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Posts by Stretch

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  • August 31, 1992: Randy Weaver surrenders to end an 11-day siege of his Idaho mountain cabin

    08/31/2009 2:24:35 PM PDT · 37 of 86
    Stretch to DuncanWaring

    iT WAS NOT IN THE bUSH ADMINISSTRATION...clinton was the mastermind of this fiasco... he went on from there and sent the saame bunch od federal agents into WACO TO KILL THOSE RELIGIOUS PEOPLE.... WOMEN AND CHILDREN.... nd then on to rhe EliEN gONZALES FIsco......Clintons are evil....and he is advising obama today with most of his entire staff

  • Selected Free Republic McCain vs Obama promo videos

    10/27/2008 2:11:12 PM PDT · 11 of 30
    Stretch to Jim Robinson

    Way to go Jim. I spend 6 to 8 hours a day on “our” site. the greatest site on tlhe internet. I consider myself a “Bloger’s Bloger. I read the best of the articles on Free Republic and pass them on to about 30 or so friends. I don’t post much, but just read and pass them on. I contribute monthly too. Keep up the good work I also copy and save hundreds. I have a room full of binders filled with copies, plus discs since I first got on FR.

    GOD BLESS AMERICA!!!!!ll and Not God Damned America

  • H.R. 3675 - To prohibit Federal grants to, or contracts with Columbia University

    09/30/2007 2:15:24 PM PDT · 18 of 31
    Stretch to navyguy

    I have an answer. Sedition is not free speech. Aiding and abetting the enemy, through words or deeds, is sedition.

  • From the Rockies to Northern Rock: how bad debt infected the world

    09/17/2007 4:51:40 AM PDT · 7 of 7
    Stretch to elkfersupper

    A thought just came to mind that hillary and bill were a real part of the BCCI banking scandal, and the Savings and Loan scandals prior to becoming president and co-president. It now has been passed on to their daughter, Chelsea, who is now working for a high profile “hedge fund.” Think of that. Chew on that too. Anything touched by a clinton means millions for them and great losses for the “suckers” and “useful idiots.”

  • Clinton Unveils $110 Billion Health Plan [Plan Built Around Universal Coverage, Federal Subsidies]

    09/17/2007 3:49:42 AM PDT · 26 of 96
    Stretch to Jim Robinson

    You called it right. My wife just got out of the hospital where she had a non-milignant tumor removed. She was to be released the same day, but the doctor left early and forgot to leave word to have her released, so she had to stay overnight. The total bill for hospital expenses came to $35,000. The overnight stay, which was not necessary, was billed for $950. This does not count the various doctors involved for diagnosis. A huge portion of this was paid by medicare, but it still took a large hunk of change from us who are in our 80’s and have been retired nearly 20 years

  • Hsustock: What Did Hsu Want?

    09/16/2007 11:22:44 AM PDT · 13 of 23
    Stretch to Suzy Quzy

    I’ve replied to your posts a couple of times and find very little interest in my take of shu and his unknown origin as to where he hot so much money. I have followed the drug kingpins’ connections to the clintons. Clintons, both, do not help the drug lords of columbia, Afganastan, Albania, and for that matter much of the world that produces opium and heroin and mariquana. They have ties to the entire world of drugs, prostitution, slavery. they back the taliban, the KLA in Albania, Columbia, and other South American countries. They get their cut, and I am sure it is huge. They have to launder it somewhere. They pick a patsy such as Shu and others to launder it into their campaign chests, thereby becoming legitimate. They make millions, possibly billions, available to them to pay off “useful idiots” to dispurse it in their names by writing checks to their campaigns. Go think. It’s more than possible. How else would they launder such tremendous amounts of illegal drug money. I am sure that Shu gets his share of the illgotten drug money.

  • Democrats' Blatant Display to Impugn General David Petraeus

    09/15/2007 2:08:26 PM PDT · 10 of 16
    Stretch to Paradox

    Your statement doesn’t allow for us Patriots, who love this country more than we do our own lives. We have very legitimate reasons for bashing, and exposong the clinton cabal of Anti american traitors. We do not like our national secrets being sold for campaign contributions. We do not like our missile technology being sold to our enemies. We do not like our votes being cancelled out by illegals voting for the liberals. We do not like illegals running ramlpant across our country, killing, robbing, and destroying our neighborhoods. We do not like religion removed from our schools. We do not like our national security destroyed by liberals who vote against every measure to stamp out terrorists. Our little bit of criticizing the liberals is far from what they deserve. We should be having lynching parties and trials for the traitors that they are. The clintons have done much more damage to this nation than the rosenburgs did when they gave our atomic bomb secrets to Russia. And they were electrocuted for their crimes. We are only trying to save the greatest nation the entire world has ever experienced. The clintons and their followers are trying to destroy our entire nation and make it a socialist country, with a dictator to rule us. Think again before you compare us to other blogs such as move and the other America haters. We love America and those who protect it with their own lives.

  • Hsu thrived in 'bundling' system

    09/14/2007 4:24:57 AM PDT · 39 of 67
    Stretch to CutePuppy

    A bundler is one who takes illicit drug money and puts it into the hands of useful idiots. this is where the money is coming from. The clintons have used mafia and drug cartels since their days in Arkansas when they used the Mena airport for drug running. They supported the drug cartels in Columbia and all of South america, with the pardons for the FALN, and other terrorists. During the Balkan wars, they defended the KLA terrorists to open the borders for drugs, prostitution, and slavery for all of Europe and the Asian countries. Drug money by the billions is available to them to use in their campaigns to buy the Presidency. Drug money laundered through little people who get paid for using their names for donations, just as illegals and others are paid to register to vote for them. Wake up folks, It goes back to the Mena and Dixie Mafia days. Follow the drugs and you’ll find where the money comes from. trillions are waiting worldwide to be laundered.


    09/13/2007 12:43:37 PM PDT · 69 of 72
    Stretch to Suzy Quzy

    My take on this is that the money came from the clintons’ ties to the interenational durg cartels worldwide, dating back to his days in Arkansas, with the Mena Airport scandals, his support for the Columbia cartels, the FALN terrorists’ pardons; the KLA terrorists in Albania that opened up the drug trade for all of Europe and Asia. This is their payoff for “a job well done.” The pictures of a room filled with hundred dollar bills that was circulated on Free Replublic a few weeks ago, was just an example of drug money available to them. They must launder it some way to be able to use it to buy the Presidency. Where else could such huge amounts of money come from? their minions find “useful idiots” to donate money to them and in turn hand them a small “token of appreciation”. In other words, they buy them to contribute in their names. When they get hundreds of these “useful idiots,” they “bundle them together and hand them to the “shus” of America.

  • The Hsu Keeps Dropping (Hillary Now Only Returning Donations If Certain Conditions Are Met)

    09/12/2007 9:32:43 AM PDT · 26 of 31
    Stretch to laweeks

    That didn’t help Jim McDougal. they just withheld his heart medication. No hanging with a belt or a sheet. No beating that we know of. No “other inmates jumlping on him.

  • Shadowy Money Trail of a Fugitive Fund-Raiser (Hsu)

    09/09/2007 3:45:31 AM PDT · 15 of 37
    Stretch to Pontiac

    Where does the money come from? All of us Freepers are missing the source of their money. We all know of clinton’s ties to the world drug kingpins. A recent picture posted on Free Republic showing a large room stacked full of 100 dollar bills. It is their mint for unlimited billions of dollars at their disposal. His ties to the Dixie Mafia and corruption from the years of power in Arkansas and his backing of worldwide drug cartels is still going on. His defence of the KLA in Kosovo opened up the drug trade for all of Europe and Asia. His pardons of the FALN TERRORISTS helped with South American drug dealers in Columbia and other nations down there. If only the real truth was exposed. Look to drugs for their money.

  • Fund-Raisers Show Clinton's Obama Strategy

    03/27/2007 3:54:13 AM PDT · 11 of 14
    Stretch to Neu Pragmatist

    The amount of money being raised by hillary is not really from the people attending her rallies. They have billions of drug money from clinton's war in the Balkans where he backed the Algerian terrorists to keep open the pathway of drugs to the entire world. This money needs to be laundered so what better way to do it than to pass it out to their friends at the rallies so that each can give the maximun contribution. After all, he is already the world's roving ambassador and has access to the drug cartels of the world and the various mafias who deal in pure corruption.

  • Charlie and Rosie Are Scum

    03/24/2007 2:11:35 PM PDT · 63 of 111
    Stretch to Reaganesque

    I strongly disagree with your take on this. They should not be allowed to carry on these lies. It has been proven by the last election that the lies and hate against the Bush administration led people to believe the lies and for that we lost to the liberals. Further, this kind of lying and defending the liberal lies by the media, led the clintons and their administration to commit treason in a wholesale manner by selling for campaign contributions our most secret, high tech missile technology and communication technology that has put our nation in danger. These people are more than mere scum. they are truly a serious danger to us. I don't mean to criticize your opinion but I wanted to express my feelings about your take on their lies.

  • Charlie and Rosie Are Scum

    03/24/2007 2:05:20 PM PDT · 62 of 111
    Stretch to Reaganesque

    I strongly disagree with your take on this. They should not be allowed to carry on these lies. It has been proven by tlhe last election that the lies and hate against the Bush administration led people to believe the lies and for that we lost to the liberals. Further, this kind of lying and defending the liberal lies by the media, led the clintons and his administration to commit treason in a wholesale manner by selling for campaign contributions our most secret, high tech missile technology and communication technology that has put our nation in danger. These people are more than mere scum. they are truly a serious danger to us. I don't mean to criticize your opinion but I wanted to express my feelings about your take on their lies.

  • Charlie and Rosie Are Scum

    03/24/2007 2:04:17 PM PDT · 61 of 111
    Stretch to Reaganesque

    I strongly disagree with your take on this. They should not be allowed to carry on these lies. It has been proven by tlhe last election that the lies and hate against the Bush administration led people to believe the lies and for that we lost to the liberals. Further, this kind of lying and defending the liberal lies by the media, led the clintons and his administration to commit treason in a wholesale manner by selling for campaign contributions our most secret, high tech missile technology and communication technology that has put our nation in danger. These people are more than mere scum. they are truly a serious danger to us. I don't mean to criticize your opinion but I wanted to express my feelings about your take on their lies.

  • Talk Shows (Thomas Sowell)

    03/20/2007 4:50:20 AM PDT · 54 of 79
    Stretch to ashtanga

    There is no one on TV today or talk radio who can compare with Rush Limbaugh. He can take on anyone. He has a recall of events and can go into an answer to a liberal and talk for hours, and without a script. His memory is unbelievable. I would love to see him take on hillary in a one on one, locked in a room where she can't leave. He would make mince meat out of her. Probably the same with Bill too. He is a God to us conservatives. He truly is, as he says, "on loan from God."

  • Talk Shows (Thomas Sowell)

    03/20/2007 4:48:01 AM PDT · 53 of 79
    Stretch to ashtanga

    There is no one on TV today or talk radio who can compare with Rush Limbaugh. He can take on anyone. He has a recall of events and can go into an answer to a liberal and talk for hours, and without a script. His memory is unbelievable. I would love to see him take on hillary in a one on one, locked in a room where she can't leave. He would make mince meat out of her. Probably the same with Bill too. He is a God to us conservatives. He truly is, as he says, "on loan from God."

  • Talk Shows (Thomas Sowell)

    03/20/2007 4:46:44 AM PDT · 52 of 79
    Stretch to ashtanga

    There is no one on TV today or talk radio who can compare with Rush Limbaugh. He can take on anyone. He has a recall of events and can go into an answer to a liberal and talk for hours, and without a script. His memory is unbelievable. I would love to see him take on hillary in a one on one, locked in a room where she can't leave. He would make mince meat out of her. Probably the same with Bill too. He is a God to us conservatives. He truly is, as he says, "on loan from God."

  • Talk Shows (Thomas Sowell)

    03/20/2007 4:44:17 AM PDT · 51 of 79
    Stretch to ashtanga

    There is no one on TV today or talk radio who can compare with Rush Limbaugh. He can take on anyone. He has a recall of events and can go into an answer to a liberal and talk for hours, and without a script. His memory is unbelievable. I would love to see him take on hillary in a one on one, locked in a room where she can't leave. He would make mince meat out of her. Probably the same with Bill too. He is a God to us conservatives. He truly is, as he says, "on loan from God."

  • Who is the person behind the Clinton attack ad? (Hillary 1984 mashup)

    03/20/2007 4:05:27 AM PDT · 43 of 93
    Stretch to Jo Nuvark

    You hit my thoughts on the head. But I think she is putting it out there, and maybe a lot more so that the public will be used to it, and when such comes out during the campaign about her part in the China treason and the fundraising scandals, she can claim that they are just another utube member of the vast right wing conspiracy out to get her.