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Just how 'D.irty D' is the D.isease Party? [research vanity]

Posted on 10/25/2014 6:14:22 AM PDT by Arthur Wildfire! March

-- WaPo Publishes Scientific Evidence of Voter Fraud on a Massive Scale --

-- All Dems in FEC vote to Control Internet Speech --

-- US Consulate refers to terror killing of baby girl as “traffic incident" --

-- Union-Buster Gov Scott Walker Neck-and-Neck --

-- Mali, possibly Nation 6 for ebola in Africa, is in serious danger --

-- NY & NJ take ebola-hits & 0 ponders Quarantines --

-- Black granny on C-Span Rips the D.isease Party's head off --

-- WHO expects around 200,000 Ebola vaccine doses by mid-2015 --

-- Valerie Jarrett on the Fast-and-Furious Hot Seat --

-- CAWW's research on the Seattle Shooter --

[and more, coming up]

TOPICS: Chit/Chat

1 posted on 10/25/2014 6:14:22 AM PDT by Arthur Wildfire! March
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~~~~~~ ‘Dirty D’ Party ~~~~~~~

WaPo Publishes Scientific Evidence of Voter Fraud on a Massive Scale

As Previously Predicted By This Here Very Blog What you are about to read should be front-page news in every newspaper in the country tomorrow. You know it won’t be — but I want you to treat it as that important . . . because it is. In the Washington Post: Could control of the Senate in 2014 be decided by illegal votes cast by non-citizens?

... and National Review ...

Study Claims Large Numbers of Non-Citizens Participate in Elections...

... and actual Washington Post article ...

Could non-citizens decide the November election? [Washington Post]

— All Dems in FEC vote to Control Internet Speech —

[actual headline ...]

FEC Democrat pushes for controls on Internet political speech

While all three GOP-backed members voted against restrictions, they were opposed by the three Democratic-backed members, including FEC Vice Chair Ann M. Ravel, who said she will lead a push next year to try to come up with new rules government political speech on the Internet. [unquote]

~~~~~~ end of ‘Dirty D’ Party post ~~~~~~~

2 posted on 10/25/2014 6:15:04 AM PDT by Arthur Wildfire! March (R" for Republican. "D" for Disease.)
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~~~~~~~ other non-ebola ~~~~~~~

— US Consulate refers to terror killing of baby girl as “traffic incident” [Israel] —

Valerie Jarrett Key Player in Fast and Furious Cover-Up After Holder Lied to Congress

o o o o

$40 Million for 6 Years of Presidential Vacations

[Golfer-Vacationer-in-Chief with a custom-made ebola-roullette wheel.]

o o o o

— Union-Buster Gov Scott Walker Neck-and-Neck —

[actual headline...]

All in: Democrats plan full-court press to defeat Walker

“... race deadlocked at 47 ...”

[’In-Depth’ will be followed by repost of Walker’s union-busting.]

o o o o

— Black granny on C-Span Rips the D.isease Party’s head off —

Video: 82-Year Old Black Grandmother is done with the Democrat Party; She goes off about why!

... The woman called into C-Span during the time when Barack Obama was doing his early voting. She identified herself as Joyce and indicated that she is an 82-year old black grandmother who has been a Democrat her entire life, but voted straight down the Republican ticket this year. Her voice is filled with both anger and passion as she explains why... [snip]

o o o o

Maddow Mocks Republican’s Geography Mistake—But Recently Made One of Her Own

o o o o

CAWW’s reserch on the Seattle Shooter:

I’ve been doing some digging on the kid....and the incident at the school. Imo we have a kid that had “typical” 15 yr. old emotions rolling from his girlfriend ditching him, got into a fight with a guy apparently he felt threatened by attracted to his girlfriend....and got kicked off the team for punching him.

Doesn’t appear he was handling his emotions throughout these events...his facebook entries attest to that...though you can’t really tell who he was talking to.

I have a feeling the kids shot were his girlfriend and the other kid...and any who were standing with them were so called collateral damage from his otherwise intentions.

The kids at school knew he was having difficulty accepting the breakup...and I do believe he was probably the ‘good kid” most said about him....he just let his emotions get the best of him and went on his rampage.

Sad, very, this happened...but kids today do not handle emotional events as were once taught how to.....they have not learned how to cope as other generations have. ..and too many parents are ‘unavailable’ when kids need the help to sort through things. [unquote]

[The problem with all romance-driven tragedy {as well as rape and perversion} is that people feel they ‘deserve’ something. This ‘you-deserve-the-best’ culture amplifies that mind-set, it stems from leftist global idolatry. No one deserves ‘the best’. We are all sinners. No one’s intentions are always pure. We should count our blessings more and get busy rather than being ‘Mr. Fret-and-Fester’.]

[ ~~~~~~~ more ‘non-ebola’ at ‘In-Depth’ post ~~~~~~~ ]

3 posted on 10/25/2014 6:16:09 AM PDT by Arthur Wildfire! March (R" for Republican. "D" for Disease.)
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If you want on/off ping list, please let me know.

This is actually designed for the ‘ping list’ more than for the random reader. Please note how packed and tight the once-a-day ping coming up is.

Web addresses are visible for quick ‘copy-paste’. Ugly but ‘user friendly’. [Also an archive page.]

4 posted on 10/25/2014 6:18:31 AM PDT by Arthur Wildfire! March (R" for Republican. "D" for Disease.)
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To: Impy; Kackikat; shoff; floriduh voter; snippy_about_it; ovrtaxt; syriacus; TigerLikesRooster; ...

— WaPo Publishes Scientific Evidence of Voter Fraud on a Massive Scale —

— All Dems in FEC vote to Control Internet Speech —

— US Consulate refers to terror killing of baby girl as “traffic incident” —

— Union-Buster Gov Scott Walker Neck-and-Neck —

— Mali, possibly Nation 6 for ebola in Africa, is in serious danger —

— NY & NJ take ebola-hits & 0 ponders Quarantines —

— Black granny on C-Span Rips the D.isease Party’s head off —

— WHO expects around 200,000 Ebola vaccine doses by mid-2015 —

— Valerie Jarrett on the Fast-and-Furious Hot Seat —

— CAWW’s research on the Seattle Shooter —

— More ‘ebola’ research coming up —

5 posted on 10/25/2014 6:20:17 AM PDT by Arthur Wildfire! March (R" for Republican. "D" for Disease.)
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[ ~~~~~~~ ebola ~~~~~~~ ]

Ebola crisis rekindles concerns about secret research in Russian military labs [Washington Post]

o o o o

— Mali, possibly Nation 6 for ebola in Africa, is in serious danger —

Ebola crisis: ‘Many exposed’ to infected Mali girl

Health officials fear many people may have been exposed to Mali’s first Ebola victim - a two-year-old girl. She recently arrived from Guinea, one of the worst affected countries, and has since died. The girl showed symptoms, including a bleeding nose, while travelling on a public bus through several towns, the World Health Organization (WHO) said. Forty-three people, including 10 health workers, who came into contact with her have been identified and isolated ... The child had travelled more than 1,000 km ... [sad snip]

[Too bad Mali’s border policy wasn’t even tighter.]

o o o o

WHO expects around 200,000 Ebola vaccine doses by mid-2015

o o o o

Obama administration considers mandatory quarantine

The Obama administration is considering imposing a forced quarantine on healthcare workers who return to the United States from the Ebola hot zone of West Africa, after a New York doctor who treated patients there tested positive for the virus on Thursday... [snip]

[Wow, it takes a lot of brain power to form a conclusion on this, doesn’t it? We could have a new Patient Zero walking through his lame screening system at this very moment, but wait to act because President B. Insane Ebola must deliberate, ruminate, and call for more meetings. Too bad he didn’t just call a couple random people. Odds are that one of them had more sense than the CDC.]

o o o o

Nurse quarantined at Newark airport after treating Ebola patients

[... and ...]

Woman quarantined in New Jersey develops fever

... The New Jersey Department of Health says a woman who arrived at Newark Liberty International Airport from West Africa and was the first traveler to be quarantined under an Ebola watch has developed a fever ... [snip]

o o o o

The Left-Wing Hipster Democrat Couple That Exposed NYC to Ebola

[Personal note: While I credit him with courage, his organization, Doctors WITHOUT BORDERS, is an enemy to US sovereignty, to our water supply [illegal immigrants], to our limited oil refinery capacity [illegal immigrants], to our schools [illegal immigrants], and worse. Not only is our public safety threatened with imported diseases, but also with convicted violent criminals, hardcore narcotics, child molesters, and Islamo-Terrorists. So they might be caring doctors, but whoever founded this slice-of-cow-pie organization is an enemy of the US. And now this ebola fiasco, what a ‘lovely gift’ to import. It is largely on them as well as President Ebola.]

[and ...]

A Map Of Where The NYC Ebola Patient Went

[... and ...]

NJ official: Female health care worker who’d been in Africa isolated with fever

New York (CNN) — One day after New York officials announced a Doctors Without Borders physician had tested positive for Ebola, another person who treated patients in West Africa developed a fever and was put in isolation at a northern New Jersey hospital. The second health care worker, a woman who hasn’t been identified by name, did not have any Ebola symptoms upon arrival Friday at Newark Liberty International Airport ... [snip]

New York, New Jersey Set Up Mandatory Quarantine Requirement Amid Ebola Threat

... the states of New York and New Jersey have set up a new screening system that goes above and beyond the guidelines already set up by federal officials. [SNIP]

[... and ...]

New York and New Jersey Tighten Ebola Screenings at Airports

The governors of New York and New Jersey announced Friday afternoon that they were ordering all people entering the country through two area airports who had direct contact with Ebola patients in Sierra Leone, Liberia and Guinea to be quarantined.... [snip]

[... and ...]
HazMat team empties Ebola doctor’s apartment without gloves, face masks, any protective gear

-A HazMat team was sent in to sterilize the apartment of NYC Ebola patient Craig Spencer on Friday -The team spent almost the entire day in the building -They left with sealed barrels, but not wearing any sort of protective gear The preparedness of New York City officials and workers to deal with Ebola has once again left much to be desired as a HazMat team sent in to decontaminate the apartment of Craig Spencer, the first person to contract the deadly virus in the city, was seen leaving his apartment with sealed barrels, but wearing no protective gear. [uups.]

[... and from yesterday ...]

NYC Police Seen Tossing Ebola Gloves, Masks into Trash Can on Street

o o o o

Plane from DC Airport (Dulles) grounded in Columbia due to ‘sick passenger’

A plane from Washington D.C.’S Dulles International Airport has been grounded at Columbia Metropolitan Airport due to a sick passenger on board, according a spokesperson for the Columbia Metropolitan Airport. The passenger had a reported nosebleed, and the plane was being held on the ramp Friday morning, according to airport spokeswoman Kaela Harmon. A nosebleed is a symptom of advanced Ebola, a deadly virus that has killed nearly 5,000 worldwide, including one victim in the United States... [snip]

[and ...]

League City clinic quarantined due to patient’s Ebola-like symptoms

[... and ...]

Los Angeles:

Passenger Isolated After Feeling Ill On LAX Flyaway Bus

A passenger who traveled on a Flyaway bus Friday has been isolated for evaluation by paramedics in the downtown area. According to the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department, around 2:17 p.m. the passenger approached an MTA security guard and claimed he was feeling very ill, and had been in Nigeria three weeks ago. According to the Department of Public Health, this is not a suspected or possible Ebola case.

[Yeah, not ebola, not without an infectious fever. This is so much better than tightening ebola-VISAs. Better for the virus anyway. Remember that sick Monty Python movie? How about this: EVERY VIRUS IS ‘SACRED’.]

... and ...

PAPER: Another doctor who treated Ebola came through JFK...

o o o o

Part of Morpheus2009’s Vanity:

“...The government claims to save money by not enacting travel restrictions from the ebola hot zone, yet the total treatment cost for the American ebola patients and Liberian national numbers in the millions and counting...”

o o o o

Nurse Nina Pham is Ebola-free [To be released soon]


Vanity: Nina Pham has photo op with the President...and it was staged from the get go.

[Is he trying to re-infect her or something?]

[ ... ah, but ... ]

Ebola survivor Nina Pham: I believe in the power of prayer

[Me too, blessed one. Even sinners like me can pray.]

o o o o

“Is America being beghazied on Ebola?” — Understand the stimulus

“The People Cry out for a Czar but Obama Gives Them a Commissar.” — nathanbedford

“Hey Obama, be a MAN - Implement a travel BAN!” — 2harddrive

[ ~~~~~~~ end of ebola post ~~~~~~~ ]

6 posted on 10/25/2014 6:21:37 AM PDT by Arthur Wildfire! March (R" for Republican. "D" for Disease.)
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[ ~~~~~~~ In-Depth ~~~~~~~ ]

PALIN: They have no shame...

o o o o

— [Dem] Kentucky radio ad yanked due to malicious slander —

[actual headline ...]

Ad being pulled from Paducah radio after claims on tolls rated false by station

“... A radio ad from the Kentucky House Democratic Caucus Campaign Committee is being pulled from the air in the 3rd District state House race after the group twisted the wording of the Republican candidate on tolls ...”

[So far as I’m concerned, twisting words around with slanderous intent IS malicious slander.]

o o o o

[Yesterday, the EU demanded more money from UK]

VA removes Alabama medical director at center of scandal

Video Hoax Purports to Show NYPD Racial Profiling, Islamophobia (tweeted by CAIR)

Egypt: a suicide car bombing killed at least 30 soldiers

After U.S. government approval, Samsung Knox security for Android is “completely compromised”

o o o o

Infant denied flu vaccine because his family has insurance (East Tennessee)

... “My child is being denied the vaccination outright, denied the vaccination because we have insurance. That baffles me,” she says. Howard’s physician ran out of the preservative-free vaccination for infants, so she made an appointment at the Sullivan County Health Department. ... [snip]

[Willing to pay cash, but nope. Socialism perverts the cycle of supply-and-demand. Another perversion is having insurance in a non-Victorian society — insurance requires a Victorian society to be efficient, a level of morality that few Americans of today could comprehend.]

o o o o


o o o o

Steyn: One Person Can Change Everything and ‘I Like Ted Cruz’

o o o o

Green light for ISIS? Syrian (rebel) forces will be trained to defend, not retake territory.

[Personal thought: A low-budget military gets more bang-for-the-buck with defense than with offense. Defensive trenches were one of the best tactics used by Confederates during the Civil War, used by Wellington against Napoleon on the Spanish peninsula, and used by Old Hickery back in ‘1814, we took a little trip ...’ Romans often relied heavily on defense as did the Athenians against Sparta. Yes, the Athenians and Confederates ultimately lost, but without walls/trenches, they would never have had a chance. So it’s probably the best our strategists/trainers can do with limited budgeting.]

o o o o

North Korea Closer to Building Nuclear Missile, Pentagon Says

As China Deploys Nuclear Submarines, U.S. P-8 Poseidon Jets Snoop on Them

OKINAWA, Japan—Swooping down to 500 feet over the western Pacific, Cmdr. Bill Pennington pilots his U.S. Navy P-8 Poseidon surveillance aircraft toward an unidentified vessel off southern Japan. In the back of the plane, a heavily modified Boeing 737, the crew homes in on the vessel using a barrage of surveillance equipment, including radar, GPS and infrared cameras. Further down the fuselage stand rows of tube-shaped sonar buoys that the crew can catapult into the sea and that float for up to eight hours as they track objects underwater. This is a dummy run: Today’s target is a Singaporean container... [snip]

[According to my personal studies of Armageddon, China’s navy will one day be next to worthless because the Euphrates River will block a Chinese advance into the Middle East {until the river dries up}. This also means that if ISIS is still around, it will be limited to one side of the river. How these events fall in place remains a mystery. I like to think that the US economy rebounds enough to maintain a superior navy.]

o o o o

The man who wants to build a plastics factory in North Dakota (Part 1)

... trying to build a petrochemical plant in North Dakota. The plant will use ethane, the cheap, abundant component of natural gas that rises from the same wells that produce oil in the Bakken. Natural gas in North Dakota is especially high in ethane content ... [snip]

o o o o

Ex-US President Bush meets N. Korean defectors

... [’Evil’ G.W. Bush] hosted a forum on North Korean human rights in Texas on Thursday (local time), his institute said. The George W. Bush Presidential Center said he met with leaders from the public and private sectors to discuss ways to address the North Korean human rights problem. “Five North Korean refugees also shared their stories of escape and their experiences building new lives in the United States as a result of the 2004 North Korean Human Rights Act, which President Bush signed... [snip: doing the work that the United Nations isn’t willing to do.]

o o o o

A quantum world arising from many ordinary ones

[Alternate reality mind-bender alert...]

The bizarre behaviour of the quantum world — with objects existing in two places simultaneously and light behaving as either waves or particles — could result from interactions between many ‘parallel’ everyday worlds, a new theory suggests. “It is a fundamental shift from previous quantum interpretations,” says Howard Wiseman, a theoretical quantum physicist at Griffith University in Brisbane, Australia, who together with his colleagues describes the idea in Physical Review X1. Theorists have tried to explain quantum behaviour through various mathematical frameworks. One of the older interpretations envisages the classical world as stemming from the existence of many simultaneous quantum... [snip-in-this-world, not snipping in other]

o o o o

Sikhs denied exemption from Ontario’s motorcycle helmet law

[I say let them be stupid if they want to be. But govt run healthcare makes their concerns fiscally legitimate.]

o o o o

85-year-old man robbed, tied up by twin teens he met on web...

o o o o

Heroism in Texas

It was just another trip to Wal-Mart for 2nd Lt. Joshua Nelson when he popped in to grab some fish hooks for a family trip to the lake this past Spring. Little did he know that a quick shopping trip would turn into so much more. The West Virginia Air National Guardsman was walking to the Hunting and Fishing section when he heard a woman say, “Stop, put it down!” “I could tell she was stressed and she sounded frightened,” said Nelson. “I looked into the aisle, and this young man had a knife to a woman’s stomach.” [snip]

7 posted on 10/25/2014 6:23:37 AM PDT by Arthur Wildfire! March (R" for Republican. "D" for Disease.)
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[ ... Scott Walker’s Union-Busting, a repost from yesterday ... ]

Union enrollment plummets for Wisconsin teachers under tough law

[Thanks to ‘evil’ governor Scott Walker...]

Teachers in Wisconsin’s public schools have learned a major lesson from the state’s landmark 2011 law neutering public sector unions, with more than a third dropping out of their labor organization. Given no choice but to join and pay dues to the Wisconsin Education Association Council (WEAC) for decades, teachers have for the last three years been able to opt out. And that is what tens of thousands have done as a result of Gov. Scott Walker’s Wisconsin Budget Repair Bill, also known as Act 10. “Given the evidence, it shows that the union’s hold is softening,” Patrick Wright, vice... [snip]

8 posted on 10/25/2014 6:24:44 AM PDT by Arthur Wildfire! March (R" for Republican. "D" for Disease.)
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Archive [Digging Deep]

Monster Research Thread of Ebola [Ebola Surveillance Thread]

Earlier highlights coming up.

9 posted on 10/25/2014 6:25:31 AM PDT by Arthur Wildfire! March (R" for Republican. "D" for Disease.)
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Earlier highlights [can find in ‘digging deep’ archive link above]

[Hard-to-mentally-process Alert ...]

— President’s ‘Just-us’ Department belittles blacks to make a case for voter fraud —

— Judicial Watch Probes Fast & Furious, 0 Shields Holder’s Wife —

— Updates on 0’s Immigration Franken-Scheme —

— NY Hatchet-Man, Terrorist? —

— Updates on Bristol Palin Mugging & Ridicule —

— Ebola in NYC and possibly Louisiana and Connecticut —

— Other Ebola Updates —

— Southern Flori-duh Threatens to Secede due to Climate Change —

update: ‘Calibration error’ changes GOP votes to Dem in Illinois

— Canadian Gun Skirmishes: Islamic Terror —

— voter fraud alerts —

— Despite the AP news blackout, several ebola screenings being reported anyway —


Criminalizing Innocent Christian Behavior [over sodomy-pseudo-marriage]



ICE field agent: Murder suspects, gang members being set free...

NBC Star Willing to Risk Infecting riffraff w. Ebola for Soup

10 posted on 10/25/2014 6:26:39 AM PDT by Arthur Wildfire! March (R" for Republican. "D" for Disease.)
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To: Arthur Wildfire! March

By the middle of 2015 there will be rather more than 200k cases of ebola and the vaccine is only good for preventing it, not curing it. You have to know who has the virus but not yet the disease for it to do any actual good unless you have millions of doses soon so that an entire population can be inocculated.

11 posted on 10/25/2014 6:30:39 AM PDT by arthurus
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To: arthurus

[vaccine too little too late.]

Right. That’s my concern too. And Z-mapp is wa .... ay behind. So far only the antibodies of ebola survivors seems to be capable of large-scale help.

12 posted on 10/25/2014 6:51:47 AM PDT by Arthur Wildfire! March (R" for Republican. "D" for Disease.)
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Iran hangs woman for killing alleged rapist

13 posted on 10/25/2014 7:08:36 AM PDT by Arthur Wildfire! March (R" for Republican. "D" for Disease.)
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To: Arthur Wildfire! March

Undermining the electoral process is the dirtiest trick of all and the have perfected this process. It is all encompassing, running straw libertarians, voter fraud, election fraud, same day registration, mail balloting, electronic balloting, no id, busing, bribing, and worst of all importing of 10s of millions of illegals for reasons of purely instituting a 1 party Marxist rule.

The mistake we here and many on the conservative side make is we think we can disassemble the machine by voting in the next election or relying on the rule of law. Nothing could be further from the truth and the longer we dither down this road the more the Marxist machine becomes hardened and reliable.

As much as I hate to say it demonstrations of the sort on 9/12 are a first step, if we are not willing to organize and gather to get attention we are going to get steamrolled. We got their attention on 9/12, not just the progs, but our so called representatives too. We have lost the attention of our representatives and that is worse because that enables the McConnell’s, Boehner’s and Rove’s and makes them act as the progressives the are. They need to be reminded who their bosses are.

I have in the past week had a dark feeling begin to come over me about the senatorial election and I feel the senate may very well stay in Democrat hands. This will happen through fraud. My belief is the presidential election was decided through fraud and if this election is decided through fraud this nation ceases to exist.

I have proven to myself over time my political instincts are pretty good. I’m hoping I’m wrong, but if I’m right the implications for this country and the world are dire.

14 posted on 10/25/2014 7:55:11 AM PDT by VTenigma (The Democratic party is the party of the mathematically challenged)
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To: Arthur Wildfire! March; neverdem; ProtectOurFreedom; Mother Abigail; EBH; vetvetdoug; ...
Bring Out Your Dead

Post to me or FReep mail to be on/off the Bring Out Your Dead ping list.

The purpose of the “Bring Out Your Dead” ping list (formerly the “Ebola” ping list) is very early warning of emerging pandemics, as such it has a high false positive rate.

So far the false positive rate is 100%.

At some point we may well have a high mortality pandemic, and likely as not the “Bring Out Your Dead” threads will miss the beginning entirely.

*sigh* Such is life, and death...

15 posted on 10/25/2014 8:01:20 AM PDT by null and void ("Agoraphobia": fear of the marketplace; "AlGoreaphobia": fear of the marketplace of ideas.)
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To: Arthur Wildfire! March

“And Z-mapp is wa .... ay behind”

You can bet YOUR LIFE that any and all ZMAPP doses available are safely locked away in a DC Bumker, reserved for the “Important People”, as defined by Valerie Jarrett.

16 posted on 10/25/2014 8:04:22 AM PDT by tcrlaf (They told me it could never happen in America. And then it did....)
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To: Arthur Wildfire! March

How can the Fascist Election Committee control the internet when the internet is world wide? Plus how the hell is limiting OPINION constitutional?

17 posted on 10/25/2014 8:25:17 AM PDT by GrandJediMasterYoda (Obama Will Say 'War on Women' But Not 'War on ISIS)
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To: tcrlaf

Quite a sentence there:

“ZMAPP doses available are safely locked away in a DC Bum-ker, reserved for the “Important People”, as defined by Valerie Jarrett.”

Reminds me of the wit that Ann Coulter used to routinely demonstrate during her interviews. [Hannity seems to rattle her too much though, or something is wrong now when I hear her.]

18 posted on 10/26/2014 2:46:08 AM PDT by Arthur Wildfire! March (The D.isease Party gets along better with satanics than with Christians.)
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To: GrandJediMasterYoda

It’s mostly un-constitutional.

The FEC, Federal Election Commission, was assigned with taking ‘dirty money’ out of politics. But naturally, money isn’t what’s dirty.

Now the theory goes that voicing a political opinion is the same as a ‘campaign contribution’ unless its a liberal news outlet.

19 posted on 10/26/2014 2:49:12 AM PDT by Arthur Wildfire! March (The D.isease Party gets along better with satanics than with Christians.)
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