Pretty sure their all gone. We'd need to start another thread about surviving cast members anyway. I did always think it would be interesting to know how many movies Charles Lane was the last survivor of though.
Alicia Rhett .... India Wilkes, born February 1, 1915 Olivia de Havilland .... Melanie Hamilton, born July 1, 1916 Fred Crane .... Brent Tarleton, born 22 March 1918 Mary Anderson . Maybelle Merriwether, born April 3, 1920 Ann Rutherford .... Carreen O'Hara, born November 2, 1920 Mickey Kuhn . Beau Wilkes, born September 21, 1932 Cammie King .... Bonnie Blue Butler, born August 5, 1934
Please know that my prayers are with you and your family at this time. Its a Wonderful Life is an immortal movie and your family can always be proud of your uncles contribution in making it such.