I am likely to piss off many Christians on this Forum. As a former LDS Church member, who served a Mission to Zurich Switzerland in 1976-1978. I am now a practicing Nichiren Shoshu Buddhist. Those who believe Mormons are robots, brain washed and who are mindless drones. Are themselves fools, bigots and idiots.
There is a number of dissidents and dissenters wihin the Church. As long as they do not claim to speak for the Church, they are ignored. There was years ago a magazine sold in Utah that promoted their viewpoint.
There are many blogs and forums of Ex Mormons. Former President Ezra Taft Benson’s grandson left the church and has written in opposition to its teachings.
Mormons most of them are honorable, decent, family oriented folks who are devoted to their religion, consider themselves Christians and are decent neighbors. Some are too trusting and fail to recognize Snake Oil salesmen, and predators.
Those who consider there is some kind of conspiracy are gullible “Kool Aid” Drinkers spouting laughable nonsense. My problem with Mitt is he is not Conservative enough for me. He is in my view “Conservative Lite”.