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  • Paris riots: Islamic terror unmasked

    11/07/2005 3:18:31 AM PST · by CarrotAndStick · 49 replies · 2,453+ views
    The Times of India ^ | 7 November, 2005 | The Times of India
    LONDON/PARIS: In the first disturbing assertion that a European country and its capital can be brought to a halt by the massed forces of Islamist militants both within and outside its borders, French police warned there was evidence they had played a role in inciting vandals, albeit "not on the front lines." With the tough-talking interior minister Nicolas Sarkozy warning of stiff jail sentences for the rioters, there were signs the French capital was a city under siege. With night buses in and to some of the more remote suburbs cancelled to prevent rioters using them as soft targets, police...