and respect for the Catholic teachings on when life begins. It would be a great disservice to both presidents, to override that moratorium, using Reagan to justify the killing of a child for purposes of extending the life of an alzheymer's victim.

RIGHT TO LIFE 2270 Human life must be respected and protected absolutely from the moment of conception. From the first moment of his existence, a human being must be recognized as having the rights of a person -- among which is the inviolable right of every innocent being to life.
Catechism Catholic Church

Catholic Ping - let me know if you want on/off this list

21 posted on 06/16/2004 4:16:04 PM PDT by NYer (It's the "Ten Commandments" - NOT the "Ten Suggestions")
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To: Mr. Silverback
From "Abortion and the Conscience of A Nation", by President Ronald Reagan.

"... we cannot survive as a free nation when some men decide that others are not fit to live and should be abandoned to abortion or infanticide. My Administration is dedicated to the preservation of America as a free land, and there is no cause more important for preserving that freedom than affirming the transcendent right to life of all human beings, the right without which no other rights have any meaning."

23 posted on 06/16/2004 4:21:18 PM PDT by Reagan Man (THE CHOICE IS CLEAR..........RE-ELECT BUSH-CHENEY)
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To: Mr. Silverback; OXENinFLA; Mo1; cyborg
The revision of history is much harder today. :)
26 posted on 06/16/2004 5:28:34 PM PDT by StriperSniper ("Ronald Reagan, the Founding Father of the Vast Right-Wing Conspiracy." - Mark Levin 6/8/04)
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To: Mr. Silverback

I woukd rather die from some disease than live because someone sacrificed an unborn child to cure me.

27 posted on 06/16/2004 5:35:45 PM PDT by Blood of Tyrants (Even if the government took all your earnings, you wouldn't be, in its eyes, a slave.)
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To: Mr. Silverback


29 posted on 06/16/2004 5:42:38 PM PDT by VOA
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To: Mr. Silverback; Reagan Man

recommended reading for all:

30 posted on 06/16/2004 5:46:13 PM PDT by VOA
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To: Mr. Silverback
The Dayton Daily News ran a 'toon by Mike Peters that had Nancy saying "Mr. President [Bush], tear down this [stem cell] wall!" If stem cell research weren't so gruesome and monkeying with the sanctity of life, Peters' 'toon might have been funny. (I saw it reproduced in the Pocono Record of 6/14/04.)

Praise God and the Gipper.


36 posted on 06/16/2004 7:10:10 PM PDT by foreverfree
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