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Adoption groups opening doors to gays, report says
USA Today ^ | 10/28/03 | Karen S. Peterson

Posted on 10/29/2003 6:10:53 AM PST by Tumbleweed_Connection

Edited on 04/13/2004 1:41:19 AM PDT by Jim Robinson. [history]

Adoption agencies are increasingly willing to place children with gay and lesbian couples, says a report out Wednesday. A majority of agencies (60%) accept applications from lesbians and gay men; 40% have placed children with gay or lesbian parents, says a study from the Evan B. Donaldson Adoption Institute, a non-profit organization that researches and promotes adoption.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

TOPICS: Culture/Society
KEYWORDS: adoption; focusonthefamily; fof; frc; gay; homosexualadoption; homosexualagenda

1 posted on 10/29/2003 6:10:53 AM PST by Tumbleweed_Connection
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To: Tumbleweed_Connection
I guess the huge volume of gay couples seeking abortions had something to do with this.....NOT.
2 posted on 10/29/2003 6:17:23 AM PST by capt. norm (Rap is to music what Etch-a-Sketch is to art.)
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To: Tumbleweed_Connection
When the system places a child in a Homosexual Couples home what do you 6think the Child will turn out to be as far as sexual orientation is concerned.
Moral Lunacy practiced by Whackos.
Mentally Disordered perverts.
3 posted on 10/29/2003 6:26:31 AM PST by chatham
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To: Tumbleweed_Connection
I think I want to vomit.

Spiritual Sodom and Gomorra reborn.
4 posted on 10/29/2003 6:37:34 AM PST by protest1
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To: protest1
Hmmm I am poking around at this Free repblic site trying to see if I fit in as a conservtive.

I find your comments about gays to be very mean. Both of my children are gay, and yes they were brought up in a nice Lutheran home and went through a Lutheran Grade School. My daughter a teacher, and her partner a physician, look forward to adopting children.

Both my children said that this is not a "choice" they make to be gay. They ask, mom, do you "choose" to be hetrosexual? Or are you just attracted to men. It is the same way with us, we are attracted to our same sex.

It took a lot of soul searching but I have come to terms with it and accept it. This is what I think. I don't go look in my neighbors windows and see what they are doing in their bedroom. What they do in their bedroom is their privacy. Why do others care about what my children do in their bedrooms? What gets everybody so interested in the sex life of others?

The most important thing is to find love. To give love and to be loved. My son is very active in his church and is a wonderful person. So is my daughter.

It seems to me that the excuse for the viceral gut reaction to hating gays seems to be rooted somewhat in religion. Well there were a lot of things in the old Testement "cut off a hand if it steals" etc. and such that we do not adhere to. From a Christian point of view didn't Christ say to "Love one another as I have loved you" Did he say tht we should only love one another if your neighbor is heterosexual? Why such hate? I honeslty do not get it.

Don't treat me mean here because I do not post a lot. This is only my 3rd post on this message board and I am not even sure that this is a place I should be.
5 posted on 10/29/2003 11:34:52 PM PST by Lone Voice in the hinterlands
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To: Lone Voice in the hinterlands
"Don't treat me mean here because I do not post a lot"

...I don't know why anyone would "treat you mean" for being a loving parent.I do know there are plenty who would disagree with you if you are pro gay adoption.
...I don't agree with the gay life style but I have to agree with mothers loving their children.
6 posted on 10/29/2003 11:51:46 PM PST by Graybeard58
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To: Lone Voice in the hinterlands
Why not be here? But be prepared for honest, straightforward responses to what you have said.

There is a lot to be learned from others who post here.

7 posted on 10/29/2003 11:52:17 PM PST by aposiopetic
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To: Graybeard58
I am still trying to figure out the mechanics of this message board system and instead of hitting the link to reply I accidently clicked on the link that shows your bio page, a page showing you with your 2 granddaughters, very nice looking girls :))

I couldn't help but think, gee if one of those pretty 2 granddaughters grew up and came home and said "Grandpa I'm gay" you might feel differently. I have had to come to terms with this, not I was really ever "pro-gay" I was not ever blatently anti-gay, gay hater, homophobic whatever. It just wasn't on my radar. Well now it is.

Do I think my daughter and her partner would be wonderful parents to a little boy or girl; or in my dreams, perhaps one of each? Absolutly. They are kind, loving, educated and very much committed to each other. Isn't that after all the start of a family? Two people who come together in love and committ to each other and live together and share their love and lives? Isn't that a family?

If her partner were a man wouldn't you say, Wow the couple down the street are so nice to have in our community, a teacher married to a doctor. It is only when you care about what they do in their bedroom that you get squemish. Again I ask the question why is everybody so interested in other people's sex life? Is it really any of your business?

Laws of nature and all those arguments, phewey! Hey nowdays women past menopause are getting artificially impregnated. You have doner sperm and doner eggs and surrogate mothers etc. The world has changed. Would you tell parents who concieve using non-traditional methods that they are not "entitled" to have children because the conception happened in a test tube?

Humanity advances. We Americans have advanced. We used to have slavery in this country, we don't any more. Education was only for the rich, now we have publicly funded education. Blacks couldn't drink from the white's only drinking fountian when I was a kid. Interracial marriage was against the law. Women were denied access to higher education (unless it was to be a nurse or teacher) Chineese Americans were Chinks. When change happened was it embraced? Even when change occured kicking and dragging, years later, are we better off today because of it?

20 years ago we would have never even thought of a gay couple adopting, today we are. 50 years ago in the U.S.A an interacial couple could not have adopted a baby, but today they do. Gay people have the right to couple together and create families just like anybody else. Why shouldn't they? They are no different than you. Gays are good and bad, rich and poor, Christians, Jews, and Muslims etc.

There would be no "Homosexual agenda" if they were treated with equality. They would meld in just like everybody else. They would be just one more patch on this beautiful colored patchwork quilt of humanity.

Neither one of my kids are really gay "activists" they are just to busy working and going to school. They just want what everybody wants, equal opportunity, love and family.

My son is not settled down yet with anybody but the guys I have met of his are all really accomplished nice young men. Any mother would be proud to have them for a son.

Maybe people have this funky wierdo flaming image of gays that turns you off but not all gays are like that. There are plenty of flamboyant wierdo hetrosexuals, honestly my children and their crowd are just real nice people. People who will make very good parents. If a loving christian teacher and physician are not parent material, then nobody in this country is.

I advise before you get so firm in your ways turn around and look at your own children, grandchildren, brothers and sisters. Imagine one of them coming home and saying, "hey I'm gay" Now tell them that their opprtunites are limited.

And don't give me the Bible talk because last time I looked we were not doing "an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth" any more.

Probably this is to long and it is in bad form to type something so long. I had a lot to say and this topic is near and dear to my heart since my daughter will probably be adopting within 2 - 3 years.

8 posted on 10/30/2003 2:46:17 AM PST by Lone Voice in the hinterlands
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To: Lone Voice in the hinterlands
I know all about the "born gay" claims. Sorry, it is just a political point of view to cover a multitude of sins.

I hope this is of help to you it is a web site of Parents and friends of ex gay people.

Here are some more web links to help get a better understanding of homosexuality and how it can be changed. A fact gay activists are desperate to keep quiet. Are you aware of the possibility of change?

You will find a lot of condemnation of homosexuality in
the New Testament. It is not "Old Testament".
One example:

Romans 1:25 Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen. 26 For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature: 27 And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet. 28 And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient...

The first commandment is to Love God and you do that by obeying His commandments. The second commandment is to love one another. You do not do that by supporting and encouraging destructive sinful, behaviour.

If you wish to see biblical arguments then go to these links. The two articles cover and answer, in depth, all "gay theology" arguments that I have seen.

A Reformed Response to Daniel Helminiak's Gay Theology

A Further Look at Pro-Homosexual Theology
9 posted on 10/30/2003 4:47:04 AM PST by protest1
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To: Lone Voice in the hinterlands
..."I don't know why anyone would "treat you mean" for being a loving parent.I do know there are plenty who would disagree with you if you are pro gay adoption".
..."I don't agree with the gay life style but I have to agree with mothers loving their children".

...For someone who wanted a reply that wasn't mean and got it - From me, you came down preety hard on me. The above quote is the full message that I sent to you in reply. I cant see anything "mean" in it, or any "moralizing" either.

..."You said: I couldn't help but think, gee if one of those pretty 2 granddaughters grew up and came home and said "Grandpa I'm gay" you might feel differently"
...You are wrong, I wouldn't "feel differently" from my original statement (See above) That, "I don't agree with the gay life style" That doesn't mean that I would love them less. You are coming down hard on me for things I didn't say or imply.
... You said: "Do I think my daughter and her partner would be wonderful parents to a little boy or girl; or in my dreams, perhaps one of each? Absolutly. They are kind, loving, educated and very much committed to each other. Isn't that after all the start of a family? Two people who come together in love and committ to each other and live together and share their love and lives? Isn't that a family"?
...I didn't dispute any of that in my reply (See above original graybeard58 quote.) As to whether your daughter and her partner would make good parents - I didn't comment on at all. (You ask me "isn't that a family?) I try to answer direct questions like that without ambiguity but this one is tough. I can't give you a yes or no answer because my feelings about what constitutes family are ambigious. There are plenty of people here who will tell you that two same sex partners are a perversion of a family--Those are not my thoughts.

...You said: "If her partner were a man wouldn't you say, Wow the couple down the street are so nice to have in our community, a teacher married to a doctor"- I wouldn't say that unless I knew them, their occupation or profession doesn't tell me anything at all about their character.
...You said: "Again I ask the question why is everybody so interested in other people's sex life"? (Again, I must refer you to my original and only reply to you prior to this one as copied above) Where do you see that I said a single word about anyone's sex life?...You said: "Is it really any of your business"? As a matter of fact, no it isn't my business, that's why I never even once mentioned it.
...You said: "Would you tell parents who concieve using non-traditional methods that they are not "entitled" to have children because the conception happened in a test tube"? My answer is: No, I wouldn't. What in any anything I have said would lead you to believe that about me?
..."You said (To me):Humanity advances. We Americans have advanced. We used to have slavery in this country, we don't any more. Education was only for the rich, now we have publicly funded education. Blacks couldn't drink from the white's only drinking fountian when I was a kid. Interracial marriage was against the law. Women were denied access to higher education (unless it was to be a nurse or teacher) Chineese Americans were Chinks. When change happened was it embraced? Even when change occured kicking and dragging, years later, are we better off today because of it"?-- My answer is that I am flabbergasted.. Where did this come from? Not from me.I don't know what any of that rant has to do with the subject at hand either.
...I have responded to your post to me all I am going to. There is plenty more in your message that is directed at me that has absolutely nothing to do with me or any reply I made to you.
...I replied to you with kindness, you responded to my reply with an attack.I don't understand your motive for attacking me but I hope you feel better for having done it.
...You have damaged me by writing that reply, in that many people have read it and won't be coming back to this thread to see my response and will have the impression that I am some kind of bigoted homophobe and racist to boot.You have in effect damned me for things I didn't do or say.
...Please make a note for future reference that in this reply to you, I still have said nothing hateful or mean spirited to you nor will I.
...In closing, I thank you for saying my grand daughters are pretty, they and my other 10 grand children are the love of my life.
10 posted on 10/30/2003 6:31:06 AM PST by Graybeard58
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To: Graybeard58
Oh I get it now. You were reading into my reply that I was asking you Graybeard directly these questions. They were not meant for you directly but more as questions out to the group, anyone visiting on this thread.

Yeah okay I see why it seems like I am asking you directly. And why you are getting defensive about it. It is because I replied directly to you. Is there a way to post with out replying to a particular individual? Thanks and again please accept my apologies for doing this wrong.
11 posted on 10/30/2003 2:39:05 PM PST by Lone Voice in the hinterlands
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To: Lone Voice in the hinterlands
Well I screwed up the original message that went before the one above. Some how it didnt' get posted. I said, Oh Graybeard I am so sorry I didn't realize that when you do the reply that peole take it as replying to just that person. As I was writing it, I was not all high and mighty or anything, acutally I was kind of mentlly mubling around.

You were so kind to me in you response just very kind, I would never reply back to a kindness like that in a rude way. I am so sorry for offending you. And I was right I can see by your response back that you are still the nice person that I thought you were when I first saw your nice reply. If when you were reading it as a personal attack on you by me (Which I ASSURE you I was not doing, I know it probably looks that way but it was not in my heart and I thought I was just talking out loud having converstaion with a group) I will ahve to think a long time befroe I get the courage to post again. I think I'll just mostly read form now on. I'm sorry Graybeard I really am sorry.
12 posted on 10/30/2003 2:46:48 PM PST by Lone Voice in the hinterlands
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To: Lone Voice in the hinterlands
...There's no reason for you to be sorry now that I understand that you didn't intend the remarks to be directed at me and there's no reason for you not to post in the future.
...If you want to post to no one in particular or to all in general click the reply button on this message or any message. When the box opens, delete the address in the "to" field and leave it blank or type in the word - all.
...I know these things through experience from mouthing off since I have been here and taking the inevitable heat when expressing an unpopular opinion. Some responses get down right nasty and maybe you should toughen up your skin a little.
...The great majority of people here mean no malice, they just have different opinions. That's the beauty of it. If everyone here thought as I do I wouldn't be here. What a dull world where everyone thinks exactly the same.
...I look forward to you posting again and when you do be sure to ping me but don't expect me to agree with you. If I disagree with you I promise I won't beat you up over it.
13 posted on 10/30/2003 3:16:29 PM PST by Graybeard58
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