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Posts by Jane G

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  • How Did Hillary Clinton Screw This Up? For Starters, Her Advertising Was All Wrong

    11/10/2016 12:52:58 AM PST · 68 of 104
    Jane G to vooch

    Having done graphic art and logo designing, her campaign signs were done quite well. EXCEPT they bothered me for some reason. Something was off. One day driving down the road I saw one and it occurred to me what it was - the arrow pointed to the “right”.

  • The crime of solitary confinement

    06/05/2012 6:55:22 AM PDT · 82 of 96
    Jane G to Lazamataz
    One of the guys in the classroom at the Texas state pen I worked in as a sub teacher was a young man with acne. He was a real bad troublemaker and I was to learn later what the wrist band on his arm met - he was a lifer. I am not to ask what their crimes are only if they volunteer to tell me. My guess is that he killed.

    One day I explained to the class that I was no different than any of them and that I too have broke the law, but more importantly I had in me the same poisons, junk, perversions, anger, hatred, greed that any of them had. In fact I knew how to shoot, carried a side arm and could probably shoot better than most of them, and could kill too. After getting raised eyebrows and a few chuckles from the guys about my sins and insights, they went back to their school work and this troublemaker kid came up to me and asked me more about shooting as he liked guns.

    The next day he was in the classroom very angry and was taking it out on the men, knocking things over, throwing stuff, etc. Rather than call the guards, I called him over to the desk and pulled out a chair and said lets talk. I didn't care about the class anymore but just him....I could tell he was in a crisis. He told me when he came to prison several years ago they put him in solitary confinement for months. In fact when the guards gave him food, he would wait and throw it back in there face.

    He was a walking time bomb.

    We must have talked close to half an hour and during that time I kept loving him. What else could I do? What do you tell a 19 year old who will be spending the rest of his life in prison. What do you say to this shouldn't have done it, serves you right, that it would get better, everything would be fine, have a great life?

    Finally he asked me about his acne on his face. I explained to him it was actually a good thing as it met he was making a lot of the hormone testosterone and that met he was healthy. It would eventually clear up. He was so concerned that girls would not like his acne. I explained that when a girl loved him she would not see his acne but instead his heart.

    You know, for just that brief time as he and I talked, the prison room was suspended and the two of us were not there anymore, we were somewhere else talking and sharing and liking each other with no thoughts of our surroundings or the fact that he was facing a life sentence with no girl ever to be in his life. We were so free in those minutes.....I will never forget it.

    He thanked me and went back and settled down. I waited to catch him the next day as he went to another class and I asked him how he was doing and he said fine. He seemed less tense.

    I just know that these men who are put in solitary confinement have so much repressed rage. I could see it in this young man, you could cut it with a knife it was so thick. I know it takes skills and knowledge to deal with this rage and how to release it both in these men and/or professionals who help. A good way is called a release technique. I was releasing in me and consequently he released.

    Solitary confinement certainly gets their attention but it is not rehabilitative....AND...the REABILITATIVE PROCESS STARTS WITH ME, not the criminal.

    There is a building next to the building used as a classroom. The guard told me it is for the worst of the worst criminals. They are let out of their isolation cells for one hour a day and when they take a shower, they are handcuffed. It's pretty bad in there. I look at that bleak building across the yard and ask God to help. Those men and the people they hurt badly, affect all of us. We are all like a comb (an example I read one time) depending on the angle you view the comb- from the tooth perspective we are each individuals, independent, isolated, row after row, but when you turn the comb around we all come from the same source.


  • The crime of solitary confinement

    06/04/2012 4:50:26 PM PDT · 65 of 96
    Jane G to Lazamataz

    What a kind reply, than you.

  • The crime of solitary confinement

    06/04/2012 4:27:28 PM PDT · 60 of 96
    Jane G to Tijeras_Slim
    I am a woman who works partime as a substitute teacher in Texas at a state penitentiary, 3,000 men, maximum security, and yes it has a death row. It is probably one of the hardest jobs I have ever had.... The first time I arrived for orientation I was so overwhelmed, I could hardly breathe. Besides the rows of barbed wire and locked gates you have to go thru to get to the classroom, the chain gangs outside working along the hi-way, the armed guards on horseback, dogs checking your car in the parking lot and me having to take off shoes, jewelry, and pat downs, etc. just to get inside the place, is enough to intimidate and scare you, the worst was the inmates and their bored, vacant, jaded eyes....I knew then when I walked into the classroom, I would do whatever it took to reach these men. Tijjeras_Slim was right when he said “You are correct, I have worked in corrections and even a relatively brief stay in solitary can have a very detrimental effect. One reason I believe, is that your usual criminal is ill equipped for introspection or penitence. Placed in solitary he is completely without the inner resources to both deal with it or benefit from it.” These men are not only educationally deficient (I had to teach some of the men to add and subtract with their fingers)
    But there was something more I sensed, something lacking in those classrooms and they needed to hear it. I began to talk to them about the Divine. About the Divine in all of us, about thoughts and feelings and emotions and where they come from and how they get us in trouble, how the brain and the sub conscious works, I even talked to them about quantum physics, and of course the 67% recidivism rate they were facing when they got out. (Not all the men were getting out. I had lifers in the classroom, murders, burglars, armed robbers, drug peddlers, etc.) Did it get their attention? Yes, for several reasons, first, the talk of the Divine changed the atmosphere of the classroom, where there had been a vacuum before and you could feel His presence moving among the room. The room began to feel like love... Secondly, these were adult men who needed to be intellectually challenged and I don't care how little their formal education was, they listened, observed and participated in lectures, info and my demonstrations that ranged from schrodinger’s cat-box and Zeno’s paradoxes, to capitalism vs. socialism, western civilization, Jewish history, sonoran dessert and the life of cactus, hormone replacement therapy, politics, hippie movement, you name it we discussed it. The point is - knowledge and education has always been the key, but there is one thing more important, and that is simply - Love. How to define love and actually how to love. I also explained to them it was the most humane action they could do for their victims, the families, and the world. (did they like talking about their victims, no it made them very uneasy, we all have a conscious and they knew their actions upon their victims were wrong.) I turned the tables and discussed with them when I had been a victim of an attempted rape and showed them the knife scare on my hand as I fought the knife away from my throat from my assailant. Here, they were able to get a victim's point of view more objectively without being emotionally involved in the crime and the victim. They thanked me afterwards. What have I learned working at this state pen here in Texas? That it doesn't work when you come from the point of view of who gets your love and who doesn't. You can't pick and choose. The Divine calls us to love everyone and everything. Is it hard to do, yes, you need God's help. Driving up to the prison, sometimes in the dark, and yes it is always scary as some classes start around 5am, I ask God to remove from me any obstacles that keeps me from loving every human being that I encounter that day. Then with Love in place before I start, the learning begins and the changes occur.
  • Cops: Carlie Brucia Found Dead (Fox News Update)

    02/06/2004 6:20:33 AM PST · 26 of 81
    Jane G to geedee
    His eyes look dead.
  • Ex-atheist describes near-death experience

    02/04/2004 4:35:23 PM PST · 134 of 385
    Jane G to yonif
    My husband is a medical doctor and very much the scientist. Three years ago my spouse had an NDE. All his medical colleagues at the hospital who knew and worked surgically on Ed to save his life did not think he would make it. He remained in critical condition, in ICU, unconscious, for a month before he pulled through. During that time he said he saw a brilliant white light and felt the presence of a Supreme Being. The two talked and Ed felt so much at peace with no demands made upon him. He was given a choice to come on or go back. The Supreme Being said that his job on earth was not complete, as their were many patients that were still in need of his doctoring. Ed also did not want to leave me nor our young son who was 10 years old at the time. He asked if I would be with him. He was assured that his wife and son would be with him if he came back. He did not speak of his NDE experience for quite some time as he wanted to think about it. Little by little he began to reveal parts of it to our family. As he and I began to read books about it, we noticed the same similarities that Ed experienced. One, he has no fear of death. Two, a sense things happen for a reason and that in the end everything will turn out right. Three, a psychic ability. As a trained Ob/Gyn clinician for 35 years, he has always been good in listening to his patients and figuring out what was wrong. But since his NDE, says he intuitively knows before he picks up their chart, or knows the patient's name, or goes into the exam room for the first time. Other Ob/Gynys seek out his advice on patients that they can't figure out a diagnosis. The NDE experience changed my husband.
  • What to Do When Women Break Up With You.

    01/12/2004 6:41:56 AM PST · 266 of 277
    Jane G to SauronOfMordor
    All thats changed because of HRT.
  • Dr. Laura Schlessinger: 'The Proper Care And Feeding Of Husbands'

    01/08/2004 4:15:20 PM PST · 670 of 711
    Jane G to CajunConservative
    Glad to hear you are doing better!!!Yeah, vegetarians are starving to death. Define too much in regards to your testosterone.
  • Dr. Laura Schlessinger: 'The Proper Care And Feeding Of Husbands'

    01/08/2004 3:28:40 PM PST · 665 of 711
    Jane G to CajunConservative
    As I read these posts and people's frustration, the first thing to consider and rule out is hormone production. Is is adequate? If not, what is impairing it? Age of the patient? Food intake? Health? Genetics?, Stress?, Meds?, etc. Why am I picking on hormones? Because they are tiny messengers and you could consider, in the hierarchy of the body, the top in importance. Lets continue. When a couple start to complain, for example, about their sex life, it is so easy to test their libido. To be aroused, or ready to be aroused, hormonally speaking, certain things need to be on board or not be on board in their body. Correct testing will determine this, correct method of delivery, correct amount, and correct type of hormone supplementation will easily correct this horrendous frustration that couples feel.
    Testosterone supplementation for the aging couple, in men and women, will start to work within an hour or two - to several days depending on how depleted the cells in the body were. Testosterone is what gives us our raging sex drive. It is imperative to have a healthy, screaming sex drive at any age BUT especially as we get older! Like building a house you start with the foundation - the body first and have it checked out thoroughly, then of course go from there.
  • Dr. Laura Schlessinger: 'The Proper Care And Feeding Of Husbands'

    01/07/2004 2:49:51 PM PST · 550 of 711
    Jane G to dc27
    Sounds like she is displaying passive/aggressive behavior.
  • Dr. Laura Schlessinger: 'The Proper Care And Feeding Of Husbands'

    01/07/2004 7:42:26 AM PST · 496 of 711
    Jane G to dc27
    How old is your wife?
  • Fat Americans: Victims or Targets?

    12/10/2002 9:14:42 AM PST · 11 of 50
    Jane G to the
    A great book that expounds on that and in much scientific detail is "The Zone" by Dr. Barry Sears. My spouse just attended a medical convention that went into depth on the subject matter brought out in his book.
  • Tobacco users need not apply

    03/27/2002 2:44:45 AM PST · 11 of 77
    Jane G to Cincinatus' Wife
    I just smoked my third cig of the morning and am having coffee, God bless the fuel of industry! If it weren't for these two items I would be a real nasty person. And when they kick in my door to take my Marlboros away....they better have come for the guns first! the chain smokin, coffee drinkin, gun shootin Subhuman!
  • Slavery Reparations Effort May Have Its Day in Court

    03/26/2002 2:37:49 AM PST · 11 of 55
    Jane G to ATOMIC_PUNK
    Good that I've had my first cup of coffee I can see my spelling errors! Hahaha! God Bless each and every one of us. Book of Love
  • Slavery Reparations Effort May Have Its Day in Court

    03/26/2002 2:20:10 AM PST · 8 of 55
    Jane G to ATOMIC_PUNK
    This is noting more than socialism and wealth distrabution in sheeps clothing. It is a sad day when we as a people would rather be a victom of life than be responsible for ourselves. You are right atomic punk! They are slaves to there own injustices to themselves. Respectfully, Book of Love
  • Older Men Make Better Lovers, Psychologist Says

    03/16/2002 8:49:45 AM PST · 43 of 127
    Jane G to FITZ
    You are incorrect - it is not natural. You can say NO and do the appropriate testing, and correct type and method of delivery of the hormone testosterone in both men and women.
  • Older Men Make Better Lovers, Psychologist Says

    03/16/2002 8:44:17 AM PST · 41 of 127
    Jane G to realpatriot71
    You make damn good sense. That is a phenomonen that my spouse and I have repeatedly come up against time after time. There are many people who have a vested interest in treating diseases rather than preventing them. Follow the money.
  • Older Men Make Better Lovers, Psychologist Says

    03/16/2002 8:34:07 AM PST · 33 of 127
    Jane G to RJCogburn
    Mr. Cogburn: Read the TESTOSTERONE SYNDROME by Eugene Shippen, M.D. Let me quote an excerpt. "Testoserone deficiency has been an unrecognized syndrome that impacts every sinew and cell in the body. It is powerfully linked to nearly every major degenerative disease. Use of this remarkable healing hormone could reverse suffering and prevent early death. Test. decline is at the core of male menopause. In women, there is an explosion of in-your-face symptoms, while men's very similar symptoms sneak in the back door unexpectedly like a thief in the night. Too often, loss of energy, ambition, sexual drive, and a host of minor symptons ar written off as 'burnout' or depression. Women, meanwhile, have already learned that hormone replacement results in reversal of the physcial changes of menopause. Men, confronted by an information vacuum, need to make the same discovery." In my husband's practice, he replaces many men with test. supplementation. What a huge diffenence! (he and I are replaced with test. supplementation also.) I am not disputing the fact that older men become accomplished lovers....BUT physically they decline due to lesser and lesser Test. levels. We want our male patient test. levels in the range that they had in their late teens to early twenties for optimal health. (they supplement with levels of a 17 y/o for men who have heart disease and diabetes in Europe with good results) Consequently, their lovemakeing, on a physical scale, improves dramatically. Jane
  • THE RAID: New Fiction from the War On Domestic Terrorism

    03/09/2002 3:37:11 AM PST · 198 of 293
    Jane G to Drammach
    Thanks for the ping! Doc
  • Shooting Sparks Gun Modification

    03/08/2002 2:44:03 PM PST · 72 of 79
    Jane G to 45Auto
    10-4; ALL guns are loaded. NEVER let the muzzle cover anything you do not wish to destroy. Keep your finger off the trigger until the sights are on the target. ALLWAYS identify your target and what is behind it. Forever. Doc