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Posts by GraceCoolidge

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  • From the Yearbook to the White House: The 2012 Republicans in High School

    05/29/2011 8:39:33 PM PDT · 24 of 34
    GraceCoolidge to newzjunkey

    And a sharp dresser, too!

  • Florida’s Scott Rejects Tampa-Orlando High-Speed Rail Line

    02/16/2011 5:50:40 PM PST · 27 of 40
    GraceCoolidge to muleskinner

    Not sure why the big push for the Tampa Airport to Disney. Orlando has its own airport to handle Disney traffic.

  • ... And Razing Cain [Left attacking Sarah, Herman, Clarence, Michele and Allen]

    02/16/2011 5:33:25 PM PST · 4 of 8
    GraceCoolidge to okie01

    I’m curious— do you think Herman Cain can work around it? From what I have seen so far, I think so.

  • Guess Which Major TV Host Thinks Obama Is Not Really a Christian (Video)

    02/12/2011 6:47:42 PM PST · 70 of 70
    GraceCoolidge to faucetman

    I see your point, but I don’t think you can be a Catholic unless you believe in the Catholic faith. Doesn’t matter how many years of Catholic school, perfect mass attendance, defending Catholics in political issues, etc. If you don’t believe in the faith, you’re not a Catholic as I would understand the term.

  • Guess Which Major TV Host Thinks Obama Is Not Really a Christian (Video)

    02/12/2011 6:40:47 PM PST · 69 of 70
    GraceCoolidge to SVTCobra03
    Then why did 0bama blurt out “my muslim faith” in an interview with George Steponallofus?

    Truthfully, my gut feeling is because the word "faith" has so little meaning for Obama. To me, that whole world view just doesn't register for him-- there is not much beyond him. I mean, this is a guy who defined sin as "failing to live up to my values"-- like he's the arbiter of sin! He seems to me to be almost completely self-centered.

    I think Obama was trying to convey (as usual) his worldly upbringing, superiority to the rest of us, etc., etc., and used a clumsy way to refer to his Muslim background. I don't know the exact interview to which you refer, but if he was off teleprompter, he's clumsy at best. And I think he was using "faith" as a synonym for "background," in trying to remind everyone of his role as World Citizen Who Can Heal the Planet. I think he is careless in his tossing around the word "faith" precisely because it doesn't mean that much to him. Who knows, I may be entirely wrong but that's just the gut feeling I've always had about him. I've never felt that Obama "gets" any concept that requires submission to an authority higher than himself.

  • Guess Which Major TV Host Thinks Obama Is Not Really a Christian (Video)

    02/12/2011 6:33:27 PM PST · 68 of 70
    GraceCoolidge to Mamzelle
    While I don’t really think O worships any god but himself, I do think he likes the rituals and trappings of Islam....

    Yes, I definitely agree with you on that point. I think he likes them because they give him some influence with a certain segment of the black population (who might not be disposed to view Obama as that authentically black, to coin a phrase). I also think there is a pseudo-intellectual cool factor in play. Of course, there are a lot of other themes in his background that probably explain it as well.

  • Guess Which Major TV Host Thinks Obama Is Not Really a Christian (Video)

    02/12/2011 6:29:26 PM PST · 67 of 70
    GraceCoolidge to 70th Division

    Well, thanks for nothing. Now I’ve got an image of Obama in the mirror singing that and doing a Christopher Lee pose!!!! Ack!

  • Guess Which Major TV Host Thinks Obama Is Not Really a Christian (Video)

    02/12/2011 7:12:21 AM PST · 6 of 70
    GraceCoolidge to BunnySlippers

    I never have thought for a moment that Obama is a Muslim. It always seemed plain to me that he sees organized religion simply as a means to an end. Rev. Wright’s church gave him “street cred” that he needed politically, so that’s what he joined. If he had perceived more political benefit to something else, he would have joined that sect. I always have seen his “religion” as purely about appearances and marketing. I think he worships himself.

  • Herman Cain Keynote LIVE on CSPAN

    02/11/2011 2:26:24 PM PST · 18 of 32
    GraceCoolidge to justsaynomore

    You know, Ann Coulter was on the radio recently (Hannity, maybe) and was asked about her thoughts on the Presidential nomination. If I heard correctly, she said unless we run Chris Christie, we lose. I was surprised she never mentioned Herman Cain, b/c I thought I had read some very positive things she wrote about him. Did anyone else hear this? I really hope his campaign gets some traction— I am excited about his candidacy. I think that is why I was disappointed Ann Coulter didn’t mention him— I thought it would help his visibility.

  • Are You Tough Enough for Chrysler’s ‘Man Van’?

    02/09/2011 2:21:19 PM PST · 21 of 110
    GraceCoolidge to Wally_Kalbacken

    One reference to the V-6 engine, one mention of exhaust and a brief mention that the “unique springs, bushings and sway bars” make it “really fun to drive.” The rest of the description is about interior colors, stereo, trim, etc. Doesn’t sound too manly to me... in fact, kind of pathetic. Find me the man who says “yeah, my car has front row seats outlined in hot-red stitching.” As the wife of a Real Man (who is also a real car guy), I roll my eyes in derision.

  • Giffords' Husband Will Return to Space, Official Confirms

    02/05/2011 11:13:04 AM PST · 37 of 45
    GraceCoolidge to AirForceVet1988

    You know, in all the discussions I’ve seen of this issue, no one really seems to be asking about the possible thoughts of other crew members. I’m sure they are not permitted to make known their opinion, but if I were the family of another crew member, I’d be concerned about a commander (or any member of the crew) with such an obvious distraction from the mission. Shouldn’t that weigh into the decision? I suspect NASA would not want the huge public relations black eye that would come from actually removing him— do you think they were hoping he would step down?

  • The laughable propaganda comparing Obama and Reagan

    01/28/2011 7:08:42 AM PST · 5 of 9
    GraceCoolidge to GailA
    What makes it even more infuriating is that the liberal media despised President Reagan. For them now to do such an about-face and try to make Obama seem Reaganesque is just obscene. They had absolutely no use for President Reagan (other than to mock him) but now they turn around and try to mooch off some of his greatness for the benefit of Obama. It sickens me.

    To paraphrase a quote that liberals seemed fond of at one time: We knew President Reagan. President Reagan was a friend of ours. And Obama, you are no President Reagan.

  • Herman Cain forming Presidential Exploratory Committee

    01/13/2011 6:39:23 AM PST · 60 of 61
    GraceCoolidge to justsaynomore
    Now that's an excellent point. Who knew of Sarah Palin before she was tapped as the VP nominee? She really became very well known in a short time.

    I have listened to Herman Cain guest host a few times (forget on which show) and I was impressed. I think his business background will sway a lot of voters-- he has a real history of getting things done and an impressive record of success. I believe that impression of someone who has gotten things done in the private sector was what propelled a lot of Mitt Romney buzz, so Herman Cain taps into that same theme, and his conservative principles are much better than Romney's. I read up a bit more on him online, and the only thing that concerned me was his health (apparently he has beaten cancer). I am sure the media will make an issue of that. I'm really excited that he is getting into the race. It's good to see a candidate that I can be enthusiastic about. And if the guy can run organizations and turn around businesses the way he has done, you've got to figure he has what it takes to run an effective campaign.

  • Some good signs for Palin

    11/11/2010 12:12:19 PM PST · 13 of 38
    GraceCoolidge to arista
    I suspect I will get deluged with snarky commentary for saying this, but....

    I had serious doubts whether Palin could be elected. I had some concerns about her but I do admire her tremendously and would be proud to vote for her. Recently, though, I've become convinced her popularity is far greater than realized. Reason? Her daughter is still competing on Dancing With the Stars, despite the fact that she is (in my view) not nearly as good as the other participants and her scores are significantly lower than those of other contestants. I know it sounds crazy, but the way I see it her daughter must have a heck of a lot of fans out there voting for her every week! I think most of those fans would probably be admirers of her mother. From what I've seen, Sarah Palin is far more qualified to be President than her daughter is to continue on the show. So that's my pop culture inspired hunch. If Bristol is still getting voted in on that show, then a lot of viewers must be fans of her mother. I'd say Sarah Palin is a contender for sure....

  • DUmmie FUnnies 11-09-10 (A DUmmie drama queen posts her opus)

    11/09/2010 9:18:42 AM PST · 39 of 55
    GraceCoolidge to Paradox

    I realize this is an exercise in futility, but I am still trying to figure out the point of that story.

  • DUmmie FUnnies 11-04-10 ("WHAT A GREAT NIGHT!"/ "Why I Am PUMPED To Be a Democrat")

    11/04/2010 6:54:23 PM PDT · 24 of 77
    GraceCoolidge to EDINVA

    Clearly they set their sights too low. If they had predicted a 240 seat loss, they could have gained 140 seats!

  • Eric Cantor lays out 22-page game plan (in run for House Majority Leader)

    11/03/2010 12:35:48 PM PDT · 14 of 34
    GraceCoolidge to worst-case scenario
    I like to see worthy groups and individuals recognized as well, but it can reach the point of frivolity. I wonder if maybe each member could be given a certain block of time per year (one hour?) for all such legislation. Then let each member choose how to allot his/her time. I'm sure everyone would agree to say, recognizing a military hero, but it gets kind of silly with all this "March is National Tomato Month in XYZ county and I'd like to pay tribute to the tomato growers...." There just isn't enough time for all this stuff.

    Personally, I'd like to see some kind of reasonableness test applied to persons testifying before Congress also. I'm tired of seeing Ted Danson on the oceans, or Leonardo DiCaprio on global warming, or some actress of the moment who is suddenly an "expert" on a disease because she was in a movie about it.

  • Florida Election Day Thread

    11/02/2010 5:55:18 AM PDT · 8 of 57
    GraceCoolidge to Bowtie52

    My mother was extremely surprised when she got a robocall for Charlie Crist.... from Bob Dole! Couldn’t believe Dole was supporting Crist. I was pretty surprised as well. Looking forward to voting for Marco Rubio today, and although I wasn’t enthusiastic about Rick Scott (though will definitely be voting for him), I am feeling better about that, too. So looking forward to election returns tonight!

  • Comedy of Errors: Obama declares his first two years "toughest since the Great Depression"

    10/28/2010 2:02:22 PM PDT · 66 of 67
    GraceCoolidge to sissyjane

    Funny, I had the same thought. They need to get their suits pressed and (I think) the trousers hemmed. They just looked sloppy to me...

  • America's worst politician [FL-8]

    10/24/2010 10:09:11 PM PDT · 24 of 29
    GraceCoolidge to freespirited

    Grayson is despicable. I had never heard, though, that he ridiculed Daniel Webster’s name. Alan Grayson named his own children Skye, Star, Sage, Storm and Stone. If I were him, I’d avoid the “ridiculous name” argument.