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Endtimes, Quran style ^

Posted on 12/09/2002 3:55:04 AM PST by chance33_98

“The Qiyamat or Resurrection

The Quran and the Hadith often mention the Qiyamah or Resurrection. Like so many of the Prophet’s preachings and prophecies, Muslims also have misunderstood this.

The Prophet speaks of the coming of the Qiyamah (Doomsday or Resurrection) at around 1400 Hijri (Moslem calendar); this is the current time, the 21st century. He has prophesied how the state of the world will be at that time. This totally corresponds to what is happening to the world right now. This period is called the "GHOR KALIYUG" in the Hindu scriptures. It is said that during this period the Qiyamah would come. The Prophet has also said that in some places "WHAT WILL HAPPEN AFTER 1400 HIJRI EVEN I DO NOT KNOW." He has also said that at this time human beings will degenerate both morally and spiritually.

The Islamic scriptures also mention the return of Jesus Christ, who will come to save the earth and all the true believers. They also mention that Jesus Christ will lead the true believers to victory in the battle against untruth and evil and that he will destroy all the negative forces on earth and that all who misguide people in God’s name will be destroyed (false gurus & prophets). That time has come..”

• there is a set time for it;
• that this event is inevitable;

• all humans brought back to life;

• angels will descend to bear witness;

• there will be a Caller from a place quite near;

• humans unaware that Al-Qiyamah is taking place;

• there will be universal announcements preceding it;

• families will be bitterly divided over the Good News;

• Jesus (pbuh) would be one of the Signs of the Hour;
• Qur'an to be used as proof of authenticity to humankind;

• Allah (SWT) will not address those hiding His revelations;

• messengers of Allah (SWT) on Earth will deliver Good News;

• prophesied Sure Signs of Allah (SWT) will confirm Al-Qiyamah;

• Allah (SWT) will not be purifying the transgressors during Al-Qiyamah;

• the verses revealing Al-Qiyamah will be collected from all over the Qur'an, promulgated, recited and explained;
• believers faces will be nadirah (shining and radiant), while those of the disbelievers basirah (dark, gloomy, sad and frowning);

Qur'an 75.6-10: He questions: "When is the Day of Resurrection?" At length, when the sight is dazed and the moon is buried in darkness, and the sun and moon are joined together that Day will Man say; "Where is the refuge?"

Qur'an 75.16-19: Move not thy tongue concerning the (Revelation of Al-Qiyamah), to make haste therewith. It is for Us to collect it and to promulgate it: But when We have promulgated it, follow thou its recital: Nay more, it is for Us to explain it.

Qur'an 75.22-24: Some faces, that Day, will beam (in brightness and beauty) — Looking towards their Lord; And some faces, that Day, will be sad and dismal.

Qur'an 50.45: We know best what they say; And thou are not one to overawe them by force. So admonish with the Qur’an such as fear My Warning!

Qur'an 11.102-7: In that is a Sign for those who fear the penalty of the Hereafter: that is a Day for which mankind will be gathered together: that will be a Day of Testimony. Nor shall We delay it but for a term appointed.

Qur'an 50.41-2: And listen for the Day when the Caller will call out from a place quite near. The Day when they will hear a (mighty) Blast in Truth: That will be the Day of Resurrection.

Qur'an 7.30: He will return you (on the Day of Judgment) reverted back to when you were first created. A section guided, and a section will go astray.

Qur'an 43.61: And (Jesus) shall be a Sign (for the coming of) the Hour (of Judgment: therefore have no doubt about the (Hour), but follow ye Me: this is a Straight Way.

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Much more at the link (which is a secondary page) the main page is

Just came across this while reading middle east news and found it rather interesting given my own studies in the area (although based on the Bible and not the Quran).

1 posted on 12/09/2002 3:55:04 AM PST by chance33_98
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To: chance33_98
This period is called the "GHOR KALIYUG" in the Hindu scriptures.

A very interesting post. Can you possibly explain to me why this line was thrown in there? I really don't understand what Hindu has to do with this.

2 posted on 12/09/2002 5:10:54 AM PST by Einigkeit_Recht_Freiheit
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To: Einigkeit_Recht_Freiheit
It seems they cover a lot of ground on that website, still reading over some it myself :)
3 posted on 12/09/2002 5:15:37 AM PST by chance33_98
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To: chance33_98; Einigkeit_Recht_Freiheit
More about the Signs of Qiyamah, the Mahdi, and the Dajjal here.
4 posted on 12/09/2002 12:59:31 PM PST by Dajjal
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To: ganesha; monkeyshine; CCWoody; lockeliberty; drstevej; RnMomof7; Aquinasfan; Polycarp; Siobhan; ...
5 posted on 12/09/2002 2:04:09 PM PST by Dajjal
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To: Einigkeit_Recht_Freiheit; chance33_98
That is a interesting discussion, thanks for posting Chance. ERF asks why the quote from Hindu scriptures - it seems unexpected, but they believe that all peoples have received a message from God, which has been either received or distorted to a greater or lesser extent. So they get hold of other Scriptures and judge their authenticity by comparing them with the Koran. In the texts of Shia Islam, they make a lot of use of New and Old Testament, when discussing prophecies of the end. They also cite Sikh and Zoroastrian documents, and more recently, they have been looking through the Dead Sea Scrolls and picking out quotes which agree with their theology.

At a level of cultural history, it is fascinating to read. It is also notable that the image of Jesus coming again in glory to rescue his followers is so strong - it is even found outside of Christianity.
6 posted on 12/09/2002 2:21:30 PM PST by BlackVeil
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To: BlackVeil; chance33_98; Einigkeit_Recht_Freiheit; ganesha; monkeyshine; CCWoody; lockeliberty; ...
It is also notable that the image of Jesus coming again in glory to rescue his followers is so strong - it is even found outside of Christianity.

Not quite. 'Isa (the Muslim version of Jesus) comes to condemn all of his "false" followers -- those who believe in the Holy Trinity -- by destroying all their churches and shrines. He subordinates himself to the Mahdi (the purest Muslim since Mohammed himself) and fights beside the Mahdi to rid the world of all non-Muslims by slaughtering those who refuse to convert to Islam.

The terrorists believe themselves to be the avant-garde of the army of the Mahdi and 'Isa. For them, these signs of "Endtimes, Quran Style" are just an excuse to kill us all.

Do you get it, now? The Dajjal is not some bogey man Islamic bad guy. The imams are preaching that the Dajjal is Western culture, and the United States in particular. And that the Hadith prophecies guarantee them victory over us, regardless of American military power. And promises themParadise if they die in the jihad.

Because they believe it is the end of the world, the terrorists have no compunction in what they do.

7 posted on 12/09/2002 8:58:57 PM PST by Dajjal
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To: Dajjal
Thanks for the info!
8 posted on 12/09/2002 9:19:00 PM PST by chance33_98
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To: chance33_98
It's shameful that it's now fifteen months since 9/11, and Americans still have never heard of the Signs of Qiyamah, nor know how central they are to Islamicist terrorism.
9 posted on 12/09/2002 9:40:52 PM PST by Dajjal
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To: Einigkeit_Recht_Freiheit; Dajjal; BlackVeil
I ran a checkdomain on and found out that it is registered to some people in Montreal Quebec who are practicing sahaja yoga. It is connected to an even larger site called

I also found the following in the faq section:

QUESTION 17: After browsing through the content of your web site for more than 2 hours I still can't make out what the point is behind the 5 years of research that you claim to have put in the text? Kindly explain to me in a few words what you are trying to prove here.


Dear Ali Ahmed, we are trying to prove that Qiyamah is not the end of the world or doomsday that many are made to believe. On the contrary, it is a period of unprecedented spiritual transformation for all humanity as promised in the Quran. If you are hearing this for the first time then neither two weeks nor two months will be sufficient. Please be patient. Religious issues are very sensitive. Since we are all conditioned from birth to believe in certain facts, we develop a mindset that is extremely difficult to be receptive to seemingly controversial and contentious issues.

Non-Muslim Sahaja Yogis are reading the Quran and they understand it in a very different light, especially that of Al-Qiyamah. This is because Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, the Night Visitant (surah 86:1-17 Al Tariq) mentioned in the Quran, has for the very first time ever explained the deep mystic parables of the Quran. However, since you believe that Qiyamah is doomsday, then it will be impossible for us to find a common ground. You will not understand the Resurrection unless you comprehend the difference between chapter 95 Night Of Power And Fate (Al Qadr) and chapter 101 Day Of Noise and Clamour (Al Qariah). Maybe even this may not make much of a difference.

The list of contentious issues are endless, and the religious regimes continue to stoke the fires of disharmony. That is why religious ignorance has deeply divided the human race, and continues to rain death and destruction on its victims. Humanity has collectively failed to comprehend the Holy Scriptures. Our disagreement over issues in the Quran is but a drop in the Ocean of Delusion. May Allah (SWT) guide all of us to comprehend His Plan for all humanity.


Al Quran. Sura Yasin-Chapter 36, Verse 65

Here again it is very clear, once the ascent or realization takes place, a person’s hands and feet start to speak, bearing witness against him. Not only the hands and feet but the whole body starts to speak. All of the rights and the wrongs that have been done or are being done are known through the vibrations being emitted from the body. Thus, on the vibratory level, everything is known, not only about yourself but also about others.

After realization these vibrations are distinctly felt on the hands and feet as a cool breeze flowing from within. A person also gets to know when he is being lied to, or being manipulated. The mouth stops speaking for the realized person, as the mouth can lie but the hands start speaking and the feet bear witness, as everything is revealed through the vibrations and the vibrations never lie.

This is the time of Qiyamat without a doubt as all the prophecies in the Quran and the Hadith are coming true. The experience of Self-realization, ascent and meraj are not just happening to a few but thousands and thousands of people throughout the world are experiencing it en masse through Sahaja Yoga.

The Muslim community is generally highly programmed and conditioned. It therefore does not look beyond what has been taught to them by the Mullahs, who themselves, unfortunately, do not have much foresight and insight. The Sufis, however, discovered the true essence of Islam and sought their self-realization and God-realization. They saw the All Pervading and His love everywhere and in everything. The Sufis always kept seeking and searching for God. They knew that this was possible after they had attained their own Meraj. . . .

Now for the first time in human history, in the presence of H.H. Mataji Nirmala Devi, thousands of people are experiencing this great phenomenon en masse, through the simple process of Sahaja Yoga. Her authority and identity, along with the truth of all that is written above, can only be confirmed after one experiences the awakening of Kundalini (Buraq) and gets self-realization (Meraj). When the Kundalini passes through Chakras and when the seventh Chakra, the Sahasrara, is opened, a person achieves connection with the Divine.

This is the Qiyamat, the time of the Final Judgment. This is the time the Prophet told the world about. It is just the matter of recognizing it and ascending within oneself and through the seven heavens."

Javed Khan, Islam Enlightened
(Javed Khan, Islam Enlightened, New Delhi, India, 1988, p. 32-3.)

“Muhammad Sahib has written very clearly that "when your Resurrection will take place then your hands will speak and will give witness against you." That is what that they will tell you what’s wrong with you. Your hands will tell clearly and that to know the Truth you will feel it in the palm here (pointing to center of palm.) When you ask the question to the real One you will get your answer here (again pointing to center of palm.) All these things can only happen in Sahaja Yoga — in no other way. Whether you are a Christian, Hindu, Muslim or Jew we have to know that we have to still step one step forward."

Shri Tvakstha Devi
Cabella, Italy — Sep. 15, 1996

“But only in Sahaja Yoga today we can prove it that what we say is the Truth because as through Realization you get connected to the mains, your vibrations start flowing. Like the computer it starts working. And whatever question you ask, answers come to you as tremendous vibrations, or it stops, or you may get heat, or you may get blisters. So the whole Message is communicated to you through your fingertips.

Muhammad Sahib has very clearly said that at the Time of Resurrection (Al-Qiyamah) your hands will speak. But the Muslims do not want to talk about Resurrection at all because they want to frighten people with the Doomsday. They don't want to talk about the Resurrection Time which is going to come — which is the intermediary time — because they want to use the time which will frighten people by saying that: "Now your Doomsday is coming! Now your Doomsday is coming!" Everyone is frightened about God and they think, "Now we should just wait for our doom. Nothing at all in between." "

Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi
Los Angeles, USA — 18 August 1983

10 posted on 12/09/2002 10:27:38 PM PST by ganesha
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To: chance33_98
The Islamic scriptures also mention the return of Jesus Christ, who will come to save the earth and all the true believers. They also mention that Jesus Christ will lead the true believers to victory in the battle against untruth and evil and that he will destroy all the negative forces on earth and that all who misguide people in God’s name will be destroyed (false gurus & prophets). That time has come..”


11 posted on 12/09/2002 11:11:00 PM PST by xm177e2
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To: ganesha; BlackVeil; chance33_98; Einigkeit_Recht_Freiheit
Thanks for digging into their website. I thought they were (peaceful) new-age-ish Sufis. Their being yogins makes more sense.

Regarding Islam, though, I should clarify that every faithful Muslim believes that some day the Signs of Qiyamah will unfold and the "perfect age" of peace will come when the Mahdi kills the Dajjal and his followers, and spreads Islam 100% throughout the world, just before Judgment Day.

The apocalyptic terrorists, however, want to speed things up by taking matters into their own hands.

They are spurred by a line of interpretation which has grown more and more popular since the 1980s, that the Dajjal is not one actual human being, but rather a metaphor for the "sinful" way of life in America and Western culture.

12 posted on 12/10/2002 12:41:15 AM PST by Dajjal
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To: ganesha
I started out writing #12 to you, and then halfway though decided to ping the others. Thanks again for your research.
13 posted on 12/10/2002 12:43:45 AM PST by Dajjal
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To: ganesha; Dajjal

I read that whole section before posting, weird stuff. There was so much to post from it I did not know where to start (that site has a ton of pages). Thanks for more in depth look, I planned to look more into it and your work helps a lot.

14 posted on 12/10/2002 12:49:28 AM PST by chance33_98
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To: Dajjal
"when the Mahdi kills the Dajjal and his followers ..." Is it not Jesus who is credited as the one who will kill the Dajjal?

Also, have you seen the Dajjal News Network site? It is a hoot.

15 posted on 12/10/2002 1:21:25 AM PST by BlackVeil
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To: chance33_98
This site is not Muslim. There are plenty of websites out there where Muslims talk about their views on the Last Days, which are far easier to understand than this one. I would suggest doing Google searches for "qiyamah" (or qiyama or qiyamat) and "mahdi" and "dajjal."

I'd also suggest looking for online essays on Islam by Prof. David Cook.

16 posted on 12/10/2002 1:27:30 AM PST by Dajjal
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To: BlackVeil
"when the Mahdi kills the Dajjal and his followers ..." Is it not Jesus who is credited as the one who will kill the Dajjal?

The Mahdi, with 'Isa as his righ-hand man, battles and vanquishes the Dajjal's army throughout the globe. Usually 'Isa is predicted to strike the fatal blow against the Dajjal, but not always. Many Muslims think the Mahdi strikes the blow.

Also, have you seen the Dajjal News Network site? It is a hoot.

No, I'd never seen DNN before. Yup, the Dajjal is not one person, but a "system" of the Western way of life (government, industry, journalism, entertainment, etc.). Thanks for the tip!

17 posted on 12/10/2002 1:46:57 AM PST by Dajjal
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To: Dajjal; BlackVeil
And here all this time everyone told me you two were useless :)
18 posted on 12/10/2002 2:01:56 AM PST by chance33_98
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To: Dajjal
I did a google news search, and found this rather funny:

Lending agency practices bug city council members

One high-profile default involves a $1 million loan awarded in 1996 to Qiyamah Corp. and Nedir Bey to start a home health care company called E.M. Health Services. The loan was basically unsecured, and a judgment was obtained against the company for $1.55 million, although the city has been unable to collect.


19 posted on 12/10/2002 2:28:51 AM PST by chance33_98
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To: Dajjal
I found this on them: Your Black Muslim Bakery. EM Health's nonprofit parent corporation, Qiyamah Corp., was the brainchild of Yusef Bey. Now Nedir Bey
20 posted on 12/10/2002 2:29:59 AM PST by chance33_98
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