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Posts by Hambone02

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  • Van Jones: Dems Should Use Ebola As Campaign Talking Point Against GOP

    10/05/2014 10:12:15 PM PDT · 52 of 60
    Hambone02 to smoothsailing

    Fundamentally change our nation.....

    The flood of illegal aliens into the country who were empowered and assisted by this administration has brought TB, scabies, a mystery respiratory illness that has killed multiple children and paralyzed some. Also under the watch of this administration, Ebola has arrived in Dallas, possibly Kansas City, not to mention the doctors/nurses being flown into the nation for treatment.

    How is this a promotion for the Democratic Pary? How is this a Republican issue?

  • Report: ISIS plots to seize Iran’s nuclear secrets

    10/05/2014 6:21:51 AM PDT · 10 of 16
    Hambone02 to markomalley

    The gray (green) horse... And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with the beasts of the earth.

    Interesting that green is the color of Islam, that Muslims make up 1/4 of the world’s population, and they are killing with swords, starving large groups of people, and have been known to release wild dogs on people to torture them to death.

    Also interesting that beheading is the preferred method to kill infidels (particularly Christians); and the Bible says that countless will be beheaded for the testimony of Christ in the end days. With the incapacity of the US and its allies to quell this threat, are we seeing an Islamic New World Order beginning?

    Another point of interest. The Islamic Nation (IN) is seeking the help of Russia which just happens to be one of the nations that joins up with Israel’s enemies according to prophecy.

    The Bible also mentions one nation that does not come to Israel’s aid when Israel is attacked by this league of nations. The SINGLE nation on earth that has an agreement with Israel to step in militarily if Israel is attacked is the United States of America. When Israel is attacked and looks to the US for support and she gets none—I would not want to be in America when that happens. The Daughter of Babylon (US) will be destroyed for not honoring her treaty with Israel.

  • Husbands, Hold Your Wife’s Hand

    10/04/2014 8:37:40 PM PDT · 49 of 63
    Hambone02 to SoFloFreeper

    My wife and I have always held hands. If we’re not holding hands, one of us is upset. It’s important to show that bond publicly and especially in front of your children. Children should grow up seeing their parents in love and not afraid to express it. There’s an old country tear-jerker of a song where the singer lists the things he should have done, but didn’t before he lost his wife. It’s the small things like holding hands that matter.

  • Husbands, Hold Your Wife’s Hand

    10/04/2014 8:32:53 PM PDT · 48 of 63
    Hambone02 to Aurorales

    Sounds like you need someone to hold your hand.... j/k

  • ‘Burn Their Houses Down’ – The Progressive Activists The Media Doesn’t Want You To See

    09/25/2014 9:13:12 PM PDT · 24 of 30
    Hambone02 to tomkat

    Nice. I have a KSA waiting at my FFL for pick up when I get back from deployment. Can’t wait to pick her up!

  • ‘Burn Their Houses Down’ – The Progressive Activists The Media Doesn’t Want You To See

    09/25/2014 9:09:54 PM PDT · 23 of 30
    Hambone02 to 2ndDivisionVet

    Please show up at my house! I will add some heavy metals (lead) to the environment.

  • Obama Enacts Executive Action to Allow Some DREAMers to Serve in Military (Illegals in armed forces)

    09/25/2014 9:01:59 PM PDT · 25 of 31
    Hambone02 to Terry L Smith

    I’m currently in the military. I’m split on this. If these people are willing to learn our language and assimilate to our system, I am for it to an extent. If these people are willing to put their lives on the line to become a US citizen, it’s a lot more than the vast majority of current US citizens are willing to do...

  • This Is Who Could Replace Holder As Obama’s Next Attorney General, And You Won’t Like It

    09/25/2014 8:55:08 PM PDT · 42 of 53
    Hambone02 to NoLibZone

    So true. This is what voting your conscience gets you... The time for voting one’s conscience is during the primaries. After that, you must vote for the lesser evil.

  • Only 33% of Americans Can Find Scotland On a Map?

    09/18/2014 11:28:43 PM PDT · 114 of 118
    Hambone02 to Clintonfatigued

    I’m surprised it’s that high of a percentage. Of course, they probably used google maps and were the 33% that could spell Scotland correctly...

  • Dems block Cruz bill to strip U.S. citizenship from Islamic State defectors

    09/18/2014 11:26:15 PM PDT · 40 of 56
    Hambone02 to Lazamataz

    Charge them with treason, but leave the possibility open that they return to the US and avoid arrest (because we know how well DOJ goes after criminals)... While I agree with your premise, this is a difficult situation. Maybe there should be a screening process for ANYONE coming back to the US from a Muslim nation. Profiling? Yes. Sorry, but until we start doing the non-politically correct things that will upset a few, we are going to continue to have the threats we do now.

  • Poll: Americans disapprove of Republican Party

    09/14/2014 1:38:33 AM PDT · 31 of 93
    Hambone02 to jonrick46

    I hope so, too. It’s sad that I don’t have much faith that they will get it correct. Republicans simply don’t know how to be winners, worrying too much about appeasing the opposition and too little about their constituents’ reasons for giving them their positions.

  • Poll: Americans disapprove of Republican Party

    09/14/2014 1:26:03 AM PDT · 24 of 93
    Hambone02 to jonrick46

    Do the same poll for Democrats. The majority will disapprove. Then go back and ask both groups if they approve of their local representatives. The majority approves of their OWN reps, but are quick to disapprove of others. This poll means absolutely nothing. It is simply a way to demoralize republicans and empower democrats. The polls, for accuracy, should be specifically aimed at a district, with that district’s voters polled. What a Wyoming district’s opinion is concerning my Missiouri districts representative has absolutely zero bearing on anything. I despise Nancy Pelosi. However, I have zero say in the matter of San Francisco’s majority of mentally ill voters... I hope I make sense.

  • Destroying ISIS May Take Years, U.S. Officials Say

    09/08/2014 3:31:16 AM PDT · 27 of 31
    Hambone02 to sunmars

    Never let a good crISIS go to waste...

  • Obama Argues He Needs A Vacation Without the Press Following Him

    09/07/2014 9:02:44 PM PDT · 51 of 92
    Hambone02 to Nachum

    “...part of what I would love is a vacation from the press,” Obama said.

    Welcome to the United States of America, Mr. Obama.

  • ‘Look At Meee!’ Obama Again Makes Himself Easy To Spot In A Group Photo

    09/05/2014 10:44:25 PM PDT · 71 of 77
    Hambone02 to KevinB

    1. Obama has smaller nads.
    2. Obama has gray hair.

  • Culture Challenge of the Week: Parent....or Friend?

    09/05/2014 10:37:27 PM PDT · 5 of 10
    Hambone02 to DoughtyOne

    I agree with you to an extent. I’m currently parent/guardian/disciplinarian transitioning to parent/friend/advisor. When children are on their own, sometimes the best thing is to allow them to make mistakes. It’s usually the quickest way to learn.

  • Stop Killing Our Black Sons (Much worse than I initially thought it would be)

    09/05/2014 3:56:32 AM PDT · 120 of 148
    Hambone02 to 2ndDivisionVet

    Dr. Irma McClaurin,
    You are correct. We aren’t fighting insurgents, enemy combatants, enemy forces or terrorists. You could have summed all of those under “enemy combatants”, but that’s okay as we understand you are trying to make an emotional argument. Backyards, streets, nightclubs, and convenience stores after committing a robbery...We noticed the one place you did not mention: their places of employment. Perhaps, if they were at work, helping out the community in some way, or even looking for a job instead of being in these other places we wouldn’t have this problem.

    These are not our future scientists, doctors or entrepreneurs. They are dead. They were not killed in the process of trying to better themselves. They were killed at all the places you mentioned. They weren’t killed doing volunteer work around their neighborhood. They weren’t killed in a college classroom or learning a trade. They weren’t killed running a small business out of their garage while waiting for their big break. They have no role in the future, Doctor, big or small. And whether or not they deserved it, they are dead.

    The truth is, Doctor, we all make decisions that impact our future. We all come from different backgrounds, and it is a fact that some have to work harder than others to be successful. In the end, we are stronger for it. For some of us, it’s being born into a poor family. Abusive relationships, poor early education, and in some cases genetics only make up a few of many reasons that can be claimed as excuses for refusing to try at life. We could delve into black culture and talk about the non-existent family unit, the negative impact of gangster rap music and government interference. The only problem is we aren’t writing a book, but only responding to your letter.

    Doctor, as this letter is being written from Afghanistan, we must disagree with you. It is very easy to distinguish between Ferguson and here. Anyone with the tiniest amount of intelligence can easily point out the differences. One of the most glaring differences is that Afghans would never destroy their own village in response to a disagreement with local officials, much less use it as an opportunity to loot. Another interesting fact that points to how spoiled and pampered our entitled class is that they obviously had the time to protest. In Afghanistan you do not get paid for not working. If you don’t work, you don’t eat. That is a principle lost to our overweight, unemployed and so-called mistreated black sons and daughters. Just watch the news coverage. Based on the national average, at least twenty percent of those protesting are unemployed. I didn’t see any malnutrition on the streets of Ferguson. Again, I understand loosely using comparisons and completely unrelated similes to garner an emotional response.

    The lengths one would go to in order to call black criminals being killed by police an epidemic is baffling. In this Ferguson incident, you have a white police officer who, during the execution of his duties, was assaulted by a black man. It ended with the unfortunate death of the young man. It was a result of the young man disregarding authority and refusing to get out of the street when asked to do so by the police officer. If the young man had been a respectable citizen, he simply would have moved to the sidewalk instead of assaulting the officer. Nobody wants to hear this, however. At the same time, while claiming the rights of the young man were violated, you want to sentence the officer without a fair trial. No? If the officer is found innocent, what has the black community already promised to do? You’ve already sentenced the officer. Furthermore, you’ve sentenced the business owners of Ferguson and likely those around St. Louis to looting and the burning of their businesses.

    What is America? Who is America? You’re blaming an abstraction and not anyone or anything in particular. This type of blame is the type one tries to throw to divert attention from where the blame truly lies. The fact is the black man has failed the black man. How do you justify blaming America in general based on police killing black men while at the same time completely ignoring black on black murders which exponentially exceed those committed by police officers? The only explanation is it doesn’t fit into your blame-everything-else-but-the-problem mold.

    The never ending complaints of better schools, salaries, teachers, training, youth programs, etc. are falling on deaf ears. Alternatives have been offered to you. You refuse them. Instead you continue to vote for the same people who make you the same promises and have the same good intentions, but never deliver. The promises they have made you for the last fifty years since President Johnson have not produced, have they? Who is to blame for that? Who keeps supporting the very same people every year with no change? America?

    Another old crutch that you can’t seem to drop is the slavery, lynching, discouragement, mistreatment and everything else that’s been overused the last fifty years. This is also beginning to fall on deaf ears. People have witnessed the last two presidential elections go to a black man. This would indicate the majority of Americans are not racist. Even with over ninety percent of blacks voting for Obama, he could not have won without the majority of whites. More white men died fighting over slavery than any American conflict in history, so considered dues paid and get over it. The only slave owner in our nation today is the Democratic Party.

    Vigilante justice? What do you consider the demanding of a police officer’s conviction under threat of riots? Don’t throw stones, Doctor.

    Lest you forget, Doctor, it was the Democratic Party that was pro-slavery. Lest you forget, Doctor, it was the Democratic Party’s Ku Klux Klan that was lynching blacks and infiltrating police departments in order to cover their crimes. Lest you forget, Doctor, it was the Democratic Party who worked against the black community until they realized they could give up their aspirations of returning you to a cotton plantation by convincing you join their political plantation. You do the hard work keeping them in power and in return they take care of you, and promise you protection. Try going rogue, Doctor, and make some principled statements against the Party. See if they don’t figuratively lynch you.

    The fact of the matter is the vast majority of police officers are honorable people. To automatically label black police officers as turncoats and automatically senseless shows you are just as much the bigot as you are claiming police officers are. Doctor, these are the same people that will be responding to you residence if or when a criminal decides to do you or your property harm.

    We would never respond to your complaints, Doctor, without offering some form of solution. You didn’t seem to have any solution, but chose to only attack an honorable institution. Our law enforcement organizations do need work, but they nor America are to blame for the black community’s problems.

    The black community needs to look into a mirror. Black men need to step up and be men. Marry your baby’s momma. Bring back the family. Tell the government to stop holding you back. Don’t listen to the Democratic Party when they tell you that without them you cannot succeed. Think for yourself. Get rid of these so-called leaders such as Sharpton and Jackson. They only bring you down.

    Lift up true leaders such as Ben Carson, Alan Keyes, James Golden, Amy Holmes, Clarence Thomas, Mia Love, and Alan West. These are only a few off the top of our head.

    These people are worth pointing out to your children and saying, “If you work hard, one day you could be successful like him/her.”

    Can you say that about Sharpton and Jackson, your current leaders

  • When can you legally use a gun against an unarmed person?

    08/31/2014 10:04:08 PM PDT · 6 of 39
    Hambone02 to 2ndDivisionVet

    When I feel my life may be in danger.
    When that person is in my home.
    When I feel my wife or children are in danger of bodily harm.
    When I can’t see his/her hands and think the person is armed...

  • E-cigarette group demands CDC retract ‘deceptive’ research

    08/30/2014 1:42:30 AM PDT · 34 of 65
    Hambone02 to Tolerance Sucks Rocks

    The question the CDC needs to answer is how many of those young people would have smoked regular cigs if the vapor cigs weren’t available? I would bet nearly all.

  • President Obama Needs To Focus On How The United States Can Meet Global Challenges [Blistering!]

    08/30/2014 1:22:59 AM PDT · 8 of 28
    Hambone02 to Steelfish

    “PRESIDENT OBAMA’S acknowledgment that “we don’t have a strategy yet” in Syria understandably attracted the most attention after his perplexing meeting with reporters Thursday.”

    The fact it attracted the media’s attention is not what I’m worried about. Our president effective told ISIS that he has no plan. Good job. Way to lead, Tiger Woods wannabe. If you had a son, would he look like ISIS?