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Posts by schlicht

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    03/30/2005 9:46:27 PM PST · 5 of 5
    schlicht to Leifur

    You are right on.Europe was never meant to be unifed.There's too much heritage and independence to combine.Why has it taken these centuries of history for it to come about? True it's strength together can be monsterous,its also self destructive.Like any Union,Unifying itself will be the first step before walking to other issues.You see the strength of the U.N. do you think a "Mini-U.N." will be any more powerful? I can believe some of the countries will be happy to use the power against the United States while others will just be pulled along in the Wake.I Hope the EU will not be held by corrupt leaders as has happened in the United Nations.I Know the Scandinavian nations were hard to convince into the Union whereas the power greed driven entities already had a power grab over them.I feel sorry for a Union that wipes out so much culture with no disregard and seems driven on being at odds or in contest with the United States.Our Allies we consider the U.N. this is why Bush did not make a speech of threatening detail.In the U.S most do not consider all the Nations of the EU to be the same,or as One nor do we try to intervene in their unity of course.Thanks Leifur caught your post at Healing iraq,very interesting...