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Stars and Strife: Dixie Chicks bare all about the war, the backlash, and their future (EW article)
Entertainment Weekly ^ | May 3, 2003 | Chris Willman

Posted on 04/25/2003 1:49:04 PM PDT by Timesink

Stars and Strife

Exclusive: Two months after Natalie Maines' infamous remark about President Bush, the Dixie Chicks bare all about the war, the backlash, and their future -- an excerpt from Entertainment Weekly's May 2, 2003, issue
by Chris Willman

It's four weeks to the day since that March 10 concert in London where the Dixie Chicks famously messed with a fellow Texan. Their overseas tour finally concluded, the trio have realighted in Austin to face the music that's been blaring since singer Natalie Maines told her audience -- on the brink of wartime -- that ''we're ashamed that the President of the United States is from Texas.'' And now their manager is about to weigh in with a pretty bad joke.

''Let's make this story far more interesting than it really is,'' Simon Renshaw suggests. ''The whole thing is a papist conspiracy. This was all about us and Michael Moore figuring out a way to promote the Roman Catholic Church!''

''Oh, please,'' begs Chicks fiddler Martie Maguire, 33, sensing that even this obvious satire might end up being taken seriously. ''We don't need any more controversy.''

A pause. ''Well,'' Maines reminds everyone, ''we did just pose naked.''

Perhaps you've noticed. Earlier in the day, for Entertainment Weekly's cover, the Chicks got themselves thoroughly plucked. It was their idea: Though Maguire admits that their publicist doubted the wisdom of being branded with epithets, ''we wanted to show the absurdity of the extreme names people have been calling us. How do you look at the three of us and think, Those are Saddam's Angels?'' Adds Maines, 28: ''We don't want people to think that we're trying to be provocative. It's not about the nakedness. It's that the clothes got in the way of the labels. We're not defined by who we are anymore. Other people are doing that for us.''

THEM'S FIGHTIN' WORDS Maines at the London concert where she did some Bush whacking
THEM'S FIGHTIN' WORDS Maines at the London concert where she did some Bush whacking

If it hadn't been for one London critic -- from the left-leaning newspaper The Guardian -- approvingly quoting Maines' remark, the group might still have the No. 1 country single (''Travelin' Soldier'') and a top 10 pop hit (''Landslide''), instead of being all but banished from the nation's airwaves. Within a couple of days of the review showing up on American country websites, radio stations throughout middle America were setting out trash cans to collect disgruntled fans' CDs and, in one Louisiana case, running over them with a tractor.

Maines did apologize, admitting on March 14 that ''whoever holds that office should be treated with the utmost respect.'' The angry masses were not mollified. Message boards were flooded with cries of ''Natalie Fonda'' and far worse. Sales of their current album, ''Home,'' plummeted from 124,000 the week the story broke to 33,000 a week -- the result, Renshaw says, of the group's near-complete absence from radio. The ongoing campaign against the trio (which also includes Martie's sister, banjo player and new mom Emily Robison, 30) has many Americans vowing that the Chicks should do better than just take a hiatus: They should simply end their careers.

Two months ago, imagining the Chicks playing a game of defense was inconceivable. They were uniters, not dividers, having proved that country music could cross all kinds of boundaries without ever getting watered down as ''crossover.'' Their major-label debut, ''Wide Open Spaces,'' was 11 times platinum; the follow-up, ''Fly,'' platinum 10 times over; despite its current woes, ''Home'' is a certified 6-million-seller after just nine months. On March 1, they set a one-day concert dollars record, selling $49 million in tickets for their upcoming U.S. tour. They are, quite simply, the most important act in the contemporary history of country. ''They singularly revived the music,'' says Brian Philips, general manager of cable channel CMT. ''The thought of country music ever carrying on without them is just unthinkable.''

In the face of all this, the Chicks are about to go barefoot -- but not, as some might hope, so that they can walk across broken glass in further search of penance and forgiveness. They're sitting down at a Japanese restaurant to break their Stateside silence for the first time. Groveling will not be on the menu.

DIXIE'S NEWEST DUO A mock CD cover pulled from the Internet shows Maines in Saddam's embrace
DIXIE'S NEWEST DUO A mock CD cover pulled from the Internet shows Maines in Saddam's embrace

ENTERTAINMENT WEEKLY: You've never been an especially politically active group before now, so in what context did your comment about President Bush even come up?
NATALIE MAINES It was before ''Travelin' Soldier.'' In every show that we did over there, we always sent that or ''More Love'' out to the soldiers. That's my biggest beef with this, that people have taken my frustration with the President [and confused it] with not supporting the troops. We have nothing but support for them. That is human life.... When I saw [rescued soldier Jessica Lynch's] parents on TV, it made me really emotional to think they might think we're not happy for them and that we don't support their daughter.
MARTIE MAGUIRE When Natalie was introducing ''Travelin' Soldier,'' she said how it's not pro-war or a peace song, it's just a straight-down-the-middle, what-happens-in-war song. And right after Natalie said what she said, Emily got on the mike and said, ''But you know we support the troops 100 percent,'' so that there wouldn't be any misunderstanding. How convenient for the press to pick up what they want to pick up.
After the show, we went to a party, and the American ambassador to Britain, who had been at the concert, was there. He didn't say anything and he wanted a picture with us, so he must not have been offended. That's actually the doctored picture of us that's on the Internet. Saddam Hussein's head has been put on the American ambassador to England's body. How bizarre.

Once the backlash started, what sort of emotions did you go through?
MAINES It's sort of felt like how people say it is when someone dies, how you go through every stage -- angry, disappointed, confused. [Quietly] Some days I just feel proud.

Travis Tritt called your remarks ''cowardly'' and suggested you wouldn't have said what you did in front of an American crowd.
EMILY ROBISON The funny thing about that is, we assumed that whole crowd was expatriates from Texas, because that's who came to the show when we played the same venue four years ago.
MAINES And, for as many times as we've stuck our feet in our mouths, I think I would have said that in the States, thinking that I would have gotten big cheers -- and probably have been enlightened otherwise [laughter]. But when you feel a certain way, it seems so logical and sensitive and pure to you. When I said it, it didn't feel controversial. I didn't think I was making a big going-against-the-grain statement.

STRING QUARTET The group circa 1992 (when the Bushes were fans), with (from left) Emily, Robin Lynn Macy, Martie, and Laura Lynch; Natalie joined in 1995
STRING QUARTET The group circa 1992 (when the Bushes were fans), with (from left) Emily, Robin Lynn Macy, Martie, and Laura Lynch; Natalie joined in 1995

There are people still hoping you'll issue another apology -- something more deeply felt than they believe the first was.
MAINES The irony is, the people who don't like what I said [in the apology] believe it wasn't written by me, and the people who do like what I said think that I was forced to say it. They're both wrong. I apologized exactly for what I'm sorry for, and I did not apologize for what I'm not sorry for. People say, ''Well, she didn't write that.'' Did it have to sound stupid for people to believe that I wrote that?
[Antiwar activists] wanted me to not have apologized. But it was so easy for me. At first we were saying ''You know, it was lighthearted'' -- well, that made people mad. I was like, okay, I can see that. I made a joke on foreign soil. I can see how people took offense to that. So I apologized for disrespecting the office of the presidency and the leader of the country. And that is what I wanted to say, and that is what I said, and that is all I will say. The end.

Ironically, the Bushes are -- or were, anyway -- Dixie Chicks fans from way back in your early days.
MAGUIRE Yeah, we used to go sing the national anthem at Rangers games, and they always had their box seats in front, and we'd talk to them....

MAINES Because they're people. If Bush was right here in front of me, I wouldn't degrade him. I have a lot of questions that I would ask, and I wouldn't back down from those. But I wouldn't ask them with a lot of attitude. There's no hatred in my heart.

A lot of country-radio people are hoping maybe Martie and Emily are closet conservatives who are slapping some sense into Natalie.
MAGUIRE That would be very convenient, because then maybe it would even everything out and it would go away quicker.
ROBISON My husband [singer-songwriter Charlie Robison] was doing an interview on country radio, and they said, ''Well, what are Martie and Emily saying about Natalie? They must be really mad.'' And he said, ''You don't understand. [They have] a bond that I can't get through, that no one can get through.'' People thinking this would divide us is a wrong assumption.... Natalie's comment came from a place of frustration that we all shared -- we were apparently days away from war and still left with a lot of questions.

MAINES When we first heard that people in the States were mad, I looked at them and said, ''Oh, s---, are y'all mad at me?'' And Martie just said, ''Any one of us could have said that.''
MAGUIRE Any one of us could have said it, and I'm glad it was you! [Laughter]

NOT WHISTLING DIXIE Chick bashing in Bossier City, La. -- part of KRMD 101.1 FM's ''Dixie Chicks Destruction'' day
NOT WHISTLING DIXIE Chick bashing in Bossier City, La. -- part of KRMD 101.1 FM's ''Dixie Chicks Destruction'' day

Do you understand the virulent reaction?
ROBISON I think everyone is afraid [about tensions in the world], and they need to vent it somehow. Not that they aren't truly mad [at us] about something. But what brings something to this level, especially when we as a group or Natalie have never said anything in this realm before?
MAGUIRE My tour bus driver left me high and dry a month before our tour started. I just couldn't believe he wouldn't drive my bus because of what Natalie said.
MAINES I don't hate people who are for the war. It seems unfathomable that someone would not want to drive us because of our political views. But we're learning more and more that it's not that unfathomable to a large percentage of the population.

You see comments on message boards like ''I hope they eat some of Earl's peas.'' [The Chicks' hit ''Goodbye Earl'' was about a wife beater who is fatally poisoned by his spouse.] At least they have a sense of humor. On the other hand, it is a borderline death threat.
MAINES Emily [got] trash dumped in front of her gate, and one of those right-wing talk-show hosts said, ''Well, what did they expect?'' My answer was: Not that! Didn't expect death threats! Didn't expect to have 24-hour security outside of my house! Violence doesn't cross my mind when I don't like what someone said. So, proud to say I didn't expect that. Don't feel naive for not expecting that.
ROBISON I worried more about how it affected our families. The three of us can create a kind of shell around ourselves. With my father, they had done a cute little hometown story on him in North Carolina right before this happened, and then these horrible, hateful letters started coming in to the school where he teaches, calling my dad a traitor.
MAINES Yeah, be mad at US.... Martie goes, ''My grandfather's catching a lot of s--- at the nursing home.'' We started laughing, and she goes, ''He is! It's real!''

ROBISON But he's the most staunch right-wing Republican....
MAINES Yeah, well, hello! He can hang out with my whole family. I joked with my dad, because he's been so pissed off about this -- I said, ''Hey, Dad, one of the positives is that maybe you're coming over to our side!''
MAGUIRE I'm usually the one that gets scared the most. I'm the worrywart of the band. I remember when they wanted to have ''Chicks kick ass'' buttons at our merchandise table -- I was appalled. [The other two crack up.] ''What will parents think when their child comes back with a 'Chicks kick ass' pin?'' But [in this], I've surprised myself. I never wavered, ever.

GOLDEN TOUCH The Chicks accept their Best Country Album Grammy on Feb. 23
GOLDEN TOUCH The Chicks accept their Best Country Album Grammy on Feb. 23

In your apology, Natalie, you alluded to how being a mother affected your position on the war. [Maines has a 2-year-old son, Slade, with her husband, actor Adrian Pasdar.]
MAINES After September 11, that's the first time ever that I felt true fear. It's changed us forever. I remember right after that being scared all the time -- [being in New York and] hearing a plane vibrate, like ''No!''... I'm completely paranoid. So I think of those little kids over there, just laying in their beds, listening [to the planes]... [Maines begins to cry.] I feel some guilt -- we're so lucky to be born here, and you know, why are they born there?
ROBISON When you're a mother, it becomes, What are those mothers thinking? What are the mothers of the troops thinking? Everyone talks about how this war was over quickly and not that many people died. Tell that to the parents of the people coming back in body bags.

Now you're being targeted for a boycott, based primarily on one sentence, versus an Eddie Vedder who impales Bush masks on microphone stands, or even a Martin Sheen, who is an active antiwar protester. No one is trying to get ''West Wing'' taken off the air.
MAGUIRE Some people have said it's because we're women. I don't necessarily believe that. It's all about being country-music artists. And [country radio not playing our music] is proving that it is about country music. We feel let down by our industry.
MAINES Because we sit there and wave the country-music flag all the time.

People at the radio trades are saying that it was startling to see programmers turn on a group that had done more than anyone in recent years to bring people to the format. But it's not quite so surprising when you see the eagerness to spank Faith Hill and Shania Twain for their stylistic pop infractions.
MAGUIRE And [Faith] is the top female superstar in the format. Alienate Shania. Alienate Faith. Alienate us. You're driving away the top artists in your format. How can that be good?

MAINES And why does the format have to be so narrowly defined?... I have always been honest about not listening to country when I was younger. It wasn't even the music. Especially as a teenager, you're looking for people who ask questions, who have a nerve, and country always seemed really safe. Then when I became a country musician, it broke down a lot of the misconceptions I had, because I thought, hey, these people are really accepting of me, and I don't fit into this genre. Nobody ever seemed to have a problem with that. So it's just disappointing that now they do.

THE 'HOME' FRONT ''We're not the monsters we've been made out to be,'' says Maines
THE 'HOME' FRONT ''We're not the monsters we've been made out to be,'' says Maines

Within the country community, you're being pitted against more traditional, flag-waving stars Toby Keith (who gets a big cheer on tour projecting a doctored image of Natalie and Saddam) and Darryl Worley -- with those two winning in a landslide.
MAINES I don't agree with what Toby Keith says, at all. But I like that he speaks up. It may be the safe side of speaking up, because he knows that everyone in the genre is going to agree with him [laughs]. But everyone has the right to say something, and he does. I respect that more than people who say nothing.

You haven't had a lot of support from other country stars.
MAINES It took a while, and we were disappointed by that. But we heard that Faith Hill finally spoke up at the Flameworthy Awards.... We were starting to think, This is gonna be really hard to show up at award shows...
ROBISON Where we're not nominated anymore! [Laughter]
MAINES Yeah, we probably won't be showing up.... People make assumptions, how if you play one type of music, you're a certain way. But we surprised [the rock] audience as much as the country audience. They never in a million years thought that we wouldn't want to go to war. [Pause] Did I say ''we''? Do I need to say ''I''? [Laughter]

Will you address these issues from the stage when you tour?
MAINES You know, if we don't get a lot of boos... If I say anything, it'll just be a thank-you -- just for being fans.

Any thoughts on how this will ultimately play out?
ROBISON I think it will go down in history as a sign of the times. Will we bounce back? Will we end up not on country radio? I don't know. But I do think it's a sign of everyone's just being scared right now -- scared to speak up, scared to question. But our country's based on asking questions. Especially in a time of war. Especially when people's lives are at stake.
MAINES I feel patriotic -- and strong. We will continue to be who we are. People think this'll scare us and shut us up, and it's gonna do the opposite. They just served themselves a huge headache. [Laughter] But that's not a threat!

TOPICS: Music/Entertainment
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Please DO NOT post images of the infamous EW cover, or any Photoshop mockeries of it, in this thread.

There are certain Admin Moderators who can't handle it and will either delete your individual posts or move this entire thread into the chat ghetto where nobody will see it. It's not worth it.
1 posted on 04/25/2003 1:49:04 PM PDT by Timesink
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To: Timesink
Wow. Snippy are we?
2 posted on 04/25/2003 1:53:56 PM PDT by SunStar (Democrats piss me off!)
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To: SunStar
I just spent twenty minutes formatting this article ( goes out of its way to make their stories as hard to copy as possible). I don't want the thread deleted.
3 posted on 04/25/2003 1:54:54 PM PDT by Timesink
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To: Timesink
These people are idiots. They claimed last night that they are moral patriots and MOTHERS, yet they poise nude? Now that's rich!!

I pitty their poor kids. Can you imagine SEEING the front page of that magazine when you grow up? GROSSSSSSSSSSS

Sure, they probably used body doubles, but still.. the impression is left, so it won't matter if they try to tell their little ones,.."Well, that wasn't REALLY Mommy", because anyone with an iota of cognitive ability would still question WHY they would agree to "portray" themselves as being naked!!

These girls should have kept their mouths shut.. they are really disgusting. That is MY RIGHT to say. They helped MOLD MY opinion!!
4 posted on 04/25/2003 1:57:45 PM PDT by Vets_Husband_and_Wife ("CNN - WE report WHEN WE decide.")
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To: Timesink
My tour bus driver left me high and dry a month before our tour started. I just couldn't believe he wouldn't drive my bus because of what Natalie said.

That guy has more integrity in his little finger than these Chicks have in their bloated, pampered bodies.

5 posted on 04/25/2003 1:58:33 PM PDT by wideawake (Support our troops and their Commander-in-Chief)
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To: Timesink
If Bush was right here in front of me

That's President Bush to you, b!tch.

6 posted on 04/25/2003 1:59:00 PM PDT by TheBigB (**FOX NEWS ALERT Lost puppy in Des Moines. Daschle "saddened." THIS HAS BEEN A FOX NEWS ALERT**)
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To: Timesink
On "Fox and Friends" thursday 4/24...

Steve Doocy: "What do you think about the 'Dixie Chicks'?"

Hennry Kissinger: "What's a 'Dixie Chick'?"

(I'm series!)
7 posted on 04/25/2003 2:01:36 PM PDT by evets (God is love)
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To: Timesink
They have an arrested maturity which predisposes them to a child-like view of the world. Which is consistent character flaw among Liberals.
8 posted on 04/25/2003 2:01:50 PM PDT by Search4Truth (When a man lies, he murders part of the world.)
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To: Vets_Husband_and_Wife
You are so right. At one point they said, "We know we are role models etc."then they showed the "nude" cover. I turned to my husband and told him that if they certainly aren't the role models I want our daughter to see.
9 posted on 04/25/2003 2:04:18 PM PDT by TXBubba
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To: TXBubba
make that "they certainly aren't"
10 posted on 04/25/2003 2:05:37 PM PDT by TXBubba
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To: evets
Is that like a bad egg that never hatched?
11 posted on 04/25/2003 2:06:58 PM PDT by FloridaBoy
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To: Timesink
< They never in a million years thought that we wouldn't want to go to war. ... >

Therein lies the problem. Does anyone ever "want" to go to war? That's the problem I have with "anti-war" people. They seem to think people are "for" war or "want" war. What we "wanted" was to do the right thing. WAR was the means to get it done.
12 posted on 04/25/2003 2:14:14 PM PDT by GOP_Proud
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To: Timesink
Please DO NOT post images of the infamous EW cover, or any Photoshop mockeries of it, in this thread.

Hey man, freedom of speech! </sarcasm off>

13 posted on 04/25/2003 2:14:45 PM PDT by 11th Commandment
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To: Timesink
I have to say the Dixie Chicks EW cover was more interesting than either the article or their interview with Diane Sawyer. Of course I don't think too many people remember what Lady Godiva was protesting either.
14 posted on 04/25/2003 2:17:32 PM PDT by The Great RJ
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To: TXBubba
I saw that and almost CHOKED. ROLE MODELS?? No thanks!!

Our children and grandchildren were taught to LOVE this nation. They are also being taught morals!!

Unbelievable, wasn't it?

When the middle girl was asked if she would like to say something to President Bush, she said "You don't have enough time".

I knew what she meant..and it wasn't an apology.


She kept saying that she thought the President should have acknowledged those who disagreed with the war, like they did.

Dianne Sawyer said "he did.. he said this is America and everyone has a right to their opinion" *(not a direct quote.. but I'm sure you heard Diane try to explain that HE HAD SAID he supported the rights of the protestors to protest peacefully). She talked right over Diane. All three were VERY arrogant.

They have done NOTHING to make anyone in this house think they are sorry.

But they do have a twisted logic. They think it is mean and awful that they would be punished and people would not buy their music or attend their concerts because they spoke out. In otherwords, they think the boycotting is awful. THEY CAN HAVE OPINIONS, BUT GOD FORBID ANYONE ELSE THE SAME PRIVLEDGE!!

They even acted APPALLED that LITTLE KIDS were out there stomping on THEIR CD's. They were all upset about it!! Yet they pose nude on the FRONT COVER of a magazine.. Which in all likely hood, could be in a supermarket on a newstand when their KIDS walk by!!!

I don't go out and tell everyone in the world to boycott them.. I don't have to!! People feel the same way about them that we do.. they are disgusting and why would I spend my hard earned money on their cd's or concerts?

If I was still raising kids at home, I'd be explaining what they did on foriegn soil.. how they aren't sorry..and discouraging them from buying a single thing they promote or make.

I'd love to tell them that even though we HATED Bill Clinton, we did not speak out against him AS COMMANDER IN CHIEF OR WHEN MAKING DECISIONS THAT sent our troops into harms way. We would never do that. We understand the importance of NOT doing that.

They were not sorry..and I saw absolutely NO remorse.. ONLY DEFIANCE.

I hope they fail..and I hope soon we don't have to see their faces on ANYTHING.

We used to think they were so talented. They have tainted that opinion forever.

BTW,.. did you notice how the Department of Defense has NO PLANS to let them tour for the troops.. I laughed out loud!!

I think these idiots honestly thought they would still be welcome!!!

Just an amazing interview. I'm glad we watched.. I almost didn't.. as I don't want to promote ANYTHING they do. But sometimes you have to see to have the knowledge of what was said so you CAN form an opinion. What they said last night.. set my low opinion of them in STONE!!

Glad we watched it.. though they disgusted me and made me sick to my stomach.

15 posted on 04/25/2003 2:20:25 PM PDT by Vets_Husband_and_Wife ("CNN - WE report WHEN WE decide.")
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To: Timesink

THE 'HOME' FRONT ''We're not the monsters we've been made out to be,'' says Maines
CULTURE : Understanding Feminists and Their Fantasies


16 posted on 04/25/2003 2:20:27 PM PDT by Remedy
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To: Timesink
I think that it's extremely "hilaries" that these folks with time on their hands (the ones doing the disc bashing) don't stop to think that they are actually supporting the Chicks. Somebody had to buy those CD's. Where the heck do these bozo's think they came from - someone stole them ??? All your useless protests are belong to us.
17 posted on 04/25/2003 2:21:33 PM PDT by BSunday
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To: Search4Truth

arrested maturity which predisposes them to a child-like view of the world

CULTURE : Polling Expert: Feminism Is On the Way Out

18 posted on 04/25/2003 2:22:45 PM PDT by Remedy
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To: BSunday
Well, I was under the impression it was people that had already long since owned the CDs deciding to throw them out. At least I hope they were.
19 posted on 04/25/2003 2:22:50 PM PDT by Timesink
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To: Timesink; Registered
Hey, Registered -- Entertainment Weekly just screwed you:

20 posted on 04/25/2003 2:23:59 PM PDT by Sloth ("I feel like I'm taking crazy pills!" -- Jacobim Mugatu, 'Zoolander')
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