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Obamacare: “You think you hate it now, but wait ’til you drive it!”
Confounded Interest ^ | 09/27/2013 | Anthony B. Sanders

Posted on 09/27/2013 7:01:01 AM PDT by whitedog57

Like the car salesman in National Lampoon’s Vacation (played by Eugene Levy) said: “You think you hate it now, but wait ’til you drive it!” The same applies to the Affordable Healthcare Act (aka, Obamacare).


The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (aka, Obamacare) may be the worst piece of legislation ever passed by Congress and signed by a President .. and that covers a lot of ground.

Why is it so bad? For one, do you REALLY want government in charge of your healthcare? Other than that, Obamacare distorts the healthcare market enormously. See the American Action Forum for an excellent analysis.

And Obamacare varies quite a bit by state. Socialist Democrat states like New York, New Jersey, Vermont, Rhode Island and Taxachussets will have lower Obamacare premiums on average. All other states, hold on to your wallets! (I am surprised that California didn’t catch a big Obamacare premium break or waiver).


To pay for the elderly, the poor and illegal immigrants, Obamacare requires the healthy and young to foot the tab.


Obamacare premiums will skyrocket for young males. But unless young males want to pay for birth control and other mandated expenditures, they may want to pay a penalty … which is less than the cost of Obamacare premium. That is why President Obama and “navigators” are scouring college campuses to get you to do something that is NOT in your best interest. Like paying for 111,500 abortions per year (even if you are a single 25 year old male).


Of course, young people are faced with higher taxes (Obamacare) and declining median household incomes. My suggestion if you want to eventually buy a home? PAY THE OBAMACARE PENALTY AND DON’T BUY GOVERNMENT INSURANCE! And you will have the FHA to insure mortgages for the slim down payment that you may have accumulated.


But wait! The FHA is crawling to Treasury to plead for $1 billion to $1.5 billion to plug a budget shortfall, according to three people familiar with the agency’s finances. So we may see Congress push the FHA for an increase in the down payment from 3.5% to 7.5%. That will further dampen young people’s home ownership hopes.

But don’t worry, there is a massive tax of married couples too. If they have identical earnings totaling $65,000, which will usually net down to $50,000 or below after all income and payroll taxes, their Obamacare exchange Silver Plan premium next year with the same earnings will be $16,382, or about one-third of what used to be their take-home pay.


But aside from the distortionary effects, IRS can’t account for $67 million from the ACA implementation fund.

And the healthcare exchanges are costing $5.3 billion and 16 million hours to develop.

And Obamacare creates two new entitlements projected to cost nearly $1.8 trillion over the next decade.

And don’t forget that Congress has been waived from entering the Obamacare exchanges. Along with zads of other special interest groups and political cronies.

While millions may get a great deal (like illegal immigrants and half the nation who qualify for Obamacare subsidies ), millions will have to pay a lot of money for their healthcare. It was all about wealth redistribution from the start since simply raising taxes is so unpopular.

So while the FHA tries to help households with thin accumulated capital, Obamacare makes it more difficult for the youth to purchase a home EVEN WITH THE FHA 3.5% down mortgage. Crazy government policies!

White House Press Secretary Jay Carney summarized the elitist position the best: He said “absolutely,” he would sign up for insurance on one of the new Obamacare exchanges — “if I did not have employer-provided health insurance.”

“I would absolutely enroll,” Carney said on Thursday. “It would be more affordable,” he added.

Sure, Jay. Tell us another one.

Here are some more distortions of Obamacare.

1. Forced forced home inspections by gov’t agents: Under Obamacare, government agents can engage in “home health visits” for those in certain “high-risk” categories. Those categories include:

• Families where mom is not yet 21; • Families where someone is a tobacco user; • Families where children have low student achievement, developmental delays, or disabilities, and • Families with individuals who are serving or formerly served in the armed forces, including such families that have members of the armed forces who have had multiple deployments outside the United States.

2. Government will use “honor system” for Obamacare subsidies. In order to get as many young people addicted to Obamacare, despite its outrageous cost, the government will use the honor system to qualify.


Ordinarily, young males wouldn’t touch Obamacare with a ten foot pole … unless they are bribed by government subsidies into taking it.

3. Obamacare raises the cost of healthcare premiums while lowering benefits. When government takes control of healthcare, rationing is inevitable. Companies are starting to cut benefits to avoid Obamacare taxes.

4. Obamacare did not lower healthcare premiums as promised. In fact, healthcare premiums are skyrocketing. And you probably won’t get to keep you doctor either. But to be fair to President Obama, if he told you what was really going to happen, he wouldn’t have gotten reelected.

5. Obamacare is so complex (and contrived) that it is difficult to put into place. See the American Action Forum for this chart of what remains to be done to destroy what was once the greatest healthcare system in the world.


And as Forbes reports, an unpublished CRS Memo reveals that the Obama Administration has missed half of Obamacare’s legally imposed implementation deadlines.


6. Obamacare penalties for failure to purchase Obamacare are steep. And many people are exempted. Among those exempted include: undocumented immigrants and Native Americans. The uninsured can also file for hardship exemptions.


7. Why overnment should NEVER be allowed near healthcare (or housing finance) in one chart.

Obamacare Chart_High Resolution

8. Obamacare results in spouses losing healthcare effectively raising the cost per household. In addition to punishing young males with skyrocketing Obamacare premiums, Obamcare is punishing spouses as well UPS to drop 15,000 spouses from insurance, cites Obamacare.

The list goes on and on. Suffice it to say that Obamacare is a disaster and gives the government and the IRS unprecedented powers to reduce your property rights and liberties. Not to mention your healthcare.


Instead of the platinum insurance program, let’s be honest and just call it the “Metallic Pea” program.

Again, as Eugene Levy said in Vacation, “You think you hate it now, but wait ’til you drive it!”

TOPICS: Business/Economy; Government; Politics
KEYWORDS: government; obamacare; youth
Obama is a lying SOS.
1 posted on 09/27/2013 7:01:01 AM PDT by whitedog57
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To: whitedog57

We must oppose cloture on H. J. Res. 59, so that Harry Reid and Senate Democrats cannot sneak in funding for Obamacare. We need you to call your Senators right now: tell them to oppose cloture on H.J. Res 59 and remind them that a vote for cloture IS a for funding Obamacare.

State Senator Party Phone
AK Mark Begich D (202) 224-3004
AK Lisa Murkowski R (202) 224-6665
AL Jeff Sessions R (202) 224-4124
AL Richard C. Shelby R (202) 224-5744
AR John Boozman R (202) 224-4843
AR Mark L. Pryor D (202) 224-2353
AZ Jeff Flake R (202) 224-4521
AZ John McCain R (202) 224-2235
CA Barbara Boxer D (202) 224-3553
CA Dianne Feinstein D (202) 224-3841
CO Michael F. Bennet D (202) 224-5852
CO Mark Udall D (202) 224-5941
CT Richard Blumenthal D (202) 224-2823
CT Christopher Murphy D (202) 224-4041
DE Thomas R. Carper D (202) 224-2441
DE Christopher A. Coons D (202) 224-5042
FL Bill Nelson D (202) 224-5274
FL Marco Rubio R (202) 224-3041
GA Saxby Chambliss R (202) 224-3521
GA Johnny Isakson R (202) 224-3643
HI Mazie K. Hirono D (202) 224-6361
HI Brian Schatz D (202) 224-3934
IA Chuck Grassley R (202) 224-3744
IA Tom Harkin D (202) 224-3254
ID Mike Crapo R (202) 224-6142
ID James E. Risch R (202) 224-2752
IL Richard J. Durbin D (202) 224-2152
IL Mark Kirk R (202) 224-2854
IN Daniel Coats R (202) 224-5623
IN Joe Donnelly D (202) 224-4814
KS Jerry Moran R (202) 224-6521
KS Pat Roberts R (202) 224-4774
KY Mitch McConnell R (202) 224-2541
KY Rand Paul R (202) 224-4343
LA Mary L. Landrieu D (202) 224-5824
LA David Vitter R (202) 224-4623
MA Edward Markey D (202) 224-2742
MA Elizabeth Warren D (202) 224-4543
MD Benjamin L. Cardin D (202) 224-4524
MD Barbara A. Mikulski D (202) 224-4654
ME Susan M. Collins R (202) 224-2523
ME Angus S. King I (202) 224-5344
MI Carl Levin D (202) 224-6221
MI Debbie Stabenow D (202) 224-4822
MN Al Franken D (202) 224-5641
MN Amy Klobuchar D (202) 224-3244
MO Roy Blunt R (202) 224-5721
MO Claire McCaskill D (202) 224-6154
MS Thad Cochran R (202) 224-5054
MS Roger F. Wicker R (202) 224-6253
MT Max Baucus D (202) 224-2651
MT Jon Tester D (202) 224-2644
NC Richard Burr R (202) 224-3154
NC Kay R. Hagan D (202) 224-6342
ND Heidi Heitkamp D (202) 224-2043
ND John Hoeven R (202) 224-2551
NE Deb Fischer R (202) 224-6551
NE Mike Johanns R (202) 224-4224
NH Kelly Ayotte R (202) 224-3324
NH Jeanne Shaheen D (202) 224-2841
NJ Jeff Chiesa R (202) 224-3224
NJ Robert Menendez D (202) 224-4744
NM Martin Heinrich D (202) 224-5521
NM Tom Udall D (202) 224-6621
NV Dean Heller R (202) 224-6244
NV Harry Reid D (202) 224-3542
NY Kirsten E. Gillibrand D (202) 224-4451
NY Charles E. Schumer D (202) 224-6542
OH Sherrod Brown D (202) 224-2315
OH Rob Portman R (202) 224-3353
OK Tom Coburn R (202) 224-5754
OK James M. Inhofe R (202) 224-4721
OR Jeff Merkley D (202) 224-3753
OR Ron Wyden D (202) 224-5244
PA Robert P. Casey D (202) 224-6324
PA Patrick J. Toomey R (202) 224-4254
RI Jack Reed D (202) 224-4642
RI Sheldon Whitehouse D (202) 224-2921
SC Lindsey Graham R (202) 224-5972
SC Tim Scott R (202) 224-6121
SD Tim Johnson D (202) 224-5842
SD John Thune R (202) 224-2321
TN Lamar Alexander R (202) 224-4944
TN Bob Corker R (202) 224-3344
TX John Cornyn R (202) 224-2934
UT Orrin G. Hatch R (202) 224-5251
UT Mike Lee R (202) 224-5444
VA Tim Kaine D (202) 224-4024
VA Mark R. Warner D (202) 224-2023
VT Patrick J. Leahy D (202) 224-4242
VT Bernard Sanders I (202) 224-5141
WA Maria Cantwell D (202) 224-3441
WA Patty Murray D (202) 224-2621
WI Tammy Baldwin D (202) 224-5653
WI Ron Johnson R (202) 224-5323
WV Joe Manchin D (202) 224-3954
WV John D. Rockefeller D (202) 224-6472
WY John Barrasso R (202) 224-6441
WY Michael B. Enzi R (202) 224-3424

Now that we have your attention, you sorry US Senators, keep in mind that we will replace you with those who will gladly correct your errors - - - .

So, scrub and clean by 2014 !

Tick-tock, tick-tock, tick —————

- See more at:


Orrin Hatch
John Cornyn
Lamar’s caddy
John Thune
Linda Gayham
Tom Coburn
Roy Blunt
B*tch McConnell
Dan Coats
Juan McLame

2 posted on 09/27/2013 7:01:41 AM PDT by Graewoulf (Traitor John Roberts' Commune-Style Obama'care' violates U.S. Constitution AND Anti-Trust Law.)
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To: whitedog57

3 posted on 09/27/2013 7:07:12 AM PDT by Travis McGee (
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To: Graewoulf


Orrin Hatch
John Cornyn
Lamar’s caddy
John Thune
Linda Gayham
Tom Coburn
Roy Blunt
B*tch McConnell
Dan Coats
Juan McLame

They’re out next election unless the Democrats rig those elections too

4 posted on 09/27/2013 7:15:36 AM PDT by jsanders2001
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To: whitedog57

I have a prediction to make. I think at the last minute Obama will agree to the one year delay of the individual mandate, because, quite frankly, even he doesn’t want into to go into effect before the 2014 midterms. He will play it up as if he is making some extreme sacrifice to those intransigent Republicans in the spirit of bipartisanship. The Republican will declare “victory” and give him everything he wants in the budget and debt ceiling, when he’s acutally getting everything he wants.

5 posted on 09/27/2013 7:20:03 AM PDT by apillar
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To: whitedog57

Obama is trying to NATIONALIZE health care in the USA.

WHY cannot a single politician actually use those words???

6 posted on 09/27/2013 7:20:22 AM PDT by ridesthemiles
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To: whitedog57
Then you'll really hate it. But you're stuck. Nyah nayah nyah.
7 posted on 09/27/2013 8:22:47 AM PDT by TBP (Obama lies, Granny dies.)
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To: whitedog57

8 posted on 09/27/2013 8:27:02 AM PDT by Grampa Dave ( When insane/feral Islamics are killing each other, stand back and let Allah sort them out!)
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