The burden of proof has been changed for Republicans, who now are guilty until they prove themselves innocent. not innocent until proved guilty. This gives a free impeachment vote to the Democrats in the House. The Senate can fight it out. And Trump may well lose in the Senate as he only has 30 reliable Republican votes. If Trump were gone, and Mr. Pence were to become President, that would simplify a lot of issues for a lot of people. TWB
Now that we have hooked the Chinese kids on video games, our victory is assured. In fifteen years they won’t be able to grow rice or make noodles, much less write or even read Mandarin.
Seattle is dying. Avoid getting sick and going to Harborview. It is surrounded by thugs and street people. The ER has rows of people who have OD’ed. You can find people sleeping on the floor. Welcome to the Third World in Seattle. TWB
Jay Inslee, Democrat Governor and Democrats Presidential candidate is a sovereignist. He was hot to secede from the US several months ago. As, I believe, was Democrat Loony Toon Karmello Harris. TWB
Not all laws passed by Congress are Constitutional
So if the law setting the number of USSC seats is reviewed and found to be flawed, what would the remedy then be?
Trump should discuss this option.
The law fixing the number of Justices at 10 could be a better law.
have had several serious surgeries and when my grandmother was alive, so did she - mostly to remove cancer.
NO WAY this 80-something year old can plank AFTER HAVING HER CHEST CUT OPEN.
Yeah, more Fake Mews!! This article is about the poor old crone who passed out at the State of the Union address. What a crock!! And any photos, like the old one of Mz Ginzburg, need to be scrutinized and evaluated. TWB
The Democrats will arrive in Texas and say, ‘I'm here, I'm queer and I've come to take your guns and make you a Democrat’. This whole program will be a massive failure. TWB
I expect Mueller to submit his report to his friend, AG Barr, and AG Barr and his friend DAG Rosenstein to impanel a grand jury and indict President Trump. Or, If that has already happened, to release the indictment. Too bad, so sad President Trump
BWAHAHAHAHA ‘Minneapolis has one of the largest LGBT populations in the U.S. proportional to its overall population.[11] Noted for its strong music and performing arts scenes, [-24 now]