07/29/2011 5:12:48 PM PDT
· 16 of 72 Babu
to Brices Crossroads
God bless these brave patriots. Jordan has already been targeted by Boner’s henchmen — they are trying to gerrymand the OH districts so that he cannot be re-elected.
Boner and the rest of the old guard Statists stab their own in the back, while making deals with the Demonkats.
07/21/2011 6:32:26 PM PDT
· 12 of 52 Babu
to Anamnesis
Can you please give a link to the actual page on the site where this story is? It is NOT on the main page you linked to, and I even did a search for “jury duty” and did NOT find it on the site.
07/10/2011 6:54:34 AM PDT
· 59 of 60 Babu
to okie01
But being elected -- three times -- in a conservative state makes him a conservative politician.
That's an idiotic statement and completely false logic. That is proof of nothing. That's like saying that every soul in attendance at a church is automatically a saint.
I don't live in Texas, but Kay Bailey Hutchison was elected several times, and she is NO conservative. GW Bush was elected in TX and is NO conservative. I'm sure there are many Demonkats who have been elected in TX numerous times and NO Demonkats are conservatives.
07/07/2011 6:43:22 AM PDT
· 10 of 26 Babu
to i88schwartz
Uh uh uh ... Juan McWhacked, Grahamnesty, McDonnell, Boehner, et al, are not going to be pleased by this un-collegiate speech. You might just lose your pass to the House gym if youse don’t shut your pie hole.
That there might be construed as rascist talk by a member of the GOP.
07/05/2011 2:44:10 PM PDT
· 17 of 18 Babu
to julieee
The buzzard is prolly getting a lot of pressure from powerful Leftists to step down now. So don’t be surprised if she suddenly has a “change of heart”.