Through a spokesman, Pat Robertson responded to criticism of the idiotic comments he made yesterday. Here's the statement.
January 5, 2006—Pat Robertson expresses his deep sadness over Ariel Sharon’s life threatening stroke and concern for Israel’s future security.

On The 700 Club broadcast this morning Robertson said he has met with Sharon at significant times and considers him a friend. Robertson, an ordained minister and bible teacher, has been a life long supporter of Israel and has continually expressed grave concern over dividing the land of Israel. Robertson pointed to the book of Joel in the Old Testament to show a biblical perspective of God’s view of Israel and efforts made from people who try to divide God’s land:

“In the book of Joel, the prophet Joel makes it very clear that God has ‘enmity against those who divide My land.’ God considers this land to be His. When you read the Bible, He said this is my land. For any Prime Minister of Israel who decides he will carve it up and give it away, God said, “No, this is Mine.”

According to his spokesperson, Angell Watts, Robertson is simply reminding his viewers what the Bible has to say about efforts made to divide the land of Israel.

She also expressed Dr. Robertson’s outrage at People for the American Way, who have a clear left-wing political agenda and who, on an ongoing basis, lift his comments out of context and widely circulate them in an attempt to discredit him.

What an utter load of crap this is. As usual with this clown, he claims that the oeft wing took his comments "out of context" to discredit him. No Pat, your pretty good at doing that yourself. And it's total BS to say you were "taken out of context" (a favorite excuse of Robertson's when he makes these types of statements)

Oh sure, Pat, you were just "reminding" your viewers (who are fools for watching or donating one dime to him) about what the Bible says about dividing Israel. It just happened to be at the time you were mentioning the stroke of your "good friend" Ariel Sharon. Gee, I'm sure it was just a coincidence that you also happened to mention the assassination of Yihtzak Rabin, who was trying to make an ill-fated "land for peace" deal. And look at this quote in the original statement
Sharon was personally a very likeable person. I am sad to see him in this condition. But I think we need to look at the Bible and the Book of Joel. The prophet Joel makes it very clear that God has enmity against those who, quote, "divide my land." God considers this land to be his. You read the Bible, he says, "This is my land." And for any prime minister of Israel who decides he going carve it up and give it away, God says, "No. This is mine."

Hey Pat, why did you decide to use the word "but" I have highlighted above?

The statement put out by Robertson today is similar to the guy who uses the "N" word on a regular basis and when he gets called a racist he says "No I'm not, I've got a lot of black friends". Pathetic.