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Liberal Voters Willfull Blindness to Democratic Party Evil
Dignitas News Service ^ | June 19, 2014 | Paul M Winters

Posted on 06/19/2014 1:37:48 PM PDT by dignitasnews

Democratic Party


In the latest of a string of "coincidental" events involving skullduggery from the left, the IRS has reported that Lois Lerner's computer crashed back in 2011, the drive itself subsequently life-cycled out and thus causing the "permanent loss" of potentially incriminating emails involving her (and other government cooperatives) in the bureaus alleged intimidation and harassment of individual citizens. This has rightfully outraged a vast majority of the American public, with 76% of Americans agreeing that a Special Prosecutor should be appointed to investigate the situation according to a Quinnipiac poll conducted before news of the missing emails broke. The same poll, however, indicates that liberals and core Democratic Party voters continue to display a willful blindness and obedience to a party that appears to have embrace any evil end to advance its political goals and power.

If one searches out "IRS scandal lost emails" on Google, you will have to go to the fifth page to find a Progressive-left outlet piece on the issue, which will bring you to MSNBC's coverage, specifically Steve Brennan of the Rachel Maddow Show, who coined a piece entitled "GOP fumes over missing Lerner emails." In typical Progressive-left fashion, he begins his cover (up) piece by utilizing a leftist talking point I've begun noticing on nearly every issue of our time, "discredited." Brennan claims that IRS "controversy" (emphasis his) is discredited, but of course fails to qualify this, given the investigation is still ongoing and evidence has apparently been "lost" (emphasis mine). He then cites the very IRS being called under investigation as a source to confirm the emails were indeed lost due to a legitimate computer crash. That would be akin to taking the mob at its word if it were to claim a hundred kilos of seized heroin was not theirs, as they were simply "holding it for a friend."

Democratic Party

He then goes on of course to engage in another favorite tactic of the Progressive-left, in diverting attention to an unrelated action taken by the Bush Administration and never returns to the subject of the allegedly lost emails again. For MSNBC, that is where the real focus should be with, the Bush White House. This sort of yellow journalism would be laughable if it were not so very sad, as well as very frightening.

It is frightening because so many of their minions on the left are so willing, nay have such a desire to believe it. The left's sole rhetoric purpose of the 21st Century has been to demonize Republicans and conservatives so that all debate will not be focused on the results of Progressive-left policy but on the motives and intentions of the "evil" right-wing. Issues on debated on their merits and methods, but rather on the assumption that any proposal coming from Republicans must in fact be nefarious because they have "established" the ill-intent of conservatives long ago so that it is self-evident to the bulk of liberal voters. Of all the scandals currently circulating through DC and local communities throughout the country, the IRS scandal is one that liberals should be marching with us. That such a government agency should use its vast power to harass and intimidate American citizens simply to serve the political whims of those in power is something that strikes at all the 1960's counter-culture liberals claimed they stood for. We fast forward to 2014 and there is a much different perspective, as evidenced by Alex Wagner of MSNBC, whose partisanship is so deep that she actually makes the claim that the IRS is the REAL victim.

MSNBCAlexWagnerShow (via DigitasDaily YouTube)

The Progressive has been quite successful in this effort, so successful that liberals and core constituencies of the Democratic Party have been more than willing to turn a blind eye to the evils perpetuated by the "party of the people." The number of scandals involving Democrats just over the past two years has been absolutely breathtaking, all the more so in that it has failed, by and large, to tarnish the image of this party or its standard-bearer, President Obama. Consider than in just the past two years we've seen Democrats deeply involved in Benghazi, the IRS scandal, the NSA, a California "anti-gun" State Senator (Leland Yee) involved in a scheme to import guns and weapons (including rocket launchers) in conjunction with international organized crime figures, local Chinese Triads gangs and foreign Islamic terrorist groups, two other California State Senators indicted (Ron Calderon and Rod Wright, who has since pleaded guilty) for crimes including voter fraud, money laundering, theft, extortion and corruption, a "defender of women's rights" big city Mayor (Bob Filner) who plead guilty to sexual assault and false imprisonment, a massive corruption sting involving the New York State Senate where money was misappropriated from the poorest of districts, a Democratic Party leader in Obama's home-state of Illinois involved in child pornography (Keith Farnham) and the list goes on and on. Any one of these scandals would have caused irreparable damage to the Republican Party but because they have the network media on their side, these get little national attention with most Democratic voters completely ignorant of the breadth of corruption running through the party.

I'll make very clear here that I differentiate between the "liberal" and the "Progressive." Although they are part of the same caucus and confederacy that makes up the Democratic Party, there is a distinct difference between the two. The run of the mill liberal is someone I consider to be of good overall intention, albeit intellectually lazy and as such has become a willing "useful idiot" for the Progressives, who I assert are the single greatest threat to our republic and I furthermore charge has long ago succumb to the forces of evil.

It is the Progressive that seeks a fundamental transformation of the American republic. It is the Progressive who views the free-market capitalist system as the enemy and not the single greatest vehicle for self-determination and dare I say natural and moral income redistribution the world has ever known. It is the Progressive who attacks the institution of family, who takes glee in the rise of the single-parent household and the more than one million abortions per year. It is the Progressive who purposely chose the route embarked on by the larger gay community to demand that absolutely no distinction be made between gay unions and traditional marriage. Furthermore, it is the Progressive who has demonized faith and religion, seeking to eradicate all notions of faith and morality from the body politic and the public discourse, reserving the bulk of their animosity for those who are followers of Jesus of Nazareth. One can argue at their ultimate motives for doing such, but for those of us who understand the nature (and reality) of good and evil, there is little doubt which force will be the beneficiary of their life's work.

As is the case with all evil-doers, they mask their ultimate goals with a face of benevolence and good intentions. Just as the Devil himself doesn't appear before us with horns ablaze, but rather with a caring smile and the apparent answer to our prayers, so does the Progressive work in a similar fashion. Despite a desire to enrich and empower the government bureaucracies which provide it its largest source of funding and political soldiering, the Progressive will speak to the benevolence of state-run welfare programs and its concern for the poor. Forget he fact that in 50 years of the Progressive "Great Society" there has been little change in the overall poverty numbers, other than segregating it, the Progressive will continue to push for more and more spending, and literally employs individuals tasked with promoting these programs, to enroll more "customers" into a life where they become beholden on the state for their very daily bread.

One of the more devastating consequences of the Great Society welfare state has been the stark increase in single-parent birthrates and fatherless children. Prior to the roll-out of LBJ's grand legacy, the single-parent birthrate stood at 9% nationally, 24% among the African-American community and 3% among whites. Today we wake up to the reality that 41% of all American children are born to a single-parent household, 39% of white children and a horrifying 73% of black children. Even within the Latino community, with its assumed strong sense of family, the figures are rising sharply, currently resting at 53%. When this is pointed out, the Progressive cleverly turns this to his advantage, accusing the bearers of such data as embarking on a "war against single-mothers" or that they are practicing racism in pointing out the ethnic differences of the metric. The fact is, there is a direct correlation between stable families and success in America. While the Progressive-left makes the argument that "white-male privilege" and the inherent racism of America are the causes for income inequality, the success of Asians in American destroys this entire argument. With the highest two-parent household rates, it is not surprising that Asians are "out-whiting whitey" as the charts below attached show.

Democratic Party Single-parent birth rates by race

Democratic Party Child-poverty rates by race.

Democratic Party College-graduation rates by race.

Democratic Party Adult income-levels by race.

I stress this statistic because, as I see it, there is no greater threat to our way of life, or a condition coveted by the Progressive, than the breakdown of the traditional family. This in itself is no great insight on my part, as it has been well-documented by Marxist dreamers and totalitarians for more than a century. It was specifically cited in George Orwells's fantastic warning to us all in his book 1984. The special and unique love and moral support provided by the family has also been the primary target of man's greatest foe for more than two millennia. What the modern Progressive understands far better than we is that if he can accomplish the goal of driving the father out of the household, he is more likely to seduce the mother into accepting the support of the state and can thus control the children forever. It is a template for wickedness that is effective to near mathematical precision.

Add to this the most vile of Progressive enjoyment, the abortion issue. All cultures of mankind have lived by the most basic of natural laws, that you are responsible for the life you create. Over the past 100 years Progressives have convinced the "evolved" cultures of Europe and North American that we have somehow reached a level of "enlightenment" that enables us to "choose" to terminate our own species solely for the sake of convenience, so long as that member of the tribe has yet to take their first unaided breath. In their demonic brilliance, they have transformed this blood-lust into a rhetorical position of women's rights and a vanguard against the "tyranny" of a paternalistic society and outdated notions of our provincial past. That the abortion movement began in large part as a racist and reactionary cause to slow the birth rates of "undesirable" elements is of course obscured and expunged from the record, but the legacy remains even today, as nearly 48% of all abortions are performed on black females and more black infants are aborted than are born in Progressive New York City. These facts are of course scoffed at by liberals, after all Progressives have convinced them that conservatives are the bigots and will drive home the rhetorical talking point that "Republicans only care about what happens before they are born but want them to starve afterward." To the politically ignorant urban-liberal, this makes perfect sense.

The Progressive not only uses this template for economic and political advantage, but then furthermore utilizes it as a method to further divide the populace on racial and class lines. Utilizing the sin of envy, of which is at the heart of all leftist political thought, the Progressive takes the inequality that he creates and adopts it as a rhetorical weapon. The left is oft to speak of the "injustice" of rising income inequality, but never answers the question as to how their proposed methods will in fact improve the day-to-day lot in life of the poor. In his updated Marxist manifesto Capital in the 21st Century, French socialist Thomas Piketty spent roughly 666 pages (okay 684) devising schemes and strategies to justify taxing those with more than $200,000 in annual income rates of 80% or more, but curiously spent little time addressing how this will translate in a higher quality of life for the poor. To the Progressive leftist, this is supposed to be self-evident. To the urban or suburban liberal, this will be accepted without debate, as they will enthusiastically regurgitate the talking points they been given instruction on for this "new masterpiece" which very few of them have read, preferring once again to accept the 300-word synopsis they were provided on their favorite left-of-center website. I can't fully fault them for this, as I forced myself to read through this laborious piece of garbage and class envy which provided no more tangible justification for Piketty's proposals as can be found on a Facebook image of a smirking Gene Wilder with a pithy comment on the greed of the rich.

So what we find is a brilliant template for division and misery that the Progressive has perfected. As they present their darkness, there is no consequences associated with it. Abortion, forfeiting one's self-determination for state-supported survival, taking the fruits of others labor for your own needs and above all the promotion of hedonism as natural and even healthy. None of the tools of the Great Deceiver are more powerful than those which play to our pleasure principles. Here is where his Progressive minions have been most successful in swaying the American people to the darkness, and it is also the key to their path to political power. Yes, I am speaking of sexual pleasure. If one takes their program (while pogrom might be a more appropriate description) it is this method which first seduces the young fledgling liberal into a life-long contempt of conservatism, by casting it as a force which seeks to designed to deny them their pursuits of pleasure. In reality, what conservatism does is to remind us of the consequences of sloth, envy and unbridled hedonism.

An excellent example of the Progressive-left's wickedness in bringing the young "into the fold" can be found in the Planned Parenthood produced A Naked Notion program in which the host, Laci Green, provides sexual advice and instruction. Green has built an internet following through this and her personal forums which utilizes her "girl-next-door" persona and inviting style to promote various sexual peccadilloes in a benign and perfectly acceptable manner and is an occasional contributor on left-wing sites such as The Huffington Post. Although Planned Parenthood puts the obligatory "over 18" disclaimers at the start of each four to five minute clip, her audience is decide younger and she often cites reference to her apparent frequent sexual practice which began at age 16. The ultimate message of each episode, be it on oral or anal sex, urination, bisexuality, random hook-ups, etc is that it is okay if it feels good and you desire it. Emotional consequence is rarely mentioned, as again the drive is to appeal to the pleasure principle. The following is one of the episodes, on BDSM, which to date has over 85,000 views. (WARNING: Explicit Subject Matter):

ANakedNotion/PlannedParenthood (via YouTube)

Believe it or not, this is one of the more "tame" episodes of this show. Of course there are episodes dedicated to abortion where once again it is presented in a very benign light, with Green using her "cutesy" style to make it appear as standard as any medical procedure without any discussion to the emotional consequences of the action. On her personal You Tube channel she goes even further, as in one instances she all but advocated for a abortion as the logical choice for a young girl who emailed her seeking advice. Below is an example of her and Planned Parenthood's objectivity on the issue of abortion:

ANakedNotion/PlannedParenthood (via YouTube)

I do not hold the liberal in complete scorn for his ignorance or willful blindness. Although he is serving his purpose as "useful idiot" for the Progressives by his votes and pseudo-activism, his only fault is that of intellectual-laziness, one which infects so much of our republic and has been prevalent since the dawn of time, as our species is easily led down the wrong path by the forces of darkness. We as conservatives have previously been woe to combat and have left the fight against evil to religious organizations and have been far too fearful of public backlash to bring the aspects of good and evil to the political discourse. It is time we are honest with ourselves and the American public about the enemies we fight. Deep in our heart, we fully recognize that the left's goals to fundamentally "transform" America go far beyond simply how we pay our taxes, but is fact a nefarious attempt to alter the course of humanity now and forever more. It is incumbent upon us to develop proper strategies to counter the propaganda of the Progressive-left, which fits in perfectly with the 20 second sound bite. During the 1990's talk radio began to fill this gap, whose format required thought and discussion, which is the obvious reason why left-wing talk radio has been a dismal failure in nearly all its attempts to compete in that particular marketplace. And while this forum has continued to be a source of strength for the conservative movement, the world once again changed on us, as the rise of the internet and social media presented Progressives with further opportunities to capitalize on short-attention spans and we once again found ourselves initially outflanked. While the left employs countless energy into attempting to destroy conservatives, and the entire nation along with it, those of us on the right spend as much time fighting each other as developing strategies to properly counter-act left-wing hyperbole and the damage of their policies.

Despite all of this we find ourselves with a historic opportunity staring us in the face. In addition to a legitimate chance at holding both the House of Representatives and the US Senate for the final two years of Obama's Presidency, we have the rare opportunity to garner enough support to call on a Constitutional Convention, as the November elections provide Republicans with a realistic chance of controlling as many as 33 statehouses across the country. Read Article V of the Constitution and then consider the possibilities. Should we be fortunate enough to realize this goal, it will not be enough to simply push through and advocate our policy positions. With its dominance of the networks and old-media, along with its social-media prowess, the Progressive-left will ensure these victories are short-lived. They have proven time and time again this century they will stoop to any level to achieve political advantage and have also sadly proven they are enemies of the American way. The party of Harry Truman is no more, today's Democratic Party is owned and operated by the wicked Progressive-left. Their wickedness, however, is on full display and there is abundant evidence of the misery and heartache their policies have wrought on the American people. I call on all conservatives to first recognize that we are in fact fighting a force of evil and to put aside our internal squabbles to take advantage of the historic opportunity that Providence has placed before us and eradicate Progressive-liberalism before it destroys us all.

Opinion by Paul M Winters

Editor in Chief, Dignitas News Service


QuinnipiacUniversity MSNBC DignitasNews ANakedNotion/PlannedParenthood (via YouTube) ANakedNotion/PlannedParenthood (via YouTube) MSNBCAlexWagnerShow (via DigitasDaily YouTube)

TOPICS: Government; Politics; Religion; Society
KEYWORDS: democraticparty; irsabuse; msnbc; plannedparenthood

1 posted on 06/19/2014 1:37:48 PM PDT by dignitasnews
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To: dignitasnews

They may wake up for a split second and notice they’re in a field with a blue plastic bag over their heads

2 posted on 06/19/2014 1:40:26 PM PDT by molson209 (Blank)
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To: dignitasnews

And they will always remain so. They outnumber is, their numbers grow daily and the utter ineptitude of the GOP makes it impossible to educate anyone.

3 posted on 06/19/2014 1:40:56 PM PDT by RIghtwardHo
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To: dignitasnews

I was talking to a reporter for the Tampa Tribune at a party. I told him something he’d printed was untrue. He said, (more or less) “It’s okay because the Republicans lie much more than us. It’s just leveling the playing field.”

I think my jaw just dropped. How can you argue with thinking like that? I used to know and be friendly with lots of liberals as they were the bulk of the people I worked with and knew. Since 2008, other than smiling and saying “hi,” I can’t be bothered with people who would literally be happy to see all conservatives gassed.

4 posted on 06/19/2014 1:47:53 PM PDT by Gen.Blather
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To: Gen.Blather

And that is the prevailing attitude of a large portion of the “useful idiots” out there. Lord knows the GOP has its problems, we all debate and expose that daily here on FR and elsewhere, but for the intellectually-lazy liberal, they are largely unaware. They havent heard of Leland Yee, they dont know the details about the IRS/Benghazi, etc. They dont know the black single-parent birthrates, or that more black babies are aborted than born in NYC. They dont know about what went on in Detroit, what goes on in Chicago.

They are mindless. This is not to excuse them, but we had better figure a way how to break through the left’s media and education establishment power, or our children are screwed.

5 posted on 06/19/2014 1:53:02 PM PDT by dignitasnews
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To: dignitasnews

It is not evil for them. This is how they live their lives. Willing blindness. It takes no courage to be a Democrat, to be a liberal, to be a Progressive, to be a statist, to be a socialist, to be a Marxist. Just a willingness to be told what to do, what to think, where to live, what and how you drive, who your neighbor will be but just the number of parasites you have to provide for.

6 posted on 06/19/2014 1:55:31 PM PDT by cashless (Obama told us he would side with Muslims if the political winds shifted in an ugly direction. Ready?)
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To: dignitasnews
So what we find is a brilliant template for division and misery that the Progressive has perfected.

The progressive-dominated governing class is our society's autoimmune disease.

From the Chambers to the chamber pot..

Void the bowels of Washington, D.C. 2014 - 2016

That may solve the problem. Doc WoC.

7 posted on 06/19/2014 2:01:15 PM PDT by WilliamofCarmichael (If modern America's Man on Horseback is out there, Get on the damn horse already!)
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To: dignitasnews

they don’t care because the left isn’t the enemy... YOU are.

the left can literally do nothing wrong, as no one will ever be held accountable.

in the face of this, why do we care what they say? why do we allow anyone on the left determine what should be pursued by the law? why do we bother following rules they only follow when convenient?

8 posted on 06/19/2014 2:06:13 PM PDT by sten (fighting tyranny never goes out of style)
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To: WilliamofCarmichael

Well said WoC

9 posted on 06/19/2014 2:19:29 PM PDT by dignitasnews
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To: dignitasnews


10 posted on 06/19/2014 2:21:34 PM PDT by Pajamajan ( Pray for our nation. Thank the Lord for everything you have. Don't wait. Do it today.)
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To: sten


Please elaborate. I’m sincerely curious as to what you are alluding to.

11 posted on 06/19/2014 2:22:17 PM PDT by dignitasnews
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To: dignitasnews
You won't find any Google hits with a search string like that in double quotes. Double quotes means to search for the exact text string, and nobody writes a phrase like that.

Try the search without the quotes, and you will get a different result.


12 posted on 06/19/2014 2:26:30 PM PDT by Political Junkie Too (If you are the Posterity of We the People, then you are a Natural Born Citizen.)
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To: dignitasnews
"...the IRS has reported that Lois Lerner's computer crashed back in 2011,"

Isn't it funny that they didn't know that the first time they were asked for documents and emails?

13 posted on 06/19/2014 2:26:33 PM PDT by Baynative (How much longer will the media be able to prop up this administration?)
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To: Gen.Blather
"How can you argue with thinking like that?"

You can't because liberals believe anything that differs from what they hold true must be a lie. Our main job should be to discredit the media and expose them for what they are. They should all be made to reveal what they hope to transform America into with their propaganda.

14 posted on 06/19/2014 2:29:28 PM PDT by Baynative (How much longer will the media be able to prop up this administration?)
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To: Political Junkie Too

The image was meant for obvious purposes and I do get your point. That said, do it without the search and you wont find much more, in terms of legitimate concern. The first left-wing site which pops us is on page matters, which details: Levin Expressed Concern About Tax Exemption Violations By Nonprofits

Bottom line is, the left doesnt care, because it is their party in power. The so-called counter-culture liberal of the 60’s is forever gone. They have embraced the Establishment with a loyalty and love that even Hitler would envy.

15 posted on 06/19/2014 2:30:25 PM PDT by dignitasnews
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To: dignitasnews
I understand. The real concern is why the Republicans in power don't seem to care, either.


16 posted on 06/19/2014 2:33:04 PM PDT by Political Junkie Too (If you are the Posterity of We the People, then you are a Natural Born Citizen.)
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To: Political Junkie Too

It frustrates me as well PJ.

17 posted on 06/19/2014 2:53:34 PM PDT by dignitasnews
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To: dignitasnews


18 posted on 06/19/2014 3:13:36 PM PDT by publius911 ( Politicians come and go... but the (union) bureaucracy lives and grows forever.)
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To: dignitasnews

If any doubt remained about the libs and Dems and their willful blindness to evil, it should’ve been removed with the 2012 Democrat National Convention.

19 posted on 07/03/2014 11:45:17 PM PDT by ReformationFan
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To: ReformationFan

Wow. I recall the controversy, but hadnt seen the coverage up until now. Thank you for sharing that.

20 posted on 07/06/2014 3:35:44 PM PDT by dignitasnews
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