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Posts by M1Tanker

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  • ‘Rightwing Extremism' Document Is Alarming

    04/22/2009 4:31:23 AM PDT · 11 of 16
    M1Tanker to 2ndDivisionVet

    I have just returned from a tour in Afghanistan only to find that I am now considered a potential ‘terrorist’ by the DHS...

    Meanwhile REAL terrorists from the left wing (ELF/ALF/PETA/ANSWER/ACT/ACORN/WWP/Code Pink/et al) and Islam (Jamal al Faqua, AQ, HAMAS, Hezbollah, Muslim Brotherhood, etc) are either causing real damage or planning major attacks and they are pointedly IGNORED. Some now receive government funding.

    Un-freaking believable... Wait, considering the treason and collusion of the left in the past 8 years, very freaking believable, but still disgusting.

  • More than 700 scientists discredit man-made global warming fears

    04/09/2009 6:52:52 AM PDT · 14 of 22
    M1Tanker to DarthVader

    18,000 was the number when I deployed to Iraq last time. The story was buried in the news, of course and I never followed up more on it.

    Not only was it ignored, I heard that some of the signers were attacked both ‘professionally’ and by “green” zealots (who probably arrived in posh SUVs and lead by “community” organizers in limos).

    My degree is Industrial Engineering and I remember trying to debate the greenie zombies (usually English Lit and ‘Journalism’ majors) in the 1990s. This was while I was in college. Their argument when confronted by the lack of data integrity and Scientific Method employed by the green theocracy was that since I was an engineer, how could I possibly know science... yet they were ‘experts’.

    It is difficult to argue when every insane word from your leftist opponent leaves your jaw on the ground. It is more difficult to argue with an insane, leftist zealot prone to violent acts and verbal attacks. At least the Islamic insane zealots I get to deal with now actually do not hold back and attack... while hiding behind women and children.

  • More than 700 scientists discredit man-made global warming fears

    04/09/2009 1:40:47 AM PDT · 4 of 22
    M1Tanker to 2ndDivisionVet

    This is in addition to the statement by 18,000 plus scientists and engineers who publicly stated they also found no truth to the left’s new “god” of ‘New Ice Age”.. er.. “Global Warming.. er...’Climate Change’.... oh.. back to “Global Warming” (man made of course).

    But yes, this will not change ONE BIT of idiotic, economy destroying policies from the totalitarian leftists in power. That is because it is not about “fixing” the environment (which was, is, and shall never be a static measure), it is about POWER. Just as ‘gun control’ is not about guns, but CONTROL.

    And that is what a leftist will sell his mother... or his “typical white person” grandmother to the highest bidder for: POWER and CONTROL.

  • State to Issue 'Fat' Report Cards

    04/09/2009 1:31:47 AM PDT · 5 of 25
    M1Tanker to Baladas

    So our taxpayer funded, under-achieving, pork laden, thug union run, FAILED public indoctrination centers cannot teach reading, writing (where the word ‘you’ is not spelled ‘u’), logic, reasoning, and mathematics.

    However, they can weigh kids, treat children as if they are wards of the National Socialist state, brainwash them to be hateful leftists, teach them to carry signs displaying the left’s desire to ‘Kill Bush’ and other such atrocities, and turn children into violent leftist activists.

    Oh, the joys I have to look forward to as my kids get older. I do not have the funds to send mine to private schools like the Obama’s did. Just a little of his class warfare thrown back at his corrupt, totalitarian, Chicago Political Machine rear.

  • Analysis: Obama achieves defining TV shot in Iraq

    04/08/2009 7:33:38 AM PDT · 33 of 48
    M1Tanker to Thunder90

    Yes, but I doubt I will see him here. Iraq was were he made his “campaign stop”. In Afghanistan, he cut the surge in half quietly, but loudly (mis)stated that HE was the one who approved more troops for Afghanistan. I think that marks only the 2nd time he has been to Iraq also.

    When Kerry came to Iraq in late 2006, the Military walked out of the gym when he entered to work out. When Murtha and Pelosi came in early 2007, they would not even deign to notice the Military and the USMC guards were told to stay away (Blackwater, ironically, guarded the congresspeople).

    There are ways to respectfully go against him. But those are very few and I do not speak for the US Military in my statements. The same people in government (especially DOD civilians) who openly and viciously mocked President Bush now file “racism” charges against people who so much as question the wild assertions Obama makes. We have a chaplain at another base here who has pictures of Obama all over his office, yet no depictions of Jesus. In my opinion, the depictions he has of Obama are... very similar to a pre-1950s German style. The idolatry and cult like worship would be amusing if not for the cult like witch hunts carried out by the Obamaniacs.

    That is the new reality we live in: Dissent is not patriotic anymore. Only blind obedience to Obama and paying taxes.

  • Analysis: Obama achieves defining TV shot in Iraq

    04/07/2009 7:53:28 PM PDT · 5 of 48
    M1Tanker to ilgipper

    Urrggghhh... This piece of trash propaganda article needs a ‘barf alert’!!

    Yes, President Bush was always very warmly welcomed by us troops in Iraq and Afghanistan!!! Obama very carefully CHOOSE this photo op and, as usual, is STILL STUCK ON CAMPAIGNING!!!! There are no words for my disgust with Herr Comrade Fuhrer Obama.

    And to the leftist trolls, before you start with the “chicken hawk” BS, I am IN Afghanistan getting my forth combat patch you leftist filthy, cowardly traitors!!!

    No mention of the fact President Bush was ALREADY withdrawing troops from Iraq for the past year and that Obama CUT troop surge in Afghanistan by almost half WHILE secretly talking terrorists behind our backs!!!!


  • Barack's Dream: A Nuke-Free World [The Mullahs Would Cheer Too]

    04/04/2009 10:59:41 AM PDT · 44 of 44
    M1Tanker to Emile

    “Why would AQ/Taliban bother with plotting mischief against the Pres__ent?”

    That is a good question and here is my answer. Having fought islamofascists, I will say this: Anyone who is not EXACTLY like them is ‘the enemy’. This includes other members of Islam and Obama is no exception. Al Qaeda (AQ) already sent a death-threat to Obama for not immediately installing a “Caliphate” rule in the USA. They declared him a ‘traitor to his father’s religion” and pronounced a death sentence. Leaving Islam is punishable ONLY by death of the “hieratic”. Yet one more example of how Islam is a cult.

    Also, the mastermind of the assasination of the woman running for Prime Minister of Pakistan and the attack on the Pak police achademy in Lahore stated he will attack Washington DC soon. He already claimed credit for the attack on the naturalization center in Binginham, NY, right outside a Jamal al Faqua islamofascist stronghold. If that is for real or just him taking credit for every “media worthy” atrocity is unknown.

    Islamosfascists despise “infidels” but despise weak, godless socialists/leftists and “traitors to Islam” even more. So even though the ignorant left willingly submits to Islam and surrenders to any enemy it finds (and then moves to betray any in the West, i.e. conservatives, that dare to defend ourselves), Islam will gleefully slaughter the spineless leftists.

    Remember, islamofascists target the weak in societies for a reason: AQ is full of cowards who want easy targets. AQ has killed far, far more people of Islam that ANY Western action ever has. Even the lies of the Lancett study do not come close to the realities of what AQ/Taliban Inc has done to Islamists not EXACTLY like them. The reason is Western Forces do our utmost to AVOID civilian casualties and suffering, islamofascism does its utmost to inflict that suffering and death.

  • Barack's Dream: A Nuke-Free World [The Mullahs Would Cheer Too]

    04/03/2009 7:56:32 PM PDT · 11 of 44
    M1Tanker to Steelfish

    Obama’s only “plan” is for a disarmed and powerless America where the leftist government is only concerned with totalitarian control of its own population. His only “plans” for defending the once-free world against terrorism, militant Islam, and (other) dictators is full surrender.

    No president have ever bowed like he did to the King of SA. Doing that is disgusting, but telling.

    Not only will no other countries disarm, they will INCREASE their stocks and simply take over. Obama is disarming while N. Korea launches ICBMs. Obama is disarming while Chine fields ‘Carrier Killer’ ASBMs. Obama is disarming while AQ/Taliban forces plot his murder (which the left will blame on conservatives in order to start race wars and the call for more government control).

  • Limits on Charitable Deductions Inspired by Research

    03/30/2009 7:28:26 PM PDT · 7 of 11
    M1Tanker to John Semmens

    The sad part is how difficult it is to separate satire from what is really said. I give Chrissy Mathews as my “Exhibit A”.

  • Europe spurns the beloved Obama

    03/30/2009 7:25:49 PM PDT · 44 of 71
    M1Tanker to BenLurkin

    I think you are correct. The loyal media broadcasts low expectations and the refuses to cover and protests or negativity against “Herr One”. The suppress every gaff, ignore every stumble, and attack any criticism.

    Then when the “Great Leader” returns, no matter what happens he still “wowed” the Europeans who all “love him”.

    Right out of Orwell....

  • Obama Taps Ralph Nader to Run GM, Nader Joins UAW

    03/30/2009 11:21:41 AM PDT · 10 of 14
    M1Tanker to Sub-Driver

    The best satire has a lot of truth in it. Though this was satire, reality is not far off.

    Sadly, I could see this happening. As of now GM IS a nationalized company under socialist control. We have a congress and Presidency full of corrupt fat cats earning millions on the government’s dime telling people who work for a living and are accountable to others who work for a living that they are fired. Just what the left always wanted. No accountability for government but maximum penalty for those who work. Nader’s wet dream.

  • Gotta Look at the Bright Side

    03/30/2009 10:54:43 AM PDT · 2 of 9
    M1Tanker to Selkirk

    While I like the 2nd point in the article about the People firing leadership in DC down to local levels when they come looking for money, I doubt the Dems will ever allow themselves to be held accountable for ANYTHING. They have not shown themselves to be accountable yet. Heck, Soros just got fined for helping to tank international banks last October. hmm... Wonder why he chose that month?

    As for the Monty Python song. Remember, it was being sung to the “hero” of the movie as he was being crucified and the world was going mad around him.

  • VIDEO: Chris Matthews Calls Obama "Mr. Goodwrench"

    03/30/2009 10:49:19 AM PDT · 7 of 19
    M1Tanker to DrGop0821

    So Mathew’s tingling feeling down his leg really WAS his brain-stem completely burning out.

    Even Goebbels would tell Chrissy to tone it down a little!

    Hey, let’s see what industry Obama and the Democratic National Socialist Workers Party of America will nationalize next.


  • White House staffer defends taking their own food to London

    03/30/2009 10:45:52 AM PDT · 3 of 44
    M1Tanker to GeorgiaDawg32

    Good thing I looked at the article before replying.

    Lots of almost Onion quality stories there. Especially the office of IDIOTS looking into AQ claims of mistreatment.

  • Fictitious Medical Device Review Board Led by a Dead Dog (The Value of FDA Approved)

    03/30/2009 10:28:27 AM PDT · 24 of 51
    M1Tanker to Nathan Zachary

    “Hyloronic acid”. Is that like Dyhydrogen Monoxide? That stuff is truly dangerous. Just a little in your lungs can kill you! I mean people die from that stuff every year!

    All kidding aside, it is a serious issue that this was able to be done. It is also a serious issue that lawyers have spiraled malpractice insurance, drug costs, and research costs into, and probably out of, orbit.

    But other lawyers, Congressional Dems, have the “solution” to the problem they and big government ignoramuses created: Yet More Government!

    I think I need a liter of that “stomach glue” to make this all make sense.

  • President Obama's remarks on U.S. car industry

    03/30/2009 9:02:27 AM PDT · 35 of 58
    M1Tanker to Dr. Ursus

    I was thinking that GM should drop all pretense and declare their next car will be called The “Peoples Wagon” and come in stark, twisted black, white, and red color patterns only.

    I agree. No more GMs... though my last Gm car was a lemon, so they lost out there.

  • Record fine for Soros Fund over Hungarian transactions

    03/30/2009 8:51:46 AM PDT · 13 of 19
    M1Tanker to AJMCQ

    I know that was sarcasm but on a serious note, look at the dates.

    Soros (who says he’s ‘retired’) manipulated bank stocks so that the markets would crumble and appear to be “Bush’s Fault”(tm) just in time for the US election.

    And the policies that would “save us” are those of his front man, Obama. Nice little racket Soros, Obama and Co(mrades) have going. Make a problem, and come in with the (final) solution.

    Meanwhile, we are focused, still, on AIG, even as Congress “fires” the CEO of GM!!! I am sorry, did we become a feuher worshiping national socialist police state while I have been deployed in Afghanistan?

    That last question was rhetorical.

  • Joy Behar's Kids Book: Barack Obama Vs. Mean Republican Dogs

    03/24/2009 8:39:14 PM PDT · 51 of 51
    M1Tanker to rhendley

    Obama and Co(mrades) are mimicking a lot of NAZI methods. Thrown in with communist placards and signs. Hitler called himself an “improved Bolshevik”.

    Obama and his thugs are National Socialism 2.0. I look everyday and see the “Obama youth”, Loyalty Oaths, blame the “rich” (the new Jew) but do not look at leftist leaders’ profits from this, save the world (Hilter was a rabid environmentalist and animal rights supporter), and the very antisemitic policies against Israel now.

    Yes, National Socialism 2.0

  • Better Take that Conservative Bumper Sticker Off Your Car!

    03/23/2009 8:00:15 AM PDT · 79 of 121
    M1Tanker to Scanian

    I have heard repeated stories about these police being told to profile (hey Leftists, remember that word) Conservatives and Libertarians. I also saw a handout allegedly given to police stating pretty much that all who oppose Obama and his plans are terrorists and subversives.

    Nothing like this happened to ACT/ANSWER/MOVE-ON/WWP etc. but then, they were loudly projecting their desires as President Bush’s policies.

    And now there is no veil of projection any longer.

  • A Sovereign State of Evil

    03/23/2009 7:55:35 AM PDT · 2 of 3
    M1Tanker to edpc

    The left is all talk about ‘saving the world’ when they are out of power but devoid of action when they are in power. Well, the only action they have while IN power is to forcibly silence all opposition, especially conservatives even as they blame conservatives for supposedly doing the same thing.

    I never saw Bush order crowds of “anti-war” activists silenced for hanging him in effigy and death threats.

    But I digress.
    Notice how the feminist organizations that decried the taliban shooting women here in Afghanistan fell into shocked silence when we came in and stopped it.

    When Bush was President, we heard “Darfur this” and “Darfur that” but no recognition that we were doing something, through international channels (that whole ‘no cowboy’ thing) and the left is silent again.

    Now the leftist ‘saviors’ are in power and...... NOTHING WILL BE DONE! Just like NOTHING was done under Clinton and it was Bush that brought this issue up in 2000. The islamist government in Sudan has been killing civilians (mostly Christian) since the 1990s. The leftist governments of the world and the useless UN will not stop slaughter of Christians and UN “peacekeepers” are nothing more than enslaving pimps.