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Posts by Noachian

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  • Osama won’t be captured alive, says ex-bodyguard (barf?)

    04/01/2006 5:35:27 AM PST · 10 of 22
    Noachian to voletti
    Osama Bin Laden has no intention of being taken alive ...

    Good. Except for politicians who would want him alive?

    Taking him alive means a sham trial, protests, demonstrations, flag burning, etc. -- who needs that?

  • (latest NARAL email) Dear doug, South Dakota might seem far away from home, but the abortion ban ...

    03/31/2006 2:27:46 PM PST · 3 of 10
    Noachian to doug from upland
    We cannot allow ... politicians in one state to make decisions that could eliminate fundamental freedoms for all American women.

    I thought this was a cute line, since the abortion crowd uses court decisions to eliminate fundamental freedoms for all American children every time they get a favorable court decision.

  • Mexico North?

    03/31/2006 7:20:48 AM PST · 11 of 19
    Noachian to conservativecorner
    What a people produce in an area that they have control over is a testament to the future productivity and wealth of those people.

    We've seen what Mexicans have failed to do to Mexico, and now they want to take control of parts of America and do the same thing here.

    That's a zero sum game. Sooner or later a majority of Mexicans living in America will either have to constantly produce something valuable or continue to be subclass working for those who do.
  • Polar melting may raise sea level sooner than expected

    03/26/2006 10:00:33 PM PST · 11 of 69
    Noachian to quantim
    "We need to start serious measures to reduce greenhouse gases within the next decade.

    Junk science.

    You can reduce "greenhouse gases" tomorrow, and it wouldn't change a thing.

    One Krakatoa size volcano can spew out enough gases and ash to cool the entire planet, and volcanic eruptions can happen at any time.

    There are many reasons why a planet heats up or cools off, and for humans to think that they alone are the cause or cure is pure narcissism.

  • Clerics: Convert This Christian or He DIES

    03/24/2006 5:38:02 AM PST · 16 of 78
    Noachian to carumba
    I say conversion at the edge of the sword does not count.

    You're right, but that's how Islam spread from country to country. Most people, if given a choice, would have nothing to do with it.

    The only thing that kept Islam from overtaking Europe was the religious ideology of Christianity, and today's atheist Europe is no ideological match for Muslim zealots.

    The only good thing about Rahman's circumstances is the bad press Islam is taking on the world stage. It shows Islam for what it is.

  • Islamic Televangelist Risks Popularity

    03/22/2006 5:29:25 AM PST · 9 of 13
    Noachian to Valin
    ...we've been working for a faith-based renaissance in this region, which will not take place by clashes but by coexistence," ...

    Khaled may have good intentions, but he's trying to apply western logic to a middle eastern mindset.

    Islam is flawed at its most basic level, and has a history of expanding only by the sword. It has never "coexisted" comfortably with other religions throughout its history, and it still doesn't today.

    Coexistence means "competition", and Islam doesn't fare well when the "competition" examines Islam's basic tenets. To avoid that "examination" Muslims simply destroy the competition. So, no "coexistence" is really possible.

  • Austria: Muslim Soldiers Refuse to Salute Flag

    03/21/2006 6:53:41 AM PST · 9 of 40
    Noachian to Acts 2:38
    ...refused to salute the flag at a parade and instead turned their backs on it.

    Turning your back on the flag of your country says a lot more than just a refusal to salute it.

    These three Muslims shouldn't be in any European army during a war on Muslim terrorists, and adding more Muslim personnel in the form of imams doesn't make the situation any better.

    But, this is the Austrian army we're talking about, so logical thinking is irrelevant.

  • Americans view Mexicans well; reverse not true

    03/21/2006 6:35:56 AM PST · 13 of 43
    Noachian to reelfoot
    Among Mexicans, just 26 percent saw Americans as hardworking, ...

    Of course Americans don't work hard.

    That's because of the "Money Tree" that grows on the northern side of the Rio Grande.

    Americans get up in the morning, go outside, pick some money off of their "Money Tree", and use it to hire Mexican labor.

  • The Fourth Branch Of Government

    03/20/2006 4:08:06 PM PST · 13 of 19
    Noachian to bocopar
    However, there is one branch that is not accountable to the people like the others: the Media.

    Let's not forget the Judiciary.

    The Supreme Court has been running rough shod over the Constitution for years, mostly because it's accountable to no one - the Congress or the people.

  • Withdraw French law or workers walk: union

    03/20/2006 7:19:20 AM PST · 11 of 18
    Noachian to Dane
    Students fear the law will lead to higher unemployment in a country where the young already have trouble getting jobs.

    It's too bad the French only teach socialist economics instead of free market economic.

    Supply and demand employment has given way to guaranteed employment (if you can find it), and if you quit you may not find another job.

    This is the stifling reality of socialism on view for all to see.

  • Cub Scout Troop-Den leader is a moonbat--help.

    03/20/2006 6:53:14 AM PST · 11 of 27
    Noachian to Pondman88
    Am I putting my opinions ahead of friendship and being a good neighbor?

    No. Once this guy told you he was going to an anti-war rally he voluntarily entered the area of politics, and this would give anyone a "heads up" concerning his political and social views.

    Apparently he expects you to agree with his views, since he is a liberal,or he wouldn't have mentioned the rally.

    If you look at the pathology of liberals, and their thirst for ideology over substance, you have a right to be concerned about your son.

    Put the best interests of your son first, and let your friendship with your liberal neighbor follow its own course.

  • Public Comments by Supreme Court Justices Veer Toward the Political

    03/20/2006 6:16:43 AM PST · 19 of 19
    Noachian to Crackingham
    ...former Justice Sandra Day O'Connor told an audience at Georgetown University that a judiciary afraid to stand up to elected officials can lead to dictatorship.

    The opening paragraph tells a lot about the way the judiciary sees its role in government.

    That line should read: "a congress that is afraid to stand up to an unelected judiciary can lead to dictatorship.

  • THE DEFIANT WAR [Susan Saradon to play Cindy in bio-pic, plus reality series by Sundance]

    03/19/2006 7:32:00 AM PST · 15 of 32
    Noachian to Maceman
    Count on a guaranteed Oscar and NO box office.

    Very true.

    Some liberal in Hollywood will make this into a picture with a cheap budget, that will only be shown in blue states and in Europe where it can make a profit, and will be nominated for best picture.

  • Builders of Capital City Vow to Construct It into More Modern One

    03/19/2006 7:09:12 AM PST · 3 of 6
    Noachian to ASA Vet
    They will, at the same time, convert the rural villages on the outskirts of the city into a socialist land of bliss ...

    This sounds like the Utopian minded liberals in New York or LA.

    Instead of a "land of bliss" that never woks how about a land of opportunity that really does work?

  • Report: Halliburton Didn't Protect Troops' Water

    03/16/2006 7:17:09 AM PST · 5 of 24
    Noachian to Tulsa Ramjet one instance missing contamination that could have caused "mass sickness or death," ...

    "Could have", but did it?

    A lot of things go wrong in wartime, but the AP seems to make it a point to find anything that "could go wrong", "did go wrong", "might go wrong", "almost went wrong", etc.

    But, the AP overlooks a lot of things that "go right".

  • Ports fiasco reveals political hypocrisy, public ignorance

    03/16/2006 5:14:27 AM PST · 5 of 132
    Noachian to Cannoneer No. 4
    The resulting singular affluence of the American consumer derives from just these trade-offs in our autonomy --

    Which begs the question: "What else will we "trade off"?

    If we start down the road of depending on foreign sources for much of our food supplies, as we now depend on foreign sources for much of our oil supplies, when will we start depending on foreign sources for much of our laws as well?

  • Franklin Graham Reaffirms Criticism of Islam (EVIL, WICKED!)

    03/15/2006 4:38:41 PM PST · 9 of 63
    Noachian to Dark Skies
    Some of Graham's fellow evangelicals subsequently expressed concern that his comments might endanger Christian missionaries working in Muslim countries,...

    Anyone who thinks that Christians will not be endangered if Graham holds his tongue is living in a fool's paradise.

    Christians are constantly in danger from the followers of Islam no matter what country they may be in. Keeping silent will only seems cowardly to a Muslim.

    Graham should speak his mind, and use his pulpit to "educate" his followers.

  • Justice Ginsburg Reveals Details of Threat (USSC targets of society's "irrational fringe")

    03/15/2006 3:31:29 PM PST · 62 of 143
    Noachian to Liz
    Ginsburg said, "Critics in Congress and in the media misperceive how and why U.S. courts refer to foreign and international court decisions." She said those decisions are used for guidance only.

    Ginsburg says foreign laws are used for guidance only, but if a future SC decision was actually "based" on foreign law would that decision be constitutional or not?

    If it was what would that do to our Constitution?

    If it wasn't what remedy would the plaintiffs have?

  • NASA puts its weight behind warming signs

    03/14/2006 3:12:21 PM PST · 15 of 43
    Noachian to mathprof
    “All are signs of a warming climate predicted by computer models.”

    Computer models are only as good as the data fed into them - GIGO.

    Publish the data used for the models for everyone to see.

  • Desperate Feminist Wives

    03/13/2006 7:38:38 AM PST · 15 of 25
    Noachian to conservativebabe
    Wilcox and Nock's study leaves husbands out of the picture. What we might wait for is a study that examines husbands' happiness—and tells us something about how they view male cultural scripts that remain comparatively stagnant.

    Whether feminists are happy or not has less to do with the future of society than who men will choose for their wives and the mothers of their children.

    Countless articles have been written about what women want, or what makes women happy, but little about the choices men make.

    Men are hardwired differently than women, as are their needs. Men wants sons who will live after them. Marriage gave women certain social "rights" in exchange for bearing their husband's sons. Men still produce sons, but "progressive" women have largely given up the security marriage gave them. Thus, the reason for feminists unhappiness.

    "Traditional" women, on the other hand, seem to have "gotten it right", and are ignoring the failed concepts of feminists. Thus, the reason for traditionalist's happiness.