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Aye, she has a homosexual sister...
Prayers on the way!
Thanks, I needed that. :)
Barb and I thank you Kathy!
Happy, Happy to you, Blackie
Amen to that!!
Who is Soledad OBrien??
You’ll know it’s serious, when Israel levels Damascus with a nuke!
Out of beer, that is a disaster!!
Aye, Sheriff Joe is the man!!
I’m 1/4 Cherokee Indian and Redskins work for me!!
Karl Rove hates the Tea Party!
Be Ever Vigilant!!
Aye, Sarah Palin alright in my house!!
Yeah, that’s racist!
Great ones, O bent one!!
Matt, I’ve read all of your books and loved them. Waiting for the next one. ;)
Be Ever Vigilant, Blackie
That flag has a lot of history:
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