Posted on 10/23/2013 5:46:54 AM PDT by Colofornian
...President Woodruff says: If the veil could be taken from our eyes and we could see into the spirit world, we would see that Joseph Smith, Brigham Young and John Taylor had gathered together every spirit that every [sic] dwelt in the flesh in this Church since its organization . . . The eyes of the dead are upon us. This dedication is acceptable in the eyes of the Lord. The spirits on the other side rejoice far more than we do, because they know more of what lies before in the great work of God in this last dispensation than we do (3537). President Woodruff actually gave this address at the dedication of the Salt Lake Temple, not the Manti Temple, on April 7, 1893.
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
Time for yet another occultic round of The OTHER World...Series...In other words...what have Mormon leaders proclaimed about "The OTHER World"?
Things like...
* Haunting manifestations @ Mormon temples
* Mormons & the Paranormal
* Mormonism's distinct lack of discernment of spirits
* "Familiar spirits"
* Demonic possessions & Mormons
* Joseph Smith & the occult
* Why is freemasonry, which Mormonism heavily borrowed from, tinged with occultic symbols and hidden practices?
* Joseph Smith, a medium?
* Mormons & Halloween
* October as a strange month for dark Mormon teachings in Lds history
* How Joseph Smith tended to unveil key new doctrines @ funeral messages
An example that merges these last two bullet points is an October 19, 1840 excerpt from a letter Joseph Smith wrote to the Quorum of the Twelve Mormon 'Apostles':
"I presume the doctrine of 'baptism for the dead has ere reached your ears, and may have raise some inquiries in your minds respecting the same...I first mentioned the doctrine in public when preaching the funeral sermon of Brother Seymour Bronson..." [Secondary source: Lds Doctrine & Covenants Student Manual, p. 307, English approval, 2000]
When consulting this Lds D&C Student Manual, ten pages later (p. 317) an October 1931 Conference Report citation of one of the top three Lds hierarchists of the time (Rudger Clawson) claimed that "Baptism for the dead is THE MOST GLORIOUS OF ALL SUBJECTS BELONGING TO THE EVERLASTING GOSPEL.'"
* Now why -- if this was THE MOST GLORIOUS OF ALL THE SUBJECTS of the Bible -- is it not contained in the Book of Mormon?
* Doesn't the D&C repeatedly reference the Book of Mormon as "the fulness of the everlasting Gospel?"
* What's a "gospel" that isn't "full"?
* What's a "gospel" that's missing its supposed "most glorious" part?
* Note: Even the single reference to baptism of the dead in the Bible (1 Cor. 15:29) is earmarked by the phrase, "what shall THEY do which are baptized for the dead...?" [the apostle Paul doesn't say "we" are baptized for the dead...rather, he points to an unknown "they" sect practicing it...
He is Wilford Woodruff, who is the Mormon "prophet" who provided the manifesto that began altering Mormonism's incursion into widespread polygamy in 1890.
In the 1870s, Woodruff claims he was in the St. George, Utah Mormon temple when "spirits" visited him on more than one night...For quotes & references & links on this, see #4 at 15 occultic and controversial facts you may want to know about Lds temples [Vanity]
This Woodruff quote at a temple dedication (Manti, Utah) from 1893 shows a long-standing Mormon teaching:
That the dead are in close proximity to the Mormon living; hence, "spirit manifestations" have been quite welcomed by Mormon leadership in both the recent past and distant past.
Now there's a topic that I'd like to know more about.
Now there's a topic that I'd like to know more about.
The link on post #2 is a good summary...from an article I posted last March...but certainly...more to come!
Take one verse of the Bible out of context, wordsmith it, add additional “revelation” through the D&C claiming that the dead get a mulligan.
Next, play on the pride, emotions or possible guilt ridden conscience of family members who may be regretting treatment of a now dead family member. “You can save them from damnation!”
Then, start building pagan structures to encourage member participation in pagan ceremonies to supposedly “redeem” those who, according to the Bible, have already had their “chance”.
Oh, but the bonus is you get to tell the members that Pastors of other faiths are representatives of Lucifer while making the members take blood oaths, swearing to never reveal the “sacred” (but not secret!) ceremonies upon pain of death.
Finally, in direct defiance of the Bible, tell the members that they must spend countless hours toiling through their genealogy so that they can “baptize” their entire family line instead of doing what the Bible says.
Feh...count me out...oh, wait, I am out.
One big Praise the True Lord
Other Lds: The Exodus is still going, too, can find deliverance from task-masters who
load you down with legalism;
"initiate" you with not-everything-up front revealed ritualism & occultism;
impose a system that caters primarily to the 10-15% elitist of all Mormons...
[Have you ever asked yourself why less than a million worldwide Mormons have temple recommends -- & use them? Could it be that the other 85-90% are extremely uncomfortable with the religious ritualism, the obsession upon the dead, the interrogation process with the all-overelevated bishop, the oaths, the secrecy of the whole thing?]
ALL: The Latin meaning of the word "occult" is "hidden."
Mormonism is occultic because what goes on in the temple -- is hidden to the initiate. It's "unveiled" degree by degree -- like Freemasonry.
“Mormonism is occultic because what goes on in the temple — is hidden to the initiate. It’s “unveiled” degree by degree — like Freemasonry.”
Exactly. All good pagan religions had “mystery schools” (as in MYSTERY Babylon the Great), where they taught the initiated “secret knowledge”. In Christianity, the mysteries are all out in the open for anyone to understand. By concealing knowledge only to the initiated, Mormonism shows its true pagan nature.
Mystery temples, hum
So the whole part about Jesus’ crucifixion and the torn temple curtain from the top to bottom, didn’t mean anything.
How does mormonism not get “no more secrets”, “no more hiding”
Well, you and I would call it “secret knowledge”, but the mormons will vehemently disagree and call it “sacred knowledge”.
Semantics, I know...but you can see how they manipulate...and let me tell you, manipulate they do.
The manipulation helps in countering Biblical refutation of the pagan practices...
You guys may like to chime in - or not...
The Daily Obsessional
Yeah, hundreds of thousands of collective man-hours, teen-hours obsessed on the dead could be described as such...
...glad to see you're finally coming around to concede what your Mormonism really is!
ALL: The "teen-hours" = Lds teens acting as "proxies" as they are splashed-baptized on behalf of the dead;
The "man hours" are DAILY expended upon...
...endowments for the dead in the Mormon temples...
...baptisms for the dead in the Mormon temples...
...genealogical research, including trips around the world in search of more such data, pouring thru church, govt., family & other records (especially in Europe)
...And a LOT of graveyard stalkings by Mormons!
"Funny thing" is that those old church (& often other) records mentioning date of birth, marriage date, date of death, birthnames tend to be only "tidied up" in the U.S., Canada & a good chunk of Europe...+ a few outlying places like Australia & New Zealand...
But not so much in...
...South America...
...Central America...
...Islands around the world...
...and other remote regions...
Tell us, Truth Seeker...
How will Mormons baptize all those tens of millions of people whose records don't exist?
Isn't it time -- in the name of multi-cultural "respecter of no man" realities -- that Mormons start to daily obsess over the dead who are people of color...or do the gods of the Mormons primarily care only about the realities that over 90% of the baptized dead by the Mormon church are white????
Yeah, cults like to redefine words to obfuscate meanings. Scientology practically has its own secret language, using the same words that everyone uses, but attaching completely different meanings to them.
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