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Cuba’s REAL Rebels – and Dunces [timely, excellent]
Newsmax ^ | Feb. 15, 2003 | Humberto Fontova

Posted on 02/16/2003 10:10:39 AM PST by Ragtime Cowgirl

Cuba’s REAL Rebels – and Dunces
Humberto Fontova
Saturday, Feb. 15, 2003
Mayor Ed Koch’s recent article jolted me from my seat. It reminded me that Kurt Waldheim was persona non grata in the U.S. because he’d been a Nazi functionary in the Balkans and either participated in or "had knowledge of" Nazi executions of partisans.

Actually, that’s fine with me. Even before those revelations, Waldheim always struck me as a sleazy liar, an obfuscator and a rat. No wonder he rose so high so fast at the U.N. He was the perfect U.N. secretary-general.

But let me get this straight: "Having knowledge" of atrocities by his co-Nazis against Communist guerrillas 50 years distant put Kurt Waldheim on a Justice Department list of "subversives, terrorists and criminals." He was thus banned from ever treading on American soil.

Interesting, because last November, Victor Dreke (see Dr.Miguel Faria’s article on this murderous swine), a Castro-Communist commander who ordered atrocities against ANTI-Communist guerrillas himself – who executed hundreds of bound and gagged Cuban freedom fighters with his very own Russian pistol, who tortured and murdered U.S. allies as an ally himself of a Soviet Union at that moment installing nuclear missiles (talk about weapons of mass destruction!) 90 miles away and pointing them at the U.S. – this wholesome chap was waved though our portals with a smile!

Indeed he’s welcomed in order to promote a book where he BOASTS about these atrocities, a book that consists of one huge BOAST about a career as a rabid Communist SUBVERTING U.S. policy in Latin America and Africa! This doesn’t put him on the Justice Department list of "subversives"! This doesn’t make him a "criminal"! And this murderous coward does this in the very town where his victims have thousands of surviving family members!

Recall the planned Nazi march in heavily Jewish Skokie, Ill., back in 1977? The stunt was rightly condemned by all decent people (this naturally excludes the ACLU) as a wanton, cruel and utterly needless provocation by a goose-stepping gaggle of losers and bums.

Well, Skokie is about as Jewish as Miami is Cuban.

Imagine Kurt Waldheim writing a book about his Balkan tour and invited to address U.S. college students for a reading of his critically acclaimed "Fear and Loathing in the Balkans! Piling Up Those Partisans!"

Well, that’s the equivalent of what happened at Miami’s Florida International University last November. Yet every pink pundit and farm-state politician claims we Cuban-Americans have the Bush administration in a firm testicular grip.

Then kindly inform Bush’s Justice Department. If this is an example of our overbearing "political influence," I’d hate to see when we don’t have any. Whoops! I take that back. We already saw that, didn’t we? On April 22, 2000, when a motherless little boy was traumatized and enslaved, when the U.S. Constitution was trampled and defamed. Recall that even career pinks like Alan Dershowitz gagged that day.

Dreke was a typical Castro commandante, which is to say a complete oaf. Poor guy, he learned military tactics under Che Guevara. He’d have been better off studying under Sgt Bilko.

Earlier I said he subverted U.S. policy. More accurately: He tried to subvert it. Like his jefe, Che, Dreke blundered magnificently in everything he attempted – except murdering defenseless men.

It took this dolt six years and almost half a million troops, scores of Russian advisers, squadrons of Stalin tanks, flame throwers and a massive "relocation" campaign that shamed anything the British did to the Boers, to finally stamp out a motley (but incredibly valiant and resourceful) band of about 5,000 guerrillas.

These were constantly starved for supplies and finally sold down the river by JFK after the Kennedy-Khrushchev pact.

Please be clear on this, friends, because you sure won’t find it in the asinine movie "Thirteen Days" or in the spurious "Missiles of October" – much less in any Oliver Stone movie: The Missile Crisis ended not when JFK "stood up to the Russians," but when he complied with them – when he agreed to never liberate Cuba with U.S. forces, when he agreed to use U.S. forces to safeguard Castro’s regime, when he agreed to prevent Cubans themselves from attempting to liberate their captive island.

JFK cut off the trickle of aid reaching the anti-Communist fighters in Cuba and stopped Cuban exiles from launching raids against the Communists from the U.S. Thousands of valiant men went from being U.S.-trained freedom fighters to "criminal violators of U.S. neutrality laws" overnight. Forty years later the thing still nauseates, still gags anyone familiar with it.

The American Colonials had France and her immense fleet as allies (more French troops served and died at Yorktown than Colonials). The Viet Cong had Russia and China. The Mujahadeen had the U.S. The Nicaraguan Contras had Reagan in the White House, Otto Reich at state and Ollie North at ...? Well, he was helping from somewhere.

The Cuba freedom fighters had ...?

They had about as much as the Hungarian freedom fighters, as much as the Polish Home Army – no one, nothing. So their fate was the same. This makes their fight all the more glorious. It’s hard to believe what these men (and a few women) did with so little.

Xena, Warrior Princess was a sorry chump compared to one such female guerrilla called La Nina Del Escambray. After her husband, sons and a few nephews were murdered by Florida International University’s recent guest of honor, La Nina grabbed a tommy gun herself, rammed in a clip and took to the hills.

For a year she ran rings around the reds. But the gallant Kennedy-Khrushchev pact finally starved her of supplies and sealed her doom. The reds finally ran her down.

For years La Nina suffered horribly in Castro’s dungeons, but she lives in Miami today. Seems to me her tragic story makes ideal fodder for Oprah, for all those women’s magazines, for all those butch professorettes of "Women’s Studies," for a Susan Sarandon role, for a little whooping up by Gloria Steinem, Dianne Feinstein and Hillary herself.

So, ever heard of La Nina?

Of course not. She was an anti-Castroite, you see. Such heresy will never be forgiven in the Beltway or Hollywood. Instead we got Rigoberta Menchu, the Guatemalan feminist-Marxist (I’m being redundant here, I know) who wrote the book "I, Rigoberta Menchu," an autobiography that chronicles the suffering of her family, and indigenous Guatemalans in general, at the hands of that nation’s U.S.-backed military.

As a result, the rotund Menchu (who resembles a well-tanned version of Bella Abzug) was showered with honorary doctorates from countless colleges, nominated as a U.N. "goodwill ambassador" and awarded the Nobel Peace Prize. Her book became required reading in practically every college and high school in the land.

Then, whoops! Turned out the book was a massive pile of baloney. This was exposed by the New York Times, of all things. One investigator, seeking to verify the book’s account of Menchu’s young brother dying of malnutrition, instead found the brother. He looked like Ralph Kramden and was wolfing down a huge platter of tortillas when he was found.

But nothing changed for Ms. Menchu, nary an award or honor was rescinded. The Nobel Peace Prize stuck.

So, let’s step back a second and look at this: Menchu – a fraud consummate and studious – a fraud shameless and relentless – a fraud deliberate and unmitigated – gets the Nobel Peace Prize for an utterly bogus account of U.S.-backed oppression and brutality in Latin America. (Yes, there was oppression and brutality – but by the Communist guerrillas that Menchu heralds!)

Anyway, not only does La Nina get nothing, her GENUINE oppressor, Fidel Castro, after 40 years of GENUINE mass murder and mass incarceration, gets nominated, by some Norwegian parliamentarian, for the Nobel Peace Prize himself!

As I’ve said, folks, compared to this stuff, what Alice found through the looking glass makes sense. I give up! I need a brewskie!

But for lack of supplies, half of Cuba’s population might have joined La Nina and her heroic brothers in arms. Take my word for it, folks. We’ll soon have a peek at that man behind the curtain. The whole Castro thing will be exposed as the con job of the century.

He’s been at it a while, too. Herbert Mathews, Ted Turner, Baba Wawa and Dan Rather ain’t the half of it. Many pre-Revolution Cuban "journalists" were every bit as hypocritical, treacherous and stupid.

Take Miguel Angel Quevedo – Cuba’s Ben Bradlee, let’s call him. He published Cuba’s Bohemia magazine, a combination Time-Newsweek, let’s call it. When Castro was slapped in jail for murder in 1953, the magazine wailed to high heaven for the release of this "young idealistic hero."

"President" Batista (hey, he was every bit the "president" Castro is!) – that vicious tyrant, that bloodthirsty fiend, that fascist brute, as branded by that very Bohemia magazine – complied. He set Castro and hundreds of other gangsters, hoodlums and wastrels loose in a general amnesty.

Four years later, when Castro marched into Havana, Quevedo’s magazine featured the young bearded rebel on the cover with the caption "Honor and Glory to the National Hero!"

Ten months after that issue, Bohemia magazine’s entire operation was honorably and gloriously confiscated by the National Hero’s thugs and Quevedo was scrambling into exile for his very life.

His journalists had ranted at Batista as a "tyrant" almost daily for seven years, much like Bradlee’s ranted at Nixon. Now these wiseacres were scrambling too. Some had suggested – very politely and cautiously – that Batista’s replacement wasn’t exactly living up to his promises. For this, the less agile ones had their skulls honorably and gloriously cracked by club-wielding thugs sent by the "National Hero."

Some Venezuelan journalists are learning similar lessons lately at the hands of Chavez’s "Bolivarian Brigades."

Six years after his magazine was confiscated and turned into an outright Communist propaganda organ, Quevedo found himself living in Caracas. One day while contemplating his past, while summing up what he (and thousands of other fellow myopics) had wrought, he put a revolver to his head and blew his brains all over his living room.

Now, if only some U.S. journalists could be as honest with themselves (the ones who claimed a "better life" would come to the Indochinese when we pulled out, for instance).

The point is, the whole Castro Revolution is a ghastly, bloody and nauseating farce. So many eggs broken. Such a putrid omelet resulting.

The Cuban Fuhrer and his minions excel in one thing – and P.T. Barnum could tell you what it is. Health care? WORSENED atrociously since 1958. Literacy? Cuba’s was already among the highest in the hemisphere in 1958. And let’s not even get into economics and human rights. We’ve covered that before.

Castroites as brave guerrilla fighters? As the valiant Davids against the blundering Goliath of the North? Here’s the biggest joke: It took 50,000 of these Davids with jets, Stalin tanks and battery after battery of heavy Soviet artillery to crush the heroes of Giron, who numbered barely 1,200, had only small arms, and were quickly abandoned by their "allies." The wily Castroites suffered casualties of 20 to 1 in their masterful fight.

What little battlefield success the Castroite numbskulls had came not as guerrillas, but AGAINST guerrillas – came in the most brutal, cowardly and disgusting type of anti-insurgency war. Even with odds of 200 to 1 they couldn’t prevail against the heroes of the Escambray rebellion.

You want to read a book that’ll make your blood boil, eyes water, throat lump, and mouth erupt with cheers almost at the same time? Read Enrique Encinosa’s “Cuba En Guerra” (sadly, available only in Spanish).

Enrique does for Cuba’s anti-Communist fighters what Stephen Ambrose did for the GIs. What fighters! What heroism! These guerrillas went to the mat with the red scum. They had the Castroites quaking in their Russian-issue boots. They fought fire with fire. Best of all, for six years (1960-66) they gave the Communist swine a taste of their own medicine.

They’d hang the corpses of Castro soldiers with a sign: "Two Reds dead for every patriot murdered." When captured, they sneered and spit at the reds.

One brave guajiro (Cuban for redneck) had hung a Communist murderer from a guava tree. Shortly, this guajiro was betrayed by an infiltrator, captured and put in a show trial by the Castroites. The Commie "judge" (who was in the same weight division as Charles Rangel) asked if it was true that he’d used a rope to hang a "comrade."

"Damnl right!" the guajiro shot back. "But If I’d gotten my hands on your fat *ss I’d have used a cable!" Minutes later the guajiro faced a firing squad. They asked him if he had any last words. He did:

"I S**T on your Communist Revolution!" he yelled as they took aim. "And I use Fidel’s face to wipe my ....!

Then the bullets ripped into his chest. As I said, some of these freedom fighters live in Miami today. But you’d never know it. And what a shame. The books! The movies! The magazine articles! The CNN and NPR interviews! The History Channel documentaries that could be – if only the Beltway media and Hollywood could pry their lips from Castro’s saliva-slickened heiny for a split second.

(Come on, Andy Garcia out there? Talk to some of your Hollywood chums. Lots of unsung heroes among your compatriots, Andy. Many real-life Rambos and Pvt. Ryans among those Brigadistas and ex-alzados. And many remain as close as any "Band of Brothers," too, Andy.)

The anti-Communist guerrillas gave the Castroites fits. Battered and baffled, the Cuban reds finally went whimpering to their Russian sugar daddies. First thing the Russians did, with a roll of the eyes, was "reassign" Che to another command. This astounding imbecile had bumbled long enough.

After all, the Russians had ample "hands on" experience in extermination campaigns. Recall the Kulaks. Recall the mass slaughter of the anti-Soviet Ukrainian and Polish guerrillas after WWII ...

You don’t recall those? Of course not. ANTI-Communist insurgencies, though a thousand times as protracted and heroic as any by Communists, never get any press.

Jonas Savimbi learned this bitter lesson too. Part of it is practical. Unlike the strutting and loquacious French Resistance (which numbered about 50 million AFTER June 6, 1944, and 5,000 before), most anti-Communist freedom fighters lie in mass graves with a Russian bullet in the neck, while "journalists" and academics toast the cowards, sadists and swine who murdered them.

Humberto Fontova holds an M.A. in history from Tulane University. He's the author of "Helldiver's Rodeo," described as "Highly entertaining!" by Publisher's Weekly, "A must-read!" by Booklist, and "Just what the doctor ordered!" by Ted Nugent.

You may reach Mr. Fontova by e-mail at

TOPICS: Crime/Corruption; Culture/Society; Editorial; Extended News; Foreign Affairs; News/Current Events; Philosophy; Politics/Elections; Russia; US: District of Columbia; US: Florida
KEYWORDS: alpha66; castro; cbc; chavez; civilrights; communism; cubanamericans; cubanmissilecrisis; eliangonzalez; harrybelafonte; heroism; hispaniccaucus; hollywood; humanrights; kennedy; latinamericalist; miami; oliverstone; sovietunion; usefulidiots

1 posted on 02/16/2003 10:10:40 AM PST by Ragtime Cowgirl
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To: JohnHuang2; Luis Gonzalez; JulieRNR21; ALOHA RONNIE; PhiKapMom; Grampa Dave; MeeknMing; ken5050; ...
ANTI-Communist insurgencies, though a thousand times as protracted and heroic as any by Communists, never get any press.


P.S., Democrats:

"We cannot ask a [judicial] candidate what he would do; and if we did and he should answer, we should only despise him for it." So sermonized President Abraham Lincoln to Rep. George S. Boutwell.."


2 posted on 02/16/2003 10:17:40 AM PST by Ragtime Cowgirl (An appeaser is one who feeds a crocodile, hoping it will eat him last. - Winston Churchill)
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To: Ragtime Cowgirl
"Read Enrique Encinosa’s “Cuba En Guerra” (sadly, available only in Spanish)."

That's one of the reasons why the Cuban-American community hasn't been more successful in getting it's message about what Castro really is like across...they only use Spanish for much of their material. They should use English much more.
3 posted on 02/16/2003 11:21:41 AM PST by Jacob Kell (Castro takes it up the a**, doo dah, doo dah.)
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To: Ragtime Cowgirl


I'll bump that !!

They’d hang the corpses of Castro soldiers with a sign: "Two Reds dead for every patriot murdered." When captured, they sneered and spit at the reds.

One brave guajiro (Cuban for redneck) had hung a Communist murderer from a guava tree. Shortly, this guajiro was betrayed by an infiltrator, captured and put in a show trial by the Castroites. The Commie "judge" (who was in the same weight division as Charles Rangel) asked if it was true that he’d used a rope to hang a "comrade."

"Damnl right!" the guajiro shot back. "But If I’d gotten my hands on your fat *ss I’d have used a cable!" Minutes later the guajiro faced a firing squad. They asked him if he had any last words. He did:

"I S**T on your Communist Revolution!" he yelled as they took aim. "And I use Fidel’s face to wipe my ....!

Then the bullets ripped into his chest. As I said, some of these freedom fighters live in Miami today. But you’d never know it. And what a shame. The books! The movies! The magazine articles! The CNN and NPR interviews! The History Channel documentaries that could be – if only the Beltway media and Hollywood could pry their lips from Castro’s saliva-slickened heiny for a split second.

4 posted on 02/16/2003 11:22:48 AM PST by MeekOneGOP (Bu-bye SADdam. You're soon to meet your buddy Stalin in Hades.)
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To: MeeknMing
This is a fine article to include in the "Education of Whoopie Goldberg" files ("I don't know that Communism is bad").

The Iraqi people want us to liberate them, yet the people who claim to "feel their pain" aren't listening, marching blindly in support of the bad guys - again. The left in a nutshell.

5 posted on 02/16/2003 11:31:50 AM PST by Ragtime Cowgirl (An appeaser is one who feeds a crocodile, hoping it will eat him last. - Winston Churchill)
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To: Jacob Kell
They should use English much more.

Yes! And we now have a non-leftist publishing house succeeding in America. With the growing hispanic population and the hunger Americans have for non-PC BS, Regnery would have a bestseller with “Cuba En Guerra” if they could get the publishing rights, don't you think?

6 posted on 02/16/2003 11:35:43 AM PST by Ragtime Cowgirl (An appeaser is one who feeds a crocodile, hoping it will eat him last. - Winston Churchill)
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To: Ragtime Cowgirl
The Iraqi people want us to liberate them, yet the people who claim to "feel their pain" aren't listening, marching blindly in support of the bad guys - again. The left in a nutshell.

Here is to Tony Blair, who is our best ally on that side of the pond in our War on Terror...

Tony Blair: The price of my conviction

But there are also consequences of 'stop the war'. There will be no march for the victims of Saddam, no protests about the thousands of children that die needlessly every year under his rule, no righteous anger over the torture chambers which if he is left in power, will remain in being.

I rejoice that we live in a country where peaceful protest is a natural part of our democratic process. But I ask the marchers to understand this.

I do not seek unpopularity as a badge of honour. But sometimes it is the price of leadership and the cost of conviction.

If there are 500,000 on the [Stop the War] march, that is still less than the number of people whose deaths Saddam has been responsible for. If there are one million, that is still less than the number of people who died in the wars he started.

So if the result of peace is Saddam staying in power, not disarmed, then I tell you there are consequences paid in blood for that decision too. But these victims will never be seen, never feature on our TV screens or inspire millions to take to the streets. But they will exist none the less.

President George W. Bush and Prime Minister Tony Blair of England walk out to address the media in Cross Hall at the White House Nov. 7. "We've got no better friend in the world than Great Britain," said the President during his remarks. White House photo by Paul Morse.

7 posted on 02/16/2003 11:38:26 AM PST by MeekOneGOP (Bu-bye SADdam. You're soon to meet your buddy Stalin in Hades.)
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To: MeeknMing
America is blessed !

Top 100 Songs of All Time . . . (Vote Here) !

Posted by f.Christian to KansasCanadian On General Interest 02/16/2003 12:57 PM PST #2 of 6

8 posted on 02/16/2003 3:25:05 PM PST by f.Christian (((((((((((( caught up in a sorrow, lost in the song, ))))))))))))
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To: Ragtime Cowgirl
I sent this guy an email: what a GREAT piece!

Thank you, Ragtime Cowgirl, for posting this one.
9 posted on 02/16/2003 4:29:14 PM PST by BenR2 ((John 3:16: Still True Today.))
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To: MeeknMing
Thank you, Tony Blair!

Did you hear Conde Rice on FoxNews Sunday? When asked about the protests she responded that while it is fine to have different views, Iraqis march for Saddam - or they have their tongues cut out. Ouch, the truth hurts (wake up, sheeple!).

Thank you, Conde!

10 posted on 02/16/2003 5:40:13 PM PST by Ragtime Cowgirl ("The Internet is a frightful danger to all of us.'' - Walter Cronkite)
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To: f.Christian
Hi, f.Christian. Thank you for stopping by, and for the welcome music break. (^;

God Bless America, Kate Smith
Battle Hymn of the Republic, Robert Shaw Corale.
Stars and Stripes Forever, conducted by John Philip Sousa - original 1929 recording.

11 posted on 02/16/2003 5:57:11 PM PST by Ragtime Cowgirl ("The Internet is a frightful danger to all of us.'' - Walter Cronkite)
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To: BenR2
You're very welcome, Ben.
12 posted on 02/16/2003 6:04:55 PM PST by Ragtime Cowgirl ("The Internet is a frightful danger to all of us.'' - Walter Cronkite)
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To: *Latin_America_List; Cincinatus' Wife; shanec; Tailgunner Joe
Enrique does for Cuba’s anti-Communist fighters what Stephen Ambrose did for the GIs. What fighters! What heroism! These guerrillas went to the mat with the red scum. They had the Castroites quaking in their Russian-issue boots. They fought fire with fire. Best of all, for six years (1960-66) they gave the Communist swine a taste of their own medicine.

Anti-Castro, ping!

13 posted on 02/16/2003 6:08:41 PM PST by Ragtime Cowgirl ("I have always been a maoist"- Hugo Chavez)
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To: Ragtime Cowgirl
you gotta love a good tale of brave men fighting and killing communists - they are certainly heroes
14 posted on 02/16/2003 8:41:27 PM PST by Texas_Jarhead
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To: Ragtime Cowgirl
Great post. Universities are filled with Marxist love and American loathing.
15 posted on 02/17/2003 12:45:14 AM PST by Cincinatus' Wife
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To: f.Christian
Yes we are. Thank you. I put mine in the hat there...
16 posted on 02/17/2003 3:01:56 AM PST by MeekOneGOP (Bu-bye SADdam. You're soon to meet your buddy Stalin in Hades.)
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To: Ragtime Cowgirl
Did you hear Conde Rice on FoxNews Sunday? When asked about the protests she responded that while it is fine to have different views, Iraqis march for Saddam - or they have their tongues cut out. Ouch, the truth hurts (wake up, sheeple!).

No, I didn't see it, but I know there are consequences if they don't show 'support' to SADdam.

Yes, thank you Condi !

Here are a couple of other links to related articles here on FR...

Mark Steyn: Marching for terror

And why I will not [join anti-war demo, by an Iraqi living in the UK]

Excerpt from the Steyn article:

Why not ask an Iraqi what the disadvantages of stalemate are? As far as Saddam's subjects are concerned, the "peace" movement means peace for you and Tony Benn and Sheryl Crow and Susan Sarandon, and a prison for them. I was in Montreal last week, which has the largest Iraqi population in North America. I've yet to meet one who isn't waiting eagerly for the day the liberation of their homeland begins. Then they can go back to the surviving members of their families and not have to live in a country where it's winter 10 months of the year.

They're pining for war not because they like the Americans, or the Zionists, or me, but because they understand that, as long as there's Saddam, there's no Iraq. Saddam has killed far more people than Slobo, Iraq has been far more comprehensively brutalised than Kosovo. Marching for "peace" means marching for, oh, another 15 years of Saddamite torture and murder, followed by a couple more decades under the even more psychotic son, until the family runs out of victims to terrorise, gets bored and retires to the Riviera.

It's easy to say it's up to the Iraqi people to get rid of Saddam. That theory worked well in the days when all the peasants had to do was storm the palace and dodge the muskets. It doesn't work against a man who can poison an entire village from the air. Marching for "peace" means marching against the Iraqi people: it's the equivalent of turning them away as, to their shame, many free nations in the 1930s turned away refugees from Germany.

17 posted on 02/17/2003 3:43:46 AM PST by MeekOneGOP (Bu-bye SADdam. You're soon to meet your buddy Stalin in Hades.)
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To: Ragtime Cowgirl
I'm the author of the Newsmax article. Thanks very much for posting it. And regarding:

"the hunger Americans have for non-PC BS, Regnery would have a bestseller with “Cuba En Guerra” if they could get the publishing rights, don't you think?"

Fear not, "The Teflon Dictator; Lies, Damned Lies and The Cuban Revolution" is already in the works. "Cuba En Guerra"
along with dozens of other (Spanish language) books by Cuban fighters, political prisoners and political players feature as major sources. I'm writing it--not to preach to the Cuban-American choir--but to inform patriotic Americans (BTW that includes us. Most us don't like to be considered hyphenated Americans. I prefer "U.S. citizens of Cuban heritage but that's kinda cumbersome , so I stick with Cuban-Americans in articles)

The book will read much like the following articles.

Thank you all out there.


18 posted on 02/17/2003 7:29:12 AM PST by slickeroo
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To: slickeroo; Luis Gonzalez; Mudboy Slim
The Teflon Dictator; Lies, Damned Lies and The Cuban Revolution" is already in the works.

That's excellent news. Let us know and this humble group of patriots (and outgoing Mudboy (^:) will help spread the word.

Thank you for your passionate and persuasive article and for not giving up the fight.

19 posted on 02/17/2003 1:42:40 PM PST by Ragtime Cowgirl ("The commitment of our fathers is now the calling of our time." - George W. (Bush))
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To: Ragtime Cowgirl
20 posted on 02/19/2003 5:12:10 PM PST by Tailgunner Joe (God Armeth The Patriot)
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