From what I understand Moore got a face to face chewing from Dr. Sanjay Gupta (CNNs medical correspondent) too...would love to see that too...the idiot Moore hobblng away like a hurt puppy. Gotta love it!
I have liked Mitt too, even before he entered politics...he has owned a home for many years on the lake here in NH, he wears well here with the “regular folks” but highly respected by “big business folks”....quite the likable guy, yes he’s not apologetic about his views and positions. It would be interesting he could change some states colors, MI, MA, RI, CT, perhaps CA too.
This is not really new, its just the first that anyone in public health is actually admitting theres a problem with drug resistant staph...I wonder how long it will take them to admit to the flesh-eating virus rise thats been going up in incidence since the mid 1990s?
Finally someone connected the dots...Willard Hotel billinare, gives 25 million to the republican party every few years...won’t be surprising to see him find a way to funnel 100 million this time around since his cousin Mitt is in there.
A great new strategy Romney is doing, really brings the real Mitt out...he has been guest on a alot of those Saturday morning fishing shows. Which does show the real human non-political side of him.