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Well said!!
That was in response to post saying Woody Harrelson was dead.
No idea how it was also posted to Obummer story.
Obama is definitely the race baiter in chief.
It is a hoax! Not true.
I could not agree more. I am not PC, but would these Cretins be willing to say these things if the students were standing face to face with them?
Many of the lewd and crude comments I see anymore simply are juvenile and have no place on Free Republic. They are not funny!
Go ahead and flame me if you want to, but you know I am right.
BTW this does not refer to comments about Obummer.
I HATE windows 8. I have to use it, but I hate it.
Do NOT expect sympathy.
Words fail me! Thank you for posting.
We are doing our best to move back to Texas. Home of some great people.
Excellent response!
AMEN! Stupidity is never a virtue.i
Should be “that came with windows 8”
I HATE Windows 8. Bought a new PC that Windoze 8. Having a terrible time with it.
As I understand it, student loans are forgiven when one receives disability. It worked that way for me.
Saw it Friday. Had to practically drag my wife, but she really liked it, as I did. Little was really new to me, but it was very well done. Highly recommend it.
I did tell them why.
I am up for renewal in 2weeks. Already told Carbonite I am dropping them.
I am with you!!!
I will be praying for you.
With all due respect, this is a guarantee to reelect Obummer. I will vote for whomever runs against him. I refuse to cut off my nose to spite my face.
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