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Posts by madisonjr

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  • Key to This Election - Big Truth

    08/09/2004 12:21:11 PM PDT · 13 of 14
    madisonjr to fimby1

    Dear mean fimby1:

    Wow...I thought maybe somebody would eventually post a moronic response, but less than 30 minutes...congratulations. Oh, well...just gives me a chance to demonstrate the concept of The Big Truth in action.

    No one with a functioning cranium could suggest that 911 was Bush's fault. The first point to make is that it was the TERRORISTS' fault. Typical liberal...blame everybody but the criminal.

    Of those in our government who could have done things to minimize the chances of 911 happening, the 911 Commission concluded that several administrations and Congress itself could have done more, but that 911 probably could not have been prevented. I know that doesn't contribute to your political agenda, but it's reality. Live with it.

    Of those in government, objectively people like Kerry, Kennedy, et al, who consistently voted to reduce funding for international intelligence and increase restrictions on their activities, certainly did more to increase the chances of a 911 than Bush ever did or could.

    As to your last comment, I didn't say it was "the most effective", I said it was "one of the most effective", and any military analyst would agree. All you are doing is speaking from the delusion that you are the Commander in Chief instead of Bush. His goal was the removal of Hussein from power, which was accomplished at the time the banner was flown that said "Mission Accomplished". We didn't elect you, we elected Bush. You don't decide when the mission ends, he does. Once again, get over it.

    Are we still there? Yes, so that we don't lose the gains we made and cause the sacrifices of our brave soldiers to have been in vain. Given the nature of radical Islamic terrorists (yes, it's their fault, not ours), we will always have to have troops stationed somewhere in the world to oppose their efforts, until they are eliminated. If that takes 1000 years, it will be worth it, because the alternative of thousands (or more) of innnocent Americans dying in terrorist attacks on our soil is not an option.

    Mindless political propagandists like yourself only reinforce why it is so important that Kerry be defeated. The scariest part of your response is that you probably actually believe your propaganda. Well, my freedom is not going to be threatened by your stupidity, so once again the Big Truth had to vanquish the Big Lie.

    Thanks for the exercise.

  • Key to This Election - Big Truth

    08/09/2004 11:14:29 AM PDT · 1 of 14
  • The Jigsaw Man

    08/07/2004 9:40:36 PM PDT · 13 of 21
    madisonjr to steplock

    I agree, steplock. Viet Nam is the exact opposite of Kerry's greatest strength. It is his greatest weakness. The more information that comes out, the more obvious it is that there is no better situation to indicate his disqualification as Commander in Chief.

    So then why would they make it their #1 selling point? Simple...purely, 100% tactical. In reality, military competence, the most important criteria for president in the post-9/11 world, is demonstrably best exhibited by George Bush. As Commander in Chief, he presided over one of the most effective military actions in American history, the sequential elimination of the Taliban and Hussein. Kerry's greatest military achievement? The successful neutralization of a sampan full of rice. And it goes downhill from there. To the point where his superiors actually had to BEG him to leave.

    Trying to remake Kerry’s military image, if successful, would simultaneously neutralize Bush’s greatest strength and remediate Kerry’s greatest weakness. Not unlike a plastic surgeon taking Bush’s relatively youthful, energetic face and transplanting it onto Kerry’s wrinkled, haggard old Botox bucket. Good trick if you can pull it off.

    And Kerry’s team knows it can. Why? Because the most successful propagandist in history has already proven it.

    Ask people “what was the most evil society in human history?” and most would say Nazi Germany. Then how could the German people ever get to the point where they not only accepted it, but were willing to die for it? The mastermind behind the process, none other than Hitler himself, explained it so simply, but we still don’t get it:

    “By means of shrewd lies, unremittingly repeated, it is possible to make people believe that heaven is hell -- and hell heaven. The greater the lie, the more readily it will be believed.”

    That’s all anyone needs to know to turn a coward into a hero. Of course that is only in public perception, not reality. Unfortunately, elections aren’t determined by the way things are...they are determined by the way people PERCEIVE them to be.

    So if that’s the problem, what’s the solution? There is only one way to counter the “Big Lie” - and that is the “Big Truth”. For every time the liar says hell is heaven, we need to point out the heat of the fire, the smell of the brimstone, and that guy over there poking people with a pitchfork. And every time the liar says heaven is hell, we need to point out the music of the harp, the softness of the cloud and the smell of the flowers in the garden. To turn Hitler’s phrase, “by means of shrewd truth, unremittingly repeated, it is possible to remind people that heaven is HEAVEN, and hell is HELL...and a hero is a HERO...and a coward and a traitor is a COWARD AND A TRAITOR”.

    Everyone who sends an email or posts to a forum or talks over the water cooler is wielding our only weapon, our only hope against our heaven (as America surely is compared to other countries) turning into hell (which our country surely will be under a coward like Kerry). Over-reacting? Apparently TaRAYzaa doesn’t think so. Remember, she said it would be four more years of hell under Bush. Do you agree? Then it’s time for another dose of the Big Truth.

    Well, this is already longer than I intended, but I’ll close with some other Hitlerisms I found during my research. They speak for themselves. For the love of all that’s good, folks...keep up the fight.

    “I use emotion for the many and reserve reason for the few”

    “What luck for the rulers that men do not think”

    (and this one, especially for this election)

    “The victor will never be asked if he told the truth”

    —Adolph Hitler

  • Alert! These guys need your help!

    08/07/2004 8:15:37 PM PDT · 1 of 112
  • Now Shep Smith pulling an O'Reilly???

    08/06/2004 2:10:14 PM PDT · 167 of 280
    madisonjr to patriciamary

    ALL of you people hand-ringing and whining "woe is me" have to KNOCK IT OFF! [verbal bea-otch slap]

    You whiners sound like agit-prop to me. Either that or you are EXTREMELY naive. All that kind of talk does is discourage people, ala Fonda.

    Rush Limbaugh by himself has been refuting the media lies about the swiftvets as fast as they can tell them. For the people who don't listen to him, it's up to us to talk to everyone we know, friends, co-workers, family, neighbors, church members, EVERYBODY, and expose the shameless propaganda of the media. That's been our responsibility all along anyway.

    When people see the ads, get the book, go to the website and see all the information, the truth will be obvious.

    I'll modify a statement by Spurgeon: "I would defend the truth like I would defend a the cage and let it out."

    We don't need to defend the truth. It defends itself. All we need to do is tell it.

  • Jewish Republicans "Stacking" Bush-Kerry Internet Poll (Shall We Help Them?)

    08/02/2004 11:33:13 PM PDT · 60 of 76
    madisonjr to A CA Guy

    "Sounds like you need a self-circumcision to complete the conversion."

    Now THAT'S where we disagree. Unfortunately, my parents got to me first :)

  • National Senate Races

    08/02/2004 8:48:59 PM PDT · 13 of 29
    madisonjr to gbunch

    God bless ya, gbunch, but screw cautious optimism. That has tanked more Republican candidates than sex and class warfare combined. We all need to be ruthlessly realistic, get off our butts and work our keesters off till the polls indicate our candidates have a ten point lead, then do it all over again till its twenty. You sound like there's a good chance you already are, but a lot of people are just waiting for an excuse to "let George do it", and in my experience "optimism" is one of the most common ones. Our freedom is too valuable to leave it to "I hope I hope I hope". You probably don't mean it that way, but a lot of people take it that way.

    God bless ya again

  • Jewish Republicans "Stacking" Bush-Kerry Internet Poll (Shall We Help Them?)

    08/02/2004 8:08:38 PM PDT · 49 of 76
    madisonjr to PhiKapMom

    "Top Ten Reasons Why I Agree Enough With Our Jewish Friends Worldwide To Vote In An Online Presidential Poll On A Jewish Website (to the point where I think I might actually be Jewish)"

    10.I wouldn't want to spend the rest of my life in a Russian Gulag
    9. I think Hitler was EXTREMELY misguided
    8. I oppose a Palestinian homeland
    7. I wouldn't want Hussein lobbing Scuds at me
    6. I'm not all that fond of pork
    5. I think Jackie Mason's funny
    4. I hate getting up early Sunday morning to go to church
    3. I'd hate for enemies from bordering countries to come streaming into my backyard
    2. I'd leave the Democratic Party if I understood just how much they support terrorists
    1. I'm waiting for a Messiah

  • Gallup: Presidential Race Remains Close; No Convention Bounce (W 50%, Kerry 46%)

    08/02/2004 8:18:23 AM PDT · 80 of 81
    madisonjr to ambrose

    Probably most relevant info in Gallup poll:

    Kerry certain/Bush certain
    2004 Jul 30-31 42/45
    2004 Jul 19-21 43/40
    2004 May 21-23 42/40
    2004 Mar 26-28 40/44
    2004 Mar 5-7 45/38

    Interpretation: Since March, three percent of people saying they were CERTAIN to vote for Kerry ARE NO LONGER CERTAIN! Do you realize how hard it is to persuade people who were certain to change their minds? That's the power of information, specifically the truth.

    Simultaneously, Bush gained 7 percentage points of people who were certain to vote for him. In fact, certain numbers went from net 7 Kerry to net 3 Bush.

    W's got the MO!

    Now we just have to keep it going. I think one of the most powerful tools we have is to get copies of "Unfit for Command" in as many hands as possible. And no, I have no financial interest in the book. It's just highly credible people calling Kerry a fraud. Can't get better than that!

  • USA TODAY/CNN/Gallup: No boost for Kerry after convention [Bush/Cheney 50% Kerry/Edwards 46%]

    08/01/2004 12:46:49 PM PDT · 40 of 99
    madisonjr to gilliam

    Gilliam, what is "RCP Average"?

  • USA TODAY/CNN/Gallup: No boost for Kerry after convention [Bush/Cheney 50% Kerry/Edwards 46%]

    08/01/2004 12:42:11 PM PDT · 34 of 99
    madisonjr to Kaslin

    To summarize:

    Registered voters
    Before convention, kerry 49 bush 45
    After convention, kerry 50 bush 47

    Even THAT is good news. Kerry got a 1 point bounce from the convention among registered voters, but Bush got a 2 point bounce. That means of the people who were knocked off the fence by the convention, TWICE as many said "nah, not buying it. I'm goin' for Bush". And Bush wasn't even there to refute Kerry's PR! Incredible!

    And it's even better for LIKELY voters, not just registered.

    Likely voters
    Before convention, kerry 47 bush 46
    After convention, kerry 47 bush 50

    So among likely voters, a much more reliable indicator than registered voters, for those who the convention knocked off the fence, NOBODY went for Kerry, and ALL OF THEM WENT FOR BUSH!

    They can spin this any way they like, that's front page, nightly news leading stuff. So check the New York Times, CBS, ad nauseam, and see if it leads. But don't bet the farm.

  • USA TODAY/CNN/Gallup: No boost for Kerry after convention [Bush/Cheney 50% Kerry/Edwards 46%]

    08/01/2004 12:21:15 PM PDT · 15 of 99
    madisonjr to umgud

    Pardon my stupidity, but what does DU stand for?

  • CNN Reports Negative Bounce for Kerry Among Likely Voters [DNC on suicide watch]

    08/01/2004 12:01:49 PM PDT · 129 of 277
    madisonjr to madisonjr

    Oops...ignore my post #120 asking for link. Didn't see #108 with usa today link. Anybody know of a gallup link?

    Read usatoday story and the wording makes me suspect the writer was tying the noose and getting ready to throw it over the pipe even as she was writing it. Full of lame attempts to persuade readers that the numbers don't mean what they really mean.

    I'd suggest emailing that link to everybody you know as soon as possible. The sooner we quench any media attempt to whitewash the convention the better.

  • CNN Reports Negative Bounce for Kerry Among Likely Voters [DNC on suicide watch]

    08/01/2004 11:45:48 AM PDT · 120 of 277
    madisonjr to vbmoneyspender

    Drudge has transcript of cnn report, but does anyone have original documentation of poll, ie link to cnn or usa today or gallup? This is a killer story, but needs to be documented.

  • Licorice Speaks (Vanessa Kerry's hamster)

    07/31/2004 1:44:28 AM PDT · 80 of 125
    madisonjr to neverdem

    Kerry's daughter is mistaken. He didn't give the hamster CPR. What really happened is Kerry was on LSD, hallucinated that the hamster was John Edwards and was trying to make out with it.

  • Caption this photo of Vietnam War Hero (Barf!) John F. Kerry

    07/30/2004 2:16:08 AM PDT · 38 of 82
    madisonjr to tgslTakoma
    How about "Reporting for duty, General Giap".

    For those of you too young to remember, General Giap was the North Vietnamese general most responsible for their military and psychological victory over the US. The caption would almost be funny if it weren't for a few disturbing facts.

    According to, two revealing pictures can be found side by side at the Vietnamese Communist War Remnants Museum in Saigon. They were "displayed in a room dedicated to foreign activists who contributed to the Communist victory over America in the Vietnam War".

    The writing under the first says "Mr. Do Muoi, Secretary General of the Vietnam Communist Party met with Congressmen and Veterans Delegation in Vietnam (July 15-18, 1993)"

    The second picture shows General Giap seated center. Oliver North has quoted Giap as saying that if it weren't for the anti-war groups the North Vietnamese would have had to surrender. Thousands of American soldiers died unnecessarily and the entire population of South Vietnam has endured decades of communist tyranny because of John Kerry's treason.

    Is this who we want to be Commander in Chief for the next four years?

  • New User Needs Help!

    05/10/2002 10:29:52 AM PDT · 1 of 2