The link between Nazism and Islam is quite deep, apparently. I’ll be adding this to the laundry list of things on my mind to explore in greater depth.

For now, have a lookie at this piece of work:

What galls me and scares me most is how these people are gearing for total war in a way that would make Clausewitz and Bismarck both blush: even to the point of recruiting children under 10 years of age.

The “Mohammed’s Youth” indeed.

Surely we must take heed to this… and begin preparing for the day when we finally realize that we are at WAR with Islam. It is the same game as the Middle Ages - but with infinitely higher stakes. Islam is an enemy ideology, with nothing but hate at is roots.

Islam is loyal to no nation, and its sword spares none, especially those who have awoken and left its foul teachings. It is loyal only to the “Umma”, or the “brotherhood of Muslims”. Who is exactly a “true muslim” is apparently open somewhat to interpretation, as the sectarian genocides in Darfur and Iraq attest; but to those of us who will refuse to bow before a moon idol, only the worst fate will be meted out to us: death to our men, rape and slavery to our children.

Islam dissembles, lies, and deceives in the spirit of the antichrist, according to its policy of “Al-Taqqiya”, with groups like CAIR that will smugly and glip say “peace! peace! We are a religion of peace!” while funneling money to, and attention away, from Wahabist and Salafist imams who preach jihad in American mosques.

We must seriously start calling Islam a threat, and stop playing by Neville Chamblerain’s Rules of Appeasement with the mullahs and muftis… we must no longer pretend that taking steps to neutralize and/or destroy this cancerous threat to our civilization.

A good starting point would be to free ourselves of foreign oil as much as we can, and go on a war footing unrivaled since WW2: But more on that later. I promise. :)