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I would request fighter jets too if I were Putin.
And a parachute.
Ayn Rand and Georgia Orwell were prophets.
If Pelosi had taken a bullet in the ear, she wouldn’t leave her mansion in SF ever. Uber eats baby!
Plus, she would probably pee her pants.
Must be the thirty pieces of silver.
Either president Trump wins on November 6, or Harris wins on November 6 or it’s fraud.
Florida will know on November 5.
“I don’t practice Santaria, I don’t have a crystal ball...”
Probably one of David Axlerod’s ancestors.
I guess Jeff wants higher inflation, higher taxes, more illegal immigrants and gangs, more fentanyl, more abortions and more wars.
Jeff doesn’t sound like a Republican to me.
Stagflation 2.0
Many DC chapter FReepers have passed on.
Kristin doesn’t live in DC anymore, but he may be able to help.
Diz brain voting for a diz brain. Makes sense.
Send Greta to Persia.
Would benefit everyone.
Are you starting an “Undead Thread?”
I profoundly regret protecting this miscreant’s parents for 6 years.
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