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Articles Posted by nina0113

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  • 40 Days for Life - Day 13

    10/04/2010 3:04:27 AM PDT · by nina0113 · 4 replies · 1+ views
    Day 13 - October 4  Intention:For all fathers who are terrified of being fathers. Scripture:A father of the fatherless, a defender of widows, is God in His holy habitation.-- Psalm 68:5Reflection:I had a friend many years ago who confided in me that he was terrified of being a father. He and his wife already had two children when this revelation came forth. "I never knew my father," he explained, "and I have no idea what a father is supposed to do." We continued to share about this, as well as pray together. He began to see he had a father's...
  • 40 Days for Life - Days 10,11,12

    10/03/2010 5:17:00 PM PDT · by nina0113 · 7 replies
    I have to apologize for missing the Friday & Saturday devotions. I had an emergency at work which set off a health problem. Diabetes stinks. Here's the main writeup of the 40 Days for Life, and the Daily Devotions will be in the first three comments. THREE ELEMENTS Constant vigil   The visible, public centerpiece of 40 Days for Life is a 40-day, round-the-clock prayer vigil outside a Planned Parenthood center or other abortion facility in your community. Those who are called to stand witness maintain a peaceful and educational presence. This 24-hour-a-day presence send a powerful message to the...
  • 40 Days for Life - Day 9

    09/30/2010 3:12:37 AM PDT · by nina0113 · 4 replies · 1+ views
    Day 9 - September 30  Intention:May we grow in joy, knowing we serve a living God.Scripture:And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we beheld His glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father, full of grace and truth.-- John 1:14Reflection:The Word of God came to us in human form in Jesus Christ. Every time I contemplate this fact I get chills! And I think it is something that we, as Christians, tend to gloss over. I can only imagine how the first disciples felt when they were looking into the eyes of the one...
  • 40 Days for Life - Day 8

    09/29/2010 6:01:48 PM PDT · by nina0113 · 5 replies · 1+ views
    Day 8 - September 29  Intention:May the spirit and example of the Good Samaritan fill the hearts and minds of all our citizens.Scripture:Jesus said: "A man was going down from Jerusalem to Jericho, when he fell into the hands of robbers. They stripped him of his clothes, beat him and went away, leaving him half dead. A priest happened to be going down the same road, and when he saw the man, he passed by on the other side. So, too, a Levite, when he came to the place and saw him, passed by on the other side. But a...
  • 40 Days for Life - Day 7

    09/28/2010 5:15:12 PM PDT · by nina0113 · 24 replies · 1+ views
    Day 7 - September 28  Intention:May we have a heart and a zeal to save the poor and release the oppressed.Scripture:The Spirit of the Lord is upon Me, because He has anointed Me to preach the gospel to the poor; He has sent Me to heal the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives and recovery of sight to the blind, to set at liberty those who are oppressed.-- Luke 4:18-19Reflection:This passage is a very familiar one. It has been preached on many occasions, even made popular in books and songs. Though the quote is about Jesus, all Christians take...
  • 40 Days for Life - Day 6

    09/27/2010 3:10:08 AM PDT · by nina0113 · 6 replies · 1+ views
    Day 6 - September 27  Intention:That knowing the shortness of life, all may value it more deeply.Scripture:Remember your Creator before the silver cord is loosed, or the golden bowl is broken, or the pitcher shattered at the fountain, or the wheel broken at the well. Then the dust will return to the earth as it was, and the spirit will return to God who gave it.-- Ecclesiastes 12:6-7Reflection:God is giver of all life. Short lived or long lived, human lives are lived out in this world. The metaphors for death are many. But their meaning is clear and singular: all...
  • 40 Days for Life - Day 5

    09/26/2010 3:39:47 PM PDT · by nina0113 · 5 replies
    Day 5 - September 26  Intention:May the truth of the final judgment shape our thoughts, priorities, and choices here on earth.Scripture:The King will answer and say to them, "Assuredly, I say to you, inasmuch as you did it to one of the least of these my brethren, you did it to me."-- Matthew 25:31-46Reflection:Caring for others is not optional.Jesus' picture of the final judgment concludes with this sobering word: the wicked, who failed to care for others in their various needs (e.g., the hungry, the thirsty, the aliens, the naked, the sick, the imprisoned) will go away into everlasting punishment,...
  • 40 Days for Life - Day 4

    09/25/2010 4:04:40 AM PDT · by nina0113 · 4 replies
    Day 4 - September 25  Intention:We ask God that we may understand the concept of justice, as a gift he gives and as a responsibility that shapes our work.Scripture:Let justice roll on like a river, righteousness like a never-failing stream!-- Amos 5:24Reflection:Justice, a key theme of the Scriptures, is something God does and that we too must do.When God intervenes to save his people when they are helpless and in slavery in Egypt, he "does justice." He manifested his justice in the plagues that were sent upon Egypt, whereby Pharaoh was convinced that he must let the people go. Justice...
  • 40 Days for Life - Day 3

    09/24/2010 2:59:25 AM PDT · by nina0113 · 5 replies · 1+ views
    Day 3 - September 24  Intention:We pray for God's gift of strength as we strive to protect human life during these 40 Days for Life.Scripture:Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more important than food, and the body more important than clothes? Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they?-- Matthew 6:25-26Reflection:Billions of dollars are...
  • 40 Days for Life - Day 2

    09/23/2010 3:03:53 AM PDT · by nina0113 · 7 replies · 1+ views
    Day 2 - September 23 Intention: Pray for those who work in the abortion industry, and for those who have repented of committing abortions and have resolved to defend life. Scripture: Jesus called out with a loud voice, "Father, into your hands I commit my spirit." When he had said this, he breathed his last. The centurion, seeing what had happened, praised God and said, "Surely this was a righteous man." -- Luke 23:46-47 Reflection: "Those of us who have participated in the killing of unborn children are the Centurions of today. We have dropped our swords against the unborn...
  • 40 Days for Life - Day 1

    09/22/2010 3:14:18 AM PDT · by nina0113 · 7 replies · 3+ views
    Day 1 - September 22   Intention:That we may use these 40 Days for Life to plead for God's mercy and grace upon all those involved in the sin of abortion.Scripture:Blow the trumpet in Zion! Proclaim a fast, call an assembly. Gather the people, notify the congregation. Assemble the elders; gather the children and the infants at the breast… Let the priests, the ministers of the Lord, weep and say, "Spare, O Lord, your people."-- Joel 2:15-17Reflection:The toll of abortion cannot be measured. We hear estimates of almost 50 million innocent victims, but that's only one aspect of the...
  • Why We Should All Have Cash in the House

    08/07/2010 1:00:36 PM PDT · by nina0113 · 82 replies
    personal experience today | now | myself
    I tried to log on to Bank of America online banking earlier today and could not - my login that it was supposed to remember was gone. I worked my way through the help system and it told me I needed to call the 800 number. When I called, and fought my way through the phone tree to an actual human, she told me that I did not HAVE online banking and that their computer records showed that I never had had it, and therefore she could not provide me with my access code. I have been using online banking...
  • Prayers for Steve0113

    05/06/2010 1:38:38 PM PDT · by nina0113 · 66 replies · 920+ views
    Steve0113 is having surgery tomorrow morning, 7 am Eastern Daylight, to prep his arm for dialysis. The dialysis may end up being unnecessary, but they want him to be ready, and the healing time is 8 weeks. Prayers greatly appreciated, both for successful surgery/recovery from anesthesia, and healing of kidneys so that this operation will turn out to have been completely useless. Thanks.
  • Webb Wins U.S. Senate Seat in Virginia, Allen Concedes Race

    11/09/2006 2:13:27 PM PST · by nina0113 · 107 replies · 2,679+ views
    LEXANDRIA, Va. — Two days after American voters spoke, Virginia Republican Sen. George Allen made their decision final when he conceded his Senate battle to challenger Jim Webb, officially completing a Democratic sweep of Congress. Allen conceded the race at 3:15 p.m. ET during a press conference Thursday in Alexandria, Va. "Sometimes wins, political or otherwise, can blow the leaves off branches or even break limbs but a deep-rooted tree … will regrow in the next season," Allen said during his concession speech. The voters of Virginia have spoken, he said, "and I respect their decision."
  • Prayers requested for Baby

    03/11/2006 10:04:33 AM PST · by nina0113 · 106 replies · 4,078+ views
    Our neighbors' first grandchild was born by emergency c-section on Monday, the baby Elias (Spanish for Elijah) has neuroblastoma (cancer) & is already receiving chemotherapy. The parents are of strong faith and are recommending Romans 8 for strength & requesting prayers.
  • The Embryo's New Clothes

    06/24/2004 6:13:22 AM PDT · by nina0113 · 54 replies · 1,666+ views
    Catholic Exchange ^ | 6-24-04 | Steve Kellmeyer
    The Embryo’s New Clothes: A Modern Fairy Tale by Steve Kellmeyer 06/24/04 “People need a fairy tale,” said Ronald D.G. McKay, a stem cell researcher at the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke, “Maybe that’s unfair, but they need a story line that’s relatively simple to understand.” The Promise In the Middle Ages and the Renaissance, a creative man needed a patron, a rich nobleman who was willing to pay an artist’s upkeep so as to give the artist time to create. Long the backbone of artisans, patronage has only recently become the backbone of technologists. Sadly, in the...
  • Pamplona and the Democrats (my title)

    07/17/2003 6:02:21 AM PDT · by nina0113 · 3 replies · 62+ views
    Jewish World Review ^ | July 17, 2003 | Tony Blankley
    In Pamplona, Spain, this week, brave men are being gored and trampled in the traditional running of the bulls. The 400-year-old ritual goes on for a week. Each day, ill-tempered bulls are let loose in the street and take three to four minutes to run the half mile to the bull ring, where they will eventually face battle with a professional bullfighter. The sport usually involves drunken men of all ages throwing themselves in the imminent path of the bulls, and then trying to avoid death or a certain act that is no longer illegal in Texas. According to the...
  • The Thirties revisited

    02/21/2003 6:22:55 AM PST · by nina0113 · 20 replies · 46+ views
    Jewish World Review ^ | 2-21-03 | Paul Greenberg
    History keeps coming back, sometimes like a bad dinner. In case you missed the Thirties, you could experience it again watching the Security Council at the United Nations, which begins to bear an uncanny resemblance to the late League of Nations. Listening to the calm, neutral, simultaneous translation of the Security Council's proceedings over calm, neutral, simultaneous NPR, one was struck by how exactly this attempt to disarm Iraq paralleled the world's efforts in the 1920s to make Germany disarm -- in compliance with that defeated country's obligations under the Versailles Treaty. Both regimes swore they were complying. And both...
  • Urgent Prayer Request

    01/28/2003 5:03:06 AM PST · by nina0113 · 65 replies · 627+ views
    A co-worker and friend of mine was in a terrible car accident on January 18th. He remains in a coma, with all his arms & legs broken. He has a wife and five children. Please pray for my friend Doug & his family.
  • Why We Won't Invade North Korea

    01/14/2003 12:39:33 PM PST · by nina0113 · 41 replies · 3,690+ views
    Rhino Times ^ | January 9, 2003 | Orson Scott Card
    Why We Won’t Invade North Korea By Orson Scott Card We’ve been hearing it from a lot of anti-Bush commentators – including some who should know better: “Why are we preparing to invade Iraq, which has no nukes yet, when we’re using diplomacy with North Korea, which actually has them?” Of course, you can take that as a self-answering question. Let’s see – which is safer to invade, the country that almost has nukes, or the country that already has them? But the real answer is much more complicated. First, let’s keep in mind what we’re actually trying to accomplish...