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To: null and void; aragorn; Axenolith; Baynative; Beautiful_Gracious_Skies; bgill; bitt; Black Agnes; ..

Globalism / Great Reset –
Upcoming meetings of importance
- WHO pandemic ‘treaty’ May 2024

RUMINT - There are rumors that the WHO is backing down on some of its more draconian portions of the global pandemic “treaty”. I am very skeptical as the claim has yet to be separately confirmed by other sources. To remove those portions, such as Article 13A in the pandemic treaty. This would have forced countries to submit to the rules and demands of the WHO. There has been very little global push back on a national level to the juggernaut proposals. Japan noted some protests, as to vocal elements in the US and elsewhere. Nothing to the extent that would threaten the adoption of this measure. So handle reports about any drastic changes to the WHO pandemic ‘treaty’ at arms length for now.

The following fits into a number of categories, but IMHO fits into the overall globalism efforts -

The IRS announcement that it will soon be deploying artificial intelligence (AI) software to enforce the U.S. tax code has raised concerns among cyber experts that without proper oversight, the new technology could be weaponized against conservative groups.

In remarks made April 17 at the UiPath on Tour: Public Sector event in Washington, IRS Commissioner Danny Werfel announced the agency would be utilizing the tools to better assist IRS agents in identifying potential tax cheats.

“Right now, I believe that there are AI solutions that we have not yet leveraged that exist today that can help with some of these basic questions to the benefit of taxpayers,” Mr. Werfel said. “And on the other side of the equation, we are using AI today to do even more to unlock and spot this complexity.”

The government’s implementation of the growing technology will be instrumental in helping the agency uncover the most elaborate tax schemes, according to Mr. Werfel.

OBSERVATION - No need for the tens of thousands of auditors, AI can handle that in seconds. Many see this as pretty obvious, they are planning to target the middle class. Draconian tax “enforcement” will be one tool the global powers that be will be wielding in the years to come.
SEE ALSO “Economy” on biden’s outrageous tax proposals.

CW2 / Domestic violence - Heightened THREAT

Pro-Hamas protests continue on many US campuses.

- Overnight, University of Minnesota - police broke up a terror camp, arrested and charge students with trespassing. The school is also banning the students from campus for one year.

- Police at USC took out their batons when the protesters turned violent over being expelled from their encampment.

- Texas state troopers were deployed and reportedly made dozens of arrests at the University of Texas at Austin.

- NBC reports that majority at USC protest were not students or even from the area.

- Marxist students stormed back onto the Harvard Lawn. Harvard University has suspended the radical Palestine Solidarity Committee, citing domestic terror activities.

OBSERVATION - With deep pocketed funding and a hard core of likely marxists utilizing a false Hamas/Palestine narrative building on genocidal hate towards Israel, I expect these protests to continue thru at least the end of the weekend. Strong police efforts have put a damper on activities on many campuses.

Very concerning is the report out of the USC protests that a majority of the protestors were not even students or even from the area. Tactic typical of a rent a mob Antifa response that may well be being played at other protest sites.

They left is feeding on the fact that these students are indoctrinated, useful idiots. Yesterday, an interview with two ‘protestors’ went viral when asked what they were protesting about. The first female said she didn’t know, asked her friend who also didn’t know but mumbled something about getting better education.

By the end of this weekend I expect to see if this move has gained traction or will start to burn out. Police arrests have stirred the victim and police brutality memes that the Antifa - bent mobs thrive on. But we’ll have to monitor.

The Washington Examiner reports:
Pro-Palestinian groups and journalists are readying a rally to shut down the annual White House Correspondents’ Association dinner Saturday at the Washington Hilton over the Biden administration’s handling of the Gaza-Hamas crisis.

“Shut down the White House Correspondents’ Dinner,” one group, the Party for Socialism and Liberation, said in an online message. They are calling for protesters to gather down the street from the hotel two hours before the glitzy dinner begins.

Another group, the Committee to Protect Journalists, is urging a boycott by White House reporters who suspend their arms-length relationship with Biden aides for a night of elbow rubbing at the so-called “nerd prom.”

“The White House Correspondents’ Dinner is an embodiment of media manipulation, trading journalistic ethics for access. For journalists to fraternize at an event with President Biden and Vice President Harris would be to normalize, sanitize, and whitewash the administration’s role in genocide,” said the committee.

OBSERVATION - I find the claims rather interesting. The MSM is one of the most leftist institutions in the US, but apparently not leftist enough. The continuing trend of the hybrid leftist/Pro Hama elements to assault their safe haven suggests that the older school democrats who support Israel are still in a serious scrum with the new progressives. This is one of the major flash points being warned about come this summer’s DNC convention in Chicago.


In his 2025 budget proposal, Biden outlined plans to elevate the top marginal rate on long-term capital gains and qualified dividends to 44.6%. This rate, if enacted, would surpass any seen in over a century, according to Americans for Tax Reform (ATR).

Moreover, the combined federal-state rate could exceed 50% in several states when factoring in state capital gains taxes. For instance, California residents would potentially face a 59% rate, while those in New Jersey, Oregon, Minnesota, and New York could confront rates ranging from 53.4% to 55.3%, according to ATR.

Biden wants to impose a second Death Tax by taking away stepped-up basis when parents die. This would result in a mandatory capital gains tax at death — separate from, and in addition to — the current Death Tax.

Biden’s proposal would tax an asset’s unrealized appreciation at transfer. You mean Junior gets taxed whether or not he sells the business? Essentially, yes. The idea that you could build up your small business and escape death tax and income tax to pass it to your kids is on the chopping block. Biden would levy a tax on unrealized appreciation of assets passed on at death. By taxing the unrealized gain at death, heirs would get hit at the transfer, regardless of whether they sell the asset.”

More analysis at link below.

OBSERVATION - Biden’s plan has been out there for a while, this is just another analysis of the impending disaster - especially should democrats take control of congress and hold the WH.

The US economy is already laboring heavily under the high Fed interest rates that have placed the housing and commercial building markets on near life support. Throw in all the other impacts from their inflation actions and out of control spending and fiscal games, well massive tax increases are almost guaranteed to crash the economy into a depression.
But then that is the goal of biden and the ‘global reset’ crowd.

Military / Strategic Activity / Deployments –

USS Eisenhower CSG maintains station in the Red Sea region

USS Roosevelt CSG on station in the S China Sea region.

Carrier USS George Washington (CVN-73) is set to depart Naval Station Norfolk, Va., this week for its new homeport in Japan, the Navy announced on Wednesday. George Washington is scheduled to leave Norfolk on Thursday to sail down the coast of the U.S., through the Caribbean Sea and enter the Pacific by rounding Cape Horn at the southern tip of South America.
“George Washington will relieve USS Ronald Reagan (CVN-76) as the forward-deployed naval forces. Following the transfer, Reagan will head to Washington state for an overhaul before its permanent homeport assignment.

Wuhan and other “new” Plandemics –

Researchers around the world are growing more uneasy with the spread of highly pathogenic avian influenza (H5N1) in US dairy cows as the virus continues to make its way into new herds and states. Several experts say the US is not sharing enough information from the federal investigation into the unexpected and growing outbreak, including genetic information from isolated viruses.

To date, the US Department of Agriculture has tallied 32 affected herds in eight states: Idaho, Kansas, Michigan, New Mexico, North Carolina, Ohio, South Dakota, and Texas. In some cases, the movement of cattle between herds can explain the spread of the virus. But the USDA has not publicly clarified if all the herds are linked in a single outbreak chain or if there is evidence that the virus has spilled over to cows multiple times. Early infections in Texas were linked to dead wild birds (pigeons, blackbirds, and grackles) found on dairy farms. But the USDA reportedly indicated to Stat News that the infections do not appear to be all linked to the Texas cases.

Meanwhile, the USDA also reported that it has evidence that H5N1 from dairy farms has spread back into birds in nearby poultry farms, but how this is happening is also unknown.

While deadly to birds, H5N1 in cows is relatively mild, rarely if ever causing deaths. Milk from sick animals contains high levels of virus, but it is being destroyed. Even if some infected milk makes its way into the milk supply, the Food and Drug Administration is confident that the virus would be killed in the pasteurization process. “Pasteurization has continually proven to inactivate bacteria and viruses, like influenza, in milk,” the agency said in an FAQ Friday. Some experts have called for data confirming this, though.

OBSERVATION - Seems the major concern is expansion of the disease back into poultry. While humans have been infected, the virus has not been lethal. Needs watching in the even mutations (natural or man-directed) increase human infections and generate high death rates. Just in time for the elections - hmmmmmm.


July 15 RNC convention in Milwaukee, WI
August 19 DNC convention in Chicago, IL

It has been revealed that Hosue Speaker Mike Johnson apologized to Joe Biden in March following the State of the Union address for “the eye-roll memes that went around the world.”

According to RealClearPolitics, Johnson pulled Biden aside at the Friends of Ireland luncheon to “apologize for the eye-roll memes that went around the world.”

Biden reportedly laughed and told Johnson, “I’m just grateful you didn’t rip my speech up,” referring to former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s actions during a Trump State of the Union address.

Johnson replied, “Well, Mr. President, don’t think my friends back home didn’t want me to light it on fire.”

Biden / Harris Watch –

During the rally, an abortion promoter voiced complaints about Florida’s six-week limit for abortions, during which Biden turned his back on his faith and his God and made the sign of the cross. Catholic Vote condemned his disgusting politicization of faith sharing on X, “This. Is. VILE!” They continued, “You cannot be Catholic and support abortion! You cannot invoke GOD and promote Death!”

An armed U.S. Secret Service agent assigned to Vice President Kamala Harris‘s protective detail fought unarmed with other detail agents on Monday morning. The incident occurred at Andrews AFB, shortly before Harris arrived.

The incident occurred at the Washington, D.C.-area Andrews Air Force Base, before Harris arrived, and after the agent suffered what the Secret Service has characterized as a medical incident. The Washington Examiner is aware of the agent’s name and specific detail responsibilities but is withholding those details for privacy reasons.

The Washington Examiner understands that the agent became aggressive with other agents. When the special agent in charge and a detail shift supervisor attempted to calm the agent, a physical altercation ensued. The agent was handcuffed before being withdrawn from service for medical assessment. Harris was scheduled to arrive at Andrews Air Force Base after the incident.

Rumors are that the Secret Service agent was fast-tracked through the vetting process via DEI protocols

OBSERVATION - Historically, SS agents go thru a very intense and strict vetting process to insure loose screws like this one do not get close access to protectees. If DEI is involved - I at this stage with all the woke policies and actions of the biden WH, it wouldn’t surprise me that one (or more) have bypassed the vetting process.

Cyber attacks/warfare – HEIGHTENED ALERT as of April 20, 2024

A hack that caused a small Texas town’s water system to overflow in January has been linked to a shadowy Russian hacktivist group, the latest case of a U.S. public utility becoming a target of foreign cyberattacks.

The attack was one of three on small towns in the rural Texas Panhandle. Local officials said the public was not put in any danger and the attempts were reported to federal authorities.

“There were 37,000 attempts in four days to log into our firewall,” said Mike Cypert, city manager of Hale Center, which is home to about 2,000 residents. The attempted hack failed as the city “unplugged” the system and operated it manually, he added.

In Muleshoe, about 60 miles to the west and with a population of about 5,000, hackers caused the water system to overflow before it was shut down and taken over manually by officials, city manager Ramon Sanchez told CNN. He did not immediately respond to phone calls from The Associated Press seeking comment.

OBSERVATION - This is an example of manual overrides to a cyber hack being available. Problem is, manual monitoring is necessary as computer alarms may be disabled by the attack. Impacts from similar but against larger systems could bring chaos for a matter of days before these much larger and complex treatment systems can be stabilized manually. Always good to maintain a stockpile of drinking water in the event of any incident that takes out water supply. Rule of thumb is 1 gallon per person per day. Storage is cheap - 5 gallon water jugs used for camping - cycle water every 6 months or so for freshness.

Illegal Immigration –

Biden is contemplating a new executive order that would give amnesty to over 1 million undocumented immigrants who are married to U.S. citizens but were ineligible for green cards.

Biden is now exploring additional measures to address the issue of undocumented immigrants residing in the U.S. ahead of the 2024 election, the Daily Mail reports.

The “parole in place” program will allow spouses of U.S. citizens who were initially denied citizenship to reside in the country legally.

The program will address the primary reasons for denial, such as repeated illegal entry into the country or forging legal documentation.

Under the program, temporary status would allow immigrants to obtain work permits and establish a pathway toward citizenship.

OBSERVATION - This is likely only the first of many “amnesty “ EOs that biden may issue prior to the Nov elections. He is seeking to cement the placement of these interlopers in a manner that will deter Trump from deporting.

U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) today announced the upcoming opening of international field offices in Doha, Qatar, and Ankara, Turkey, to increase capacity for refugee processing, strengthen strategic partnerships, and facilitate interagency cooperation.

USCIS staff will assume responsibility for processing Form I-730, Refugee/Asylee Relative Petition, from State Department consular staff, assist with certain fraud detection-related activities, and provide other limited services. Services at both locations will be available only by appointment. USCIS will update the International Immigration Offices webpage to include information about the field offices, services and appointments.

With the opening of the Doha Field Office on May 7, 2024, and the Ankara Field Office on May 9, 2024, USCIS will have 11 international field offices. Other international field offices include Beijing; Guangzhou, China; Guatemala City; Havana; Mexico City; Nairobi, Kenya; New Delhi; San Salvador, El Salvador; and Tegucigalpa, Honduras.

OBSERVATION - Not content at the massive inflow from the borders, it appears that the regime is streamlining the illegal immigration process so they can just fly into the US, rather than into central America and work their way north.

North/South Korea –

There are reports that North Korea has warned the United States that if a new version of sanctions are introduced against the DPRK..” they will conduct powerful practical actions that the United States are afraid of. “

They referenced the 2017 sanction resolution and how they conducted a more powerful nuclear test not long after..

OBSERVATION - NK rhetoric and actions have been on the rise recently. In this latest statement, NK appears to be building the case to potentially justify another nuclear test of some sort. Such a test has been on observers / analysts radar for well over a year now.

Russia -

WAR WATCH - into the third year of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine - Feb 24th, 2022

CURRENT ASSESSMENT - Updated Mar 21, 2024.

Russia has taken advantage of Ukrainian ammo shortages, forcing them into primary defensive operations, and has seized the initiative following the fall of Avdiivka. Russia has reportedly concentrated 40,000 troops to sustain this offensive. The attacks are scattered along the front, concentrating on five axises of attack -

- Avdiivka,
- Maryinka,
- Robotyne,
- Kremenka and
- Bakhmut.

Russia has been able to gradually enlarge the number of soldiers in the theatre to the 400,000 range. Training and equipping of these forces is still rated very poor. Russia has drawn heavily upon ‘volunteers’ from penal colonies for their “Z” shock troops- the primary element of their meat attack (human wave) assaults against Ukraine defenses. It has been documented that ‘enforcement’ squads follow behind these ‘shock troops’ with orders to shoot any who attempt to retreat.

With the exception of Avdiivka, initial Russia attacks along the other axises have had poor results and exceptionally heavy losses. Russia continues to suffer heavy tank and APC losses. Old, cold war era tanks and APCs are becoming more and more common sights in battle fields. (formerly) Elite units like the Russian marines are routinely seen with T54/55 series tanks instead of the T72/80/90 series they were commonly equipped with. In some cases, over 70% of these newer tanks have been destroyed or captured by Ukraine.

In these other attacks, Russia continues to make poor use of fire and maneuver, preferring tank/armor ‘charges’ across open areas and down roads. This brings them into prepared kill zones where these forces are stopped and destroyed.

The most significant change in Russian tactics is on the Avdiivka front, where Russian is doing a much better job of launching what one could consider combined arms attacks.

When Ukraine lacks the artillery, Russian forces are able to penetrate in mass and overwhelm the fewer Ukrainian defenders.

Russian organization and capabilities make it unlikely that they will be able to quickly take advantage of penetrations into Ukrainian defenses. Poor training and lack of leadership at all levels, combined with poor logistic trains, will prevent any major breakouts beyond initial penetration of lines.

Shortages of Ukraine artillery ammo has permitted Russia to regain some degree of local superiority on the battlefield. Some estimates give Russia a 3:1 advantage. This is down substantially from the start of the war where it had a 10:1 advantage. Russia is relying heavily on N Korean artillery rounds and Iranian drone/missiles.

Russian appears to be continuing to shepherd its stockpile of missiles/drones for a potential effort to take down the Ukraine power grid as they did winter 2022./23 This task has become increasingly difficult as Ukraine adds air defense systems and gets better coverage. Ammo shortages are starting to impact Ukraine ADA defenses.

The Russian Black Sea fleet is is essentially impotent and hesitant to deploy into now contested waters. In the latest, large missile / drone attack, the Black Sea fleet was noticeably out of action. Ukraine continues to engage and destroy Russian naval vessels..

While the Russia air force has taken significant losses at the hands of Ukraine, early in this winter/spring offensive, Russian has more aggressively conducted CAS in support of ground troops, reflecting ADA shortages. As a result, Russia has been able to locally seize air superiority at key locations along the front - the first time in two years of fighting. This has been at a cost, with a number Su-34/35 aircraft being lost in the last part of February alone as well as critical A50 AWAC systems.

Russian leadership reportedly planning for a long duration conflict, hoping to wear the Ukraine army down and cause European allies to tire of their support - forcing some sort of cease fire and negotiated peace. putin is struggling to place his economy on wartime footing to accomplish this goal.

Unknowns at this time are how soon ammo supples will start hitting Ukrainian units. Long range ATACMS and German Taurus cruise missiles may be coming on line soon for Ukraine as well as F-16s (now reportedly due in late spring/early summer). But the most critical item is artillery ammo.

General Sergei Shoigu, an ally of Russian leader Vladimir Putin, has chillingly declared that Russia will “increase the intensity of attacks” on British and allied weapons supplied to Ukraine.

General Sergei Shoigu, an ally of Russian leader Vladimir Putin, has chillingly declared that Russia will “increase the intensity of attacks” on British and allied weapons supplied to Ukraine.


Russia has vetoed a resolution at the UN Security Council calling on all countries to prevent an arms race in outer space.

The draft resolution, put forward by the US and Japan, sought to reaffirm a principle already set out in the 1967 Outer Space Treaty.

The US has warned that Russia is believed to be developing a space-based, anti-satellite nuclear weapon.
Russia said it was “firmly committed” to the existing treaty.
The draft, put forward on Wednesday, called on “all States, in particular those with major space capabilities, to contribute actively to the objective of the peaceful use of outer space and of the prevention of an arms race in outer space.”

It also called on countries to uphold the Outer Space Treaty, under which all parties agreed “not to place in orbit around the Earth any objects carrying nuclear weapons or any other kinds of weapons of mass destruction”.

Of the council’s 15 members, 13 voted in favour, while Russia - one of five permanent members with a veto - voted against and China abstained.

Ukraine –

WEATHER FORECAST – Temperatures highs continue in the 60-70 range with some local highs into the 80s. Mostly dry thru the forecast period.


Brutal fighting continues on the eastern Ukraine front.

The US has secretly shipped long-range ATACMS to Ukraine. Ukraine has already used them twice on Russian positions inside occupied Ukraine. US to send more in the $1bn package Biden just greenlit

Outlook —

Artillery ammo and replacement ADA missiles are key to Ukraine being able to stabilize the front. The question is how quickly will US supplies reach the front and how effective will Russian interdiction of those supplies be. Currently Russia has the edge.

Long range ATACMS will not by themselves turn the tide, but will put hurt on Russian HQ, logistics and air bases throughout the theatre. Along with more British cruise missiles, Ukraine may well start an even more aggressive deep strike campaign. Whether or not this includes taking out the Kersch Bridge is not certain at this time as Russia has established rail lines to support the fight in eastern Ukraine whereas the bridge supports operations in southern Ukraine / Crimea and would only be critical should Ukraine launch a major effort to retake that area.

Also noting a lot more Russian nuclear saber rattling directed towards NATO countries. Escalate to deescalate in progress again.

Belarus -

Lukashenka says probability of incidents on the border with Ukraine is “quite high”, adds that around 120,000 Ukrainian soldiers deployed near the border.
“There will be no aggression against Poland from the territory of Belarus. “We don’t need this””


Key overnight developments -

- Hama released a video of Israeli-American hostage Hersh Goldberg-Polin.

- IDF increasing actions in preparation for the Rafah operation.

——— GENERAL ——————————-

Lest we forget - there are still hostages being held in Gaza.

Egypt asked Israel to engage in negotiations again in exchange for freezing the attack on Rafah

Hamas leader Khalil Al-Hayya - “We will not back down from our demands for a permanent ceasefire and the complete withdrawal of Israeli forces from Gaza”

Hamas on Wednesday released a propaganda video showing Israeli-American hostage Hersh Goldberg-Polin, who has not been seen since he was kidnapped during the terrorist group’s attacks on Israel on Oct. 7.
Goldberg-Polin, 23, identified himself as an Israeli in the video and commented he had been held hostage for “nearly 200 days,” an indication the video was recorded recently, according to The Times of Israel.
The video, which runs almost three minutes long, shows Goldberg-Polin asking the Israeli government to bring the hostages home.The young man is missing his left arm from the elbow down. He lost his limb when Hamas terrorists attacked the Supernova rave in the Negev desert in the early hours of Oct. 7. Video from the onslaught showed Goldberg-Polin’s arm was blown off when Hamas terrorists threw hand grenades into a shelter where he and others tried to hide.

Hamas and their supporters are claiming that Israel conducted field executions at the Nasser Medical Complex and buried the bodies in a mass grave.

The IDF denied the “completely baseless” claim and highlighted that the Palestinians had dug and buried individuals in the mass graves prior to and during the IDF’s operation in the region.

Hamas terrorists were using the hospitals as their place of operations, with the IDF arresting hundreds of its operatives at the locations.

The IDF further noted that based on intelligence, they had searched the mass graves in a “targeted” and “respectful” manner in an effort to locate Israeli hostages who may have been buried there.

Foreign Minister Israel Katz accused United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres of standing “shoulder to shoulder with the rapists and murderers of Hamas” for declining to include the terror group in a report published Tuesday on organizations suspected by the UN of committing acts of sexual violence during conflict.

The document, titled “Conflict-related sexual violence,” and published as a “Report of the Secretary-General,” noted there is evidence that sex crimes were committed during the Palestinian terror group Hamas’s devastating October 7 attack on Israel, but did not specifically attribute responsibility to Hamas.
The ministry elaborated in the statement that Guterres ignored “the plethora of testimony and evidence that was collected and then included in the report of the Special Representative of the Secretary-General on Sexual Violence in Conflict Pramila Patten.”

——— GAZA FRONT ———————————-

Airplanes launched a series of raids on areas near the Palestinian-Egyptian border south of Rafah.

News reports of Israeli tanks and tactical bulldozers moving towards the Gaza border at Rafah amid renewed reports of the Rafah operation being “imminent”

——— LEBANON / HEZBOLLAH——————————-

IAF conducted a significant number of air strikes on S Lebanon - around 40 - yesterday. Some of the strikes hit Baalbek, deep inside Lebanon, according to local reports

Overnight and this morning, more ATGMs and mortar shells were launched from Lebanon towards Israel. Israeli army retaliated with air strikes and artillery fire.

-Gallant announces -
“Half of the Hezbollah commanders in south Lebanon have been eliminated… & the other half hide & abandon south Lebanon to IDF operations,”
NOTE - Probably a high level of propaganda in this statement

——— SYRIA / HEZBOLLAH / IRAN———————————-

Rumint. Iranian Regime has pulled its forces out of Syria after Israel has wrecked them

———WEST BANK——————————-

Israeli security forces continues to raid numerous areas, arresting terrorism suspects.

———“ISLAMIC RESISTANCE” ———————————

CENTCOM reported that they successfully engaged one anti-ship ballistic missile (ASBM) launched from Iranian-backed Houthi terrorist-controlled areas in Yemen over the Gulf of Aden. The ASBM was likely targeting the MV Yorktown, a U.S.-flagged, owned, and operated vessel with 18 U.S. and four Greek crew members.

——— FORECAST ————————-

As noted yesterday, Israeli operations will ebb and flow based on the tactical and strategic situation. The significant air strikes across S Lebanon and even going into the Baalbek region are an example.

Still the estimation is that it may take up to 3 weeks to complete evacuations of Rafah, there are some indicators that Israel may begin operations before that period - as a potential scheme to surprise Hamas. Moving tanks and other equipment to the border and commencing significant air strikes on the southern margins of the town suggest that they will be ready to strike into the town quickly if ordered.

449 posted on 04/25/2024 6:46:20 AM PDT by Godzilla (“When tyranny becomes law, rebellion becomes duty” - Thomas Jefferson )
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To: null and void; aragorn; Axenolith; Baynative; Beautiful_Gracious_Skies; bgill; bitt; Black Agnes; ..

CW2 / Domestic violence - Heightened THREAT

Pro-Hamas protests have spread to more campuses, now approaching a couple dozen. In some instances, police have moved in the same day to clear the encampments. This has sparked cries of police brutality and abuse. In at least two instances, universities have turned on lawn irrigation systems in the middle of the night, soaking protestors and not only driving some away, but denying lawn areas sought by other protestors. In one instance, sprinkler systems at Harvard turned on at 4 in the morning flooding tents on a 32 degree morning.

Far-left extremists stormed the Fashion Institute of Technology in Manhattan to try to occupy it for Gaza. Security later blocked supporters from delivering pizza to protestors.

Emory University saw police clashed with violent Marxists, whose disruptive protest spiraled into anarchy.

Meanwhile, the flagship protest at Colombia continues while “negotiations” are on going, though there are reports that the university is looking to go to the police to have the protests stopped,

These protests are morphing more and more into a dangerous hybrid of potentially violent intent. Over the past few days, the BLM / white racist aspect has clamped on by saying that not only should Jews be killed, but all whites as well (Khymani James, Colombia protest leader ) hinting of a growing BLM aspect. Antifa elements taking charge to with training and tactics seen before. One example I saw was the characteristic umbrella shield at the front lines as police moved to clear out an area. More and more, these protest movements are shifting to an anti-American, anti white foundation with a covering of pro-hamas, even pro Hezbollah front.

So far the protests have largely been limited to college campuses. If allowed to continue, these will grow and eventually spill out onto the streets in a greater manner. Lots of outside money is being poured into supporting these protests and out side agitators flocking in as in 2020 for the hopes of more chaos. These campus bases could serve as safe havens for the leaders of outside protest and riots.

Greater demands will be placed on political parties and candidates over support to Israel and this may be the initial form of violent actions against political events in the coming months. I can also expect expanded April 15 style road blockages as this movement attempts to grow.

As of right now, this ‘movement’ does not appear to be losing traction and weak kneed campus presidents in some cases are only facilitating the furtherance of these protests.

In my mind, still too early to discern the path these protests will take prior to the Nov elections. I think the ultimate goal of the puppet masters is to generate 2020 Floyd style riots but may need an incident to spark it. For you oldies, something like a Kent State incident - false flag - could provide the trigger necessary for massive, extensive riots. Events at both party conventions could also be used as triggers.


The latest GDP numbers released Thursday sent shock waves among economist and traders with the data indicating the economy is seriously slowing.
The Commerce Department reported Thursday that U.S. gross domestic product in the first quarter rose just an anemic 1.6%, while analysts had predicted GDP of 2.4% for the first quarter — a miss of 64% from the estimate.
The GDP contraction suggests a recession could be in the offing. A traditional recession is defined as two consecutive quarters of growth below 2%.

Meanwhile, inflation is still higher than expected.
Personal consumption expenditure inflation for the first three months came in at 3.4%, and core PCE, excluding food and fuel, was 3.7% — far above the Fed’s 2% target.
“This report was the worst of both worlds: Economic growth is slowing and inflationary pressures are persisting,” Chris Zaccarelli, chief investment officer of Independent Advisor Alliance, told Bloomberg.

OBSERVATION - These numbers show no sign of improving in the near term, meaning that biden is headed into the election with a weakening economy and rising inflation. Economic concerns are one of the top, if not THE top concerns of voters this cycle.

JPMorgan CEO Jamie Dimon has issued a grim warning for the direction of the U.S. economy, saying he sees the odds of a “soft landing” as far lower than markets are pricing in while sounding the alarm on a possible bout of 1970s’ style stagflation fueled in part by the Biden administration’s massive deficit spending.

“Don’t get lulled into a false sense of security because today looks okay, tomorrow is going to be okay,” he said. “So just try to separate the two.

OBSERVATION - It looks like the economy is reaching the end of its cycle. Many (including myself) thought it would reach it a lot sooner. This summer could become a lot more bumpy that originally thought.

Top American automaker Ford hemorrhaged over a billion dollars on electric vehicles (EV) in the first quarter, leading to massive losses per vehicle.

Ford sold 10,000 vehicles in its EV Model e unit in the first three months of the year, losing $1.3 billion on the line altogether, equating to a loss of $130,000 per vehicle sold, according to data from the company’s first quarter earnings report. Despite the loss on EVs, Ford’s net income was $1.3 billion, selling over a million vehicles with $42.8 billion in revenue in the quarter.

OBSERVATION - Ford wisely rejected the 0bama bailouts and profited well. However today isn’t what it was then in the “Before Years” and have been shoved into the bogus climate change wars. Harsh economic realities causing Ford and other auto makers to reassess their plans.

Wuhan and other “new” Plandemics –

The evil that was wroth to the world via the Pfizer / Moderna mRNA ‘jab’ continues to become more apparent.

A senior Health Canada official says pharma giant Pfizer made a conscious decision not to advise regulators that its mRNA COVID-19 vaccine contained a DNA sequence from the Simian Virus 40 (SV40).

Health Canada had obtained confirmation two weeks earlier from Pfizer that SV40 DNA sequences were present in its COVID-19 vaccine.

“I understand that there have been internal discussions at CBER [Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research] regarding the presents [sic] of an SV40 enhancer/promoter sequence, noting that its presence is unrelated to the purpose of the Pfizer’s plasmid as a transcription template for their mRNA COVID-19 vaccine,” wrote Dr. Smith.

“Pfizer has communicated to us recently, that they apparently chose not to mention this information to EMA, FDA or HC at the time of their initial or subsequent submissions.”

Mr. McKernan, a genomics expert, had found quantities of DNA in the mRNA shots above the regulatory threshold set out by the health agencies. Dr. Smith wrote that the study had resulted in “questions coming to agencies.”

OBSERVATION - Some of the discussion in the article also refers to the growing link between the jab, possibly due to this DNA contamination, and the rapid growth in cancers, particularly the “turbo” cancers of today.

The evil brought to the world by the jab just keeps getting worse and worse and the so called medical ‘experts’ knew full well of the potential side effects.


July 15 RNC convention in Milwaukee, WI
August 19 DNC convention in Chicago, IL


Yesterday, SCOTUS heard oral arguments on former President Donald Trump’s presidential immunity claim. General impression is that it went well for Trump.

Illegal Immigration –

A 51 percent majority of Americans, including 42 percent of Democrats, are in favor of mass deportations of illegal immigrants. Former President Donald Trump has promised to bring such policies in the US should he be elected to a second term in office.

68 percent of Republicans and 46 percent of Independents are also in favor of mass deportations, according to the poll reported on by the outlet.

32 percent of respondents in the survey said that Biden’s administration is the “most responsible” for the influx of illegal immigrants.

Additionally, 30 percent of Democrats and 46 percent of Republicans say they would end birthright citizenship in the country altogether, a right that has its foundation in the 14th Amendment.

OBSERVATION - Could equally post this under “Political Front”. Along with the economy, illegals in the country is near the top of many citizen’s concerns. In many instances it appears that biden has over played his hand on this issue, potentially losing some dark blue areas of the country to Trump. Poll numbers maybe being taken seriously by the regime given the recent pivots to project a more coherent and proactive border ‘policy’, since repetitive claims of no border problem have crashed and burned in the public spotlight.

In February, the Tucson, Ariz., sector was the busiest border sector for illegal migrant crossings. As of the first half of April, however, the San Diego Sector has reportedly taken that unenviable top spot from Tucson. And considering how thoroughly woke and destructive Gov. Gavin Newsom (D-Calif.) is, the migrants can be pretty sure that the state government will do nothing about the crisis.

In 2023, the Rio Grande Valley and Del Rio Sectors were alternating for the sectors with the highest numbers of apprehensions, Breitbart explained. But when Texas and Mexico both began to take action on the border, the never-ending flood of illegals moved west. First, the Tucson Sector took the top spot, as noted above, and now it’s San Diego.

OBSERVATION - Now the numbers are starting to show the success of border fence construction and enforcement. This shift also reduces the pressure on the TX border, a further help to enforcement.

China –

US Sec State Blinken met with Xi yesterday. China was frigidly cold in its reception for such a diplomatic visit - no one met him at the airport. A disrespect of the highest order that China could given. Xi tolerated the visit.

Russia -

WAR WATCH - into the third year of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine - Feb 24th, 2022

CURRENT ASSESSMENT - Updated Mar 21, 2024.

Russia has taken advantage of Ukrainian ammo shortages, forcing them into primary defensive operations, and has seized the initiative following the fall of Avdiivka. Russia has reportedly concentrated 40,000 troops to sustain this offensive. The attacks are scattered along the front, concentrating on five axises of attack -

- Avdiivka,
- Maryinka,
- Robotyne,
- Kremenka and
- Bakhmut.

Russia has been able to gradually enlarge the number of soldiers in the theatre to the 400,000 range. Training and equipping of these forces is still rated very poor. Russia has drawn heavily upon ‘volunteers’ from penal colonies for their “Z” shock troops- the primary element of their meat attack (human wave) assaults against Ukraine defenses. It has been documented that ‘enforcement’ squads follow behind these ‘shock troops’ with orders to shoot any who attempt to retreat.

With the exception of Avdiivka, initial Russia attacks along the other axises have had poor results and exceptionally heavy losses. Russia continues to suffer heavy tank and APC losses. Old, cold war era tanks and APCs are becoming more and more common sights in battle fields. (formerly) Elite units like the Russian marines are routinely seen with T54/55 series tanks instead of the T72/80/90 series they were commonly equipped with. In some cases, over 70% of these newer tanks have been destroyed or captured by Ukraine.

In these other attacks, Russia continues to make poor use of fire and maneuver, preferring tank/armor ‘charges’ across open areas and down roads. This brings them into prepared kill zones where these forces are stopped and destroyed.

The most significant change in Russian tactics is on the Avdiivka front, where Russian is doing a much better job of launching what one could consider combined arms attacks.

When Ukraine lacks the artillery, Russian forces are able to penetrate in mass and overwhelm the fewer Ukrainian defenders.

Russian organization and capabilities make it unlikely that they will be able to quickly take advantage of penetrations into Ukrainian defenses. Poor training and lack of leadership at all levels, combined with poor logistic trains, will prevent any major breakouts beyond initial penetration of lines.

Shortages of Ukraine artillery ammo has permitted Russia to regain some degree of local superiority on the battlefield. Some estimates give Russia a 3:1 advantage. This is down substantially from the start of the war where it had a 10:1 advantage. Russia is relying heavily on N Korean artillery rounds and Iranian drone/missiles.

Russian appears to be continuing to shepherd its stockpile of missiles/drones for a potential effort to take down the Ukraine power grid as they did winter 2022./23 This task has become increasingly difficult as Ukraine adds air defense systems and gets better coverage. Ammo shortages are starting to impact Ukraine ADA defenses.

The Russian Black Sea fleet is is essentially impotent and hesitant to deploy into now contested waters. In the latest, large missile / drone attack, the Black Sea fleet was noticeably out of action. Ukraine continues to engage and destroy Russian naval vessels..

While the Russia air force has taken significant losses at the hands of Ukraine, early in this winter/spring offensive, Russian has more aggressively conducted CAS in support of ground troops, reflecting ADA shortages. As a result, Russia has been able to locally seize air superiority at key locations along the front - the first time in two years of fighting. This has been at a cost, with a number Su-34/35 aircraft being lost in the last part of February alone as well as critical A50 AWAC systems.

Russian leadership reportedly planning for a long duration conflict, hoping to wear the Ukraine army down and cause European allies to tire of their support - forcing some sort of cease fire and negotiated peace. putin is struggling to place his economy on wartime footing to accomplish this goal.

Unknowns at this time are how soon ammo supples will start hitting Ukrainian units. Long range ATACMS and German Taurus cruise missiles may be coming on line soon for Ukraine as well as F-16s (now reportedly due in late spring/early summer). But the most critical item is artillery ammo.



Russia will make NATO nuclear weapons in Poland one of its primary targets if they are deployed there, Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov declared today in the latest escalation of tensions between Moscow and Europe.

The comments came after Polish President Andrzej Duda on Monday said his nation would be ready to host Western nukes, given Russia’s decision to station intercontinental ballistic missiles in neighbouring Belarus late last year.

‘Our patience is not limitless,’ Ryabkov said. ‘If Poland takes the path of further escalation - these verbal games with nuclear weapons - then it means there will be a further round of tension.

Kremlin press secretary Dmitry Peskov also responded to Duda’s declaration, stating that Russia’s defence ministry will ‘analyse the situation... and take all the necessary retaliatory steps to guarantee our safety’.

Amid the rising tensions, Russian ally Belarus moved combat-ready troops closer to the border with Poland on Thursday ‘with a readiness of three hours’, according to President Lukashenko - who warned exchanging blows could lead to ‘apocalypse’.

Ukraine –

WEATHER FORECAST – Temperatures highs continue in the 60-70 range with some local highs into the 80s. Mostly dry thru the forecast period.


Brutal fighting continues on the eastern Ukraine front. Russian forces are pressing to secure its northern and southern flanks at the Ocheretyne break thru. The penetration is dangerously extended for Russia. However, Russian forces are making progress there particularly due to the lack of Ukraine artillery fire.
In addition to the fight at Ocheretyne, Russia continues to make small gains along the Bakhmut and Avdiivka fronts.

The lack of Ukraine artillery is particularly noticeable in the drop in the number of artillery attacks on Russia occupied Donetsk.

Outlook —
The Ocheretyne break thru continues to cause problems for Ukraine as Russia is expanding the shoulders. Combined with Avdiivka and Bakhmut, still a tight situation they’ve gotten themselves into.

So far it seems Russia has learned some important lessons and leadership has improved to be able to take advantage of Ukraine’s mistakes on the front lines. Big turn around from when Russia was continually screwing things up.


Key overnight developments -

- The floating dock was attacked.

- Israeli preparation for the Rafah operation are accelerating.

——— GENERAL ——————————-

Lest we forget - there are still hostages being held in Gaza.


Construction on the US military pier off the coast of Gaza has begun according to the Pentagon. While being inspected by UN officials, the pier was attacked by terrorists causing damage and minor injuries.
Hamas has stated it will attack any outside forces on land or in the sea off shore of Gaza.

Leaders of 18 nations issued a joint call for Hamas to release all hostages.

——— GAZA FRONT ———————————-

Tent city with medical facilities are being set up in a safe are for Rafah civilians. Israel continues to position combat units in jump off points for the operation.

——— LEBANON / HEZBOLLAH——————————-

Overnight, Israeli fighter jets struck Hezbollah infrastructure in southern Lebanon’s Kafrchouba, as well as additional sites in Markaba, the military says. The strikes came after two anti-tank missiles were launched from Lebanon at the Mount Dov area on the border. The IDF says it shelled the launch sites with artillery and tank shelling. It adds that a rocket launcher in Chebaa was also hit by tank shelling.

———WEST BANK——————————-

Israeli security forces continues to raid numerous areas, arresting terrorism suspects.

———INTERNATIONAL ——————————-

The Jordanian King - We warn of the danger of the Rafah invasion and stress the necessity of reaching an immediate and permanent ceasefire in Gaza.

——— FORECAST ————————-

Marked increase in combat along the Lebanese border. Israel using it go conduct deep strikes against Hezbollah command and logistics centers.

Movement towards the Rafah operation continues, most likely will kick off in the next couple of weeks.

450 posted on 04/26/2024 7:43:23 AM PDT by Godzilla (“When tyranny becomes law, rebellion becomes duty” - Thomas Jefferson )
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