Only if you really understand the background of Jack’s Magic Coffee Shop, an argument can be made that the deal between Elon Musk and Tucker Carlson is trying to get the unsubsidized financial viability of Twitter under the control of an independent platform.  At least, that’s my slant on the positive perspective here.

As a free communication platform, Twitter has never been, and is not now, financially viable.  However, if Musk can continue finding ways to monetize the platform, subscriptions, exclusive content, advertising, and now broadcasting etc., he might finally be able to break free from the data processing subsidy running behind it.  We should be cautiously optimistic, yet pragmatic to the reality of the challenge.

Toward that end, Tucker Carlson announced today an intent to use the social media platform as a free speech and journalistic broadcasting system.  If Elon Musk chooses to make Carlson the anchor of this ¹Twitter enterprise it would be akin to ²Fox streaming services making Carlson the anchor of Fox News digital, via Fox Nation. {Direct Rumble Link