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Kerry Exploits Vets for Hanoi (I promised no more Kerry articles. This one is well written though) ^ | By J. Michael Waller

Posted on 03/05/2004 11:56:11 AM PST by bogdanPolska12

Since quitting the Navy six months early at age 27 so he could run for Congress on an antiwar platform, John Kerry has built a political career on his service in Vietnam. His unsuccessful 1970 congressional bid lasted only a month, during which it proved impossible for even he to get to the left of the winner, Robert Drinan, but it forged a conflicting political persona - one hammered out between his combat medals earned in the Mekong delta and the common cause he made with the enemy upon his return home.

Now, at age 60, the junior Democratic senator from Massachusetts is milking his veteran status once again in an effort to show that he's tougher and more patriotic than the man he seeks to replace, President George W. Bush. And, as unrepentant as ever for his pro-Hanoi activism, he is just as conflicted in 2004 as he was in the 1960s.

If there is any consistency in Kerry's political career, it is his in-your-face use of that four-month stint in Vietnam. He enlisted like many other young men of privilege, trying to serve without going to the front lines. When in 1966 it looked like his draft number was coming up during his senior year at Yale University, and already having spoken out in public against the war, Kerry signed up with the Navy under the conscious inspiration of his hero, the late President John F. Kennedy. As a lieutenant junior grade, Kerry skippered a CTF-115 swift boat, a light, aluminum patrol vessel that bore a passing resemblance to PT-109. He thought he'd arranged to avoid combat. "I didn't really want to get involved in the war," he later would tell the Boston Globe. "When I signed up for the swift boats, they had very little to do with the war. They were engaged in coastal patrolling, and that's what I thought I was going to do."

Soon, however, Kerry was reassigned to patrol the Mekong River in South Vietnam, a formative experience for his political odyssey. The official record shows that he rose to the occasion. It was along the Mekong where he first killed a man, aggressively fighting the enemy Viet Cong and reportedly saving the lives of his own men, earning a Bronze Star, a Silver Star for valor, and three Purple Hearts in the process.

Kerry opted for reassignment to New York City, where - as a uniformed, active-duty officer - he reportedly began acting out the antiwar feelings he had expressed before enlisting. Press reports from the time say that he marched in the October 1969 Moratorium protests - a mass demonstration by a quarter-million people that had been orchestrated the previous summer by North Vietnamese officials and American antiwar leaders in Cuba (see sidebar, p. 27). Kerry had found his purpose in life. The New York Times reported on April 23, 1971, that at about the time of the Moratorium march, Lt. Kerry had "asked for, and was given, an early release from the Navy so he could run for Congress on an antiwar platform from his home district in Waltham, Mass."

For Kerry, politicizing the nation's war effort for partisan purposes was the right thing to do, in contrast to the violent revolutionary designs of colleagues who were out to destroy the system. Kerry didn't want to take down the establishment. He wanted to take it over. His aborted, monthlong 1970 congressional campaign was a victory for him politically, as it landed him on television's popular Dick Cavett Show, where he came to the attention of some of the central organizers of the antiwar/pro-Hanoi group known as Vietnam Veterans Against the War (VVAW).

VVAW was a numerically small part of the protest movement, but it was extremely influential through skillful political theater, the novelty of uniformed combat veterans joining the Vietniks, and a ruthless coalition-building strategy that forged partnerships with the Communist Party USA (CPUSA), its Trotskyite rival, the Socialist Workers Party, and a broad front that ranged from pacifists to supporters of the Black Panthers and other domestic terrorist groups.

Kerry signed on as a full-time organizer and member of the VVAW's six-member executive committee. By early 1971 he had become one of the antiwar movement's principal figureheads, lending a moderate face to a movement that championed, and was championed by, imprisoned murder conspirator Angela Davis and actress Jane Fonda.

The young former and future political candidate acted as one of the main leaders of a massive, five-day April protest in Washington and other cities. Kerry's partner, Jan Crumb, read a list of 15 demands. According to the CPUSA paper Daily World, the VVAW demands were, "Immediate, unilateral, unconditional withdrawal of all U.S. armed forces and Central Intelligence Agency personnel from Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos and Thailand," plus "full amnesty" to all "war resisters" and draft dodgers, and "withdrawal of all U.S. troops from Latin America, Africa, Asia and elsewhere in the world."

Kerry was the star of the political theater that historic week, angry that the law forbade political protests at veterans' graves in Arlington National Cemetery and angrier that President Richard Nixon enforced the law and that the Supreme Court upheld it. He led an illegal encampment of veterans and people who dressed as veterans on the Mall in downtown Washington and used the services of Ramsey Clark - a former Johnson administration attorney general who by that time openly was supporting the enemy in Hanoi - to fight a federal order to disperse. According to the Daily World, which published a page-one photo of Kerry passing Clark a note during the march, the protesters converged on the White House chanting, "One, Two, Three, Four - We Don't Want Your F- - - - - - War."

Kerry's establishment model was working where the home-baked revolutionaries were failing. The activist bumped into William Fulbright, then chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, at a party and landed himself in the spotlight as a witness in a hearing held the last day of the weeklong march. There, he made his infamous exaggerated and untruthful allegations that his fellow servicemen, not merely the commanders, deliberately were committing widespread atrocities against innocent Vietnamese civilians (see sidebar, p. 26). Afterward, he joined a dramatic political-theater display at the Capitol steps, where hundreds of vets took a microphone and, one by one, stated their name, identified their combat medals and flung them over a police fence on the steps. Kerry renounced his Bronze Star, his Silver Star and his three Purple Hearts. (Later, as a politician, he would give ever-changing versions of the story.)

He seemed to want it both ways in the protest movement. While claiming to "hate" the communists, he decried any attempt to marginalize them within the movement. Once, when questioned about his political alliance with supporters of the enemy, Kerry said that any attempts to push out Hanoi supporters might result "in seriously dividing and weakening the movement, and making it less effective."

That didn't sit well with some VVAW members beyond the Washington Beltway. Back in Massachusetts, VVAW state coordinator Walker "Monty" Montgomery, a Tennessee native, publicly differed with Kerry. The Boston Herald-Traveler reported that Montgomery "was considerably more candid than Kerry about the problems posed by revolutionary communists inside an antiwar organization."

"You can quote me," said Montgomery, "as one who believes that the revolutionary communists in our organization are detrimental to the organization."

Kerry had trouble discerning the line between legitimate dissent and collaboration with the enemy. In the summer of 1971, he spoke at a VVAW news conference in Washington, assailing President Nixon for not accepting an enemy propaganda initiative - a Viet Cong statement in Paris that Hanoi would guarantee the release of American prisoners of war once the last U.S. troops left Vietnam. Featuring a photo of Kerry in the July 24 Daily World, the CPUSA said Kerry "asked President Nixon to accept [a] seven-point peace proposal of Vietnamese patriots."

Kerry traveled the country that fall, trying to breathe new life into a sagging college antiwar movement. The protest spirit was coming alive, he said. "It isn't withering," he told a reporter at Fort Hays State University in Kansas. "The feeling is there. I do seriously believe there's beginning to be a turning away from the tear-it-down mentality. The movement is turning toward electoral politics again."

Covering his antiwar campaign, the National Observer reported at the time, "He wants the Vietnam Veterans [Against the War] to move quickly and strongly into grass-roots electoral politics." He sought to organize like-minded veterans to become delegates at the upcoming 1972 presidential conventions. "Though the veterans are, for the record, nonpartisan," the Observer said, "what this really means is whether the [George] McGovern Commission reforms for the Democratic Convention are implemented and enforced. Most antiwar veterans laugh at the idea of getting anything started in the Republican Convention."

Yet for all his want of the spotlight, Kerry avoided public debates with other veterans. On seven occasions, by July 1971, he had refused to allow other veterans to challenge him publicly on television, even when CBS and NBC offered to host formal debates. He relented only when Dick Cavett, who had made him a national figure not long before, agreed to terms Kerry found advantageous. Even then, with Kerry holding all the advantages, Boston Globe political columnist David Nyhan observed, his "scrappy little" opponent, John O'Neill, "was all over Kerry like a terrier, keeping the star of the Foreign Relations Committee hearings ... off balance."

Kerry couldn't hope to take over the political establishment without the political organization skills, mobilization abilities and support networks of those radical groups that supported the enemy against U.S. troops. He needed to latch on to those in the establishment who funded them.

The New York Times reported on a millionaire's gathering in East Hampton, Long Island, in August 1971. Many of the attendees had participated in "fund-raising affairs for the Black Panthers" and other extremist causes. With fellow VVAW leader Al Hubbard, Kerry sought a less radical position, but he showed parts of a full-length film containing testimony of 125 alleged veterans who said they had witnessed U.S. atrocities in Vietnam, "before a request for funds sent everyone scrambling for pens and checkbooks."

As with Kerry's Senate testimony, which contained wild and unsubstantiated allegations of deliberate U.S. atrocities throughout the ranks, many of them disproved, the mission outweighed the truth. His VVAW sidekick Hubbard identified himself as an Air Force captain, a pilot, when in reality he was an ex-sergeant who had never served in Vietnam. Kerry was content to stand by VVAW's claims that it had 12,000 members in 1971. Massachusetts VVAW coordinator Montgomery was more open about the figures. He said that only 50 to 75 members in the entire state were really active and that the official statewide membership of 1,500 Vietnam vets was just a "paper membership."

The angry young veteran's political ambition shone through his public earnestness. The 1970 congressional race that had propelled him into national politics also undercut his credibility, exacerbated by his drive to run for office again. Many saw him as exploiting the war for political gain. "Angry wives of American prisoners of war [POWs] lashed out yesterday at peace advocate John Kerry of Waltham, Mass., accusing him of using the POW issue as a springboard to political office," the Associated Press (AP) reported on July 22, 1971. "One of the women accused Kerry of 'constantly using their own suffering and grief' for purely political reasons."

Patricia Hardy of Los Angeles, whose husband had been killed in 1967, told reporters, "I think he couldn't care less about these men or these families." Cathi and Janice Ray, whose stepbrother was a POW, accompanied her. (Official records show that only one U.S. serviceman named Hardy was killed in the war, Marine Lance Cpl. Frank Earle Hardy, whose platoon was ambushed in Quang Tri on May 29, 1967. His name appears on panel 21E, row D14, of the Vietnam Veterans Memorial in Washington.)

The wife of Air Force Col. Arthur Mearns, a pilot missing since he was shot down in 1966, protested Kerry with them. Her husband later was declared killed in action. His name appears on panel 12E, row 055, of the wall.

"Mr. Kerry, when asked if he planned to run again for political office, said only that he was committed to political change and that he would use whatever forum seemed best at the time," according to AP. "He did not rule out mounting another political campaign." At the time, "I was totally consumed with the notion of going to Congress," Kerry later told the Washington Post. AP hinted that Kerry already held presidential ambitions. A Boston newspaper agreed: "The gentle cloak of idealism and dignity which Kerry had worn during his televised testimony in Washington now appeared to be stitched together with threads of personal ambition and political expediency. Was this to be the payoff for one of the finest and most moving chapters of the counterculture antiwar movement? Just another slick Ivy League phrasemaker ego-freak political hustler with a hunger to see his name on campaign posters and his face on national television?"

By 1972, Massachusetts' third congressional seat was firmly held by radical Robert Drinan. Kerry, now 28, left Waltham and bought a house in Worcester, anticipating a run for Congress from the 4th District. But when President Nixon picked the congressman representing the 5th District for an ambassador's post, Kerry leased out his house and moved to the dying old mill city of Lowell to run for the soon-to-be-vacated seat there. The Boston Phoenix, an alternative newspaper whose reporter traveled with Kerry on the 1972 campaign, profiled the candidate in a story headlined, "Cruising with a Carpetbagger."

"Kerry, media superstar, suddenly found himself having to deny that he had political plans lest he be accused of ripping off the veterans by using them as a bow for the arrow of his ambition," the Phoenix reported. "John Kerry is burning with desire to be a congressman, but he has to keep paying off that loan from the Vietnam Veterans [VVAW] by seeming to be cool and indifferent to personal gain, and this underlying dilemma produces an uncomfortable tension around him."

The candidate had trouble balancing himself between Kerry the patriot and Kerry the minion of Hanoi's agitprop apparatus. He tried to distance himself from his brand-new book, The New Soldier. According to a major newspaper in the district, the Lowell Sun, the book cover "carried a picture of three or four bearded youths of the hippie type carrying the American flag in a photo resembling remarkably the immortal photo by Associated Press photographer Joe Rosenthal of U.S. Marines raising the flag on Iwo Jima after its capture from the Japanese during World War II. The big difference between the two pictures, however, is that the photo on John Kerry's book shows the flag being carried upside down in a gesture of contempt."

The book was hard to come by at the time, according to the newspaper, but a rival in the Democratic primary found one in Greenwich Village and tried to publish the cover as an advertisement in the Sun. Kerry tried to cover it up. "Things began to get hot as the old pressure went on to prevent publication of the advertisement showing the cover of the book," the Sun's editors wrote on Oct. 18, 1972. "Permission from the publisher of the book, Macmillan Co. of New York, to reproduce the cover, granted by Macmillan in a telegram on the day publication of the ad was scheduled, was quickly withdrawn hours later by Macmillan with the explanation that the approval of the author, John Kerry, would be required before the cover could be reproduced in a political advertisement. So that killed the ad."

Kerry said it wasn't he who blocked publication. According to the Sun, "Subsequently, efforts were made to obtain Mr. Kerry's okay to reproduce the famous book cover, but Mr. Kerry now says he doesn't have the right to give this permission because the copyright on the book cover belongs to a coeditor of the book, one George Butler." The Sun couldn't locate Butler.

When the book had come out the year before, Macmillan sent a review copy to Sen. Robert Byrd (D-W.Va.), requesting an endorsement. Byrd wrote back, "I say most respectfully to you, I threw it in the wastebasket after leafing through it."

Having lost the primary in humiliation - his brother had been caught trying to wiretap an opponent's office - Kerry went to Boston College Law School. Later, he was appointed assistant district attorney, then was elected lieutenant governor under Mike Dukakis in 1982. Two years later, he ran for the U.S. Senate - dusting off his veteran's credentials by standing in front of the black Vietnam Veterans Memorial in Washington to shoot a TV campaign ad, defying regulations that the memorial not be used for political purposes. The ad "was filmed illegally against the wishes of the National Park Service," according to the Boston Globe. Kerry authorized its broadcast anyway.

Kerry's campaign only stirred up long-smoldering embers from the war. Retired Maj. Gen. George S. Patton III, who had commanded combat troops in Vietnam, said that, medals or no medals, by the nature of his wartime protests Kerry gave "aid and comfort to the enemy" in the style of Ramsey Clark and Jane Fonda. "Mr. Kerry probably caused some of my guys to get killed," Patton said, even as he self-deprecatingly acknowledged shortcomings of his own as a commander. "And I don't like that. There is no soap ever invented that can wash that blood off his hands."

Responding to controversy over his remarks, Patton wrote in the Worcester Evening Gazette, "The dissent against our efforts in that unhappy war, as exemplified by Mr. Kerry, and of course others, made the soldier's duties even more difficult. ... These incidents caused our opponent, already highly motivated, to fight harder against us and our Vietnamese allies. Hence the comment made by me which included the provision of 'aid and comfort to the enemy' by Mr. Kerry."

Under relentless attack from the pro-Kerry Boston press, Patton received strong veteran support. Robert Hagopian, past commander of the Massachusetts division of the Disabled American Veterans, spoke for many about the general's views, telling reporters, "I agree with everything he said."

The Lowell Sun ran a cartoon of Kerry trying fruitlessly to wash his blood-covered hands. An accompanying editorial said, "During his antiwar years, John Kerry was about the closest thing to a male Jane Fonda in the U.S. anybody could find - and Ms. Fonda came as close to treason to her country as anybody ever could without being convicted of it."

To no avail. Massachusetts voters elected Kerry that year to join Ted Kennedy in the United States Senate.

J. Michael Waller is a senior writer for Insight.

For more on this story, read "Kerry Accused Servicemen of Atrocities" and "John Kerry's First Big Protest."

TOPICS: Extended News; Politics/Elections
KEYWORDS: 2004; hanoijohn; kerry; kerryrecord; vets; vvaw
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1 posted on 03/05/2004 11:56:12 AM PST by bogdanPolska12
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To: bogdanPolska12
2 posted on 03/05/2004 12:25:45 PM PST by GailA (Millington Rally for America after action
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To: bogdanPolska12
I wonder if Kerry was tied to any Pheonix Operations in Viet Nam. If so, I can see why his military records are frozen. He may have a lot to answer for, if the whole truth is known. It would serve the Republicans well to find the truth about his service.
3 posted on 03/05/2004 12:50:25 PM PST by Joee
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To: Joee
It would serve the Republicans well to find the truth about his service ---- you are totally right and I wish Republicans will finally go on offense against him. He is another scare story if he is elected he will apologize to our enemies. Can you believe this. This guy is totally insane. Total wacko.
4 posted on 03/05/2004 1:02:11 PM PST by bogdanPolska12
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To: bogdanPolska12
5 posted on 03/05/2004 1:31:21 PM PST by Tailgunner Joe
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To: bogdanPolska12; Interesting Times
On seven occasions, by July 1971, he had refused to allow other veterans to challenge him publicly on television, even when CBS and NBC offered to host formal debates. He relented only when Dick Cavett, who had made him a national figure not long before, agreed to terms Kerry found advantageous. Even then, with Kerry holding all the advantages, Boston Globe political columnist David Nyhan observed, his "scrappy little" opponent, John O'Neill, "was all over Kerry like a terrier, keeping the star of the Foreign Relations Committee hearings ... off balance."

Perhaps we could have another debate. (Just don't rely on Lewy as a trump, though. Not yet.)

6 posted on 03/05/2004 1:35:33 PM PST by secretagent
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To: bogdanPolska12
Since quitting the Navy six months early at age 27 so he could run for Congress on an antiwar platform...

Weren't the Rats complaining about Bush having pulled strings to get out early? Looks like Kerry did the same thing. Why isn't that an issue?

7 posted on 03/05/2004 1:41:21 PM PST by Fresh Wind (Who would a terrorist vote for?)
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To: Fresh Wind
Why isn't that an issue? --- Liberals don't have issues. Truth for them is poison media is full of it. I am waiting for Ann to write good stuff about this.

8 posted on 03/05/2004 1:55:29 PM PST by bogdanPolska12
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To: sauropod
read later
9 posted on 03/05/2004 5:29:10 PM PST by sauropod (I intend to have Red Kerry choke on his past.)
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To: bogdanPolska12
"This guy is totally insane. Total wacko."

I agree.

Teresa Heinz Kerry has given interviews to the Washington Post and Village Voice,where she stated that Kerry, to this day, has nightmares where he "screams and flails at night" and "screams and bangs on the walls of his bedroom." These are not isolated,but,nightly occurences.
Teresa has also indicted to the Washington Post that Kerry has either been in counseling or is in need of counseling for his bizarre behavior.
Kerry made have fabricated or fantasized parts of his Vietnam service.

He told the Washington Post,that he was part of a covert CIA operation into Cambodia. He told the Washington Post that he has a secret compartment in his always present black attache case, where he keeps a mildewed camo hat, that was given to him , by a CIA agent, as a memento of their covert missions into Cambodia.
As part of his CIA reenactment for the WP reporter,he donned the mildewed hat and used his hands to form a gun and pointed it at the reporter and said " Pow."
( John Kerry :Hunter,Dreamer, Realist, WP, Jun 1,2003)

But, according to a 5 part series in the Boston Globe-(6/13/03) Kerry's Commanding Officer was angry that Kerry had violated US policy and had taken his crew into Cambodia.

" To top it off," Kerry said," he had gone several miles inside Cambodia, which theoretically was off limits, prompting Kerry to send a sarcastic message to his superiors that he was writing from the Navy's 'most inland' unit."

"Back at his base, a weary, disconsolate Kerry sat at his typewriter, as he often did, and poured out his grief. 'You hope that they'll courtmartial you or something because that would make sense,' Kerry typed that night."

So either Kerry was part of a CIA covert op, as he told the Washington Post or he had gone off on his own, disobeying orders and then hoped for a court martial, as his CO told the Boston Globe.
In just the space of a few paragraphs, Kerry was described as having "internal conflict," and being "haunted," "full of despair," "depressed," " disconsolate."

Kerry is either a liar in the tradition of Bill Clinton or he has lost touch with reality.
Kerry wanted everyone to believe that he had thrown his own medals and ribbons over the White House fence in 1971.

According to an interview he gave Joe Klein, for the New Yorker in 2002, Kerry claimed that he had thrown only ribbons and not medals but, not at the at the White House,but, onto the Capitol steps:
"Indeed, Kerry's every move—the fact that he tossed his combat ribbons, not his medals, onto the Capitol steps. "

However,according to a letter written by one of Kerry's friends ( Bill Willson) and VVAW comrades, Kerry issued yet another explanation ( in 1984 ) for his medal tossing. This angered those who believed for 13 years that Kerry had thrown his own medals. ( text 1015html )-
Bill Willson wrote angrily to Kerry:

"Your 1984 campaign response: You had returned the medals of a WWII acquaintance at his direction."

So,now Kerry has stated publically three different versions for his medal a/o ribbon tossing-they were a) his own ribbons,b) they were the ribbons and medals of other Vietnam vets and the 3rd version c) -they were the ribbons of a WWII vet.
Kerry's crewmates remember orders from the CO of their swiftboat,to open fire on suspicious old men,women and children on the shoreline.During the war,civilians posed as much danger as the VC. What is interesting,is that Kerry does not remember ordering his crew to open fire on the civilians.
His crewmates opened fire and killed old men,women and children,at Kerry's orders,but,Kerry has blocked all memory of this.
In addition:

"Admiral Elmo Zumwalt, has said that during his own command of US naval forces in Vietnam, just prior to his anointment as CNO, young Kerry had created great problems for him and the other top brass, by killing so many non-combatant civilians and going after other non-military targets."

"We had virtually to straight-jacket him to keep him under control," the admiral said.

By all acounts, Kerry had a very dysfunctional and isolated childhood. In many ways, he was as abandoned by his parents, as Clinton was. The only difference was that Clinton was left by his mother in a run down Arkansas shack and Kerry was abandoned by his parents to the care of various private schools,primarily in Europe.
Joe Klein:
" Kerry has never been the most sociable fellow. He grew up lonely: his father was a foreign-service officer who was rarely home; his mother was a member of the aristocratic Forbes family—they made their fortune in the China trade—but she was one of eleven siblings and the fortune had been subdivided into insignificance by the time John Kerry's generation came along."
" He was brought up among the wealthy, but his was a threadbare, erstwhile aristocracy. There were many houses, most of them other people's houses: in Brittany (a Forbes family estate, where his mother had spent much of her youth); on Naushon Island, just off Cape Cod (another Forbes retreat); in Washington; in Groton, Massachusetts. He had been sent to boarding school in Switzerland, and hated it (he speaks fluent French and some Italian)."
" He was then sent to boarding school in the United States, to St. Paul's, in Concord, New Hampshire. He was one of a handful of Catholic students; they were sent to Mass on Sunday in a taxi."

When Kerry ran for his first public office in 1972,his loss threw him for a loop. As did Clinton's first loss . Clinton became a recluse for a few years,unable to deal with the rejection and humiliation. Kerry reacted the same way.

From "The Long War of John Kerry by Joe Klein" :

Regarding Kerry's loss for a Massachusetts Congressional seat in 1972:
"By all accounts, the loss was devastating. It was the first deviation from the career trajectory he had imagined for himself in prep school.
"He came to my home in New Hampshire that weekend," his friend George Butler, a documentary filmmaker who was then a freelance photographer, recalls. "He wouldn't say a word to anyone."
"He sat there Friday night and built an entire model ship from scratch."
"On Saturday, he and I climbed a mountain together. He still wasn't talking. .. He was the most despondent-looking human being I had ever seen."

Klein and the friend do not indicate how long after the 3 day week end, Kerry's mute and withdrawal phase lasted. Could have been days to weeks, we don't know. Bet this odd behavior is just the tip of the iceberg.

10 posted on 03/05/2004 6:43:00 PM PST by Wild Irish Rogue
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To: Wild Irish Rogue
"By all accounts, the loss was devastating. It was the first deviation from the career trajectory he had imagined for himself in prep school” ---- He is going to get another one in November. This guy is totally of touch and totally against American values of life and liberty. He is totally insane and totally whack out of his mind.
11 posted on 03/05/2004 6:51:40 PM PST by bogdanPolska12
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To: bogdanPolska12
" He is going to get another one in November. "

From your keyboard to God's ear :-).
12 posted on 03/05/2004 6:58:40 PM PST by Wild Irish Rogue
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To: Wild Irish Rogue
And God always protects his chosen ones. You are kewl guy. Hey St. Patrick is coming up. Happy St. Patrick day.

13 posted on 03/05/2004 7:03:45 PM PST by bogdanPolska12
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To: bogdanPolska12
Dziekuje !
14 posted on 03/05/2004 7:22:55 PM PST by Wild Irish Rogue
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To: Wild Irish Rogue
Thank you. Dziekuje tobie tez. Bog zaplac.
15 posted on 03/05/2004 7:39:17 PM PST by bogdanPolska12
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To: bogdanPolska12
16 posted on 03/05/2004 7:50:20 PM PST by VOA
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To: bogdanPolska12
It is a good one, thanks for posting.
17 posted on 03/05/2004 11:04:18 PM PST by Travelgirl
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To: bogdanPolska12
Kerry is a danger to America.He would spend his Presidency giving aid and comfort to our enemies and bowing down to the UN.The world he would be "making friends with",improving relations with, would be laughing behind his back at our expense.
18 posted on 03/05/2004 11:47:35 PM PST by MEG33 (John Kerry's been AWOL for two decades on issues of National Security!)
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To: bogdanPolska12
19 posted on 03/05/2004 11:52:22 PM PST by nopardons
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To: MEG33
Right you are. Now, how do we get this stuff out to the general public?
20 posted on 03/05/2004 11:53:49 PM PST by nopardons
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