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The Global Gullibles Shift to High Gear Smear ( Attacking Global Warming Skeptics)
JoNova ^ | February 24th, 2010 | Joanne

Posted on 02/24/2010 11:18:32 AM PST by Ernest_at_the_Beach

It’s tough when you can’t talk evidence, and the topic is science. What’s left is just the stone-age mud-throwing campaign.

There’s a matrix-moment coming for Clive Hamilton. Skeptics are now the grassroots activists against big-money and big-lies, fighting for the poor, and for the environment. He’s doing his damnedest to suppress community participation, promote intolerance, and effectively fight for banker profits, corrupt scientists, and plundering bureaucrats.

The AGW camp have on their side all the authority positions in climate science (you don’t get appointed unless you believe), all the climate and science journals, all the government and university funding, the computer models, Nobel prizes, the western governments, all the propaganda money can buy, the Greens, the politically correct, the UN, and all the mainstream media (at least until recently). And the skeptics have…evidence, logic, retired scientists, and donations to blogs. Clive imagines he is talking truth to power…

Since he can’t win on the science, he tries to bully instead (ironically while whinging about … bullies). He peddles easily refutable lies, using unverifiable words from anonymous entities. Twice, Hamilton even contradicts himself, probably because he knows he’s making defamatory claims he can’t back up.

Hamilton realizes too late that the campaign to “out” the bullies is working

…he effectively fights for banker profits, corrupt scientists, and plundering bureaucrats.

For the last six months I’ve been systematically exposing bullies. I’ve spoken about real bullying in science, about scientists who are sacked; about paid attack sites set up to smear researchers (like DeSmog); about the grassroots work done by volunteers against the industrial climate machine with 3000 times the funds. The second Skeptics Handbook was titled “Global Bullies Want Your Money”. I didn’t let The Prime minister get away with throwing insults instead of discussing the policy or the science, and I solved Richard Blacks  BBC request for “reasons why most women don’t speak out” (Women don’t want to face the Global Bullies eh?). I also busted Hamilton’s previous smear. Yet daily he exposes himself as an unwitting sock-puppet tool of Big-Money.

The best he could do would be to quietly fade into the background. Instead he’s embarrassing himself and the ABC, and desperately polluting the discussion with innuendo, baseless implications, and the only bullying he can find… anonymous swearing that is noxious, but ultimately unverifiable. I mean, without checking these internet addresses, for all we know some of the howlers are staged comments from Pro-Warming-Fans. They do exactly that on my site.

After I exposed Professor Pitman for throwing baseless smears, I received many comments under fake names from UNSW internet addresses (and unlike Hamilton, I do have the evidence). There was a pattern of transparently pretending to be “skeptics” but openly attacking other skeptics, sometimes inventing libellous lies about the real commenters. It was such a lame, transparent tactic I hardly felt it was worth an ABC press release.

You know, people swear at us and call us insults a hundred times a day – “Denier”.

Clive lets-suspend-democracy Hamilton is, after all, just a big-scale bully. He doesn’t want to listen to the electorate, or ask us what we think. He just wants to belittle, smear, and sideline anyone who disagrees with his opinion.

Warning An Incoherent Fog Approaching

The editors of The Drum Unleashed ought to wince with embarrassment—Clive makes the headline claim he can name the organisers of a bullying campaign, but he hasn’t got any evidence about who organizes this campaign, or even if there is a campaign.

Poor Clive, it must be awful to pin your identity to a fake crusade, only to discover that everyone else found out it was bogus before you…

I think the article should have been junked by the ABC editors solely because he can’t form a single coherent point of any substance, and it’s a literary smog. Clive unleashed: “I’ll name the bullies: we don’t have evidence: these are the people : but don’t think I’m suggesting they are doing this”. That’s just page 1.  But wait… there’s more “…it would be a mistake to believe that the army of sceptical bloggers is in any sense in the pay of, or directly influenced by, the fossil fuel lobby.” Followed by: Tomorrow: The Exxon-funded think tanks that feed climate denial. Doesn’t outright self-contradiction embarrass the ABC anymore? It used to be known as “delusional”.

Poor Clive, it must be awful to pin your identity to a fake crusade, only to discover that everyone else found out it was bogus before you. Not skeptical. Shucks. Gullible. I just wish for his sake he wasn’t going down in neon lights with an audience. If he has to mentally self-combust surely his friends can take him out off the public stage? Give him some dignity I say (and perhaps some medication).

Got any evidence I support nasty emails? Didn’t think so…

It’s so easy to refute (with written references) that I don’t support aggression or violence. In fact the more I blog the more essential I think manners are: I ask emaillers to our politicians to be carefully polite, civility is my only requirement for commenters, and I attacked a book that incited activists to break the law. Nor will Clive find many violent nasty comments on my site, except for a few from warmists which I leave there to show how petty and noxious they are.

There is no civilization without science,
but there is no science without civility

Skeptics Handbook II

What drives Denial? The mystery that isn’t.

What drives us? It’s a well known universal trait across all human cultures known as punishing free-loaders.

What drives us? It’s a well known universal trait across all human cultures known as punishing free-loaders. Any cooperative society (even fish) have to have systems to stop parasitic greedy scum from taking advantage of their altruistic kin.

Newsflash:  like all species, humans just hate to be exploited, used, and lied to. We the people are not just annoyed that the scientists that we support have hidden the data we pay them to collect, and we’re not just inconvenienced when people play on our good nature and ask us to save the world in order to line their own pockets.  It’s a universal human instinct—we’re a gregarious species, and nothing bar anything inflames us as much as a parasitic free rider, except possibly, the free-rider who glorifies himself as part of the team, but traitorously works against us. E.g: The lowlife type who cries wolf, claims to be working for all our benefit, and then makes off with his own private golf-club, using 300,000 gallons of water a day, all while his neighbors starve.

These are the people we pillory, mock, and pursue (with words). Having said that, please note readers that you can channel your justified anger better by cutting them down with  impeccable manners.

What drives denial is just plain old evolution and game theory. Social groups who put up with parasites didn’t survive. Those who shamed them or evicted them, did.

The real grassroots team that fights institutional crime

Welcome to reality. In modern times there has never been a grassroots movement as global and powerful as this one

Hamilton gives away his aims in sentence number one.  A spontaneous uprising of the masses against him is something he just can’t have (I’ve got bad news for you Clive). He admits that an apparently spontaneous expression of citizen concern carries more weight than an organized operation by a zealous group. Welcome to reality. In modern times there has never been a grassroots movement as global and powerful as this one—never before have thousands of scientists risen up in anger, never have professors of atmospheric physics, chemistry, meteorology and maths gathered names on one petition, or written to congress with the words “You are being deceived”. And since ClimateGate, they’re joined by surgeons from Sydney, lawyers in London and engineers from everywhere. Smart honest sharp people are moving in as word of the free-loaders spreads.

You want spontaneous? The main Australian conservative party (the Liberals) have noted many times since the ETS debate in November that they were shocked at how many emails they got and they were floored that they were passionate and individually written. In late January, the staffers I spoke too were exclaiming they still hadn’t logged all the names. They were thunderstruck that unlike the organised greenie campaigns, they were not swamped with tick-a-box postcards, or formulaic messages. It was a historic week in politics. Democracy in action.

Mainstream or Fringe?

Nowadays, the extremist position is the idea that we can control the weather by issuing unverifiable permits for emissions that might have happened in air over China.

Behind the times, Hamilton clings to the delusion that he’s part of the mainstream. Recent polls in the UK show only a quarter of the population still believes in man-made climate change. Down from over 70% two years ago. The mainstream is not convinced and the “Strongly Disagree” position is sweeping into popularity. Nowadays, the extremist position is the idea that we can control the weather by issuing unverifiable permits for emissions that might have happened in air over China.

Attempting to intimidate?

Oh and look, was Clive-Bully-Hamilton trying to intimidate me again by using my maiden name, as if it meant something? It’s got zero recognition in politics or the media, and no web presence at all, so Clive’s only intent presumably is to scare me by trying to attack my private life, or alert his flock to do more “research” digging for dirt they can’t find?

Real researchers study thermometers, fake ones study biographies

While we skeptics are researching ice cores, Hamilton and his confused followers are out hunting for ad hominem attacks, as if that might tell them whether the planet is warming.

The chain of logic runs straight from the Neolithic: Big-gun Exxon pays for Freddy’s drinks, Freddy says the planet is not warming, ergo—proving that the global climate on the third rock from the sun will get 3.5 degrees hotter in one hundred years of CO2 emissions. (Gosh, if only big-oil would pay global warming researchers instead—the planet would cool down. Oh, that’s right they do (and here), and it did.)

Dear Clive, do read some stuff about ClimateGate, it will be like an epiphany. Once you realize the scientists cheated, the bureaucrats helped, the bankers cheered, and the suckers paid, you’ll finally understand why the freedom fighters are trying to save you too from global gullibility.

Dear Clive, do read some stuff about ClimateGate, it will be like an epiphany. Once you realize the scientists cheated, the bureaucrats helped, the bankers cheered, and the suckers paid, you’ll finally understand why the freedom fighters are trying to save you too from global gullibility.

Bolt similarly objected to being defamed.

My posts tagged: Hamilton (Clive)

Photo originally from Wikimedia – Thanks Djackmanson

The short killer summary: The Skeptics Handbook. The most deadly point: The Missing Hot Spot.

TOPICS: Business/Economy; Conspiracy; Weather
KEYWORDS: agw; algore; envirofascism; globalwarming; globalwarminghoax; junkscience; liberalfascism
89 Responses to “The Global Gullibles Shift to High Gear Smear”

***************************So this is an EXCERPT of an important piece regarding the battle******************************

1 posted on 02/24/2010 11:18:33 AM PST by Ernest_at_the_Beach
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To: All
Previous article from JoNova list on Hamilton:

A letter to parents who are not gullible


The original version of Clive Hamilton’s letter to children of “deniers”.

Hi there,

There’s something you need to know about your father.

Your dad’s job is to try to stop the government making laws to reduce Australia’s carbon pollution. He is paid a lot of money to do that by big companies who do not want to own up to the fact that their pollution is changing the world’s climate in very harmful ways.

Because of their pollution, lots of people, mostly poor people, are likely to die. They will die from floods, from diseases like dengue fever, and from starvation when their crops won’t grow anymore.

The big companies are putting their profits before the lives of people. And your dad is helping them.

Your life is going to be worse too because of what your dad is doing when he goes to work each morning. By the time you are as old as your parents, Australia will be having a lot more heat waves, like the one in Melbourne earlier this year, and there will be more bush fires too.

Droughts will be worse, and you won’t be able to have fun exploring the Great Barrier Reef because it won’t be there anymore.

Deep down your dad knows all this, although he probably pretends he doesn’t. If you’ve asked him about it he probably said that the scientists are not sure what’s going to happen, or that Australia’s carbon pollution is not very big, or that business is business.

He has to tell himself these things because otherwise he would feel too guilty and could not sleep very well at night.

So your dad is not really a bad person. He is not deliberately making the world a worse place for you and all the other kids. But he is telling lies to himself so he does not have to face up to the truth about what he does at work.

The thing is, though, that what your dad is doing is wrecking the future for my children too, and that makes me feel upset. Many Australians feel the same way; they think that what your father does is just plain wrong, and that he should stop.

I am sure it’s hard for you to hear these words, but there is something you can do to help. Why not sit your dad down and have a good talk to him. Tell him you want him to stop helping the big companies that are spoiling the future for you and all the other kids at school. Tell him that the family would rather have less money if he had a different job, one you could be proud of.

Tell him that you know he will feel much happier inside if he is doing something to make Australia and the world a better place, instead of going to work every day to make it a worse one.

Your dad has lost his way, and you might be the only person in the world who can help him find it again. So talk to him.

Yours sincerely

UPDATE: I’m glad I kept a copy of his letter here, because the ABC has taken down his piece. Gone, “not found”. Thanks to Mal for pointing that out.

UPDATE 2: The page is back up I have no idea why it was “not found” but probably a banal reason. Thanks to deadman for the news.

2 posted on 02/24/2010 11:33:21 AM PST by Ernest_at_the_Beach ( Support Geert Wilders)
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Article just above was posted at JoNova on December 13th, 2009.

Not sure what the date of the letter was.

3 posted on 02/24/2010 11:39:31 AM PST by Ernest_at_the_Beach ( Support Geert Wilders)
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To: Ernest_at_the_Beach; IrishCatholic; Carlucci; Desdemona; meyer; Para-Ord.45; Normandy; mmanager; ...

Beam me to Planet Gore !

4 posted on 02/24/2010 11:41:26 AM PST by steelyourfaith (FReepers were opposed to Obama even before it was cool to be against Obama.)
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To: steelyourfaith
I found the link that resulted in the post (see Link) from the comments section of this article:

Investors Representing $13 Trillion Call on U.S. and Other Countries to Move Quickly - on AGW Laws)

5 posted on 02/24/2010 11:59:35 AM PST by Ernest_at_the_Beach ( Support Geert Wilders)
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To: Ernest_at_the_Beach
They're fighting like cornered rats caught raiding the pantry:
Montreal Gazette: Climate scientists fight for renewed research funding.

But help may be on the way in Quebec, Canada's most fervent Global Warming believers, in the run up to next weeks Canadian budget:
Canada's ex-foreign affairs minister has come out swinging on behalf of climate-change skeptics and assailed what he describes as alarmism over global warming.
6 posted on 02/24/2010 12:03:38 PM PST by caveat emptor
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To: caveat emptor; Fred Nerks; SunkenCiv; Marine_Uncle; steelyourfaith; NormsRevenge; onyx; ...

See the link to the UN Press Release regarding the #5.

7 posted on 02/24/2010 12:07:23 PM PST by Ernest_at_the_Beach ( Support Geert Wilders)
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To: Ernest_at_the_Beach

It’s time to track the coming extreme weather, no time for petty bickering now.

Jamuary, globally, was the hottest ever recorded at .729C above 1979 period; February results are coming in at .588C hotter also — a good start to the hottest 2010 event promised by Jim Hansen but El Nino seems to be showing signs of weakening which will inevitably lead to predictions of more extreme and damaging hurricanes in the Atlantic this season:

Masters is a true believer in AGW and a strong critic of the Denial Machine.

Stay tuned for the dizzying spin.

8 posted on 03/04/2010 10:51:53 AM PST by Old Professer (The critic writes with rapier pen, dips it twice, then writes again.)
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