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"Conservatives are patsies to the Republican Party, just like blacks are patsies to the Democratic Party." This is the third straight issue where the President has supported a position opposite of what my mainstream conservative view is: the first being CFR, and most recently the drug benefit bill which will probably cost me several thousand dollars a year more than I pay now by 2006.
1 posted on 01/07/2004 6:06:40 AM PST by shortstop
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To: shortstop; newgeezer
Most of the Mexicans in CR Ia are better Americans than a lot of the legal's who make a living sitting on a porch smoking crack.
3 posted on 01/07/2004 6:10:39 AM PST by biblewonk (I must try to answer all bible questions.)
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To: shortstop
The Illegals Solution: Credit to Sabertooth.

Dealing with Illegals doesn't have to be the enormous burden on resources many imagine, not would it have to infringe on civil liberties.

I've posted this on a few threads, but I keep getting requests:

This problem is no harder to solve than wanting to solve it. We can get rid of Illegals rather effectively, by rolling up our sleeves and getting the Illegals to get rid of themselves.

The first order of business, of course, is to enforce existing laws on the books against Illegals and those who employ them. Also, politicians must be held to account when they pander otherwise.


1: Eliminate all mention of Section 245(i), even if expired, from the US Immigration and Naturalization Code. No more Amnesty, ever.

2: Get legislation through Congress that would enable States to deny goodies to Illegals, a la Prop #187.

3: Outlaw Mexican matricula consular IDs, and kick banks accepting them out of the FDIC. Legal depositors will withdraw from recalcitrant banks.

4: Beef up Border Security with manpower, resources, and a Volunteer Reserve, if necessary. No troops, and no messing with posse comitatus, this should be a civilian effort.

5: Beef up the immigration courts and set deportation hearings for two weeks after apprehension, with no bail.

6: Run sting operations at day laborer sites.

7: Establish two-way communication between the IRS and Border Security, and start apprehending and deporting Illegals using false SS numbers (no, the current overhyped voluntary program doesn't count).

8: Seize the assets of businesses knowingly hiring Illegals under the RICO Act, as they are ongoing criminal enterprises. Prosecute executives who knowingly hire Illegals.

9: Compile biometric information on Illegals, and declare that they will be permanently ineligible for immigration and citizenship.

10: If the United States declares that the above proposals against Illegals will be diligently enforced after a certain date, many Illegals will leave beforehand, and a relatively small number of well-publicized cases of enforcement throughout the Lower 48 will result in millions of Illegals deporting themselves.

11: End the busting of immigration caps by limiting family reunification to spouses and dependent children, and counting them against the caps when they are brought in. Require all future immigrants to declare their future intent to bring in family upon arrival. This way, families can immigrate in a controlled, orderly fashion without the current deceptions being used against the American public. We must have truth in immigration.

12: Outlaw anchor babies, and give the option to the Illegal parent of taking the child with them upon deportation, or putting them up for adoption.

13: Outlaw bilingual ballots, and resume the English-speaking requirements for citizenship.

14: Establish English skills as a prerequisite for future immigrants. Let's start admitting folks who will hit the ground running toward assimilation.

15: Shut off new immigration to nations that offer dual citizenship. Disqualify current immigrants from those nations from future American citizenship.

16: Make Mexico and Central America our cheap import sources of choice with tariffs on manufacturing from other sources, especially China.

17: In return, Mexico must open up to American investment by allowing the sale of real estate to us and guaranteeing property our rights. Getting Mexico to fix its economy is crucial.

18: Establish a guest worker program where an initial bond is posted by the Illegal and his employer, say $500 each, with more withheld from the Illegal's earning, as security for his departure from the US by the specified date. Guest worker visas must be applied for in the workers' countries of origin, and participants are only eligible to be employed by their sponsoring employer. Violation of these terms will render the worker ineligible for any future visas or residence in the US. Any guest worker program can only come after anti-Illegal measures are in place. Handshake promises of future diligence will not be trusted from any politician of either party, including President Bush.
The list above is by no means comprehensive, and can be adopted piecemeal or in a single package. That said, incrementalism is probably going to be the way to go, especially politically.

These measures would provide a little carrot and lots of stick for Illegals already here to get themselves out. Some of them will need to be tested in the courts, which is another reason to adopt them piecemeal, so that an injunction against omnibus legislation can't stall the whole effort.

We ought to be looking initially at easy, politically safe legislation, like the new accounting for family reunification, Border Security/IRS cooperation, English speaking citizenship requirements, and a few others. Our politicians are a trembling, timid bunch, and need to gain a little self-confidence before they'll tackle more difficult issues.

Note a few things that aren't on my list: troops or walls on the border. I think they are a futile diversion from cost effective solutions. The best possible wall at the border is to let foreigners know that we respect our sovereignty, and they had best do the same.

Note that their are no house to house searches.

Note also that I don't call for an immigration moratorium, though others may. I think their position is within the respectable mainstream of a dialogue about immigration, and while it's possible that I might change my mind later, but I am not currently persuaded that an outright moratorium is or will be necessary.

The main problem is multimillion-strong mass of Illegals, and the secondary problem is how we currently select legal immigrants for rapid assimilation into American society. I believe my proposals adequately address both situations, but there is certainly room for debate on the back end.

Note also that I have a guest worker program that is actually honest and responsible, and not an Amnesty by another name. My program would ensure that law-abiding foreigners are background-checked before entry, rather than rewarding lawbreaking Illegals after the fact.

All of the above could be adopted while allowing politicians so-inclined to chant the "compassionate conservatism" mantra.

A few final thoughts...

My proposals will cost money and require an expansion of the federal government in certain areas. However, this expense and expansion is all well within the legitimate, Constitutional responsibilities of the federal government. There will be a greater expense initially, as we ramp up to deal with the backlog of Illegals, but a number of my proposals are at least partially self-funding. Also, success in these endeavors will eventually reduce the need for them, and as many Illegals would leave on their own.

In contrast, there would be also be an increased expense and expansion of the government if there is an Amnesty, as checking backgrounds and processing 8 to 12 million Illegals wouldn't be cheap. However, such increases and expansions would only serve to reward the lawlessness of Illegals and the cowardice of politicians, thereby encouraging more of the same in both, unless there were also enforcement proposals like mine in effect for the American Interior.

But, if we strengthened and enforced our laws consistently within our borders, then we don't need the phantom solution of Amnesty anyway.
4 posted on 01/07/2004 6:10:53 AM PST by KantianBurke (Don't Tread on Me)
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To: shortstop
The Prez nees to quit listening to his father. This will only help the democrats and hurt the country. GW please wake up.
7 posted on 01/07/2004 6:13:48 AM PST by ohioman
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To: shortstop
And billions of dollars of wages earned by illegal aliens will continue to be sent back to Mexico – bleeding our prosperity

Simply hilarious. Thanks.

8 posted on 01/07/2004 6:13:55 AM PST by Texas_Dawg (Few forums are home to as many people who despise our President as FR.)
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To: shortstop
Why is this happening? Why is the Republican president selling out everything you would think his party stands for?

When you have, as we have here in the USA, only two parties, the candidate, in this case President Bush, can do what ever he wants. Because, we conservatives have no one else to vote for without throwing the race to the communist running as demorats.

9 posted on 01/07/2004 6:15:45 AM PST by thiscouldbemoreconfusing
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To: shortstop
How many illegal aliens can dance on the head of the Republican Party?
10 posted on 01/07/2004 6:17:33 AM PST by joesnuffy (Moderate Islam Is For Dilettantes)
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To: shortstop
Good article. BTTT
11 posted on 01/07/2004 6:17:36 AM PST by spodefly (This is my tagline. There are many like it, but this one is mine.)
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To: shortstop
I thought the women that called in last few minutes of Rush's show yesterday made a good point about this.

She said that the Republican party treated conservatives the same way the Democrats treat blacks. That is the Republicans need conservative votes to get elected so they throw out a few platitudes around election time to make sure conservatives come out to the polls, but as soon as the election is over conservatives concerns are forgotten untill the next election. A few conservatives are given token positions of power, but any true conservative that strives for power is dismissed as extreme and not supported by the party. And just like Blacks and the Democrat party, the republicans can get away with this because conservatives have nowhere else to turn.
12 posted on 01/07/2004 6:18:16 AM PST by apillar
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To: shortstop
Actually I think President Bush is showing a great deal of courage and leadership. Realistically we have to shut down the black market illegal alien railroads that don't care if they're shipping migrant farm workers or Ossama's best buddy. The best way is to open up the foreign worker system and document those entering the country *legally*.

Also realistically this nation has to start addressing the impending worker shortage as the baby boom generation retires and one way to do that is through immigration reform, because if things are left standing there won't be enough people working to support the retirees expecting their social security and medicare checks. This process begins in 2006 and gets progressively worse in each successive year.

The move is also going to be politically costly for President Bush, but he's doing it anyway because it has to be done.

Of course the US will change with a larger influx of Mexican immigrants, but melting pot has always changed and remade itself when it absorbed large influxes of immigrants, in over 200 years that process has made us nothing but better.

16 posted on 01/07/2004 6:21:10 AM PST by pcx99
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To: shortstop
The Mexicans are really bright people. But, when questioned by an American or a cop, they automatically lapse into "Johnny the Dunce." They "no-spicka-de-Inglese," don't understand, and always fake an answer. Yet, EVERY ONE of them already knows how to play this proposal to get the most money and send most of that back to Mexico. Those in Mexico now know when it is best to sneak into the US and claim the maximum. A bunch of them will now, over time, all claim to be the same guy, thereby qualifying for a single benefit, knowing that they will later claim multiple individual benefits (for which no single one has qualified) based on the collective work.

And, while they prepare to loot the federal assests, why not also take private assets. Mexican crime in trhe US will go up!! And, what do we get in return? Has Fox agreed to block all new criminal illegals? Of course not; that is a gringo problem!

23 posted on 01/07/2004 6:24:49 AM PST by Tacis
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To: shortstop
While our men and women die in Iraq, this administration wants to give amnesty to illegal aliens, the greatest danger to our national security. This smacks of treason.

Far too many of these illegal aliens (criminals) have an enormous sense of entitlement: They aren't about to learn English and instead expect us to learn their language. They expect reduced college tuition. They declare boycotts when they don't get what they want. And the latest -- to be able to file anonymous lawsuits. (See "Aliens' college suit derailed," The Washington Times, Jan. 7, '04, p. B3)

24 posted on 01/07/2004 6:25:24 AM PST by Dante3
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To: shortstop
Further proof that Bush, much like Clinton, will stop at absolutely nothing in his drive to get re-elected. And the Bush apologists on FR will line up like lemmings to vote for him.
27 posted on 01/07/2004 6:26:26 AM PST by kegler4
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To: shortstop; Sabretooth; SJackson; Dubya; MeeknMing; JohnHuang2; Jim Robinson
"What are the details? We won’t learn until today. But it is expected that a new “adjusted work status” will be announced for most of the eight million Mexicans currently in this country illegally. Also, lifetime Social Security benefits will be guaranteed illegal Mexican aliens – even after they leave the United States – if they pay Social Security tax for as little as 18 months.

Michael Savage last night on Bill OReilly was claiming you can't just count the ten or so million being granted amnesty today.

He said you need to consider the other tens of millions connected with the ones recieving amnesty today to really understand the picture.

In other words, grant amnesty to ten million on 7 January, 2004 is in reality granting amnesty to them, their wives, children, parents, grantparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, neices and nephews.

No biggie.

29 posted on 01/07/2004 6:28:22 AM PST by Happy2BMe (2004 - Who WILL the TERRORISTS vote for? - - Not George W. Bush, THAT'S for sure!)
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To: shortstop
Defund the Elephant, Bump.
30 posted on 01/07/2004 6:28:31 AM PST by Uncle Miltie (Mullahs swinging from lamp posts....)
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To: shortstop
we didn’t really get this go round but hope to get in the next.

Lemme get out my magic 8-ball and see what it says....

40 posted on 01/07/2004 6:32:50 AM PST by TomServo ("She wouldn't have me on a silver platter." "How about on an air mattress slathered with butter?")
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To: shortstop
I will wait for the details....for we cannot make decisions based on unfounded facts and fears....

I have no problem with a guest worker program...but that alone will not solve the present probem of illegal immigration....some of them will have the visa , some will not...and many will have esily forged documents we laughingly call Identification..or soon will have, even those that start with visas...and THEY CAN VOTE...

The idea of militarizing and closing the border has serious appeal.. and just as serious drawbacks....and will stifle legal trade by reducing it to a tricle demanded by constant real investigation of the people and goods passing our borders...and that will hurt the income of many or our industries...who provide jobs and income for Americans...

And bottom line... even militarization of the border will not stop the rampart smuggling of people and illegal goods across our borders...for we have about 15,000 miles of open border and costal exposure...The financal cost alone to set it up would be staggering..and the upkeep horrendeous...It will far exceed the increase in taxes that paying illegals social security will...

Not that I approve of paying illegals or even non citizens any social entitlements...just don't require them to pay social charges ( but their employer must still pony up their share..)and that doesn't include income tax which is not for social programs...but pays to run the government...

The only thing that will work is to devise a system of unforgeable citizen Identification...and "guest worker " identification...and require one or the other to even hold a job here...( We have such laws concerning illegal aliens...but first you have to identify them as such...

I do not wish to burden citizens with "papers" but intil we do so we will never be able to identify the rest...)

and I doubt that will expect the present situation to continue...
47 posted on 01/07/2004 6:38:52 AM PST by bullpup
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To: shortstop
What I find interesting is that the very vote he is seeking is from the same demographic that thought it was a good idea to vote in Vicente Fox and maintain a kleptocracy. Mexico has strangled itself by its own people. Recruiting and encouraging more infiltration by the same cast of characters that has made Mexico an economic/social Hell-hole is a virtual guarentee that the US government and social system will embrace and look like the same people who destroyed Central America.

Its clear that Bush is actually seeking the votes of criminals and to get their vote will cater to their criminal interests.

Want an end to the War On Drugs? George Bush has shown us the way. Just promise that the Junkie/Dealer Vote is worth compromising the social/economic structure of the US, and Carl Rove will draft a plan to decriminalize everything except the new demon drug Ephedra.
57 posted on 01/07/2004 6:43:40 AM PST by Dr Warmoose
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To: shortstop
I am sending my membership card to the RNC back to them
60 posted on 01/07/2004 6:44:34 AM PST by LandofLincoln
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To: shortstop
If Bush can get a million Mexican's to voluntarily buy into the worlds biggest Ponzi scheme (Social Security), he will go down as the greatest salesman on earth.

Sometimes some conservatives have no clue about finances and react to emotionally.

83 posted on 01/07/2004 6:59:28 AM PST by VRWC_minion (Opinions posted on Free Republic are those of the individual posters and most are right)
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To: shortstop
"..the president will kick conservatives in the teeth in order to woo Latino voters."

Bush is not a conservative, never was, never will be. Like his father, Bush I, he is a "moderate".

His attempts to woo Hispanic voters in this fashion will fail. He is obviously being directed by that evil Carville clone Karl Rove (we should start calling him Karville Rove).
Those Hispanics here already who are legal residents, along with all legal foreign residents should be, and are outraged by this pandering to criminals by the Bush Administration. They actually have filed a suit against the current administration under the equal protection clause of the Constitution.

Those Hispanics here legally who vote have more important concerns than the issue of amensty for illegals. Illegals can't vote until they become citizens. Most Hispanics vote Democratic, but they are a potential source of Republican votes as they have a strong family structure and family values, are generally religious, are social conservatives and a great many of them are hard workers, working long hours, frequently at several jobs, and also become involved in estbalishing their own businesses. The fact that most vote Demcoratic is due to poor salesmanship on the part of Republicans, the fact that a large precentage of them live in urban ares which are controlled by Democratic political machines, and, frankly, prejudice on the part of many Anglo Republicans.

But granting amnesty to illegal invaders will not secure more Hispanic votes. MY suspicion is this agenda is ALSO tied with the Administration's need to pander to the interests of American businesses which supported Bush and want cheap foreign laborers.
85 posted on 01/07/2004 7:01:04 AM PST by ZULU (Remember the Alamo!!!!!)
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