I was putting a new roof on a building next to a shopping plaza. In the parking lot of this plaza were two yellow metal box’s where you could donate clothing for Haiti. I observed a yellow box truck with the same logo as the metal boxes. Two guys get out and start emptying the box’s on the ground into to piles. Then a U haul truck shows up and they load one of the piles into it. The other pile goes into the company truck!
Exactly what Poland went through, hence the jokes, they lost a generation or two of education. We are them currently. And nobody, as before, call's out the travesty! Wake up citizens.
I was a Boy Scout and attended summer camp. We had to go through a initiation. It consisted of us (the initiated)stripping to our under were, being sprayed with cold water, hit with a broom on our butts, then told to lay in stagnant mud as they held a shovel. My friend was recovering from a broken leg and was in pain from the broom hitting. I refused to get in the mud. One guy approached me, with shovel raised, as another opined about his judo expertness. I removed the shovel holder of his weapon and proceeded to kick Mr. Judo in the balls. They called my Dad who had to drive an hour to the camp. They talked to him, then he talked to me. They ended disallowing my troop from having initiations, and the judo expert spent the rest of the week in his tent with ice on his nuts. I started ice skating at 3 years old, and playing hockey at 6, and became a State Champion at 18. Don't mess with a hockey player, they never back down!