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To: redleghunter
I've always understood faith to be simply trust and as you say,it's dynamic.Trust is ongoing and always being stretched.The more faith you have...the more you need as you wade further into the Jordan.

What I don't get is that so many seem to think 'believe' means little more than sitting around giving mental ascent to the truth.I personally don't think there's any such thing as easy-believism.What we really believe will drive our actions and thoughts wether we realise it or not.That's why we need to believe 'in our heart' because that's where thoughts and intents arise.The "work of God" seems to be seen by many as 'just say you believe it and you'll be fine' as though we could fool God.

I also don't trust anyone I don't know.

Always enjoy your posts and especially the spirit they are posted in.

Grace and peace FRiend

502 posted on 12/30/2013 5:09:02 PM PST by mitch5501 ("make your calling and election sure: for if ye do these things ye shall never fall")
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To: mitch5501

I remember a Bible tract called “missing Heaven by 18 inches.”
That seems to address what you said about believing in the heart as we see in Romans 10.

I also love when folks quote James. If read more of James when I was younger, I would have avoided many mistakes in my life. James is like a hard but fair dad telling us how it is. Basically saying you belong to Christ now get to work.

Our works don’t save us but putting on Christ much is expected of us. When we were saved we graduated basic training, now our full time job is to be His Soldier (or Marine:)) and get to work.

509 posted on 12/30/2013 7:32:30 PM PST by redleghunter
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