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  • Israeli Navy Captures Iranian Boat Loaded With Syrian Missiles Destined for Gaza

    03/05/2014 8:36:38 AM PST · by robowombat · 37 replies
    Algemeiner ^ | MARCH 5, 2014 8:53 AM | Gidon Ben-zvi
    BREAKING: Israeli Navy Captures Iranian Boat Loaded With Syrian Missiles Destined for Gaza (VIDEO) MARCH 5, 2014 8:53 AM 9 COMMENTS Benny Gantz Ram Rothberg Israeli Navy KLOSCIran Gaza KLOSC Shayetet 13Israeli navy commandos KLOSC arms shipM-302 missile Iran Gaza StripM-302 missile Second Lebanon WarMoti Almoz Israeli Navy KLOSC Iran Israeli Naval commandos on Wednesday intercepted an Iranian ship in the Red Sea weighed down with missiles that was en route to the Gaza Strip, the IDF said in a statement. The boat, named KLOSC, was stopped by the elite naval commando unit Shayetet 13 as it was heading to...
  • Is Brown destined for the IMF?

    05/12/2010 7:50:44 PM PDT · by NormsRevenge · 5 replies · 169+ views
    AFP on Yahoo ^ | 5/12/10 | Andrew Beatty
    WASHINGTON (AFP) – After three rocky years as prime minister, election defeat has forced Gordon Brown to consider his future and speculation is swirling it might include a stint at the helm of the IMF. After being battered by financial meltdown and backbench revolts Brown may not be looking for a new job quickly, much less one that includes tackling Europe's debt crisis. But little over 24 hours since the Scot left office the chattering classes in London and Washington are already awash with rumors he may be interested in leading the International Monetary Fund. Like his predecessor Tony Blair...
  • Terrorists Destined to Lose if U.S. Keeps Resolve, Cheney Says

    10/04/2006 5:25:02 PM PDT · by SandRat · 8 replies · 439+ views
    American Forces Press Service ^ | Steven Donald Smith
    WASHINGTON, Oct. 4, 2006 – Terrorists are destined to lose if the U.S. keeps its nerve and refuses to abandon its overseas commitments, Vice President Richard B. Cheney said today at Fort Hood, Texas. “The world can have confidence in the resolve of the United States,” he said. “We will stand by our friends; we will help Iraqis build a nation that is free, secure and able to defend itself. We will confront our enemies on this and every other front in the war on terror. With good allies at our side, we will prevail.” Cheney said the terrorists were...