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To: null and void; aragorn; Axenolith; Baynative; Beautiful_Gracious_Skies; bgill; bitt; Black Agnes; ..

Globalism / Great Reset –
Upcoming meetings of importance
- WHO pandemic ‘treaty’ May 2024

Elon Musk’s X is facing strong criticism from both the centre-left Labor Party and the centre-right Liberal-National Coalition in Australia amid a legal challenge against the country’s online content tsar.

Mr. Musk labelled Australia’s eSafety Commissioner Julie Inman Grant (a former Twitter employee), the “Australian censorship commissar,” after she issued an order to X to take down videos related to the alleged stabbing of a Christian bishop.

X says it had removed all posts domestically, but the commissioner’s order calls for the removal of content around the world.
“The Australian censorship commissar is demanding *global* content bans!”

OBSERVATION - Musk and “X” are facing a slue of challenges to its free speech platform by other leftist/globalist countries. In the Aussie case, the demands for a ‘global’ ban drive the boat. Australia has been one of the proto-WEF controlled nations that have pushed globalist agenda on its citizens, now trying to leverage its “information control” demands on X and the rest of the world. This is a prototype effort that the WEF wants for the whole world - 1984 Orwellian ministries of ‘truth’ controlling citizens access to real truth.

Bloomberg reported Thursday that unnamed officials inside the White House said the idea of declaring a climate emergency, first considered in 2021 and again in 2022, is once again under consideration. Such a climate change “emergency” would effectively shut down much of the industry and civilian actions by edicts similar to those issued during the wuhan plandemic. Much of the rumors are also tied to this being an effort to secure the progressive left base in advance of the general election.

U.S. Oil and Gas Association President Tim Stewart told me in an interview. “It’s not about climate, it’s about control: Control over the entire U.S. economy, control of production, manufacturing, distribution, and consumption. If you control energy, you control all these things. Which means you have control of the people.”

A biden crackdown would inevitably create the flight of billions of dollars in capital to other parts of the world where environmental regulations are far less stringent than in the United States. That alone would cause the US economy to go into an unrecoverable economic tailspin and likely drag the rest of the world with it.

OBSERVATION - Crazy to think about this at this stage, but we are totally not out of the woods. If one operates on the premise that the regime’s actions have been deliberate and not due to ‘screwed up, underqualifed’ individuals making poor policy - you almost have to see this emergency declaration coming sooner rather than later.

CW2 / Domestic violence - Heightened THREAT

Very busy day yesterday as the anti-semitic protests swarmed over numerous university/college campuses. This in the response to this call by “Students for Justice in Palestine”

Official statement:

“Universities have chosen profit and reputation over the lives of the people of Palestine and our will as students.

The supposed power of our administrators is nothing compared to the strength of the united students, staff, and faculty committed to realizing justice and upholding Palestinian liberation on campus.

In the footsteps of our comrades at Rutgers-New Brunswick SJP, Tufts SJP, and Columbia SJP, we will seize our universities and force the administration to divest, for the people of Gaza!”

The University of Pennsylvania has banned Students for Justice in Palestine from campus.

The prototype protests centered on Columbia U, which protestors ‘redisgnated’ as the “Peoples’ University”

Campuses at Yale, NYU, MIT, Emerson, UMich, UC Berkeley. and Tufts University as well as some others answered the call. Pro-Palestine protesters blocked the entrance of a building at California State Polytechnic University with couches, chairs, desks, and other items. Students reportedly chanted calls for the death of Jews and the nation of Israel.

New York police moved in late yesterday to tear down protest sites at NYU, Yale and last but not least Columbia (for the second time). Mass arrests were made, including substantial numbers of supportive facility at NYU and Colombia.

NY Police actions spurred a march by protestors through China Town with flares, reportedly headed toward NYPD headquarters. Anti-Israel, antisemitic protestors reportedly set fires in the streets of New York City on their way.

OBSERVATION - It must also be noted that yesterday was Passover, and the violent protest activity cannot be lost on that coincidence.
The deep communist roots supporting the protests is exemplified by the Colombia protestors designating the facility as a “peoples university” . So the hybrid collusion of anti-US and anti-Israelis useful idiots found common ground for these protests. The over throw of the US held a prominent spot next to the abolition of Israel.

The administration at Colombia is in tatters for supporting the protestors. They finally relented and asked for police removal. In part due to the rising cry for the removal of the president of the university as well as deep pocket donors announcing the cessation of funds contributions.

Also of serious note is the broad support by facility at these institutions. While the universities can suspend or expel the protestors, dealing with tenured professors is another matter.

The NYC police response may have put a damper on the takeovers, but the financial and operation support the protestors received is not about to allow the momentum developed over the past several days go to waste as it seems that for the moment they have found an issue upon which they can gain traction on and grow the movement. I think the ultimate goal is to eventually recreate the BLM/Antifa riots of 2020. Once classes are out here at the end of the month, the movement goes broader into the local communities and out of the nurseries of the college campuses. They’ve tapped into the genocidal hatred of Israel that the left embraces and found fertile ground in these college kids - born and raised in rich leftist homes.

I expect to see growth to incorporate the pro-illegal movements into the mix.

What will happen is that some of the old guard recipients of the lefts attention - predominantly blacks - may develop push back towards the pro-illegal supporters. This is seen in Detroit and Chicago where the democrat civic leaders are facing stiff push back in lavishing spending on illegals to the exclusion of the historic black underclasses.

Terrorism - Heightened THREAT as of downgraded APR 20, 2024

Action between Israel and Iran appear to be deescalating at the moment.


Home ownership continues to be on the ropes as prices continue to new highs and mortgage rates continue to climb as well to new highs.

Military / Strategic Activity / Deployments –

The USS Boxer will be out of commission for an unknown period of time due to the unavailability of large dry docks for rudder repair. The ship was supposed to be on a Pacific deployment.

Wuhan and other “new” Plandemics –

A North Carolina Court of Appeals found that a clinic, where personnel gave a 14-year-old boy a COVID-19 shot without his consent or parental consent, was protected by the Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness Act (PREP Act). The court concluded that the Guilford Board of Education, which hosted the clinic, was also covered by the PREP Act.1

Despite calling the act of forcing a child to get a COVID-19 shot against his will and without his parent’s consent, “egregious,” the court unanimously concluded that the PREP Act preempted state law and protected the defendants from being held liable for battery, violation of Tanner’s mother’s constitutional liberty and parental rights, and violation of Tanner’s bodily autonomy and plaintiffs’ federal constitutional rights.2

OBSERVATION - The moles in the judicial system continue to cover for civil rights violations stemming from the wuhan plandemic. This will certainly be appealed because the PREP act cannot be allowed to supersede constitutionally protected rights.


July 15 RNC convention in Milwaukee, WI
August 19 DNC convention in Chicago, IL


I’m relatively silent on this for now. Congress, courts, WH, etc are so screwed up now along with the frenzy that this the incoming general elections that it all makes me sick to my stomach.

AS a threat, our political parties are on the cusp of essentially preparing the country for a multi-polar collapse - economy, legal system, election security, constitutional security etc.

The most dangerous potential actions continue to be a jump into full blown tyranny by the left utilizing multiple tools and false flag events. Equal to this are potential attempts on the lives of Trump and other key conservatives such as Justice Thomas. Secondly impacts create economic meltdown and possible war - both civil and against Russia/China/Iran.

(FO) Former President Trump’s legal team said Jack Smith’s office disregarded legal obligations and Department of Justice (DOJ) policies “to support the Biden Administration’s egregious efforts to weaponize the criminal justice system” against Trump.
According to the legal team’s filing, new evidence revealed that “politically motivated operatives” in the Biden administration and the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) began a “crusade” against Trump in early 2021.
Why It Matters: Newly un-redacted filings in the Miami court show that Trump Presidential Record Act representatives were cooperating with the NARA on turning over documents as required by the law. However, the records Trump’s legal team received through the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) show that the White House Counsel’s Office was already in contact with the NARA on 21 January 2021 and referred the NARA to the DOJ. The evidence presented by Trump’s counsel appears to show that federal officials, including the Biden White House, began coordinating a politically motivated effort to punish Trump as soon as he left office.

Biden / Harris Watch –

“I condemn the antisemitic protests,” biden tells reporters. “I also condemn those who don’t understand what’s going on with the Palestinians”

North/South Korea –

North Korea has carried out a simulated nuclear counterattack against enemy targets personally observed by leader Kim Jong-un, state media reported on Tuesday. As part of the exercise, several “super-large” multiple rocket launchers fired a missile salvo towards an island in the Sea of Japan.
Monday’s drills came just days after Pyongyang claimed to have tested a new “super-large warhead” cruise missile and a new type of anti-aircraft missile. The US and South Korean air forces also continue to hold joint exercises on the peninsula.

Pyongyang for the first time claims to have tested the country’s so-called “nuclear trigger” command and control system, as well as “[the] prompt counterattack capacity of the state nuclear force,” the Korean Central News Agency (KCNA) wrote. Military units worked in a hypothetical scenario in which North Korea’s highest level nuclear crisis alarm is issued in response to an attack.

OBSERVATION - NK’s missile forces have come a long way over the past decade. These exercises display that growth in technological and tactical developments. Though NK has successfully tested both fission and fusion (thermonuclear) bombs, the verdict is still out as to whether or not they possess the technology to miniaturize the mechanisms for placement on missiles. One would expect another nuke test for them to confirm the design. Early last year NK finished reopening tunnels at their underground test site sparking discussions that they may be preparing to conduct such a test of an actual warhead.

Russia -

WAR WATCH - into the third year of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine - Feb 24th, 2022

CURRENT ASSESSMENT - Updated Mar 21, 2024.

Russia has taken advantage of Ukrainian ammo shortages, forcing them into primary defensive operations, and has seized the initiative following the fall of Avdiivka. Russia has reportedly concentrated 40,000 troops to sustain this offensive. The attacks are scattered along the front, concentrating on five axises of attack -

- Avdiivka,
- Maryinka,
- Robotyne,
- Kremenka and
- Bakhmut.

Russia has been able to gradually enlarge the number of soldiers in the theatre to the 400,000 range. Training and equipping of these forces is still rated very poor. Russia has drawn heavily upon ‘volunteers’ from penal colonies for their “Z” shock troops- the primary element of their meat attack (human wave) assaults against Ukraine defenses. It has been documented that ‘enforcement’ squads follow behind these ‘shock troops’ with orders to shoot any who attempt to retreat.

With the exception of Avdiivka, initial Russia attacks along the other axises have had poor results and exceptionally heavy losses. Russia continues to suffer heavy tank and APC losses. Old, cold war era tanks and APCs are becoming more and more common sights in battle fields. (formerly) Elite units like the Russian marines are routinely seen with T54/55 series tanks instead of the T72/80/90 series they were commonly equipped with. In some cases, over 70% of these newer tanks have been destroyed or captured by Ukraine.

In these other attacks, Russia continues to make poor use of fire and maneuver, preferring tank/armor ‘charges’ across open areas and down roads. This brings them into prepared kill zones where these forces are stopped and destroyed.

The most significant change in Russian tactics is on the Avdiivka front, where Russian is doing a much better job of launching what one could consider combined arms attacks.

When Ukraine lacks the artillery, Russian forces are able to penetrate in mass and overwhelm the fewer Ukrainian defenders.

Russian organization and capabilities make it unlikely that they will be able to quickly take advantage of penetrations into Ukrainian defenses. Poor training and lack of leadership at all levels, combined with poor logistic trains, will prevent any major breakouts beyond initial penetration of lines.

Shortages of Ukraine artillery ammo has permitted Russia to regain some degree of local superiority on the battlefield. Some estimates give Russia a 3:1 advantage. This is down substantially from the start of the war where it had a 10:1 advantage. Russia is relying heavily on N Korean artillery rounds and Iranian drone/missiles.

Russian appears to be continuing to shepherd its stockpile of missiles/drones for a potential effort to take down the Ukraine power grid as they did winter 2022./23 This task has become increasingly difficult as Ukraine adds air defense systems and gets better coverage. Ammo shortages are starting to impact Ukraine ADA defenses.

The Russian Black Sea fleet is is essentially impotent and hesitant to deploy into now contested waters. In the latest, large missile / drone attack, the Black Sea fleet was noticeably out of action. Ukraine continues to engage and destroy Russian naval vessels..

While the Russia air force has taken significant losses at the hands of Ukraine, early in this winter/spring offensive, Russian has more aggressively conducted CAS in support of ground troops, reflecting ADA shortages. As a result, Russia has been able to locally seize air superiority at key locations along the front - the first time in two years of fighting. This has been at a cost, with a number Su-34/35 aircraft being lost in the last part of February alone as well as critical A50 AWAC systems.

Russian leadership reportedly planning for a long duration conflict, hoping to wear the Ukraine army down and cause European allies to tire of their support - forcing some sort of cease fire and negotiated peace. putin is struggling to place his economy on wartime footing to accomplish this goal.

Unknowns at this time are how soon ammo supples will start hitting Ukrainian units. Long range ATACMS and German Taurus cruise missiles may be coming on line soon for Ukraine as well as F-16s (now reportedly due in late spring/early summer). But the most critical item is artillery ammo.


NATO commanders are indicating that Russia is planning a substantial summer offensive.


Russia reportedly has shifted most of its key rail supply lines towards the east and away from the Kerch Bridge, likely in expectation of an eventual attack that takes the bridge down. This shift makes sense given that most of the war action is on the Ukraine eastern fronts and not the southern ones.

Ukraine –

WEATHER FORECAST – Temperatures highs continue in the 60-70 range with some local highs into the 80s. Mostly dry thru the forecast period.


Ukrainian air defense shot down 15 of 16 Shahed drones, launched by Russia overnight. Various Ukraine cities were hit by other missiles such as Kyiv and Odesa.

Kharkiv increasingly being targeted by missiles and glide bombs. The TV / cell phone tower in Kharkiv was partially collapsed after Russian airstrike.

Ukraine hit a large target near occupied Mariupol.

Russia has used large scale smoke cover for the first time in the war
in a push to Belogorovka to ensure the advancement of their troops. They are hoping the smoke will blind Ukranian drones to the movements of the forces.

Avdiivka -

Ukrainian forces screwed up a relief operation that has permitted the Russian army to surge to less than 3km from main Ukrainian defensive line west of Avdiivka. The advance has dangerously exposed flanks that Russian must quickly secure or face the forces being cut off and defeated.

Outlook —

Very bad day for Ukraine as Russia gains even more momentum. The push west of Avdiivka is the most dangerous and could place the Russian army at a key cross roads that would permit deeper enveloping attacks.

Russia has via propaganda been warning that Kharkiv will soon fall to a new Russian offensive. Russia has been pounding the city daily with drones and short ranged missiles for weeks now. Russia was thwarted in the first year of the war from taking the city due to the tenacious defense of its mobilized citizens and army units. With Russia seeing success on fronts to its south, it may sense a degree of vulnerability to renewed assaults. Russia has established a new higher command in the region that would direct those operations.

Old school solution to modern technology - smoke. Ukraine drones have been the bane of Russian forces for over a year now and have almost single handedly held the defense with the absence of artillery shells. It will be important to see how quickly Ukraine is able to counter this development.

Poland –

(FO) Polish President Andrzej Duda said that Poland is ready to host NATO nuclear weapons in response to Russia’s deployment of nuclear weapons to Belarus.

“If our allies decide to deploy nuclear arms on our territory as part of nuclear sharing to reinforce NATO’s eastern flank, we are ready to do so,” Duda said.

Europe / NATO General –

Lithuania is establishing permanent military training centers that will operate nationwide to prepare personnel to serve in the rear during war, Defense Minister Laurynas Kasciunas told reporters on Friday.
A total of 27 command headquarters that are due to be fully operational next year will be set up in the major cities of the NATO member country in an effort to “prepare the public to send a deterrent signal to the enemy,” the official said.
The Baltic state’s Defense Ministry expects such command posts to become a “link between the Lithuanian Armed Forces and the citizens who can defend the country with arms” in the event of war.

Earlier this week, Germany sent its first military unit to Lithuania as part of a plan to have a full armor brigade permanently stationed in the Baltic state. Under the plan, the 5,000-strong brigade will be stationed less than 20km (12 miles) from the border with Belarus, a key Russian ally. Lithuania also borders the Russian exclave of Kaliningrad.

OBSERVATION - Lithuania has a history of being abused by Russian and fought hard to regain their freedom from the former Soviet Union. It along with other former Soviet eastern block countries are taking the threats of a potential Russian invasion in a post-Ukraine scenario very seriously.

Placement of the German military force reflects the concern over the corridor between Belarus and Kaliningrad that some military planners see as the modern “Fulda Gap” - for you Cold Warriors - focus of an initial Russian strike to land bridge to Kaliningrad and split the Baltic states from the rest of NATO to the south.


Key overnight developments -

- Hamas facing potential ejection from Qatar.

——— GENERAL ——————————-

Lest we forget - there are still hostages being held in Gaza.

US Secretary of State spokesman - Hamas has changed its goal and demands in the prisoner talks.

——— GAZA FRONT ———————————-

Two Hamas rocket launching positions in the southern Gaza Strip were struck by Israeli fighter jets overnight, the Israeli army says. The military says the strike was carried out following new intelligence information that was received over the past few days, allowing the rocket launchers to be destroyed before they were used.

Other rocket launchers managed to fire about a half dozen rockets from N Gaza into Israel.

Israel continued targeting Hamas and affiliated elements with air, naval and artillery strikes throughout the Gaza Strip. Over the past day, fighter jets and additional aircraft alone struck approximately 25 terror targets throughout the Gaza Strip, including military infrastructure, observation posts, and launch posts.

According to the Wall Street Journal:
IDF is getting ready to enter Rafah. The evacuation is estimated to take about two to three weeks, and it will take around six weeks to clear out Hamas in Rafah.

——— LEBANON / HEZBOLLAH——————————-

A drone launched missile targeted a car in S Lebanon, the Israeli Army reports that it eliminated two Hezbollah leaders in southern Lebanon.

A barrage of some 35 rockets were fired from Lebanon at the northern community of Ein Zeitim a short while ago, the military says.
The attack set off sirens in Safed and nearby towns.
The IDF says there are no injuries in the attack, and that troops shelled the launch sites.

Also overnight, Israeli fighter jets struck a Hezbollah position in southern Lebanon, and earlier, two more buildings where Hezbollah operatives were gathered were hit, the IDF adds.

———WEST BANK——————————-

Israeli security forces raided numerous sections, arresting terrorism suspects.

———“ISLAMIC RESISTANCE” ———————————

“Today, a coalition fighter destroyed a launcher in self-defense after reports of a failed rocket attack near the Coalition base at Rumalyn, Syria. No US personnel were injured.” A US military official confirms.

———INTERNATIONAL ——————————-

Qatari Foreign Ministry: There has been no decision taken regarding the presence of Hamas leaders in Doha.
NOTE - the multi billionaire who are the ‘leaders’ of Hamas reside in Qatar and that country has been the focal point of much of the hostage/ceasefire negotiations. Now it appears that Hamas has worn its welcome out as there are rumblings of a pending expulsion - resulting in the above report.

Turkish media quoted Erdogan - “I do not think that Hamas will leave Qatar”

——— FORECAST ————————-

Until the preparations for the Rafah campaign are completed - if the WSJ source is correct - we will have about 2-3 weeks of ground and air ops as been ongoing for the previous week. Israel will continue to hit targets of opportunity in both Gaza and S Lebanon.

Iran – HEIGHTENED Warning for supported attacks against Israeli and US interests across the globe. Downgraded Apr 20, 2024

Hardline Iranian parliamentarian and member of Parliament’s National Security and Foreign Policy Committee Javad Karimi Ghodousi implied that if granted the permission, Iran could test its first nuclear weapon within one week.

OBSERVATION - There is a lot of propaganda and rhetoric surrounding this statement, but intel analysis has indicated that Iran could produce the pure uranium necessary for a fission device. The second question is does Iran have the technical know how to produce a test bomb? Iran spent a lot of time (and probably money) in NIK as they developed their weapon and may have gotten a lot of know how from there. Pakistan may have also supplied knowledge. Now with Russia buying war supplies with transfer of technology, that for a nuke may well be buried in the mix as well.

Iran is far from the bumbling and stumbling weapons development country of but a few years ago. They have fair missile technology - though the recent attack against Israel suggests that they had a high failure rate. So some aspects of their skills and knowledge necessary to make a nuclear bomb may be lacking - all is speculation though.

One thing is certain - if Iran manages to pull an explosion off, they still have the next hurdle is to produce one sufficiently miniaturized to mount in a war head. Iran launched over 100 missiles at Israel and only 7 managed to make it through the defenses and crash failures. To succeed at that ration means Iran has to make A LOT of nuclear warheads, or find some other covert way of delivering them to a desired target.

That is only feasible if Israel doesn’t massively hit Iran’s production centers before this occurs.

443 posted on 04/23/2024 7:44:07 AM PDT by Godzilla (“When tyranny becomes law, rebellion becomes duty” - Thomas Jefferson )
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To: Godzilla
Hamas facing potential ejection from Qatar.

Nice to have some good news. Thanks.

444 posted on 04/23/2024 10:07:30 AM PDT by GOPJ (Two items Biden finds at 'Ice Cream Shoppes'? A: Ice cream cones and 7 year old girls to look at...)
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To: null and void; aragorn; Axenolith; Baynative; Beautiful_Gracious_Skies; bgill; bitt; Black Agnes; ..

Globalism / Great Reset –
Upcoming meetings of importance
- WHO pandemic ‘treaty’ May 2024

Globalist censorship is now reaching out to another free speech platforms - Rumble being the latest - from the dismal confines of Australia

Rumble CEO and founder Chris Pavlovski says he has received “censorship” demands from authorities in Australia, New Zealand, and other countries.

Mr. Pavlovski said the video-sharing platform noticed a “dramatic increase” in global censorship.

This comes after Australian eSafety Commissioner Julie Inman Grant ordered social media companies to remove videos and images related to two stabbing events in Sydney last week. (NOTE - This is the stabbing of an orthodox priest by a jihadi)

“If they fail to remove the content, then we can go to search engines such as Google or Bing to really minimize the amount of content that Australians can see,” she said, referring to additional measures that could be implemented to restrict the sharing of content.

Rumble is a NASDAQ-listed online video-sharing platform with a focus on free speech that enables people to share and monetise videos.

Explaining his concern Mr. Pavloski noted censorship infringed on “everyone’s human rights.”

OBSERVATIONS - Same as yesterday with “X”. The globalist demand full control of what is expressed and is trying to use this tactic to leverage that demand. This tactic had been successful in the past when these media sites were hard leftist (on in the case of Rumble, not in existence yet), but recent changes are a challenge to US based firms protected by the 1st amendment.

RELATED - In further fallout from yesterday’s reported fight against X by Australian officials, Tasmanian Sen. Jacqui Lambie is outraged. She told Sky News that she wants Musk jailed and that she has deleted her X account.

The audacity of an Aussie demanding jail for a US citizen over constitutionally protected rights. Remember, those rights are the number one target to be removed upon the ascension of a global dictatorship.

CW2 / Domestic violence - Heightened THREAT

Pro-Palestine protesters gathered outside of Senate leader Chuck Schumer’s home in Brooklyn. The police are reportedly now making mass arrests as protesters take over the streets.

Gaza war protesters have vowed to remain at Columbia University until their demands are met, despite mass arrests and disciplinary action.

More than 100 students were arrested at a Columbia protest “encampment” last week, followed by dozens more at Yale and New York University in recent days.
Many at Columbia have been suspended, prompting vocal calls for disciplinary measures to be dropped or rescinded.

Some students on campus have reported antisemitic harassment from protesters.

A deadline that was given by the university on Tuesday for protesters to disband by midnight has now been extended by 48 hours, with officials reporting “important progress” in talks to reach a deal.

In a news conference on Tuesday, New York City Mayor Eric Adams and top police officials blamed “outside agitators” for stirring up protests at Columbia and New York University and “really trying to use this as an opportunity to cause violence in our city.”

OBSERVATION - “outside agitators” indeed! Reports that the protestors are being fed top quality grub indicates that there are deep pockets supporting this (as well as the other ) protests. It has lingered on here for so long compared to the others that were cleared out relatively quickly is that the university president and administration are sympathetic to the cause and are too scared to act as the adults to bring matters to a close.

This old grumpy geologist says - expel them from the school and nuke their academic records - with no refund. Prosecute them to the fullest. That’ll put a damper in all these trust fund babies.

RELATED - Gov. Kathy Hochul has been in talks with Colombia university to activate the National Guard if the protesters refuse to leave.

ADDITIONALLY - Analysis continues to link key financial and political supporters of the 2020 riots to these current protests at various colleges and universities. Some note that in order to be up to full speed in the months leading up to the November elections, protests have to get stoked up now. Apart from some assaults on jewish citizens, these protests have been relatively calm in comparison to the Floyd riots. How long can this be expected to continue?

Military / Strategic Activity / Deployments –

Bloomberg reported that Chad is requesting that US forces withdrawal from the country. According to Bloomberg, the Chad chief of staff’s letter was meant “to warn the Americans that we have made the decision to stop their activity.”

Separately, CNN also reported last Thursday on Chad’s request for U.S. troops to leave the country.

Bloomberg noted that Chad’s request comes just ahead of a presidential election, which the country’s interim leader Mahamat Deby is widely expected to win.

If the U.S. leaves Chad, the Army would have to close what Bloomberg described as “one of its few remaining outposts to fight a roiling jihadist insurgency in the region.”
Bloomberg further noted that the military rulers of Mali, Niger and Burkina Faso, who all seized power over the past three years, have cut security ties with their former allies in the West.

OBSERVATION - More biden foreign policy disasters ongoing.

Wuhan and other “new” Plandemics –

Health officials in New York City are seeing a jump in cases of a rare disease linked to rat urine. This news comes just one year after the rulers anointed a czar for its “war on rats.”

It doesn’t seem to be going well, like every war the U.S. has backed lately. Harry Nespoli, president of the Uniformed Sanitationmen’s Association, which represents Department of Sanitation workers, told USA Today: “The streets are looking cleaner, but the rats are still around…Look, they were here before us.”
“Experts” claim that cases of leptospirosis, the illness caused by exposure to rats’ urine, have been increasing as sanitation workers are exposed to the bacteria.

OBSERVATION - Health and sanitary conditions in major cities are being worsened by a combination of homeless camps, street drugs and unvetted illegals. Leptospirosis was identified passing thru homeless areas in Kalifornia a number of years ago. Conditions in NYC only reflect the worsening conditions that favor massive rat populations.

To note - The overall risk of death for leptospirosis is 5–10%, mostly from long term undetected cases (commonly seen among homeless ). In the United States, there were 100 to 150 leptospirosis cases annually. In 1994, leptospirosis ceased to be a notifiable disease in the United States except in 36 states/territories where it is prevalent such as Hawaii, Texas, California, and Puerto RicoEasily treatable, but

CDC is reportedly saying that milk from cows infected by avian flu viruses is still safe to consume, though it hasn’t finished tests to insure that the virus is killed during pasteurization.


July 15 RNC convention in Milwaukee, WI
August 19 DNC convention in Chicago, IL


When people like biden and bill clinton praise you, there is something wrong - are you paying attention Speaker Johnson?

Biden / Harris Watch –

Biden on Tuesday during a campaign event claimed to have once been an eighteen wheeler truck driver.

“Besides, I used to drive an 18-wheeler,” Biden said to staffers at his campaign office in Tampa.

Problem is biden has never driven an 18-wheeler.

The White House previously told Fox News that biden riding in a truck in 1973 is the same thing as driving an 18-wheeler.

Cyber attacks/warfare – HEIGHTENED ALERT as of April 20, 2024

US Department of State - Iran’s cyber actors threaten the security of the United States and our partners. Yesterday, US Treasury sanctioned two entities and four individuals involved in malicious cyber activity for or on behalf of the Iranian Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps’s Cyber Electronic Command.

Illegal Immigration –

El Paso County DA Bill Hicks says after a county judge abruptly tried to dismiss 141 rioting charges against foreign nationals who rushed national guard/DPS claiming there was no probable cause, a grand jury overruled the judge, and issued indictments in all cases.

OBSERVATION - This same ‘magistrate’ judge has a leftist background and it is good a grand jury indicted these illegals. The judge tipped his hand and the local DA was ready for it.

China –

WSJ: The United States is developing sanctions that threaten to cut off some Chinese banks from the global financial system that cooperate with the Russian Federation, process payments and provide loans.

NOTE - I recently noted that Chinese banks have started limiting transactions with Russia.

Phillipines –

India delivered the first batch of BrahMos cruise missiles to the Philippines on April 19. This delivery comes two years after the signing of a $375 million deal between the two nations.

Amidst escalating tensions in the South China Sea, the delivery of BrahMos missile systems to the Philippines holds strategic significance. The Philippines intends to deploy the three batteries of the BrahMos missile system in their coastal areas to enhance their defense capabilities and counter potential Chinese threats in the region.

One of the key features of the BrahMos missile is its low radar signature, providing it with stealth capabilities. With a cruising altitude of up to 15 kilometers and the ability to descend to as low as 10 meters during the terminal phase, the BrahMos is highly versatile and effective in engaging targets with precision.

OBSERVATION - China’s aggressiveness is creating armed push back in the region.

Russia -

WAR WATCH - into the third year of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine - Feb 24th, 2022

CURRENT ASSESSMENT - Updated Mar 21, 2024.

Russia has taken advantage of Ukrainian ammo shortages, forcing them into primary defensive operations, and has seized the initiative following the fall of Avdiivka. Russia has reportedly concentrated 40,000 troops to sustain this offensive. The attacks are scattered along the front, concentrating on five axises of attack -

- Avdiivka,
- Maryinka,
- Robotyne,
- Kremenka and
- Bakhmut.

Russia has been able to gradually enlarge the number of soldiers in the theatre to the 400,000 range. Training and equipping of these forces is still rated very poor. Russia has drawn heavily upon ‘volunteers’ from penal colonies for their “Z” shock troops- the primary element of their meat attack (human wave) assaults against Ukraine defenses. It has been documented that ‘enforcement’ squads follow behind these ‘shock troops’ with orders to shoot any who attempt to retreat.

With the exception of Avdiivka, initial Russia attacks along the other axises have had poor results and exceptionally heavy losses. Russia continues to suffer heavy tank and APC losses. Old, cold war era tanks and APCs are becoming more and more common sights in battle fields. (formerly) Elite units like the Russian marines are routinely seen with T54/55 series tanks instead of the T72/80/90 series they were commonly equipped with. In some cases, over 70% of these newer tanks have been destroyed or captured by Ukraine.

In these other attacks, Russia continues to make poor use of fire and maneuver, preferring tank/armor ‘charges’ across open areas and down roads. This brings them into prepared kill zones where these forces are stopped and destroyed.

The most significant change in Russian tactics is on the Avdiivka front, where Russian is doing a much better job of launching what one could consider combined arms attacks.

When Ukraine lacks the artillery, Russian forces are able to penetrate in mass and overwhelm the fewer Ukrainian defenders.

Russian organization and capabilities make it unlikely that they will be able to quickly take advantage of penetrations into Ukrainian defenses. Poor training and lack of leadership at all levels, combined with poor logistic trains, will prevent any major breakouts beyond initial penetration of lines.

Shortages of Ukraine artillery ammo has permitted Russia to regain some degree of local superiority on the battlefield. Some estimates give Russia a 3:1 advantage. This is down substantially from the start of the war where it had a 10:1 advantage. Russia is relying heavily on N Korean artillery rounds and Iranian drone/missiles.

Russian appears to be continuing to shepherd its stockpile of missiles/drones for a potential effort to take down the Ukraine power grid as they did winter 2022./23 This task has become increasingly difficult as Ukraine adds air defense systems and gets better coverage. Ammo shortages are starting to impact Ukraine ADA defenses.

The Russian Black Sea fleet is is essentially impotent and hesitant to deploy into now contested waters. In the latest, large missile / drone attack, the Black Sea fleet was noticeably out of action. Ukraine continues to engage and destroy Russian naval vessels..

While the Russia air force has taken significant losses at the hands of Ukraine, early in this winter/spring offensive, Russian has more aggressively conducted CAS in support of ground troops, reflecting ADA shortages. As a result, Russia has been able to locally seize air superiority at key locations along the front - the first time in two years of fighting. This has been at a cost, with a number Su-34/35 aircraft being lost in the last part of February alone as well as critical A50 AWAC systems.

Russian leadership reportedly planning for a long duration conflict, hoping to wear the Ukraine army down and cause European allies to tire of their support - forcing some sort of cease fire and negotiated peace. putin is struggling to place his economy on wartime footing to accomplish this goal.

Unknowns at this time are how soon ammo supples will start hitting Ukrainian units. Long range ATACMS and German Taurus cruise missiles may be coming on line soon for Ukraine as well as F-16s (now reportedly due in late spring/early summer). But the most critical item is artillery ammo.



Reports that Russia has moved “Iskander” tactical missiles to Karelia, Russia. These missiles are capable of delivering a nuclear warhead
The Iskander missile has about a 500km range and can travel at about 7500km per hour.

From their location in Karelia, Russia, these missiles can reach most of populated Finland within just a very few short minutes.

Greatest concerns are that they have deployed ones that are armed with nuclear warheads to the region.


Growing reports that Russia has a formed a military group called group N (North) who’s mission is to attack northeastern Ukraine targeting Kharkiv and Sumy regions. Russia may feel that this area is weakened because of support going to the main battle areas of Avdiivka and Bakhmut. Also associated with reported Russian plans for a summer offensive. Russian forces were cleared out of this area in the summer/fall of 2022.

Economic Impact –

WSJ: The United States is developing sanctions that threaten to cut off some Chinese banks from the global financial system that cooperate with the Russian Federation, process payments and provide loans.

Ukraine –

WEATHER FORECAST – Temperatures highs continue in the 60-70 range with some local highs into the 80s. Mostly dry thru the forecast period.


Russian Ministry of Defense claims shooting down 8 drones over Belgorod, Kursk, Voronezh and Smolensk regions.

6 persons injured as result of Russian missile strike with S-300 missile at Schevchenkivsky district of Kharkiv overnight. Kharkiv also reportedly being hit by 1 and a half ton glide bombs.

Incendiary munition rains down over Chasiv-Yar. Russians are attempting to occupy the city. Rumors are that Russian forces have been ordered to occupy it before the 9th of May by Russian leadership.

Russian Rosneft oil terminal heavily burning in Yartsevo, after a Ukrainian drone attack this morning.

Outlook —

Ukraine is still desperately defending Chasiv Yar, a key stronghold that if captured could allow Russia to push north, west and southwest. Uncertain at this time just how quickly US munitions will be able to reach the front lines. I’m sure Russia is watching like a hawk to locate and track such shipments, looking to destroy them before they can reach the front.


Key overnight developments -

- Israel progressing quickly to get civilians in Rafah moved before engaging Hamas in the city directly.

——— GAZA FRONT ———————————-

Clashes were reported between Hamas and the IDF north of the Nuseirat camp in the central Gaza Strip.

Israel continued to hit Hamas positions with air and artillery fire throughout Gaza.

Israeli news reports that tents are being constructed in Khan Yunis to evacuate civilians before the IDF begins its operation in Rafah

IDF is preparing for a ground incursion into northern Gaza. On Tuesday, the IDF warned Gazans in Beit Lahia to leave their homes.

Israeli Air Force fighter jets destroyed two Hamas rocket launchers embedded in a humanitarian zone in southern Gaza, the army said Wednesday, as the war started by the terrorist group entered its 200th day.
The Israel Defense Forces said the launch pads were loaded with rockets and were struck before they could be used to attack the Jewish state.

——— LEBANON / HEZBOLLAH——————————-

Hezbollah and Israeli forces continued to exchange fire across the border.

———WEST BANK——————————-

Israeli security forces continues to raid numerous areas, arresting terrorism suspects.

———“ISLAMIC RESISTANCE” ———————————

Pentagon says Iran militia groups conducted two unsuccessful attacks on US forces in Iraq and Syria on April 22, the first such attacks since Feb 4. Calls upon Iraq to increase efforts to secure US / Coalition forces in the nation.

——— FORECAST ————————-

Israel continues to maneuver its chess pieces to commence with the delayed operation in Rafah. Two to three weeks to accomplish the evacuation, another 6 to finish mopping up Hamas. This put us into mid May for the start of operations in Rafah.

IMHO - very few hostages will be rescued in the operation. Hamas has killed or is likely to kill all that they have their hands on once Israel enters Rafah. The hostage issue is one that has been lost from the headlines due to the incessant bleat over the hardship of arabs in Gaza. Hama’s use of the hostages as a human shield to force Israel into ceasefire agreements is virtually null, due in large part to the outrageous demands being made.

I expect to see an ebb and flow to operations. Just like the impending raid in N Gaza hitting reformed Hamas elements. Same for the fight against Hezbollah. Israel continues to successfully identify, locate and terminate important military leaders as well as key facilities/locations. These strikes will cause Hezbollah to up its attacks on Israel with moderate rocket attacks, being careful not to poke the bear too hard, but still invites stronger Israeli retaliatory air strikes.

Central / South America General-

HAITI- Haiti’s capital has been rocked by a fresh wave of violence as warlord Barbecue ordered his thug army to “burn every house you find”.
Gun battles are raging in central Port-au-Prince as ruthless gangs march towards the presidential palace - burning, looting and killing - amid fears they are plotting a bloody coup.

Officials now believe that 90 per cent of the capital is controlled by once warring gangs who loosely unified to spark a new dawn of violence at the end of February.

At the centre of the storm is Jimmy “Barbecue” Chérizier, the head of Haiti’s most powerful gang alliance and now leader of the armed onslaught against his home city.

Two voice recordings are circulating on social media which locals claim is Barbecue ordering his soldiers to burn houses down in Lower Delmas, an impoverished part of the capital where he grew up.
“Continue burning the houses. Make everybody leave,” a man says in the first audio recording.

OBSERVATION - These actions will only spur more illegal immigration towards the US, bringing with them the same attitudes that allowed this kind of murderous mayhem to flourish in the first place.

445 posted on 04/24/2024 6:17:13 AM PDT by Godzilla (“When tyranny becomes law, rebellion becomes duty” - Thomas Jefferson )
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