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Posts by Khankrumthebulgar

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  • Romney and the White Horse Prophecy

    02/26/2012 7:25:31 PM PST · 16 of 68
    Khankrumthebulgar to af_vet_rr

    I am likely to piss off many Christians on this Forum. As a former LDS Church member, who served a Mission to Zurich Switzerland in 1976-1978. I am now a practicing Nichiren Shoshu Buddhist. Those who believe Mormons are robots, brain washed and who are mindless drones. Are themselves fools, bigots and idiots.

    There is a number of dissidents and dissenters wihin the Church. As long as they do not claim to speak for the Church, they are ignored. There was years ago a magazine sold in Utah that promoted their viewpoint.

    There are many blogs and forums of Ex Mormons. Former President Ezra Taft Benson’s grandson left the church and has written in opposition to its teachings.

    Mormons most of them are honorable, decent, family oriented folks who are devoted to their religion, consider themselves Christians and are decent neighbors. Some are too trusting and fail to recognize Snake Oil salesmen, and predators.

    Those who consider there is some kind of conspiracy are gullible “Kool Aid” Drinkers spouting laughable nonsense. My problem with Mitt is he is not Conservative enough for me. He is in my view “Conservative Lite”.

  • Romney and the White Horse Prophecy

    02/26/2012 7:25:02 PM PST · 15 of 68
    Khankrumthebulgar to af_vet_rr

    I am likely to piss off many Christians on this Forum. As a former LDS Church member, who served a Mission to Zurich Switzerland in 1976-1978. I am now a practicing Nichiren Shoshu Buddhist. Those who believe Mormons are robots, brain washed and who are mindless drones. Are themselves fools, bigots and idiots.

    There is a number of dissidents and dissenters wihin the Church. As long as they do not claim to speak for the Church, they are ignored. There was years ago a magazine sold in Utah that promoted their viewpoint.

    There are many blogs and forums of Ex Mormons. Former President Ezra Taft Benson’s grandson left the church and has written in opposition to its teachings.

    Mormons most of them are honorable, decent, family oriented folks who are devoted to their religion, consider themselves Christians and are decent neighbors. Some are too trusting and fail to recognize Snake Oil salesmen, and predators.

    Those who consider there is some kind of conspiracy are gullible “Kool Aid” Drinkers spouting laughable nonsense. My problem with Mitt is he is not Conservative enough for me. He is in my view “Conservative Lite”.

  • Is Romney's Wife the devil's advocate

    02/17/2012 8:39:55 PM PST · 16 of 27
    Khankrumthebulgar to Jedediah

    It is truly sad to read postings by Conservatives so bent on hatred of LDS members that their judgement is skewed. It is a display of bigotry toward LDS Church members. It plays to the narrative that Conservatives are bigots and mean spirited. The last time I checked LDS members have the right to practice their faith. I have no desire to associate in any way with Bigots whose blind hatred plays into the hands of the Socialists who are seeking the destruction of the very Christian faith they claim to espouse.

    Jedediah you are aiding Obama and those who are promoting socialism. That is your strategy? No thanks

  • Why Mitt Romney Hates Republicans

    01/31/2012 9:34:39 AM PST · 25 of 28
    Khankrumthebulgar to Cincinatus' Wife

    Wow the Liberals and their Astro turfing campaign is loving the brawl now happening in the GOP. I thought the GOP was now the “Big Tent” party. Where different viewpoints were encouraged. There are fiscal, military and social values voters in the party. There is with Ron Paul’s libertarians now a National outreach to limited government and constitutional concerns also offered a voice. The Tea Party is about rooting out corruption and a return to the Constitution.

    Those who resent Mitt Romney’s wealth are giving in to the Socialists who view anyone with too much money as a criminal who should be punished. We used to celebrate achievement. The Dems are hypocrites whose politicians extoll income redistribution then hide their assets behind complex Trusts. Like John Kerry who moved his yacht to Rhode Island to escape taxes in his home state.

    Romney is viewed with distrust because he was a GOP Governor in a Blue majority Dem state. Wow he compromised in order to govern effectively. Get over it. My concern about NEWT is he is an opportunist. What are his core values and does he hold to them?

    Romney is criticized for his donations to his church. Which are consistent with his core beliefs and values. My concern about Romney is he tough enough to deal with the Iranians, Putin, Hugo Chavez and the like. I have no doubts that Newt is tough enough. The World is a dangerous place. We have people who do hate us. We cannot afford a weak President.

    This Conservatives eating their own though. Only serves the Dems interests not ours. I don’t understand why many who are Freepers don’t seem to get that?

    Also please tell me where its a Crime to get rich in the US? When did Horatio Alger become a criminal??

  • How the Obama campaign will use Romney offshoring revelations

    01/20/2012 8:47:17 AM PST · 6 of 12
    Khankrumthebulgar to Bailee

    Yes this is a great spectacle. The empty suits in the media carrying the water for our Socialist in Chief. Have finally revealed his jealousy. It turns out according to CBS News no less. That in additional to failed Solyandra there are 11 other Turkeys with $6.5 Billion in Govt. cheese guaranteed Crony Capitalism loans. An Officer of Bain Capital was just hired by the Feds at the OMB. The Deputy Campaign Director for Obama used to work for a Private Equity company. These morons are shooting at each other in a circle. LOL this is highly entertaining like the Gang who couldn’t shoot straight.

  • Vermont fraternity chapter closed indefinitely over rape survey

    12/20/2011 10:14:19 AM PST · 47 of 47
    Khankrumthebulgar to little jeremiah

    The truth is coming out. It was one student who was a Frat Member other Frat Members told him to remove the post. So in typical FemNazi pandering fashion. The National Fraternity closed the fraternity punished Frat members who were not involved. It is appalling that Conservatives including Women want to censor Free Speech. Free Speech includes vulgar, objectionable and even moronic behavior. Freedom implicitly means you can make mistakes, act idiotic and even engage in boorish and crude language.

    Former SigEp members said that the fraternity as a whole didn’t have much to do with the survey, and that it was the actions of one person that led to this incident.

    “One individual was responsible for coming up with the appalling question,” former SigEp member Wes Lewis said. “It was never answered because who it was asked to refused to answer it and the told the new member to change the question immediately.”

    Lewis also said that it was series of questions between individuals rather than a survey.

    Members of the fraternity are still unsure of who authored the question, he said.

    Other former fraternity members said that they were surprised at how quickly the situation escalated.

    “I feel like this whole entire thing came out of nowhere,” former SigEp member K.C. Charles said. “It was a fraternity against the world pretty much during the worst time of the semester.”

    Charles also said that it’s incredibly hard to be a fraternity nowadays with the stigmas of the past attached and that they are just judged before people get to know them.

    Though some former members may be feeling upset about the decision to close Sigma Phi Epsilon’s chapter at UVM, Lewis said it’s a decision that must be acknowledged.

    “Our national organization chose to shut us down,” he said. “That is something they believed would benefit SigEp as a whole so we need to accept that.”

  • The Economics of Life and Marriage

    12/19/2011 9:12:35 PM PST · 19 of 21
    Khankrumthebulgar to goodnesswins

    This article in National Review is well written and in my view spells out the reasons why marriage is in trouble. One word feminism. Men are tired of being exploited Financially. This is not due to Gay marriage. The latest new group that bottom Feeding Lawyers are looking to skin in Divorce settlements.

  • The Economics of Life and Marriage

    12/19/2011 4:41:32 PM PST · 15 of 21
    Khankrumthebulgar to DNA.2012

    I might get banned from posting this but. Here goes. The Religious Right bailed on defending marriage long ago. No Fault Divorce and its being passed in Calif. Under then Gov. Ronald Reagan was his biggest mistake. Churches and Ministers routinely hold Men accountable for their morality. With so called accountability groups. When it is primarily Women with Children including Christian Women who Divorce Men for primarily emotional reasons. Gays are not destroying marriage. No Fault Divorce and the Legal Industry has long ago. That genie will not go back into the bottle.

    Where Gays have been free to marry in Europe. Less than ten percent choose to get married. Removing Men from families is the quickest way to promote Socialism and the growth of Nanny Government.

  • Obama: Women can make world more peaceful

    12/19/2011 4:32:03 PM PST · 79 of 85
    Khankrumthebulgar to Lonesome in Massachussets

    Obama desperate for Votes. Is openly pandering to the Feminist Vote which is not going to the GOP anyway. The war in Libya was decided by Three US Women. Susan Rice, Hilliary Clinton and Susannah Powers. So why not? Obama is a spineless coward. Who has no problem sending off other people’s Sons to War.

    Indira Ghandi fought a war with China while Prime Minister. Margaret Thatcher sent the UK to retake the Falklands from Argentina. Golda Meir fought a war with Egypt and Syria while PM of Israel. Yeah Women are more peaceful what a bunch of nonsense and stupidity that is.

  • Vermont fraternity chapter closed indefinitely over rape survey

    12/19/2011 9:22:46 AM PST · 28 of 47
    Khankrumthebulgar to metmom

    When Men or Women break the Law they must face the consequences. No law was broken here. This was a survey. With a inappropriate question asked. So Metmom you are actually advocating thought control? That is sorry to say UnAmerican. You want to eliminate Free Speech to control questionable or vulgar thinking? Would you advocate the elimination of the Bill of Rights to do so? Who makes the decision of what is questionable morality? Obama? CAIR? Do we impose Sharia in order to promote Moral behavior? I believe many Mullahs would agree with you.

  • Vermont fraternity chapter closed indefinitely over rape survey

    12/19/2011 8:36:19 AM PST · 24 of 47
    Khankrumthebulgar to metmom

    I have some more bad news brace yourself. The comments being made by young Men. Young Women are choosing Bad Boys. Yes Women still are the gatekeepers of sexual morality. That will never change. Young Women want Mr. Right Now, not Mr. Right. They are actually picking Men who are high status over Men who are decent and honorable.

    So in order to protect Women from their bad choices, we decide to punish Men. This is a strategy doomed to fail. It will not work and is actually promoting the worst behavior in our Men. You reap what you sow. You sow the wind, you Reap the Whirlwind.

    As to the Lady who posted the rubbish that I would propose ending Rape, Murder and other Crimes, it is a weak Straw Man argument you have put forth. Try again. You punish the bad behavior, you are trying to punish bad thoughts.

    Coeds boycotting such behavior will do alot more to change it than Fraternity groups punishing young Men for “Thought Crimes”. Peer pressure will have a greater impact than this attempt to punish the group for the actions of one or two idiots.

  • Vermont fraternity chapter closed indefinitely over rape survey

    12/19/2011 8:29:38 AM PST · 22 of 47
    Khankrumthebulgar to Khankrumthebulgar

    What we actually have here is the effects of the causation of removing Millions of Fathers from their families. We have had an implosion of morals and decency ever since. Who has promoted this? The Radical Feminists especially. We have young Women on our College campuses engaged in a moral sewer with Dating replaced with “Hook Ups”. The Garbage generation is a well thought out explanation of this phenomenon. As to instituting morality. We are placing all responsibility right now on One Gender Men. Women are exempt as their sexual expression is “empowerment”. Reason and principle is replaced with Feelings and sensitivity.

    So in order not to offend the Women on campuses we punish Young Men. Who are not stupid and see this heavy handed double standard and say. Screw going to College it is like going to Prison. The reality is a moral nation supports moral behavior. As the populace embraces a lack of morality in order to maintain order our Liberty and Freedoms are restricted. We are giving up our Freedoms for order and security.

  • Vermont fraternity chapter closed indefinitely over rape survey

    12/19/2011 8:21:50 AM PST · 21 of 47
    Khankrumthebulgar to ssaftler

    What constituted the “investigation”, why was there no hearing offered to the Fraternity? Thanks for the insults by the way. You are way off base. Yes morality is the basis of laws. This is a Free Speech issue. You seem to confuse that with actually engaging in Sexual Assault not asking a question. I hope you enjoy the repudiation of Free Speech to favor Thought control. PC is political correctness which is also polite tyranny. No thanks I have seen and known a Man sent to a Gulag for a Thought crime.

    Now if this was a College sponsored by a Church or community of faith with a morals clause in the enrollment that would be a different matter. This was some innocuous survey, in questionable taste, even vulgar. It was not a crime.

    We have excuse the word Cuntfests, Sex Clinics, Masturbation and Sex Toy demonstrations on our Colleges. Yet one idiot posts a survey and we close a Fraternity. How is that fair and equitable? It is a clear double standard to pander to Women. You are doing the Feminists job and especially the Gender and Radical Feminists job for them.

  • Vermont fraternity chapter closed indefinitely over rape survey

    12/19/2011 8:02:44 AM PST · 15 of 47
    Khankrumthebulgar to ssaftler

    Morality and ethics should be taught at home not enforced by the State. College was/is supposed to be about questioning and inquiry. As to the Wrong Paul comment go screw yourself. There is a war being waged against Men and Boys in our Feminized Education system. The young Men are entitled to due process a hearing at least to determine the person or persons responsible. The Nazis punished captured and occupied populations with the same method. It is called Fascism, the US used to be about Individual Liberty and Freedom. That includes the right to be an idiot and to say stupid things. If this survey led to criminal behavior we have laws to punish this.

    This is thought crimes against the State. It smacks of the old USSR. I condemn boorish behavior. You are advocating punishment of the group for the actions of a person. You need to rethink your strategy. If you want to call me Wrong Paul for supporting Liberty. Thanks for the compliment. For the record. I am related to the Executive Presiding Judge of the Nuremberg War Crimes Tribunal. I understand History and have met persons who were imprisoned under the Old Soviet and East German system.

  • Vermont fraternity chapter closed indefinitely over rape survey

    12/19/2011 7:55:14 AM PST · 12 of 47
    Khankrumthebulgar to Khankrumthebulgar

    In Australia recently a Radical Feminist conference was held. That is promoting Sex selective abortions of Male babies. They are also promoting Gendercide the Mass Murder of Men. These Women many are involved in the education of Aussie Children. Where is the Conservative outrage? Where?

    In Sweden a youtube video appeared based on Valerie Solanas SCUM Manifesto. Which advocated the murder of Men by Lesbians as “sport”, the Society for the Cutting Up of Men.

  • Vermont fraternity chapter closed indefinitely over rape survey

    12/19/2011 7:37:25 AM PST · 9 of 47
    Khankrumthebulgar to MrEdd

    Remember we are talking about College aged kids here. Second an entire Fraternity was closed due to the actions of what appears to be a single person. So due to the fact that one knuckle head apparently sent out a irresponsible survey all the others were punished to make a Politically Correct statement. No hearing, no opportunity to find out who the person or persons were who did do this?

    So to pander the FemNazis who want to be able to eject a young Man who has consensual sex on campus who may have made an alcohol fueled mistake. The US DOE is instituting a new procedure to eliminate due process for Men. This panders to the Feminists. Where is the due process? Where is there a sanction if the whole Fraternity was involved?

    Shame on you for deciding to White Knight for the Feminists to punish and use the “nuclear option” and just close a Fraternity. So does the same apply if Sorority groups engage in promotion of say the “SCUM Manifesto”? Or if Sorority groups promote the “Good Rape” of a 13 year old in Eve Ensler’s “Vagina Monologues”???

    This is clearly a double standard. Does the law and accountability apply equally to both Genders? Or do we continue to infantalize Women by protecting them from their bad decisions, while punishing Young Men?

  • American Father Self-Immolates To Protest Against Family Courts

    06/24/2011 6:55:34 PM PDT · 103 of 103
    Khankrumthebulgar to Persevero

    Wikipedia deleted the story on Thomas Ball. Even Fox News is not covering this story. The question is why? What is the News media so afraid of? I am gratified to see that Ron Paul’s web site, Lew Rockwell the Libertarian site has also carried this story. It is about the abuse of government power. Every true conservative especially those who agree with Ronald Reagan should be interested in this story.

    Thomas Ball left a 15 page letter outlining his reasons for his actions. Like a Modern day John Brown who attacked the Federal Arsenal at Harpers Ferry. Ball wanted to bring about change. As of today there are 29 million hits on google on this story. The Dinosaurs and Gynosaurs in the media are proving that Soviet Style Speech codes rule their Industry. This is why they continue to lose subscribers and deserve to go out of business.

  • Last statement sent to Sentinel from self-immolation victim

    06/20/2011 1:05:58 PM PDT · 3 of 15
    Khankrumthebulgar to expatpat

    Late last week, Thomas James Ball reached his breaking point. Driven to desperation by a system that bankrupted him and destroyed his family, Ball walked up to the main door of the Keene County, New Hampshire courthouse, doused himself with gasoline, and lit himself ablaze. Hardly anyone seems to have noticed. Conversely, when a 26-year old Tunisian man lit himself on fire a few months ago after police confiscated the fruits and vegetables he had been selling without a proper permit, it launched a wave of revolution across the Middle East. People were shocked into taking action… protests and riots swept the region and one regime after another crumbled. Rather than sparking an “American spring” and shocking US citizens into taking their country back, though, Mr. Ball’s act of self-immolation seems to have been largely ignored. There has been scant coverage (and scant is being extremely generous) of Mr. Ball in the mainstream media, and what little coverage there is generally discredits the man as a troublemaker.

    This is how the system’s gatekeepers have been so adroit at maintaining the status quo– by suppressing dissent, marginalizing the detractors, and distracting the populace with meaningless, irrelevant drivel.

    Mr. Ball left behind a lengthy missive prior to his suicide, which covers a range of topics from political corruption to why the family court system in America is utterly disgraceful. He was, to put it mildly, a staunch advocate of violent change, and it’s clear he hoped a great deal of others would follow in his footsteps to literally burn the system down.

    (Ball even left instructions for how to make a proper Molotov cocktail along with specific vulnerabilities of police stations in his area…)

    Perhaps the most interesting part of his final post, however, was the observation that the United States is no longer a nation of laws; Ball described what he calls the ‘second set of books,’ which is essentially the collection of policies, procedures, and protocols that courts and executive agencies rely upon.

    This includes police departments and other ‘enforcers’ across the country that come up with standardized responses to take judgment out of the equation. TSA agents, for instance, are only following procedure when they fondle children at airport checkpoints. Even the guys who drove the trains to the concentration camps were just following procedures.

    Ball argued that the nation is now ruled by such procedures, even in such institutions as family court where judges (by policy) pass the buck down the line to mental health case workers.

    His anger and desperation for this system, which tore apart his family and bankrupted his finances, led Ball to light himself ablaze at the local courthouse in a state whose motto is “Live Free or Die.” Ball chose the latter.

    The next day, life went on in America. There was no shocking front-page cover story or award-winning photograph to spark a national debate… let alone propel droves of fed-up citizens to flood the streets demanding change.

    Rather, the New Hampshire courthouse cleaned up his charred remains and meticulously scrubbed the floors to eliminate all trace of the event. 24-hour news networks ran a quick blurb in their scrolling tickers amid more important coverage of the Miss USA beauty pageant and President Obama’s Father’s Day plans.

    In other words, business as usual… suggesting that if there is, in fact, going to be a fight for the soul of the country, it’s a long way off, and many more degrees for the boiling frogs who are stuck in the pot.

    My assessment of this situation, however controversial it may be, remains very clear: the great faceless enemy that opposes us, irrespective of our country of origin, is the institution of government.

  • Libyan city of Misurata pleads for NATO ground forces

    04/20/2011 3:49:10 AM PDT · 5 of 9
    Khankrumthebulgar to Jim Noble

    Don’t forget it was Liberal Feminist Women who campaigned for the US to intervene in Libya. Hilliary Clinton, Susan Rice, and Samantha Powers. This will be a defeat of US military involvement. The War Obummer starts we will lose. Great he is some Commander in Chief... NOT!

  • Boots on the Ground” in Libya?

    04/04/2011 1:13:07 PM PDT · 28 of 33
    Khankrumthebulgar to org.whodat

    I do not want my tax dollars going to pay for a Third War. So Feminist Women in the Obama administration can send US men off to die in another war to promote Feminism to Muslim nations. Jonah Goldberg of National Review has as much as said this is one of the principle reasons. To promote Feminism in Central Asia and the Third World. Hell No!!!