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Posts by logician2u

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  • The Forgotten History of the World’s First Trans Clinic

    03/06/2023 12:30:25 PM PST · 14 of 16
    logician2u to fwdude
    It was a legitimate anthropological authority until about 10 years ago.

    If you are referring to the bare-breasted African and Polynesian women occasionally seen on the cover and elsewhere from the 1890s until recently, a case could be made that the Geographic was dutifully responding to complaints by the magazine's growing number of feminist subscribers.

    Unfortunately, a less visual but more politically motivated change occurred in the early 1980s which ended my subscription and I would guess many thousands of others.

    It was when the National Geographic essentially signed on to the Naderites, the Earth Firsters and "the earth is getting over-populated and we need to do something about it" fear-mongers' causes. Instead of a magazine full of beautiful photos and quotable descriptions and interviews, we got oil spills, dried-up forests and other ugliness which could, by some creative editing, be attributed to Big Oil, Big Business or capitalist greed. And the proposed solution, invariably, would entail getting the government to do something about it, at great expense.

    IMHO, both National Geographic and Scientific American became "woke" before that word was invented. Taken over by the lefties as the old-timers retired to greener pastures. Hey, there were even Admirals on the BoD of National Geographic in the old days.

  • All Walmart Stores In Portland Permanently Close

    03/03/2023 9:21:12 PM PST · 73 of 81
    logician2u to Golden Eagle
    Portland is not deserving of Walmart. Besides, it’s my understanding that a large portion of Portland residents have a fascination with little shops such as the Rose City had 125 years ago. (Some of today’s actually came into being that long ago.)

    Traditions are hard to shake. Until recently, it was illegal to pump your own gas in Oregon. Portland has more rainfall than most other cities on the West Coast, yet they are totally unprepared for the occasional snowstorm that makes driving difficult and/or dangerous on unplowed streets. Not to worry; the snow will melt.

    Like San Francisco, Portland is ga-ga over trolley cars, real or fake. Elements of the city gummint would like to banish the automobile from city streets. (How’s that for retro thinking?) Bicycles have de facto right-of-way at intersections. Envision combining the worst traffic laws of Beijing and Paris.

    Whether the decision to close all Walmart stores in Portland was helped along by political pressure or was just a business decision we’ll likely never know. Either way, it’s not going to have much effect on either the residents of Portland or Walmart’s bottom line. It will give the Walmart haters temporary satisfaction until the next big box store moves into a former Walmart location.

  • Auxiliary Bishop David O'Connell found fatally shot inside Hacienda Heights home

    02/19/2023 12:02:56 AM PST · 7 of 17
    logician2u to married21
    Turning the crime clock back about twenty years, wasn’t there some bad stuff in or around Hacienda Heights in regard to a Buddhist (?) temple acting as a funding source for some prominent politicians? Albert Gore may have been the beneficiary of Chinese contributions.

    The whole thing faded from view nationally but there were some LA area FReepers keeping tabs on it regardless.

    Could there possibly be a China connection to this murder? Not accusing anyone, just idle speculation.

  • Fight Another Day: Paddy Chayefsky and The Americanization of Emily

    02/11/2023 6:06:48 PM PST · 17 of 19
    logician2u to Rummyfan
    It’s challenging to make a movie centered on a real, deadly event during WWII as a comedy no matter who is cast in leading roles. Too many recent memories of the war and the hardships, dislocations and heartbreak experienced by GIs and their families had to have been a big negative on the box office for this well-written, well-performed and well-photographed (in glorious black and white!) motion picture.

    I missed it the first, second and third times around but finally caught The Americanization of Emily on the tube about twenty years ago and watched it again on TCM before Christmas. Needless to say, Jim Garner was one of my favorites long before Rockford hit the screen, as was Julie Andrews before she became Mary Poppins. Having the two of them starring in an ostensibly anti-war movie with elements of comedy was a brilliant choice that, unfortunately, was about twenty years early for maximum drawing power.

    It speaks highly of the movie to learn that both of the leads, on separate occasions, proclaimed The Americanization of Emily their favorite picture in which they had a starring role.

  • We Tasted 9 Dill Pickle Brands & This Is The Best

    01/27/2023 12:00:14 PM PST · 51 of 119
    logician2u to Michael.SF.
    Same here. Add in avocado and its derivatives. Super Bowl dishes and snacks can just as well stick to chips’n’ dips.

    Everyone to his own taste, sayeth the man who kissed the cow.

  • No Joke: Bride in China Invites Ex-Lovers to Wedding Banquet, Makes Them Sit at Same Table

    01/16/2023 2:41:17 PM PST · 12 of 22
    logician2u to nickcarraway

    Photos, please.

  • Not a Joke’ — Joe Biden Claims He Attended a Black Church Every Day After Morning Mass

    01/15/2023 8:40:43 PM PST · 122 of 131
    logician2u to Eccl 10:2

    Good one, but is that something you’d sleep through? If so then Sleepy Joe could actually be telling the truth for a change.

  • Warner Bros. Discovery pulls hundreds of Looney Tunes shorts from HBO Max

    01/03/2023 9:46:09 PM PST · 27 of 44
    logician2u to dfwgator
    That’s for sure. The music has to be appropriate to the action and fit with whatever emotion a character shows. If it’s not in perfect sync with the action it’s wasted effort.

    One of the music composers from the early days (I can’t remember which one at this hour, but he had experience conducting for silent movies earlier in his career) invented a device to shrink or stretch the film speed as needed to make the frames precisely align with the music and/or sound effects.. It worked as intended for the music but I‘ve yet to find any references as to how it succeeded in getting the voices to match up with a character’s mouth movements.

  • Warner Bros. Discovery pulls hundreds of Looney Tunes shorts from HBO Max

    01/03/2023 8:54:53 PM PST · 16 of 44
    logician2u to grundle

    I always thought WB lost their sense of humor as the original crew went elsewhere or died. Their original cartoon artists, voices, composers and, most of all, story writers, were top notch in every way and generated more laughs per reel than the competition for many years. Too bad it didn’t last.

  • The End of High-School English

    12/15/2022 7:04:47 PM PST · 51 of 54
    logician2u to ClearCase_guy
    Not to worry.

    The way our so-called representatives in Congress and various state legislatures have turned out wide-ranging laws to protect minorities of every stripe it’s only a matter of time before those of us who use proper English will be prohibited from criticizing (either verbally or by facial expression) those who do not.

    Look for a new -ing along with the requisite -ism to make an appearance soon after some leftist think tank spins a treatise on how language barriers have deprived x% of recent high school graduates of good paying jobs due to . . language discrimination.

    How could this happen? Members of nearly every other minority, either by nature or self-imposed or self-defined, are given protection against “discrimination” with heavy penalties levied against violators. Why not close the loop and capture another underrepresented group of gullibles?

    In all likelihood there’s a Democrat in Congress already working on it and salivating. .

    The title will have to be something innocuous, of course, so as to enable sneaking it in as an amendment to some popular bill that’s certain to pass. Something such as Protecting Alternative Language, abbreviated PAL, should do the trick.

  • McCaskill: Republicans ‘Are Going to Pay a Price’ for Anti-LGBTQ Culture Wars

    11/29/2022 8:46:40 PM PST · 31 of 39
    logician2u to ChicagoConservative27
    In a nutshell:

    Americans are free to associate or not associate with people of their own choosing, whether it’s a social or business or religious or even (God forbid) a sexual relationship that is involved.

    Any law, order, stipulation or requirement issued by any branch of government which attempts to force an American to associate with another person not of his own choosing should be declared null and void.

  • Biden bribed young voters with student loan bailouts he knew he couldn’t give

    11/15/2022 2:46:20 PM PST · 47 of 66
    logician2u to From The Deer Stand
    My question would be, even if the party leadership issued a strong response to Biden’s executive action, who would carry it?

    Probably Fox News and subsidiaries, NewMax and the Washington Examiner.

    Unlikely to get ten seconds on the main news outlets, nothing by the wire services.

    It’s not Trump that the newsies hate, it’s everybody that goes contrary to their longstanding love of Big Government. (And it didn’t start with either Nixon or Goldwater.)

  • Biden bribed young voters with student loan bailouts he knew he couldn’t give

    11/15/2022 2:17:28 PM PST · 37 of 66
    logician2u to jpp113

    That’s my guess as well.

    Thanks for your input.

  • Biden bribed young voters with student loan bailouts he knew he couldn’t give

    11/15/2022 2:11:08 PM PST · 26 of 66
    logician2u to realcleanguy
    There are lies and dammed [daxxd spellcheck] lies.

    In the Dem playbook this is forgivable during election season.

  • Biden bribed young voters with student loan bailouts he knew he couldn’t give

    11/15/2022 2:01:05 PM PST · 10 of 66
    logician2u to Frank Drebin

    They may have run editorials, but aren’t most college students immunized against conservative publications in their freshman year? I think so.

  • Biden bribed young voters with student loan bailouts he knew he couldn’t give

    11/15/2022 1:56:57 PM PST · 5 of 66
    logician2u to McGavin999

    Idiots go to college now. And even stick around to teach, I understand.

  • Biden bribed young voters with student loan bailouts he knew he couldn’t give

    11/15/2022 1:52:27 PM PST · 1 of 66
    Another pre-election trick pulled on the gullible then withdrawn before serious legal consequences result.

    Dems will make impossible promises ahead of early voting knowing full well there won’t be sufficient time for a court to act . . but still plenty of time to get the target population motivated in the right direction.

    Some would call this smart politics. I would call it an affront to the Constitution and the rule of law.

    Hence, an impeachable offense.

    One of many, but who’s counting?

  • Suspect in assault at Pelosi home had posted about QAnon

    10/29/2022 3:56:47 PM PDT · 26 of 34
    logician2u to Responsibility2nd
    It would seem that Elon Musk has a bug to exterminate before Twitter is fully reliable as a news source.

    Deleted tweets must be retrievable, and there should always be an option to state a reason for deletion.

    Newsies should be more careful.

  • Near record share of Portlanders believe city on wrong track, Oregonian/OregonLive poll shows

    10/14/2022 7:17:56 AM PDT · 24 of 42
    logician2u to Oldeconomybuyer
    . . according to a new poll commissioned by The Oregonian/OregonLive.

    You don’t suppose the local news media might have played a role in getting the incompetents who now occupy Portland’s city hall elected to their positions?

    Why would a for-profit enterprise want to get involved in a local election anyway?

    More crime brings more viewers/readers, thus more advertising revenue. Nobody cares about last Monday’s meeting of the Rose City Rain Forecast Council. Everyone is concerned about crime, especially so when it’s nearby.

    Portland needs a thorough house cleaning at City Hall, along with an infusion of honest, tell-it-like-it-is newshounds not beholden to either the advertisers or the politicians.

    Conservative newshounds?


  • Deputy Treasury Sec’y: ‘Gas Prices Should Continue Coming Down,’ Gas Station Owners Should Lower Prices

    10/08/2022 11:32:43 AM PDT · 42 of 97
    logician2u to rktman
    Some real tough questions thrown at this undersecretary got the planned-for answers, we can assume.

    Andrea Mitchell wouldn’t have a job for very long if she went off-script.

    NBC/MSNBC/Peacock full of looney leftists.