Trump crazy train is off the rails. Ted is the stable, trustworthy Conservative we need to defeat Hillary, not this moron liberal Trump who opens his mouth and out comes the dumbest crap ever heard from a candidate for office.
01/20/2016 9:47:07 AM PST
· 47 of 79 gwgn02
to SeekAndFind
No it doesn’t, Tea Party people aren’t going anywhere just because Sarah sold out. She wasn’t my leader, she wasn’t a movement leader for conservatives...she was old news.
01/19/2016 8:53:27 PM PST
· 240 of 249 gwgn02
to freedomjusticeruleoflaw
Her speech was not well received, i think Palin is going to hurt Trump more than help, and along with his calling for more ethanol subsidies, Trump has joined the establishment and loses his outsider status. The mask is off Trump...cronyism and deal making with the elites is how he would govern. More of the same crap.
01/19/2016 3:59:51 PM PST
· 122 of 283 gwgn02
to justlittleoleme
Palin getting slammed everywhere on social media. This is sure to damage Palin’s cred. Cruz comes out looking good, he isn’t nasty and Palin is joining the establishment now.
Cruz is leading a movement conservatives picked up on after Sarah decided to reality tv.
01/18/2016 11:28:18 AM PST
· 36 of 38 gwgn02
to conservativejoy
Trump will make deals with Democrats and RINO’s. Not what we need at this tipping point in the country. Trump would
make the sort of deals McConnell, Boehner and Ryan have, it would be a disaster, but Trump is a disaster candidate.
01/18/2016 8:39:29 AM PST
· 13 of 17 gwgn02
to Red Steel
The RINO’s like Huck circle the wagons to protect their NWO establishment club, Fox News exists IMO only to give them a forum to attack conservatives like Cruz who is going to turn Washington inside out and clean house of these globalist scum. Donald joining the establishment is nothing new, he’s always been establishment siding with Democrats or RINO’ contributions to Karl Rove’s Crossroads...but NEVER true conservatives.