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Institute of Image Management ^ | Judith Rasband

Posted on 06/13/2004 5:36:50 PM PDT by SamAdams76

Since 1960 and the onset of anti-establishment attitudes, standards of dress have declined. Not only has dress for traditional roles and occasions become increasingly casual, but jeans, T-shirts, and sweats lead the fashion trend list.

Visit any movie house or mall and you'll see people wearing more T-shirts and jeans or sweats than any other type of apparel. Try people-watching at fast-food and mid-level restaurants, airports, and public schools. You'll see the T-shirt as the most common piece of clothing. Check out business offices—particularly those with the Casual Friday dress-down day that has eroded to include the entire work week. The concept of casual business wear has degenerated to jeans and T-shirts in many business locations, including upscale corporate offices.

With a wide range of affordable, attractive, and comfortable clothing choices available, Americans' choice of dress has descended to the level of T-shirt and jeans or sweats. Americans now own more T-shirts and jeans than ever before. According to a national survey sponsored by the VF Corporation, the average individual owns seven pair—one third of respondents own ten pair or more! (Source: Fashion News Letter, March 1996.)

Levi Strauss and Company has called the casual dress movement "the most significant apparel trend of the century." What is most notable, however, is that decline in standards of dress goes hand in hand with cultural decline, manifested in productivity and participation, personal identity, manners, and ultimately, morals—with casual dress being both cause and symptom. In short, America is going down the tube in a T-shirt!

By productivity and participation, I refer to personal effort and output. Personal identity means individuality, personality, character, and independence of thought. For centuries, including the present one, manners has meant common social courtesies and traditional standards of etiquette. By morals, I mean self-control, respect, and discipline—social and sexual.


By the year 2000, it is estimated that half of all U.S. companies will permit employees to dress down every day, on the premise that casual dress improves morale. However, as standards of dress decline, productivity in all types of work may also and ultimately decline. Change in dress, or change in any factor, sparks productivity initially and for a time. Ultimately, however, the newness of change wears off and productivity retreats to previous levels or, more often, declines. New research is needed within the business sector to study productivity at varying degrees of casual dress.

Casual dress at all levels in business puts employer, management, and employees on an equal plane. But is that really wise? Think about our schools. Teachers were among the first professionals to dress down—long before we even heard of corporate Casual Friday. With teachers looking more like students, discipline has declined along with SAT scores. A revealing study by the College Board shows a drop of almost 80 points in SAT scores between 1960 and 1990. During the same period, the FBI documented a 560 percent increase in violent crime, with the greatest increase among teens.

In 1969, 34 percent of high-school students admitted cheating on tests. The number doubled by 1989. In a survey of 3100 top students conducted by Who's Who Among American High School Students, 78 percent admitted having cheated. It's a way of life (Source: Reader's Digest, "Cheating in Our Schools: A National Scandal," Daniel R. Levine, October 1995).

Decline in production and participation is especially noticeable with the change to casual clothing, wherein the individual's quest for comfort gradually overrides the effort required to produce or participate. Continually dressed in casual clothing, the wearer settles or sinks into a comfort level that inhibits, discourages, or represses effort or participation of any kind—including the ability to get up, go anywhere, or do anything—the stereotypical couch potato. If these individuals do venture out and find themselves with others more refined or original in dress, they feel psychologically uncomfortable and hence limit or even eliminate further association and participation.

Consequently, we are losing many fine restaurants, theater and symphony productions, museums, and other establishments requiring some serious thought and refinement—often reflected by fine dress. In their place we find an overabundance of fast-food chains, video arcades, and shoddy backstreet theaters presenting low-quality or questionable musical and theatrical performances.

Unless we're willing to give up economic growth, or to lose more of those finer things in life, it's time for an upgrade in dress—a revamping. And, as previously indicated, this is not the sole concern.


Dressed in the androgenous look of T-shirt and jeans, we all look alike. When we look alike, we begin to feel and act alike. We lose variety, individuality, and personal style. Many become dependent on looking like everyone else–unable to cope with the thought of standing out in a crowd. Others, in reverse effort to stand out or identify with a particular attitude or group, dress in a T-shirt with slogan or logo printed on the front or back. They are, in turn, identified by others with the slogan or logo. Thoughts, feelings, actions, and reactions are stimulated simply by the printing on the shirt. Teens wearing a famous face on the front of their T-shirt tend to identify with that person or perceived personality. Many fail to fully develop their own personality and character. Identity and feelings of personal worth are tied to a T-shirt.

People who wear only T-shirts and jeans or sweats limit the range of thoughts, feelings, and behavior that a variety of clothes can stimulate, project, or reflect. Facets of personality and potential are never discovered nor developed. It appears that when people stop dressing for different occasions, they gradually stop doing and going—there never are any special occasions.

People used to want to "dress up," to be special. Wearing casual clothing every day, however, people never look special. They never feel special. They are always the same. They never rise above the everyday, the ordinary. And so they become ordinary, common, even mediocre. Could this crumbling of self-esteem somehow be related to the more than 200 percent increase in teenage suicide in the last 30 years (Source: National Center for Health Statistics)? Perhaps this disturbing statistic deserves more than a passing glance or an offhand comment.

Because people still experience the need to feel special–notwithstanding their words and actions to the contrary—we see women wearing T-shirts and sweatshirts embellished with brightly colored paint, beads, jewels, and whatever else signals "special" to them. Further demonstrating the need to feel "special," we see big-city teens and young adults, bored with the relentless wearing of T-shirts and jeans every day of the week, resorting to flamboyant costume dress for evening parties and late-night clubs. Cross-dressing among the Club Kids is also common, and with it personal identity takes a serious and ugly plunge.

We are losing our creativity and general ability to dress well. "Parisians assume not merely that Americans dress badly, but that they don't even know the difference" (Source: "Have We Become a Nation of Slobs?" by Jerry Addler, Newsweek, February 20, 1995, p. 58). Putting forth no thought or effort in the art of dress (visual design), we gradually lose the ability to combine or coordinate clothing or create attractive and versatile outfits. Hence, we acquire our unenviable collective identity—the ugly American, in Ameri-wear. Demanding to wear only what is "easy," we lose the ability to coordinate what is comparatively harder. We don't, can't, and then won't rise above the level of T-shirts and jeans—where anything goes. Fashion or wardrobe skills and creativity are lost and gradually devalued to make those without skills and creativity feel better than those who do.

When personal identity is placed in jeopardy, when it is weakened or pursues grim deviations, those guidelines, standards, and principles that form the framework for our interactions with others—in short, manners—are also jeopardized.


We live in a time distinguished by the general "casualization" of America—a cultural trend toward greater informality and greater, though more thoughtless, unrestrained, expression of self. Dress reflects this societal trend. So do manners or social courtesies and standards of etiquette. The desire for informality and comfort in clothing often overrules any sense of propriety, decorum, dignity, or nobility. In casual dress, manners relax and fewer courtesies are extended to others. One does not hesitate to give a swat on the seat to someone wearing jeans—but a swat on the seat of a suit- or skirt-wearer? Not likely!

By continually wearing casual clothes, even grubby T-shirts and jeans, people are saying "no" to anything that requires effort, respect, self-motivation, or selfcontrol. Being well mannered and courteous to others demands all of the above, and people are saying "no" to manners as well. Bureau of the Census records from 1960 to 1990 reveal a dismaying result of this incessant "no"—a quadrupling in the divorce rate and percentage of children on welfare. Interestingly, divorce often begins when kindness, respect, and self-control end. In the extreme, we read and hear of shootings on streets and freeways due to uncontrolled anger incited by someone who supposedly "cut in" or passed without consent.

In the years before 1960, families ate meals together, and children received daily training in good manners. Perhaps you remember some parental admonitions: Wait for everyone else before you start eating. Don't slurp your soup. Don't talk with your mouth full. In the following decades a large majority of families gradually relaxed or relented, adopting a casual, fend-for-yourself approach to meals. Today it's called "grazing," and parents are assuming a nonchalant attitude about, and even saying no to family mealtimes—more of the casualization of America.

Wearing jeans or shorts and T-shirts, young people of the 70s, 80s, and 90s have grown up relatively unsocialized. "The 'me' generation has bad manners," says etiquette authority Amy Willard Cross. "We need a manners makeover." Many of the actions of the "me" generation are unsettling, even crass, their vocabulary questionable and objectionable, their attitudes indifferent, their direction haphazard. During the 80s, Jerry Lyons, then vice-president for administration for Cherry Textron, affirmed, "We're seeing an appalling lack of simple good manners in our younger management employees."

This loss of manners has spawned a myriad of etiquette books and corporate-sponsored classes in manners. Companies–such as Dean Witter Reynolds, Texaco, Union Carbide, Mobil Oil, United Airlines, Citicorp., and Data General—that hire etiquette consultants to train their employees have identified issues and behaviors considered bothersome. Complaints tend to focus on abusive or crude language, poor restaurant habits, and boorish office manners.

Interestingly, the generation with bad manners is the first generation to wear ripped jeans and T-shirts in high school, and the same generation now pushing for casual clothes in the workplace. We can be sure that corporate Casual Friday, carried through the entire work week, will lead to more lackadaisical expectations, more accidental situations, more apathetic carry-through, and more careless actions. Manners and standards of etiquette, in the face of such adversity, can be expected to continue to wither.


Once manners begin their descent, morals cannot be far behind, for they are both threads from the same fabric of our lives and our very society.

The cultural decline in morals, as in manners, also relates to the casualization of America and the cultural trend toward greater informality and expression of feeling. It too is reflected in casual dress. Jeans and T-shirts accompanied the sexual revolution of the 60s, gaining fashion status in the 70s and 80s. Today, jeans are blatantly promoted in advertising in a most lewd manner. They have, in fact, become a national sex symbol. Dressed in jeans, especially snug jeans, the wearer somehow becomes sexy, or sexier. We see form-fitting jeans and a T-shirt on a braless female figure provocatively positioned. We see unzipped jeans on a topless male figure, positioned equally provocatively. We see his hands inside the waistband of her jeans, an insidious invitation to relax, do whatever you feel like doing, and enjoy yourself. But there are consequences to such attitudes and actions, and they cannot be ignored. Between 1960 and 1990, a 419 percent increase in illegitimate births occurred—an absolute abandonment of sexual restraint and respect, in essence, of morals (Source: National Center for Health Statistics).

The progressive erosion—the decay—of morals in society is like the wear and tear on an old pair of jeans. The threads just barely holding together the inevitable hole in the knee become weaker day by day. Very minute particles gradually fray, loosen from the threads, and are sloughed off. Ultimately, the worn and ineffective threads break, sometimes in a single, culminating act.

Ancient Rome fought a valiant fight against the extinction of its civilization, but the one enemy over which its mighty armies and brilliant minds were powerless was its own moral and cultural decay. It came upon the people slowly, steadily, and subtly until it ensnared them and ultimately slayed them. America would be wise to shake off its indifference and rise to action, for we still have time to crush that moral parasite insinuating its way among us. Not only do we have the benefit of hindsight to remind us of loathsome possibilities, but we also have knowledge, financial and physical resources, skilled individuals whose expertise can guide us, and, surely among our hundreds of millions of citizens, enough individuals who desire a return to the safety of a moral society. Yes, Rome went down the tube in a toga, but we have the power to prevent America from following in a T-shirt.


On occasion, a T-shirt and jeans are exactly right. At the beach, in the mountains, after work, in the yard, on the weekend, okay—get casual. Rough it, relax, regroup, get ready for the next day or the next week. Spend all day, everyday, wearing T-shirt and jeans or sweats, however, and you risk experiencing the negative halo effect—look sloppy, think sloppy, feel sloppy, act sloppy, be sloppy.

The continual wearing of casual clothing has contributed to the cultural decline or lowering of standards in general and will predictably lead to changed expectations. In particular, as people no longer feel the need to look nice, act nice, or be nice, they will have no desire to live at a higher standard. It is simply easier to let down, or sink down, to a lower standard.

Standards in productivity, personal identity, manners, and morals are retrogressing, and dress is part of the problem. Constant casual dress is not a passing fancy nor a harmless fad. It is a significant trend toward negative uniform dress that is here to stay unless something is done to counter or reverse it.

The problematic regression of the past three decades is due in large part to the weakened state of our generations-old social institutions—the family, school, church, community agencies, and so on—and their decreased abilities to carry out their essential and time-honored tasks. Through these same institutions we seriously need to regain recognition of the influence that clothing has on self and others.


When was the last time you got "dressed up" in something you really like. Think back on where you went and how terrific you felt. Did you step out on the town, visit friends, or go to a movie or a meeting with more than your usual enthusiasm and self-confidence? Were you pleased with the way you looked and felt? Did you stand a little taller? Did you speak with others a little more often or longer? If so, then your sense of self was getting some healthy exercise. Why should that experience be relegated to just a few times a year—if ever?

But, you say, getting dressed up is something you do only when you have to because it's uncomfortable, expensive, time consuming, or not really you. Nonsense. Dressing up doesn't mean giving up comfort or personal style. Common sense says that comfortable knits and softer fabrics are fine. Clothes that don't have to be ironed are okay, too. You don't have to sacrifice your values or your time for fashion or style.

There are many degrees of dressing up. For some, it may mean no more than a pressed sport shirt and twill pants. For others, it may include a sportcoat or sweater, knit polo shirt, and slacks. Even a polo shirt works better than a T-shirt—and the key is often the collar. In the workplace, traditionally white collar or blue, a shirt with a collar will communicate to self and others more ability, credibility, and character than a T-shirt ever can. It works in the home, the school, and community as well.

Take a look around you—in the restaurant, movies, or mall. Is everyone dressed in a uniform T-shirt and jeans or sweats? If so, does that mean you too should conform? Be a trendsetter. Dare to dress with care and a little coordination or creativity. Take joy and a healthy dose of pride in how terrific you can look.

The American population is suffering from conformity and confusion or misunderstanding about clothes. For generations, people have been caught between conflicting ideas; on the one side, that they must wear the latest style and brand to be accepted and of value; on the other side, that attention to image, clothing, or fashion is frivolous, artificial, vain, superficial gloss, and without redeeming value. People pretend that clothing has no symbolic significance, that it doesn't influence them, that it's not important and doesn't matter.

In reality, it is the latest style and fashionable brand that lack value. You don't have to be a slave to fashion. Consumers are less fashion conscious than they used to be. That's great. But don't go to extreme—don't throw the baby out with the bath water!

The way we look, the way we care for and carry ourselves, our personal style, posture, and presence—these are all part of who we are. Clothing reflects who we are as well as our values, attitudes, interests, roles, and often our goals. It influences what we think, how we feel, how we act, and how others react or respond to us.

Dressing to accommodate and reflect the individual "me"—or me of the moment–is an effective way to nurture and assist in the development of the person striving for self-actualization or personal fulfillment. This is an exciting process—creativity combined with common sense, fact, and function, mixed with fashion and fun. Why not? It works!

Some people would have us believe that good taste and style in dress can't be learned. You're born with or without it—the latter making fashion a threat to many people. This belief is not only arrogant but untrue. We can learn, develop, and cultivate an attractive appearance, good taste, and personal style that goes beyond T-shirts and jeans or sweats.

TOPICS: Culture/Society
KEYWORDS: tshirt
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Interesting article.

About three years ago, my company went "casual dress" all the time. Before then, I had to wear a suit to work every day. I hated wearing the suits. They were always uncomfortable and I was always worrying about ruining a $30 tie everytime I had lunch or ripping the trousers on a $300 suit.

But I do see how it can go too far the other way. I do agree that the "T-shirt and jeans" is inappropriate for the workplace and that too many people abuse the "casual dress" and end up looking like slobs.

Of course, one can look like a slob in a suit too.

For my job, I always wear pressed khakis (I get them dry-cleaned) and professional looking "polo" type shirts with the company logo on them. So I think "casual dress" can work in the workplace. Obviously there is a place for a suit and tie. Whenever I have an important meeting at work, I put on the suit again. Also, I think a suit is appropriate for certain public events such as weddings and funerals or even nice restaurants. It was a little disconcerting to see all those people lined up to see Ronald Reagan last week dressed in flip-flops and shorts. That did not seem very appropriate to me - even if it was hot outside.

1 posted on 06/13/2004 5:36:51 PM PDT by SamAdams76
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To: SamAdams76

Dress smart, think smart. I miss the formailty that the office had when it was formal dress.

2 posted on 06/13/2004 5:47:13 PM PDT by max_rpf
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To: SamAdams76
It all started going downhill when men stopped wearing hats.

At least that's my theory.

3 posted on 06/13/2004 5:53:54 PM PDT by The Iguana
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To: SamAdams76
I have to smile because in the last four days, I have acquired three teeshirts. I bought a high-tech synthetic teeshirt for running in hot weather, then I got a teeshirt running a 10K race (20 seconds shy of my personal record, by the way). And I won a teeshirt door prize at a party one my colleagues threw for her master's students.

I'm a teacher. Years ago, I would always wear a coat and tie, and wool slacks. Not very comfortable, but I was nervous about dressing sloppy while I was still establishing my career there. I still wear a coat (at least when it's not hot weather) but I jettisoned the tie and I wear khaki pants. It doesn't seem to have had any negative impact on my career, which has been reasonably successful, especially in the classroom.

Some teachers dress more formally because they would like their students to show them more respect; my teaching has been successful enough that I don't feel this need at all. But I think wearing a tie would show respect to my students, by signaling that I take them and the course seriously. So I think I'm going to resume wearing a tie this fall.

4 posted on 06/13/2004 5:54:28 PM PDT by megatherium
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To: The Iguana

5 posted on 06/13/2004 5:56:31 PM PDT by SamAdams76 ("Abortion is advocated only by persons who have themselves been born" - Ronald Reagan.)
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To: SamAdams76

(This is my first time posting so I hope that I'm doing it correctly.)

I've noticed recently that I am treated with much more respect and courtesy when I am wearing a dress than when I am wearing jeans and a t-shirt. It's a good feeling so I've decided to do it more frequently.

6 posted on 06/13/2004 5:58:21 PM PDT by SilentServiceCPOWife
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To: SamAdams76
Sounds like Judith ("don't call me Judy!") has a real stick up her . . . . . . dress.

I wonder if she'd be happy if I wore one of those tuxedo-painted T-shirts?

7 posted on 06/13/2004 5:58:26 PM PDT by Hank Rearden (Refuse to let anyone who could only get a government job tell you how to run your life.)
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To: SamAdams76
People who wear only T-shirts and jeans or sweats limit the range of thoughts, feelings, and behavior that a variety of clothes can stimulate, project, or reflect. Facets of personality and potential are never discovered nor developed. It appears that when people stop dressing for different occasions, they gradually stop doing and going—there never are any special occasions.

ROTFL! This is one of the funniest things I have read in a while! Please!!!

8 posted on 06/13/2004 6:00:13 PM PDT by ladyinred (RIP Governor/President Reagan, ride peacefully into that sunset.)
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To: SamAdams76

I wear skirts and dresses most of the time unless I am doing yard work, sports, or cleaning. I am usually the best dresssed woman in the house. Men and women give me better service in stores and my clients seem to really like it. I am the grownup.

9 posted on 06/13/2004 6:01:01 PM PDT by mlmr (Tag-less - Tag-free, anti-tag, in-tag-able, without tag, under-tagged, tag-deprived...)
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To: SamAdams76

I'm an attorney, and I am continually amazed by the way people dress in court. It is very common to see people show up to their own court dates in jeans, sweats, or baseball caps. Judges and bailiffs frequently have to admonish people to take off their hats and caps. I was conducting a civil trial once, and the opponent of my clients wore shorts! I always advise my clients to dress up for court, because I can't assume that they will know automatically.

10 posted on 06/13/2004 6:02:04 PM PDT by Huntress
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To: max_rpf

I agree. I think that the tide is turning though. I even see younger women with brains and class wearing skirts.

11 posted on 06/13/2004 6:02:12 PM PDT by mlmr (Tag-less - Tag-free, anti-tag, in-tag-able, without tag, under-tagged, tag-deprived...)
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To: SilentServiceCPOWife

Welcome to free republic...Im an Army wife...hardest job in the Army...LOL

12 posted on 06/13/2004 6:02:37 PM PDT by mystery-ak (*They are all Pat Tillman's*........Rush)
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To: megatherium

by signaling that I take them and the course seriously. So I think I'm going to resume wearing a tie this fall.

Bravo! Would you let us know if you find a difference.

13 posted on 06/13/2004 6:03:34 PM PDT by mlmr (Tag-less - Tag-free, anti-tag, in-tag-able, without tag, under-tagged, tag-deprived...)
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To: SamAdams76

I must be the bad guy that started it!

I've never worn anything but a tee shirt and jeans or shorts to work in over 50 years. Although I was in construction and owned the company I went into hundreds of offices to conduct business over the years and would never think of wearing anything else.

My suits will last me the rest of my life since they are only worn to weddings, funerals, or by force on a Freeper cruise!

14 posted on 06/13/2004 6:04:20 PM PDT by dalereed (,)
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To: mystery-ak


And the same is true for the Navy. :-)

15 posted on 06/13/2004 6:04:53 PM PDT by SilentServiceCPOWife
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To: Hank Rearden
I found it somewhat ironic that a woman would write a piece like this. After all, women have always had comfortable choices. While we men have to wear suits even in the middle of summer, women in the business world always had the option to wear comfortable skirts and short-sleeve blouses in warm weather, or even just a light sundress.

Wearing a full suit in the middle of summer is not fun!

16 posted on 06/13/2004 6:04:57 PM PDT by SamAdams76 ("Abortion is advocated only by persons who have themselves been born" - Ronald Reagan.)
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To: SamAdams76
You make some good points. I worked at Xerox of 3 years, and had to dress up everyday, I didn't mind it, but it was expensive.

I have to say though, that the dressed for success crowd was no more competent than the under-dressed for success crowd I work with now. Each had its share of hard workers, each had its share of minimum-wage minds.

Xerox was all about image, and unfortunately that philosophy and a tremendous degree of arrogance brought them from controlling 85% marketshare to 35%

Before I worked at Xerox I worked for an Import/Export Co. which had a bunch of Xerox copiers. When the machines broke down, we had to wait so long before a rep showed up that we learned how to troubleshoot the machines ourselves. When contract renewal time came for their fleet of machines, the big guns said, 'sorry, we like the new Canons.'

It was their own fault, they thought they had no competition even when it was obvious that they did.

17 posted on 06/13/2004 6:05:36 PM PDT by AlbionGirl
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To: SamAdams76
No one dress like this fellow will have make something of himself.

18 posted on 06/13/2004 6:06:02 PM PDT by BushCountry
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To: SamAdams76

Sir, panty hose in the summer is not comfortable. And being well-dressed includes hose.

19 posted on 06/13/2004 6:06:05 PM PDT by mlmr (Tag-less - Tag-free, anti-tag, in-tag-able, without tag, under-tagged, tag-deprived...)
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To: SamAdams76

It is funny, back in the seventies we looked at a culture in China, that was homoginized and everyone was forced to dress alike. We have, by not paying attention, arrived at the same end.

20 posted on 06/13/2004 6:07:53 PM PDT by mlmr (Tag-less - Tag-free, anti-tag, in-tag-able, without tag, under-tagged, tag-deprived...)
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