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New York Post ^
| 10/22/03
Posted on 10/22/2003 1:03:35 AM PDT by kattracks
Edited on 05/26/2004 5:17:10 PM PDT by Jim Robinson.
October 22, 2003 -- ALBANY - In a scathing rebuke to his own party, Andrew Cuomo is charging that Democrats are "lost in time," often appear "bloodless, soulless and clueless," and have "fumbled" their role in the post-9/11 world. What's more, Cuomo is praising President Bush "for recognizing the challenge of 9/11 and rising to it."
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
TOPICS: Front Page News; News/Current Events; Politics/Elections; US: New York; War on Terror
KEYWORDS: andrewcuomo; bookreview; crossroads; dems; lostdems; september12era
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posted on
10/22/2003 1:03:36 AM PDT
To: kattracks
Wow, first Ed Koch, and now Cuomo. I gotta give it to New York elected Democrats... they have been the only sound of sanity coming out of the Democrat Party. Guess being right on top of Ground Zero can even wake some Democrats up.
posted on
10/22/2003 1:12:36 AM PDT
To: Qwinn
By the way, just for the record... obviously not ALL elected NY Democrats...
*sticks another needle in the Hillary doll*
posted on
10/22/2003 1:15:12 AM PDT
To: All
posted on
10/22/2003 1:19:14 AM PDT
To: Qwinn
Didn't Cuomo just get dissed and dumped by his Kennedy bride 'cause he was a loser? Maybe a fight for control of the mob. I'm thinking that beneath the overt uncivil war of words in the media, there'll be a few guys found in car trunks: two in da hat. Baddabing.
"Fat Eddy's granfaddah an' my granfaddah--God rest his immortal soul--had an unnastandin'; but dat's all done now...."
posted on
10/22/2003 1:24:29 AM PDT
(Celebrate UNITY!)
To: kattracks
I respect Cuomo. He's a liberal, but he's an in your face honest liberal. He doesn't do double talk and he tells you what he thinks and doesn't seem to pander like most dems. We need more of that.
To: Qwinn
Don't gve NY dems too much credit - my old congressman Jerry Nadler more than outweighs Koch and any recent comments by Cuomo.
The truth is Koch was a nauseating liberal early in his career, and into his run as mayor. He grew increasingly independent though, and while he was never a conservative, he was on occasion a non-party line guy and definietly less liberal.
He was run out of NY losing the primary in 1989 only after criticizing Jesse Jackson the year before, which drew the ire of NY african americans and jews, especially. He lost that primary to Dinkins, the rest is history. Koch has endorsed Giuliani twice, and recently said he thinks Dubya is a good president who should get re-elected. Conservative? Nope. A refershing perspective from a NY Dem? Yes.
Cuomo here is playing a game, and playing it smart. He is a nauseating Clintonista, recently embarassed by his wife who cuckolded him very publically. His bet, and it's a good one, is that the way out of his limbo status in NYC is to be different than the rest of the voices - Nadler, etc. When the dust settles, he is betting that he will be among the most sensible sounding NY dems, so he can salvage his career.
He is no saint, and these words are very transparent. Koch is more sincere here, I think. Andy Cuomo is playing politics - that's all.
posted on
10/22/2003 1:39:54 AM PDT
(I will not be pushed, filed, stamped, indexed, briefed, debriefed or numbered. My life is my own.)
To: kattracks
Cuomo's most serious charge was that Democrats "fumbled the seminal moment of our lives - the terrorist attacks of 9/11."
Democrats, he said, "have failed to approach the problem with the urgency or comprehensiveness that it demands."
You'd think that this would be a no brainer.
"Meanwhile, on the Democratic side, there was chaos," continued Cuomo, noting, "We handled 9/11 like it was a debate over a highway bill instead of a matter of people's lives."
How very French of them, that one hits the nail on the head.
To: HitmanNY
When you think about it, Ed Koch hasn't really changed - it is the Rat Party which has moved to the left.
posted on
10/22/2003 1:45:53 AM PDT
To: kattracks
I can't give the liberal socialists any credit, in-your-face or not. These are people who I truly believe will be rounding up Christians and Jews for "inflamatory and discriminatory" religious beliefs if they can get enough people to think like them.
The national socialists pulled it off in Germany, how far off can the liberal socialists be?
posted on
10/22/2003 2:17:27 AM PDT
(Democrats.. Socialists..Commies..Traitors...Who can tell the difference?)
To: kattracks
Democrats, he said, "have failed to approach the problem with the urgency or comprehensiveness that it demands." "Meanwhile, on the Democratic side, there was chaos," continued Cuomo, noting, "We handled 9/11 like it was a debate over a highway bill instead of a matter of people's lives."
That is putting it lightly. For about 6 months we actually got some leadership then we had Hillary holding up a paper that said "Bush Knew!". Then we have wackjobs like Cynthia McKinney and the Baghdad 3 who went and coddled Saddam before the war. Now you tell me who is serious about defeating terrorism and protecting this country?
To: Qwinn
I pray it doesn't take what happened to NY to "enlighten" the morons here in California.
posted on
10/22/2003 2:32:11 AM PDT
To: zbigreddogz
He's a liberal, but he's an in your face honest liberal.Except for those billions that unfortunately went missing during his tenure at HUD.
posted on
10/22/2003 2:54:51 AM PDT
("Brethren, leave us go amongst them." Rev. Capt. Samuel Johnston Clayton - Ward Bond- The Searchers)
To: Qwinn
Wow, first Ed Koch, and now Cuomo. Big difference.
Koch often criticised other Dems even when he was mayor. Most notably he criticised then governor Mario Cuomo and unsuccesfully ran against him for governor. And he's retired from politics.
Andrew Cuomo, on the other hand is still young. I think he still has ambition to be governor himself.
New York is still very liberal in a lot of ways, but tough anti-war is cannot be a winner there. Look at how Hillary has waffled.
posted on
10/22/2003 3:00:09 AM PDT
(Mickey Akbar)
To: kattracks
The main reason the Democrats lost in 2000 and 2002 because of Clinton. Clinton remains the best thing that ever happened to the Republican Party. I just hope the Republicans don't misread their success and get mired in social issues.
posted on
10/22/2003 3:13:25 AM PDT
(The islamofascists and the democrats are trying to destroy this country)
To: Qwinn
Well, Qwinn, that's because unlike Andy Cuomo and Ed Koch, ,Hillary is not a New Yorker at all.
I think even Schumer is doing some good. He's joined with Republican Senator Kyl to find out why we have a bunch of Wahabbist Imams preaching to our troops.
posted on
10/22/2003 3:17:04 AM PDT
(New tagline coming soon......)
To: dasboot
Hey Andy... don't forget to pick up the canolies on the way back. Pull over, I gotta take a whiz. POP... POP.
posted on
10/22/2003 3:28:44 AM PDT
(Just say TIME OUT and they will stop beating you.)
To: kattracks
When you have Democrats (Murray) chiding the US because it hasn't done as much as bin Laden in terms of building hospitals, schools and day care centers, then turn around and vote against the US helping build hospitals and schools (in Iraq), then you know they're out of sorts.
posted on
10/22/2003 3:34:41 AM PDT
( Proud Infidel)
To: kattracks
my old congressman Jerry Nadler more than outweighs KochHeck, he outweighs the NY Giants entire offensive line.
To: HitmanNY
Andy Cuomo is playing politics - that's all. Exactly. Running to the left proved a disaster last time around, so now Andy is trying the old center sneak, running right down the middle - or right down where he thinks the middle is, anyway. Which may prove to be a savvy political maneuver, but it sure looks like someone covering up what he really feels (e.g., what he said immediately after 9/11) and putting on a new face for the next round. Quintessential Andy Cuomo, IOW - I've never liked the little weasel, and giving him any position above the rank of dogcatcher would be a huge mistake for New Yorkers, IMO.
posted on
10/22/2003 4:32:34 AM PDT
("I am Torgo. I take care of the place while the Master is away.")
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