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Bush: Churchill did what he thought was right and led. History will judge me.
Daily Telegraph ^ | November 14, 2003 | Martin Newland

Posted on 11/14/2003 3:44:05 AM PST by ejdrapes

Churchill did what he thought was right and led. History will judge me

Martin Newland, the editor of The Daily Telegraph, spoke to President George W Bush in the Oval Office on a wide range of topics, from Iraq to the countryside of County Durham

President George W Bush's day began with bad news from the Iraqi front, and was dominated by councils of war. After giving a brief guide to the Oval Office he opened the interview with a message to the families of the British servicemen killed in Iraq.

"There's two messages. One, the prayers of the American people and the prayers of the President are with them, as they suffer. I believe in prayer. I believe that there is a comforting and healing Almighty, and I'll ask that their souls be comforted.

"Secondly, that I will tell them that their loved one did not die in vain. The actions we have taken will make the world more secure and the world more peaceful in the long run.

"A free Iraq, free of weapons of mass destruction, free of tyranny, is not only good for the long-suffering Iraqi people - which, in itself, is important - but is going to be good for the long-term for countries which love freedom."

He would invite the bereaved relatives to consider the "landmark moment" in history now under way in Iraq. "We've got a country which is emerging to be free and peaceful in the midst of a part of the world where violence and tyranny and terror have reigned.

"I view this as an historic moment, and I will share with them - just like I share with our own families here - a deep grief, my sorrow for the sacrifice." But what is taking place in Iraq is "a noble cause", he said.

His foreign policy is still very much driven by the events of September 11. "That moment has directly affected my foreign policy. See, it changed the nature of the presidency. It changed the security arrangements of the United States of America. I vowed to the American people I would never forget the lessons of September the 11th, 2001."

That lesson: "We are no longer protected by oceans. We're vulnerable to attack by terrorists."

Mr Bush declared himself unfazed by the prospect of huge throngs protesting against his state visit to Britain next week. Not every crowd was as hostile as was at first predicted, he indicated, recalling his recent Asian tour.

He had not paid much attention to the prospect of mass demonstrations. "But, first, I admire a country which welcomes people to express their opinion. I'm proud of Great Britain's tradition of free speech. I remember going to Hyde Park and seeing Speakers' Corner. . . People up there expressing their opinion.

"It's kind of a long-standing tradition," he noted. "People speak their mind. I fully understand not everybody is going to agree with the decisions I've made. I don't expect everybody to agree."

In the foreign policy arena, Mr Bush made decisions based upon a couple of principles. "One, how best to secure America? That's my biggest responsibility. See, I was there right after September the 11th. I saw the smoke. I saw the devastation. I heard the grief. I hugged the firefighters, the families of the firefighters who rushed in to save. I saw the heroism. And I vowed right then and there that I would use everything in my power to prevent America from being attacked again."

But he was also guided by a greater ambition. "Because I understand that free societies are societies which do not breed terror.

"And I gave a speech the other day, and in that speech I said there are certain folks who I think don't believe that freedom can take hold in parts of our world.

"And I reminded them about some of the statements about the post-war Japan, that there were some sceptics who said that, well, Japan couldn't possibly be a free society or a democratic society."

During his Asian tour, Mr Bush had been struck by a sudden historical thought during dinner with Junichiro Koizumi, the Japanese prime minister. Mr Bush contemplated what might have happened if America had not done a good job forging a lasting peace after the Second World War.

Looking to the present day, he asked rhetorically: "Would America and Japan be able to work together, for example, on the North Korean issue had it not been done right?

"My point to you is that free societies and democratic societies are transforming societies." By working together, Britain and the United States had a chance to transform, and in a positive way, whole societies and whole regions of the world.

Finally, Mr Bush addressed the protesters directly. "I can understand people not liking war, if that's what they're there to protest. I don't like war. War is the last choice a President should make, not the first."

In Iraq, war was America's last choice, after "endless" years of diplomacy. "Resolution after resolution after resolution after resolution," he said.

Those resolutions served as a warning to the whole world of the dangers Saddam Hussein posed, as well as condemning his weapons programmes, and insisting that he disarm.

"And, finally, in 1441, as you know, by unanimous vote, the world said - at least the UN Security Council said - disarm or there will be serious consequences.

"And he didn't disarm. He had no intention of disarming." At which point, the world faced the fundamental question, of how to define serious consequences.

"Serious consequences is not another resolution, or another debate inside the UN," Mr Bush said flatly.

"I understand people loathe war. So do I." And yet America was now at war. "That's what September 11 taught us. It's a different kind of war. And I intend to, so long as I'm the president, wage that war vigorously to protect the American people."

There are many different ways to wage that war. "The best way to win, in the long run though, is the spread of freedom. And that's what's happening.

"But, sure, I can understand people not agreeing with the decision I made."

Yet opinion polls had shown a sharp decline in global support for United States policies, after the initial surge of solidarity immediately after the September 11 attacks.

"I just don't pay attention to the polls. If I were trying to be president paying attention on the polls, I'd be running around in circles."

That was one reason for having Churchill's bust at hand. "At least from my reading of the history, he pretty much said what he thought, did what he thought was right, and led. He was courageous in his leadership."

History, and not individual presidents and prime ministers, would judge the decisions they made. "You're never going to be around to judge history."

History written soon after the event was highly subjective, not least as writer had no chance to see the full effects of the decision-making. He added: "And in my case, most of the short-term historians probably aren't that thrilled with me being president in the first place, which might colour the short-term history." He laughed.

"But my only point is, I think a president must not try to write the legacy of every moment. The president just does what he thinks is right." He must also try to explain his actions as clearly as he can.

"Part of the purpose of my visit to your great country is to use the opportunities I've had to speak directly - like I'm doing right now - to people about why I made the decisions I made."

Mr Bush said that he consulted Tony Blair over Iraq on a "weekly basis". "We want the Iraqis to understand that we believe they're plenty capable of running their own country. See, we're of the school of thought, this administration, and Tony is the same way - if I could put words in his mouth - that believe the Iraqi people are plenty capable of running a peaceful country.

"And, therefore, the sooner the people - the more the people realise that, I think the more comfortable they'll be with their future. And the sooner that sovereignty is handed over in a way commensurate with a stable country, the better off it is. That's been our position all along. So we're constantly reviewing the progress."

It had been a bad day. "Obviously, it's tough. We lost Italian police today. These killers are - they're hard-nosed people. They'll kill because they want to intimidate. They want us to leave. That's their goal."

Mr Bush reviewed the range of foes in Iraq. "They've got different ambitions. Some would like to see a Taliban-type government, that would be the Mujahedin-type people. Some want to revenge the loss, the defeat in Afghanistan. They would be your al-Qa'eda types.

"And the Ba'athists, of course, want to get back in power. They represent roughly 18 per cent of the people, and they've had 100 per cent of the power.

"And they like that. And, obviously, in a free society, that's not going to be the case, power sharing as opposed to not power sharing."

Elements of the Ba'athists and Saddam die-hards are desperately trying to destabilise the country. "I use the word 'desperate' because they see the progress being made. There is progress. And I certainly don't want to underestimate the security situation. I know how tough it is. I know how tough it is firsthand.

"Yet, on the humanitarian side, in seven months we've got a new currency moving through the system, which is pretty remarkable when you think about it. The oil revenues, which belong to the Iraqi people, are now up to 2.1 million barrels.

"Prior to going in, I think if you were to review some of the writings and speculation, they would have said, 'well, that's what's going to take place if the oil reserves are destroyed. How is the Coalition going to handle that?'

"You might remember there was talk about sectarian violence, that all we would do is create a vacuum and long-standing bitterness and hatred would take hold, and Shi'ites and Sunnis and Kurds would all be after each other. That hasn't happened.

"Electricity is up to pre-war levels, although it has dipped this month because of maintenance.

"My only point to you is that these killers are beginning to see a society begin to emerge, a peaceful society, which is a major defeat for terror.

"And you bet we're consulting on a regular basis to determine how best to deal with the tactics on the ground. The enemy is changing tactics, and we'll change tactics with them."

Mr Bush insisted he does not pay great attention to what is written about him.

"It's not to say I don't respect the press. I do respect the press. But sometimes it's hard to be an optimistic leader. A leader must project an optimistic view. It's hard to be optimistic if you read a bunch of stuff about yourself."

Will next year, a presidential election year, see the administration avoid wars? Will the motto be "No war in '04"?

"We're at war. We are at war, see?" Mr Bush replied. "I don't mean to anticipate your question, but I'm just going to tell you, we're at war now. We're at war with terror. And Iraq is just one front in the war on terror."

And what about Iran or Syria?

"First of all, not every situation needs to be resolved through military action. And I would cite you North Korea and Iran. Secondly, the case in Iraq was unique, is unique, because the world, for over a decade, had spoken.

"The diplomatic route was tried. No one can argue with that. We tried, I think it was 12 resolutions, if I'm not mistaken, culminating in 1441 which said, disarm or you face serious consequences. I remember going to the UN to give that speech. And basically I was looking forward to giving that speech because I wanted the UN to understand that they are a vital institution, but their vitality depended upon their willingness to have some meaning to their words.

"And we're at war. Okay? The war on terror goes on. And the war on terror is going to take awhile. America is vulnerable to attack. So is your country, by the way. And the only way to win this war is to do everything you can to protect your homeland, but to stay on the offensive, which is what we're going to do.

"Having said that, not every situation requires a military response. As a matter of fact, I would hope very few situations would require a military response.

"Let me talk about Iran. The Iranians must hear from a unified world that it is unacceptable for them to develop a nuclear weapon."

In a conversation by video conference, Mr Bush thanked Mr Blair for the recent European mission to Iran, undertaken by Jack Straw, as well as the German and French foreign ministers.

The ministers delivered a message "on behalf of all of us" that developing an Iranian nuclear weapon is "unacceptable", Mr Bush said.

The International Atomic Energy Agency, the UN's nuclear watchdog, is "now very much involved in this issue", he noted.

"The United States position is, is that we appreciate their focus, and we expect there to be a transparent regime inside of Iran. They admitted they were enriching [uranium], and they hadn't disclosed their enrichment under the Nuclear Non-proliferation Treaty. They had made that admission, which says that we need to be on guard.

"My point to you in regards to your question on war is that there is a way to deal with this issue in an international forum, which we are now doing. There's bilateral pressure, there's trilateral pressure, and there is multilateral pressure, I guess is the best way to put it. And that's the best way to deal with it.

"Let me talk about North Korea, if you don't mind, right quick, to show you, at least, how I think on foreign policy issues. North Korea had a bilateral relation with the United States. And their leader would insist that the United States come to the table and provide different aid. And he, the leader, Kim Jong-il, would not develop a nuclear weapon. And so our country agreed to that. It turns out he was developing highly-enriched uranium suitable for a nuclear weapon.

'Kim Jong-il having a nuclear weapon is very dangerous, and/or the capacity to export a nuclear weapon into the hands of terrorists.

"By the way, terrorist networks who are willing to kill with car bombs are also willing to kill on a massive scale. The idea of weapons of mass destruction in the hands of terrorist organisations is a dangerous, dangerous thought for the 21st century. And we've got to deal with it.

"So I looked at the history and realised that the bilateral relations with Kim Jong-il hadn't worked.

"When somebody says they're going to do something and they don't do it, that should be a warning signal, and it was. So I went and worked with the Chinese and convinced the Chinese through a variety of means of argument that they need to be involved. And they now are involved. They're hosting these talks.

"So you've got the Chinese and you've got the Americans, and of course, South Korea and Japan, and now Russia, are all involved. So you've got five countries saying the same message to Kim Jong-il: We expect you not to develop a nuclear weapons programme.

"There are ways to rally constituencies and nations toward a common objective, which is precisely what we're doing. That is exactly what the UN tried to do, and others tried to do as far as Iraq went. It's just at the end, some countries decided that serious consequences meant something different than what I thought serious consequences meant."

Will the United States lift the steel import duties declared unlawful this week by the World Trade Organisation?

Mr Bush signalled some desire to stave off a looming trade war with the European Union triggered by his protective steel tariffs. He was examining many issues, he said, including whether the "respite" offered by tariffs had helped the United States steel industry to restructure. "I am listening, looking, and we'll decide at an appropriate time. I haven't made up my mind yet," he said.

Would Mr Bush consider pulling out of Iraq and Afghanistan? "It is inconceivable."

How close are coalition forces to finding Osama bin Laden and Saddam Hussein?

"We will find them. OK? Yes, we're not pulling out until the job is done. Period."

And that includes finding those two?

"Yes, that's part of it. But even bigger is a free and democratic society. That is the mission. And, again, I'd repeat - I know I'm sounding like a broken record to you, I just want you to get a of sense how strongly I feel for the mission we are on.

"I gave a speech about democracy in the Middle East. First of all, I believe that the Middle Eastern countries are plenty capable of being democratic countries. Their democracy won't be western. We don't expect them to look like America. We expect the governments to be modern, however, and that includes, well, women's rights, and including women into the future of their societies.

"There's some unbelievable devastation besides terror going on in the world. And I look forward to reminding the British people that our country proudly is leading the world when it comes to the battle of Aids. I put forth an initiative of $15 billion [£8.9 billion], $10 billion new money on top of $5 billion we're already spending over a five year period of time, to help get anti-retroviral drugs into the hands of the healers and helpers that are in these ravished countries.

"Can you imagine living in a world - we are living in a world, you don't need to imagine it, it's happening - in a world in which the pandemic of Aids is wiping out an entire generation on a continent? And we must do something about it. It's sad, and, yet, we have an opportunity to lead.

The United States is not only working with Britain. "It's the United States working with Europe, whole, free, and at peace."

On the morning of the interview, Mr Bush noted, he awarded the outgoing Nato secretary general, Lord [George] Robertson, the Medal of Freedom, America's highest civil honour.

"The reason I bring that up is that during my tenure here as president, we worked with George [Robertson] and Tony Blair and other countries to expand Nato." It was the most significant expansion since the bloc's creation.

"We not only expanded to the Baltics, but in the same period of time, we got rid of the ABM [anti ballistic missile] Treaty, which I felt codified hatred and distrust.

"Nato is an incredibly important institution. And Nato is an instrument for freedom," Mr Bush said.

"Relations with Europe are vital and important. We've got good relations. Obviously, there was some disgruntlement about the decision made on Iraq, but I would remind you that Germany has troops in Afghanistan supporting that mission there, for which we're very grateful. They're doing a darn good job."

Was Mr Bush worried about European defence initiatives? American officials seemed alarmed after Tony Blair's Berlin summit on defence with Jacques Chirac and Gerhard Schroder. Did Mr Bush trust Mr Blair to protect the Atlantic alliance?

During the leg of next week's state visit that takes in the North-East of England, would Mr Bush and local Geordies understand each other?

Mr Bush joked. "I hope they understand Texan. We may be talking above each other."

Mr Bush "can't wait" to visit Mr Blair's Sedgefield constituency. "It will be good to get out into the countryside. It's hard for a president to get out to the countryside. I travel in somewhat of a bubble.

"This is going to be an historic trip, and it's going to be one that will be in my memory for a long time. I'm really looking forward to it."

TOPICS: Front Page News; News/Current Events
KEYWORDS: bush; bush43; interview; oif; rebuildingiraq; tonyblair; transcript; uk; ukvisit

1 posted on 11/14/2003 3:44:06 AM PST by ejdrapes
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To: ejdrapes; Ragtime Cowgirl
An article about President Bush which lets the president speak for himself. What a concept!
2 posted on 11/14/2003 4:30:12 AM PST by conservatism_IS_compassion (The everyday blessings of God are great--they just don't make "good copy.")
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To: ejdrapes
Pretty decent interview. Thanks for posting it.


3 posted on 11/14/2003 4:30:29 AM PST by IoCaster ("That to live by one man's will became the cause of all men's misery." - Richard Hooker)
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To: ejdrapes
How can the democrats even attempt to paint this guy as "thick" and "dumb"?

I can't tell you how proud I am to be serving this country under this President.
4 posted on 11/14/2003 5:09:20 AM PST by military cop
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To: military cop
I can't tell you how proud I am to be serving this country under this President.

Exactly. God bless our president.

5 posted on 11/14/2003 5:20:24 AM PST by Skooz (All Hail the Mighty Kansas City Chiefs: 9-0 baby)
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To: ejdrapes
Excellent interview! Thank you.
6 posted on 11/14/2003 5:39:40 AM PST by Wait4Truth
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To: IoCaster
That was one reason for having Churchill's bust at hand. "At least from my reading of the history, he pretty much said what he thought, did what he thought was right, and led. He was courageous in his leadership."

History, and not individual presidents and prime ministers, would judge the decisions they made. "You're never going to be around to judge history." History written soon after the event was highly subjective, not least as writer had no chance to see the full effects of the decision-making. He added: "And in my case, most of the short-term historians probably aren't that thrilled with me being president in the first place, which might colour the short-term history." He laughed.

Mr Bush insisted he does not pay great attention to what is written about him. "It's not to say I don't respect the press. I do respect the press. But sometimes it's hard to be an optimistic leader. A leader must project an optimistic view. It's hard to be optimistic if you read a bunch of stuff about yourself."

"But my only point is, I think a president must not try to write the legacy of every moment. The president just does what he thinks is right." He must also try to explain his actions as clearly as he can.

Mr. Bush finds it necessary to flatter journalism; everyone who hopes to be fairly quoted by journalism faces that necessity.

Journalists are celebrities--people who are not experts but are expected to opine anyway--and are therefore naturally insecure. So they herd together for protection, and condemn anyone who doesn't join the herd. And all flatter the herd--implicitly, flatter each other. The most exquisite form of flattery is assigning the labels "courageous" and "objective" to a herd of gutless second-guessing whiners.

The counsel of journalism is the counsel of negativity ("It's hard to be optimistic if you read a bunch of stuff about yourself"). But not negativity toward government but toward the we-the-people. And journalism is that way because, ironically, that is what sells. It sells because in that way journalism entertains in much the same way as a horror movie does.

Journalists flatter journalism with the label "the first draft of history." And academic historians echo that flattery by creating "history" which is no more than the second draft of journalism. This is nicely illustrated in the abuse of the name of an honorable U.S. senator, Joe McCarthy.

The cacaphony of contemporaneous voices declaring that people were being muzzled is taken as gospel by "history," notwithstanding the obvious fact that people who truly are muzzled--as the Iraqis were under Saddam Hussain--are not able to get their stories published in their hometown newspaper. It is as if Sean Hannity were to declare day after day on the radio and on television that he was being muzzled--and not only every journalist but every historian in the country reported it as fact.

7 posted on 11/14/2003 6:09:36 AM PST by conservatism_IS_compassion (The everyday blessings of God are great--they just don't make "good copy.")
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To: ejdrapes
Great interview .. enjoyed the read. God Bless our President!! Thanks for the post!
8 posted on 11/14/2003 7:10:44 AM PST by AgThorn (Go go Bush!!)
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To: military cop
How can the democrats even attempt to paint this guy as "thick" and "dumb"?

It's because the democraps are "thick" and "dumb."
9 posted on 11/14/2003 11:05:35 AM PST by Levante
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To: ejdrapes
That was a really great interview that showed you the man rather than what the critics try to paint him as. Thanks for posting that article.
10 posted on 11/14/2003 11:35:30 AM PST by bushfamfan
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To: ejdrapes
What a thoughtful, intelligent, wide-ranging interview.
11 posted on 11/14/2003 8:23:49 PM PST by nana4bush
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To: conservatism_IS_compassion
An article about President Bush which lets the president speak for himself. What a concept!

No pre-emptive liberal analysis overiding GW's speech? How did they let THIS happen? The Left-o-Borg media rarely screw up like this.

12 posted on 11/14/2003 8:28:18 PM PST by Mad_Tom_Rackham ("...the right of THE PEOPLE to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.")
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To: Mad_Tom_Rackham
The Telegraph is a highly-reputable, conservative national newspaper over there.
13 posted on 11/14/2003 8:52:46 PM PST by expatpat
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To: ejdrapes; conservatism_IS_compassion; IoCaster; military cop; Skooz; Wait4Truth; AgThorn; ...
Churchill he aint-but a West Texas, oil patch cowboy he are. Super guy-so natural. Great to be able to read his own words as they flowed.

Now about those criminal aliens & the open borders...

Will he act when they are sleeping on the White House lawn? Swimming in his pool? Eating his breakfast?

When an illegal car-jacks one of his relatives who lacks his security? When one of them sells his friends child drugs or does something worse?

When some friend or distant relative is destroyed by the slave labor of the cheap illegals-or the high taxes they cause?

When some non-govermental org files embarasing papers with the UN over human rights charges surrounding our allowing the trade in PEOPLE to continue across our borders?

Just when??

14 posted on 11/15/2003 12:48:53 AM PST by GatekeeperBookman ( Look at your enemy-Listen to Tancredo)
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To: GatekeeperBookman
When, W, when?
15 posted on 11/15/2003 1:18:53 AM PST by GatekeeperBookman ( Look at your enemy-Listen to Tancredo)
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